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Woman sleeping in low-lit room

Fight Fatigue With Power Naps

If you have ever seen the Seinfeld episode entitled “The Nap,” you may know that no one knows the power of a good nap quite like George Constanza. When a glass window in his office prevents him from daytime slumber, George asks Jerry’s contractor to trick out the area underneath his desk with all the creature comforts required for a stress-free, uninterrupted nap, including a shelf for his alarm clock and a cup holder. Although this set up predictably backfires on George, one cannot fault him for his dogged pursuit of a good nap. Napping is a great way to fight fatigue and stay on top of things and research finds that they can also effectively reduce stress and risk of heart disease.

Naps Combat Sleep Deprivation
Sara C. Mednick, author of “Take A Nap! Change Your Life” says, “You can get incredible benefits from 15 to 20 minutes of napping. You reset the system and get a burst of alertness and increased motor performance. That’s what most people really need to stave off sleepiness and get an energy boost.” You also want to consider the length of your nap and the role it plays in its effect on the brain. A 20 minute nap, also referred to as the stage 2 nap, is recommended for remaining alert and sharpening motor learning skills like playing an instrument or typing. Longer naps help aid memory and improve creativity. Thirty to sixty minute naps-slow-wave sleep- enhance skills dealing with decision making and memorization of vocabulary or directions. REM sleep, which usually comes after 60 to 90 minutes of napping, helps the brain to form connections and solve creative problems.

Naps or Coffee
Who needs naps when you’ve got caffeine, right? Well, maybe not. Though a cup of java may improve alertness, caffeine can decrease your memory’s performance making you more likely to make mistakes and leave you cranky and unfocused.

Napping Tips
You may not put George Costanza- like strategy in planning your daily nap, but there are some tips to make the experience a little more beneficial.

Schedule your naps. The best time for most people is in the middle of the day, between the hours of 1 and 3 p.m.

If you are not lucky enough to have a built in space for your alarm clock in your napping area, you can set your cell phone alarm clock to wake you up in 30 minutes or less. This will ensure you don’t wake up groggy.

If you can’t nap in a dark room, you may want to wear an eye mask. Blocking light out will help you fall asleep more quickly.

Body temperature drops when you sleep, so make sure you have a blanket handy if a snooze is on the agenda.

If you are a proud napper, we would love to hear all about your experiences. What is your favorite place to nap and what are your suggestions for a great nap? Let us know!

Woman having trouble sleeping

The Daily Challenges Of Night Owls

If one is really interested in the daily challenges of “night owls,” perhaps they should ask Gene Simmons. After all, it is he who is responsible for writing the iconic lyrics to Kiss’ 1970’s hit single, “Rock n Roll All Night,” the song responsible for turning the conservative world on its head. If it weren’t rebellious enough to wear six-inch platforms and model lewd facial expressions, Kiss added insult to injury by daring to challenge to concept of a 9-5 time schedule. As if by just staying up late, you too would gain rock star status and cause your parents to lose as much sleep as you. But, as with everything else that’s fun to do, staying up late does come with downsides.

It Starts with Chronotypes
Chronotype is the term researchers use to describe differences in when we prefer to be active. As a whole, we tend toward “morningness” in our early years, move toward “eveningness” in adolescence and then shift back toward “morningness” in later years. A study published in Pediatrics, polled 7th to 12th graders about alertness, sleepiness, planning and task completion. The study found that having the evening chronotype and greater daytime tiredness had a large impact on the child’s behavioral and emotional well being. It also found that the eveningness chronotype was more often associated with risk- taking behaviors, such as drug and alcohol use, and was also associated with health risks, like diabetes and mood disorders.

Can We Change This?
Even though we may have variations in the way our bodily clocks are set, the settings are not inalterable. Studies show that the body’s clock can be affected by its reaction to light and that light therapy and limiting and scheduling exposure to light can be very effective.


Morning Sun
First thing in the morning is the best time to grab you some bright sunlight. Natural light early in the day can reset your circadian rhythm and get you in sync with the movements of the sun.

No Blue Light After Dinner
It may seem to be beyond possible to eliminate all artificial light from your nightly habitat, but studies show that even very brief exposure to blue light in the evening can lead to up to 30 minutes of sleep delay. Exposure to artificial light delays the body’s natural release of melatonin and also limits the supply to the body throughout the night, making us more susceptible to interrupted sleep. What can you do to prevent this without eliminating all activity after 6 pm? Sunglasses with orange lenses effectively filter our blue light, and look really cool as well. Could that be Bono’s secret?

