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Woman massaging her temples due to a headache

Having Killer Headaches? Try These Cures

Headaches are the second most common form of chronic pain, and, when your head is truly pounding, it can be hard to concentrate on other parts of life, whether this may be work, driving, or even having a simple conversation.

Rather than reaching for the drugs, give one of these tips a try the next time you are having a killer headache.

Sip on Ginger Tea

Ginger has long since been used to treat a variety of ailments, by cultures all around the world. Now, thanks to a number of clinical studies that have been carried out with this ingredient, scientists are backing it too.

So, what exactly does ginger do?

It targets the blood vessels in the head, reducing inflammation and therefore reducing pain. This is especially useful for those who suffer from migraines, as migraines are caused by excessive dilation of blood vessels in the head.

The quickest and easiest way to make use of ginger is by steeping the root in some water to make a tea, adding in some fresh lemon juice if you would like an extra tang.

ginger tea

To use ginger topically, mix together a paste with some ginger powder and a couple of tablespoons of water, and apply this directly to your forehead for a few minutes.

Stretch It Out

Headaches are often caused by muscle tension, and this can sometimes be relieved through stretching.

There are a few stretches in particular that will help to target the muscles that often contribute to headaches:

  • Stretch your neck by moving your chin forwards, upwards and then towards each shoulder, before repeating
  • Shrug your shoulders upwards, and then forwards and backwards, before repeating
  • Press your palm into your forehead and hold it there for a few seconds, before pressing a hand onto each side of your head
  • Rotate your neck in clockwise and anticlockwise directions

Try to do these stretches twice a day, repeating each stretch three to five times, with a five second break in between each one.

Give Acupuncture a Try

Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine that has been used for centuries to treat a wide range of different health issues, with thin needles being inserted underneath the skin, to rebalance the body’s flow of energy.

Sound painful?

It really isn’t. All you will feel is a slight tingling feeling when each needle is inserted.

However, there are only certain headaches that acupuncture can treat…

There are two main types of headaches out there; primary and secondary. Primary headaches include tension headaches and migraines, while secondary headaches are brought on by another health condition, such as a head injury or allergies.

Acupuncture is mainly used to treat primary headaches, whether this may be a frustrating headache that seems to return each day, or a migraine that seems to never completely disappear.


Each session lasts for around 30 minutes to an hour, and the cumulative effects of a few sessions can be a long-lasting way to prevent any future headaches.

Drink Up

Headaches are a common symptom of dehydration, and these can often be quickly cleared simply by drinking a few glasses of water.

This method can work for a variety of different headache types, from tension to cluster. Even if you do not feel dehydrated, drinking a few glasses of water is an easy method that is still definitely worth a try.

Beverages containing electrolytes are also a great way to boost hydration, and could help if plain water does not seem to be working quickly enough.

Take a Screen Break

If you have been spending a significant amount of time staring at a screen, whether this may be your computer at work, your TV at home, or your smartphone, this could be the reason behind your tension headache.

Try taking a break from your screen for a while, and seeing if that eases the pain.

Whether or not your screen is causing your headaches, you should really be taking regular screen breaks anyway, even if this is just for a few minutes at a time to have a drink of water or stretch your legs.

Use a Compress

Another easy method to soothe a headache away is to use a compress, holding this against the back of your neck.

hot compress

Wondering whether to go hot or cold?

If your headache is more of a dull pain, go with a hot compress, whereas if it is pulsating or throbbing, use a cold compress. This will help to lower the temperature of your blood before it enters your brain, reducing any inflammation.

Sniff A Soothing Scent

There are certain herbs out there that have scents capable of clearing even the roughest of headaches.