No Electronic Devices After Dinner
A 2014 National Sleep Poll showed that electronic devices account for 50% of sleep disorders. Can’t resist the urge to check for that late night booty call? Use glasses designed to filter blue light or consider downloading apps which are designed to shield against blue light from iPads, computers, and smart phones.

Natural and Bright Light During the Day
If you don’t have the good fortune of working in a brightly lit space, try taking a walk during your lunch break to make sure your body maintains a healthy rhythm and gets some Vitamin D exposure. You can also purchase a blue light device for your office or place of employment.

Although Gene Simmons doesn’t seem to have lost any sleep over the issue, (pun intended) you may want to work on regulating your bodily clock. Let us know if you have made any attempts to do so and what works for you (or doesn’t.) We love to hear from all you insomniacs and otherwise.

Woman eating dessert

Are You Ready To Go Sugar Free?

At a time when sugar added to processed food is blamed for a large part of the obesity epidemic in America today, it is hard to imagine any publication seriously advising us to consume more of it. In fact, the health conscious among us are probably more concerned with avoiding it. Going sugar-free is a big step, but if you would like to explore the possibility, here are some tips that may help create a sugar-free diet plan.

No Sweetened Drinks
Did you know a 12 oz soft drink can contains about 10 teaspoons of sugar? Cutting soda from your diet can significantly reduce your sugar level. In addition, it’s probably a good idea to stay away from candy, even if it is sugar free. These options often contain toxic sweeteners, the exceptions being those sweetened with stevia.

No Packaged Food
Even packaged organic products can contain relatively large amounts of sugar. You’ll probably do best by tossing these foods in the bin and not buying any more of them to resist temptation. Instead, make snacks at home, like hot cereal, eggs, toast, or homemade muffins. Fruits and veggies are also healthy options. It may be extra work, but think of how much money you will save to buy those really fabulous Christmas gifts!

Be Careful When Eating Out
Even if you choose a salad, beware, sugar abounds in salad dressings.When at a restaurant, grilled meats and roasted vegetables are probably your best bets for keeping sugar levels down.

Eat lots of Veggies and Protein
In the book, “The Mood Cure,” author Julie Ross recommends not only cutting out refined foods, but also adding good ones. She advises that you aim for 20-30 grams of protein at every meal and four to five cups of vegetables daily. Eating regular healthy meals will make you less likely to reach for that extra cookie or donut.

The two Teaspoons of Sugar Rule
If you’re finding it difficult to go completely cold turkey, you may want to start by using unrefined sweeteners like raw honey, pure maple syrup of coconut sugar. These contain vitamins and minerals and are less harmful to the body. They are also less addictive than regular sugar and have a much less significant effect on blood sugar levels. Dr. Nancy Appleton, author of “Suicide by Sugar,” found that you can allow yourself two teaspoons of sugar two to three times a day and still remain healthy. So if you’re really craving that extra sweetness, try adding a little honey to your tea or yogurt.

Do you think you’re ready for a sugar free diet plan? Let us know how you did with it! We would love to hear from all of you brave souls!

Woman eating bowl of healthy fruit

You Should Eat More Bananas

It has been said that you should never make eye contact with another person while eating a banana. That really says a lot about bananas. Despite its physical disadvantage, not to mention a very short shelf life, bananas still rise. Perhaps it is because they have a thick skin? (ha) Joke about them as we may, bananas continue to be one of the most beloved and most importantly traded food in the world. So what is it about the yellow fruit that makes it so widely cherished? Is it the wonderful taste? The low maintenance? The ability to go so well with ice cream? Perhaps all of the above and perhaps some of the following health benefits of bananas:

Bananas are loaded with potassium. That means they can counteract the negative effects of sodium on blood pressure and maintain heart function, lowering the risk of stroke and heart attack. In fact, even the US Food and Drug Administration has to concede that banana’s ability to regulate blood pressure is far more powerful that of any drug that produce. According to research conducted by the American Heart Association, bananas can cut the risk of stroll by 20%.