Here are a few to try:

  • Peppermint Oil – opens up clogged blood vessels in the head and regulates blood flow. Either mix some with water and rub this on the back of your neck, as well as your temples, or simply rub some crushed peppermint leaves on your forehead. You could also make a herbal tea with peppermint leaves, either fresh or dried, and sip this slowly, while inhaling the scent.
  • Lavender Oil this is another herb that is known for alleviating headaches, and can simply be inhaled straight to enjoy its benefits. Alternatively, mix a couple of drops in with some almond or olive oil and massage your head with this, or put a few drops into some hot water, and inhale the steam.
  • Rosemary or Thyme Oil rosemary and thyme oil have been used for centuries to treat headaches. For best results, dab a drop of the oil onto each temple, as well as onto your forehead, and massage this gently into your skin.
  • Basil Oil works as a muscle relaxant, so will clear headaches caused by muscle tension. Make a tea with fresh basil leaves, or simply chew on the leaves themselves. You can also place some fresh leaves into hot water, and inhale the steam.
  • Cloves contains cooling and pain-relieving properties, making them great for throbbing headaches. Crush a few cloves and wrap them in a clean cloth, before inhaling the scent repeatedly. Alternatively, mix some clove oil with coconut oil, as well as a bit of sea salt, and use this to gently massage your forehead and temples.

Try Yoga for Tension Headaches

If you know that your headaches are caused by tension, then yoga is something that you may want to try.


Yoga relaxes the muscles in your head, neck and back, while boosting circulation to your upper body and brain, all of which can quickly relieve a tension headache.

As soon as you notice the first sign that a headache is on its way, you should give a few of these yoga poses a go, as this will prevent your muscles from going into spasm:

  • The Simple Seated Twist
  • Gomukhasana Arms
  • The Side Stretch
  • Grabbing Opposite Elbows

Take a Magnesium Supplement

Magnesium used to be abundant in the plants and animals eaten by humans, but, due to a depletion in soil quality, natural sources of magnesium are hard to come by.

Why does this matter when you have a raging headache?

Because one of the most common symptoms of a magnesium deficiency is a headache, especially migraines.

Not only do people who experience migraines have lower levels of magnesium in their body than people who do not, but one study found that a regular intake of magnesium could actually lower the frequency of developing a migraine by 41.6%.

Wondering which is the best form of magnesium to take as a supplement?

Go for magnesium oxide, of which you will need between 400-500 milligrams each day. Even if your migraine has already started, taking a magnesium supplement immediately can help to soothe it.

Need some help right now, but don’t have any magnesium supplements to hand?

Try snacking on one of these:

  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Blue poppy seeds
  • Cashew nuts
  • Almonds
  • Dark chocolate

sources of magnesium

See if these sources of magnesium help with your migraines; if they do, you can count on having them regularly.

Eat Some Headache-Busting Foods

There are certain foods out there that contain compounds capable of quickly soothing a headache.

Feel the pain beginning to come in?

Head on down to your nearest grocery store and stock up on these ingredients:

  • Cherries – contain a compound called quercetin, which is not only a strong antioxidant, but also has anti-allergy and anti-inflammatory properties. Quercetin helps the body to block out pain, reducing the severity of a headache. Eat around 20 tart cherries to experience the effects, or a glass of cherry juice.
  • Spicy Foods whether you go siracha or hot peppers, spicy foods will clear your sinuses, and therefore open up your airways. This alleviates any pressure and soothes the pain of a sinus headache.
  • Bananas bananas are packed with B vitamins, which increase the levels of serotonin in the brain, meaning that they work in a similar way to an anti-depressant. This then lowers the amount of pain that your body feels, reducing the severity of a headache.

While you are dealing with a headache, it is also important to avoid headache-triggering foods. From cheese to processed meats to artificial sweeteners, try to stick to a wholesome diet when healing your body.

Walk It Off

While you may not feel like exerting yourself too much when suffering from a killer headache, exercise is actually a great way to relieve yourself of the pain.


Exercise triggers the body to release endorphins, which are basically the body’s natural painkillers. If you begin to exercise regularly, you will notice a reduction in the frequency and intensity of your headaches, as well as your migraines.

So, the next time you feel a headache coming on, step outdoors and take a brisk walk, preferably somewhere quiet. Even if this is only for ten minutes, this is still enough time to stimulate your brain to release the endorphins that will soothe your head.

Relaxation Exercises

While additional research in this area is still needed, current studies show that relaxation exercises could really help reduce the intensity of a headache.

What exactly are relaxation exercises?

They could be anything from listening to calming music, using mental imagery to unwind, or doing some deep breathing.