Increased Energy
If you are an avid tennis watcher, you may just find your favorite player munching on a banana between sets. That’s because the banana’s natural sugar and soluble fiber provide for a slow stable energy release. Bananas have a glycemic index of about 52, which gives them enough of a kick to the system without spiking blood sugar. They also contain about 24 g of carbs which increases with the banana’s ripeness.

Skin Conditions
Did you know banana skin can be effective in treating psoriasis and acne? Just rub a freshly peeled inside of the peel over the affected area and allow your skin to absorb the residue. The fatty acids in bananas can relieve a large variety of skin conditions.
You can also use a banana peel treatment to heal warts. Just rub a piece of banana peel over the wart and tape it firmly in place. Leave it on overnight every night for a week or until the wart disappears.

Improved Mood
If you have reservations about turkey this holiday season, you can get your tryptophan kick from bananas. The human body converts tryptophan into serotonin, which helps reduce stress,raise levels of happiness, and help regulate sleep patterns.

Vitamin B6
Just one banana contains a full fifth of the daily does of B6. That’s good news because B6 creates hemoglobin for healthy blood. It also plays a role in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels,synthesizing amino acids and producing antibodies to help boost your immune system.

If you believe in the health benefits of bananas, we would love to get your input. We can never hear enough about banana appeel (appeal-get it?) We love to hear from you as always!

Pregnant woman caressing tummy

Dealing with Morning Sickness

If you are experiencing, or have experienced, morning sickness, you will be no stranger to the ever present plastic bag in the purse, just in case. While morning sickness makes for funny stories, it is safe to say that the comedy element is hardly worth the discomfort and self effacement. If you are dealing with morning sickness, there may be a few ways of dealing with morning sickness more gracefully.

What Morning Sickness Means
While the exact causes are unclear, morning sickness is most popularly thought to be the result of the body’s reaction to human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg) otherwise known as the pregnancy hormone and is highest during the first trimester.

Although few sufferers would find it hard to label morning sickness as desirable, it may well be a good sign. Studies show that women with lower rates of morning sickness are more likely to miscarry. Dr. Jennifer Niebyl, head of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Iowa College of Medicine ,says that women with higher levels of hcg are at a lower risk for miscarriage.

Preventing Queasiness
It is well known that a sure way to fight cookie tossing is to lay off the cookies, or more literally, keeping and empty stomach. To prevent full blown nausea, it is best to eat small meals frequently rather than the usual three squares. You may want to munch some crackers as an alternative to a traditional breakfast, and if you find that taking prenatal vitamins on an empty stomach worsens your condition, try taking them at night.

Making the right food choices is equally as important. Anne Dubner, a registered dietician and nutrition consultant advises bland starches which are easily metabolized, like rice or pasta, for those dealing with morning sickness. She also suggests high protein foods, which takes longer to digest and remain in your system longer, Crackers with peanut butter and cheese may be the ideal snack for quelling queasiness, while spicy, greasy food and gassy veggies like cabbage might be less so. Says Elizabeth Ward, a registered Boston dietician, ” Don’t worry about not getting enough nutrition during the first trimester if you don’t have much of an appetite, either, because the nutritional needs of the fetus are still minimal.

Drinking fluids is also important because dehydration can be a serious consequence of morning sickness. Pregnant women are advised to drink a minimum of eight 8-oz glasses of liquid per day. If water doesn’t sit well, Dr. Miriam Erick, registered dietician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, recommends punch -packing carbonated drinks, such as Jamaican ginger beer and Schweppes. She also suggests red raspberry, spearmint, lemon, peach and chamomile herbal teas and says watermelon is a great “solid liquid” and may be effective as well.

Ginger is another well known weapon again morning sickness. One study showed taking 250 mg ginger capsules 4 times a day was effective, but steeping ginger root in a cup of boiling water may be equally as helpful.

A study by Dr. Niebyl found that taking 25 mgs of vitamin B-6 thrice daily was helpful to a majority of women in helping to overcome moderate to sever morning sickness. Since the standard OTC B-6 vitamin contains a 50 mg dose, the doctor advises breaking it in half. Many women also swear by acupressure bands.

So what’s your go to for dealing with morning sickness? Eating right? Taking supplements? Or just keeping your Uggs handy? Please share your embarrassing morning sickness stories! We love to hear every cringe-worthy moment.


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