Try this the next time you have a headache:

  • Lie still, breathing in and out slowly
  • Think of a mantra and repeat this in your head, to stop your mind from wandering
  • Beginning with your toes, contract and relax your muscles one at a time, working your way up your legs through your body, until you reach your head.
  • Take your time with this, so that it takes around 20 minutes

Change Your Pillow

If you tend to wake up with a headache in the morning, this could be down to your pillow.

Pillows are designed to keep the head in line with the neck and spine while a person is sleeping, but if you end up with your head being misaligned, this can lead to headaches.

Pay attention to your pillow density, as those that are too soft do not provide enough support, while those that are too hard can lead to other problems.

How often should you be changing your pillow.

Every few months, or when they start to lose their original form. 

When suffering from killer headaches, it can be easy to just reach for the pills to numb the pain, but this is not something that you want to be relying on in the long run. By giving some of these methods a try, you may just find an easy, and completely natural, way to soothe a raging headache.


Women walking in polluted air with a mask

Your Skin’s Reaction To Pollution

Pollution can be a tricky issue to deal with, because, unlike other factors in your life, such as sun exposure and diet, the effects of pollution will not be immediately visible on your skin.

Nevertheless, your skin reacts to pollution in a number of different ways, and it is important to understand this in order to protect your skin as much as you can.

What Is Pollution and Where Does it Come From?

Simply put, pollution is when contaminants are introduced into a natural environment, and this is something that happens on a daily basis.

Every day, an increasing amount of microscopic specks of smoke, acid, soot and more are released into the atmosphere.

Where do they come from?

So many different sources, including cars, power plants, fires and more.

factories releasing harmful smoke into the city

Air pollution is actually one of the most common types of pollution, with research showing that traffic pollution in particular may be the single most toxic substance for the skin.

As you can imagine, this is a greater problem in urban areas, and even rural areas that are nearby to them, as the wind carries and distributes pollutant particles.

Water pollution is another one that you need to be aware of. Again, this is caused by so many different things, from industrial waste to chemical run-offs to laundry detergents.

While there are other types of pollution out there, from noise and light pollution to thermal and radioactive pollution, it’s air and water pollution that you really need to focus on when it comes to your skin.

How Exactly Does Pollution Affect the Skin?

Pollution has been linked to a wide range of different health issues, from lung and heart diseases to diabetes and even to mental health. However, the effects that pollution has on the skin are only now being understood…

To begin with, pollutant particles are absolutely tiny, often up to 20 times smaller than the size of one of your pores.

As you can imagine, this means that once they settle on to the surface of your skin, it does not take long for them to work their way into your pores and infiltrate your skin’s different layers.

So, what do these particles do when they enter your skin?

They trigger inflammatory responses in a few different ways…

Firstly, they create free radicals, while depleting the body’s natural levels of antioxidants.

In a way, this is a two-pronged attack, because it is the antioxidants in the body that are key when it comes to fighting free radicals. With all of these extra free radicals, and a loss of antioxidants, your body, and your skin, are somewhat defenseless.

Free radicals not only accelerate the aging process, but they also severely damage the cells within the body, including the DNA within them, which then causes new cells to grow in a damaged way.

In fact, studies have shown that people who live in highly polluted areas age 10% faster than those who live in the countryside.

Another result of the inflammation caused by pollution is a stimulation of melanocytes, which are basically the cells responsible for your skin color. By over-stimulating these melanocytes, excess pigment is created, which results in what are known as age spots, or sun spots.

close-up of woman with sun spots

In some cases, environmental pollutants can be so harmful that they cause severe genotoxic stress, potentially leading to skin cancer.

The inflammation caused by pollution also expands the blood vessels in your skin, making them much more visible. This manifests as redness, and, in some cases, rosacea.

The collagen in your skin, which is basically your skin’s support system, giving it its firmness and smoothness, is also affected by pollution…


Well, not only does pollution break down the collagen that is already in your skin, it also interferes with the production of new collagen. This then results in sagging skin, as well as fine lines and wrinkles. This is exacerbated by the fact that pollution starves the skin of oxygen, while drying up its natural oils, as dehydrated skin ages much faster than hydrated skin.

Another effect that pollution can have on the skin is hives. In fact, studies in Beijing, which is an extremely polluted city, have shown that there are direct correlations between spikes in air pollution and hospital visits for skin conditions, with hives being one of the main ones.

With pollution affecting so many different processes within the skin and body, everybody’s skin will react in its own way.

However, here are a few of the other skin issues that pollution can cause:

  • Breakouts, similar to acne
  • Skin allergies
  • Rashes
  • A dull complexion
  • Dry and dehydrated skin
  • Eczema

Protecting Your Skin From the Effects of Pollution

Now that you know about the damage that pollution can cause, you likely want to know about how you can protect your skin from this, while also reversing any damage that has already been caused.

Cleansing is one of the most important steps in your skin care routine when it comes to tackling pollution.


Because this will remove any environmental toxins from your skin, clearing away clogged particle matter.

For those who live in extremely polluted areas, a double cleanse may be worth considering, as this will ensure that all pollutants have been removed from your skin. While this may be the case, you do need to make sure that you are not overdoing it with the cleansing. Everybody’s skin reacts differently, so while some people may benefit from a double cleanse, others may find this too drying for their skin. 

Exfoliating a couple of times a week is also vital. While cleansing clears away the pollutants on the surface of your skin, exfoliating will enable you to get even deeper, clearing out any pollutants that have already worked their way into your pores.

Exfoliation will also help any subsequent skin care products that you apply to better penetrate your skin, meaning that they will be able to work so much more effectively.

When it comes to the free radicals that pollution causes, one of the best ways to protect yourself from this is by increasing your antioxidant intake.

Wondering what makes antioxidants so powerful?

Well, they are able to donate missing electrons to free radicals, therefore neutralizing them and preventing them from causing damage to the rest of your skin cells.

infographic on free radicals, antioxidants and normal molecules

Antioxidants can be consumed, as well as applied topically. When it comes to topical antioxidants, your best bets are:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Squaline

You are likely to find these antioxidants, as well as many more, in numerous skin care products.

In terms of foods that contain antioxidants, try to increase your consumption of the following:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables of a wide range of colors
  • Green tea
  • Oily fish
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Coffee
  • Dark chocolate
  • Herbs and spices

However, keep in mind that in order to maximize the effects that antioxidants have, you need to be providing your body with a wide range of them. 


Because antioxidants work in conjunction with each other to heal and protect your skin, and single ingredients on their own will not have much of an impact in the end.

Another way to protect your skin from pollution is to strengthen your skin’s natural protective barrier.

This can be found on the outermost layer of your skin, and is not only important for keeping moisture locked in, but also for keeping environmental toxins out.

If you have a damaged skin barrier, then the effects of pollution will hit you so much harder.

So, how do you go about protecting and strengthening your natural protective barrier?

To begin with, you need to be moisturizing daily. Moisturizers are designed to form a thin film over the surface of the skin, therefore, in a way, creating their own barrier. Moisturizers will also keep your skin hydrated, which is essential for your natural protective barrier to thrive.

You should also be paying close attention to the ingredients in the skin care products that you use.


Because harsh ingredients will strip your skin of its natural oils, leaving your protective barrier vulnerable. Many ingredients can also have an alkalizing effect on your skin, meaning that they alter your skin’s delicate pH balance, disrupting all the natural processes that your skin goes through.

Your diet can also have an impact on your skin’s natural barrier. Ceramides, as well as essential fatty acids, both do so much to strengthen the barrier, and while these can both be consumed through your diet, obtaining enough to actually protect your skin from the damaging effects of pollution can be difficult.

So, what can you do about this?

Well, in addition to using skin care products that contain both of these ingredients, you could also consider taking oral supplements for both. These will be absorbed by the skin from within, and have been proven to have a significant effect in just a couple of months. 

Of course, sunscreen is also vital. While you may be focussing on fighting pollution rather than the sun, the sun’s UV rays will damage your skin’s barrier, making sunscreen essential.

For those who live in areas that are extremely polluted, it would be worthwhile listening in to your daily weather forecasts. On the days when meteorologists call for high amounts of smog or low air quality conditions, try to stay indoors as much as possible, and wear clothes that completely cover your skin when you have to head outdoors.

If you use air conditioning in your house, you should also make sure that the filters are kept clean, so that they do not end up trapping pollutants and blowing them into your home.

What About People Who Live in Rural Areas?

If you live in a rural area, you may think that your skin is safe from the effects of pollution, but this is not at all true…

As mentioned above, pollution particles are incredibly tiny, meaning that, even with a small gust of wind, they can spread further than you would imagine.

This means that nobody is safe from the effects of pollution, no matter where you live.

While you may not need to be quite as diligent when it comes to protecting your skin from pollution if you live in a rural area, you will still need to take at least a few of the steps mentioned above.

Don’t Forget About Indoor Pollutants

In addition to all of the pollutants outdoors, you need to also remember that indoor pollutants will also damage your skin.

Where do indoor pollutants come from?

A variety of different sources:

  • Stoves
  • Fireplaces
  • Particles from pressed wood products
  • Foam insulation

In addition to following the steps above to protect your skin from pollution, you should also be taking a few extra measures to reduce the damage that indoor pollutants can cause. These include improving the ventilation in your home by allowing more fresh air to flow through, while keeping the humidity relatively low.

Anti-Pollution Skin Care

With the effects that pollution has on the skin being more and more recognized, skin care companies are now investing heavily into researching ways in which they can create products that will protect the skin.

There are already a few of these products out there, with many containing high levels of niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3, since this is quite effective at combatting pollution damage.

However, researchers are currently looking into ways in which they can create products that actually block this damage from occurring in the first place. One molecule that is able to do this has already been found, and is being registered as a cosmetic ingredient, meaning that this will soon make its way into skin care products in the next few years. 

Pollution is something that everybody has to deal with, no matter where in the world you may live. While pollution has been proven to have severely detrimental effects on the skin, in a number of different ways, there are, fortunately, steps that you can take to protect yourself from this, and you should really try to do this as much as possible.

Portrait of smiling mature woman with white hair

Makeup Tips for Mature Skin

It is so easy to fall into a beauty rut, using the same cosmetic products decade after decade. However, your skin, as well as your features, change as you age, meaning that your makeup products and application techniques need to evolve too.

From foundation to lipstick, here are some guidelines when it comes to makeup for mature skin.

Start With Your Skin

The best-looking makeup begins with good skin, which is why this should always be your initial focus when evaluating cosmetics.

Before applying any makeup to your face, you need to ensure that your skin has been thoroughly cleansed. Exfoliating it will be a bonus, as this will clear away any dead skin cells and rough patches from the surface of your skin, giving you a blank canvas to work with when it comes to your makeup.

Immediately after exfoliating, you need to moisturize your skin.

This is even more important for mature skin…


Because one of the main skin issues that mature skin faces is a lack of moisture, as skin loses its ability to retain moisture as it ages. This can result in a rough and dry complexion, which will only end up being accentuated, rather than hidden, by your makeup.

A thick and rich moisturizer is best, and it should also contain plenty of antioxidants, such as vitamin C and resveratrol

Another bonus to moisturizing before applying any makeup?

It will give your face a smooth and dewy finish, meaning that your makeup will just glide effortlessly on afterwards.

woman applying primer or moisturizer


Primers are not strictly essential, but do have quite a few benefits, especially when it comes to mature skin.

Here are a few of the reasons as to why you should be using a primer:

  • Hides visible pores
  • Smooths and softens the skin
  • Gives makeup a base to grip on to, meaning it lasts for longer 
  • Prevents foundation from oxidizing and changing color

When choosing a primer for mature skin, you want the formula to be a lightweight and moisturizing one, without containing any shimmer. As with any product you use, try to pick one that contains added antioxidants. If your skin is sensitive, look for a primer that contains soothing ingredients, such as niacinimide or green tea. 


When it comes to choosing a foundation for mature skin, thick formulas, or loose powders, are a big no.

woman applying powder foundation


These products will only end up settling into any creases in your face as your skin moves, making any fine lines or wrinkles so much more visible.

Instead, go for a light liquid foundation, or a cream foundation.

Wondering what the main differences between the two are?

Well, a cream foundation is more opaque, meaning that it provides better coverage if you have age spots or broken capillaries. Using a cream foundation means that you will likely need to use less concealer on any of these blemishes.

Another bonus to using a cream foundation formula is that these will usually be more moisturizing, making them great for drier skin types.

On the other hand, a liquid foundation will tend to have a lighter texture, and, if you only have a few minor imperfections, a liquid foundation will likely do the job.

When it comes to actually applying your foundation…

Begin at the center of your face, and use a foundation brush to blend this outwards.

Wondering how to stop your foundation from settling into any lines or wrinkles?

This is often inevitable, no matter which foundation you choose. When this happens, all you need to do is blot the area with a Q-tip, before fixing it up with some powder.

Alternatively, if you are dealing with fine lines rather than deeper wrinkles, try pressing a finger gently against your skin, rocking it back and forth in a slight rolling motion. This will help to disperse the foundation that has settled into your lines.

Don’t like using foundation but still want a bit of coverage?

Try a CC cream instead. These are actually perfect for mature skin, because not only will they disguise any redness or imperfections, but they will also refine your skin’s texture.


While some may strongly believe that a concealer should be applied before a foundation, it should really be the other way round.


Because your foundation will already cover up quite a few imperfections, so you will only need to use the concealer on areas that actually need the extra coverage

Want to know the best way to use a concealer to hide blemishes?

Simply dab a small amount onto your blemish, and then use the tip of a brush to blend this into your foundation, until you cannot see it any more.

In addition to using your concealer to cover up any blemishes, you can also apply it in a way that will help to give your face more of a lifted appearance.


Use your concealer to draw a triangle on your cheek, with the base of the triangle underneath your eye, and the other two sides pointing down towards your cheek. Then, blend it in.

woman using concealer under her eyes

So, how do you actually go about choosing a concealer for mature skin?

Well, just like with your foundation, liquid or cream formulas are best. Liquid is usually preferred by those with mature skin, as its lightweight texture means that it is less likely to gather in wrinkles and creases during the day. If you opt for a cream, you may need to set it with a powder afterwards to ensure that it does not crease.

You will also likely need two different shades, one for underneath your eyes and one for your face.

Here are some tips on choosing the two shades:

  • For underneath the eyes, choose a concealer that is one or two shades lighter than your natural skin tone. However, do not go any lighter than this, otherwise you may end up with an obvious light circle around your eyes
  • For the face, your concealer needs to perfectly match the shade of your foundation


While a cream blush looks great on bare skin, a powder blush tends to be the better option if you are also wearing foundation. However, in order not to dry your skin out, you need to make sure that you opt for a powder that has a fine and light texture.

When it comes to color, do not be tempted by strong and harsh shades. As the face ages, it becomes more angular, and stronger shades of blush will only make this seem hollow.

Instead, go for a softer shade, such as apricot or rose, making sure that it complements your skin tone.

Woman applying makeup

When it comes to actually applying your blush…

Many tend to apply this on the apples of their cheeks, but this often only ends up drawing attention to sagging skin.

What should you do instead?

Apply your blush to the highest point of your cheekbones, using a large brush to lift this upwards, making sure that you do not apply any color too close to your nose.


Did you know that your eyes change shape as you age?

Your eyelids become more hooded, while wrinkles around the eyes can also affect their shape.

So, what is the best way to deal with this when it comes to eye makeup?

A subtle wash of a light colored shadow is really all you need, with satin finishes in particular helping to brighten up the eyes. Matte and sparkly shadows do not work too well on mature eyes, as these tend to settle into the fine lines on eyelids, making them looked creased.

If you do decide to go for a shadow with some sparkle or shimmer for a special occasion, keep this away from the outer corners of your eyes, as it will only emphasize fine lines. Instead, keep the sparkle for your inner corners, the center of your eyelids, and your brow bones.

What about eye liner?

This is great to make your eyes really pop, but a liquid or gel formula can sometimes be too harsh on mature eyes, making an eye liner pencil your best option.

Do you find an eye liner pencil difficult to apply?

This is a common issue, but an easy solution is to just make sure that your eye liner pencil is soft, so that the color comes out smoothly and easily.

When applying your eye liner…

Make sure that you apply more to your top lash line than your bottom.


Because this helps to prevent your eye liner from dragging your eyes down. Eyeliner on your lower lash line will also make your eyes look much smaller, and will draw attention to any dark circles. Try to also ensure that the line you draw becomes thicker towards the outer edge, because this will give you a lift in an area where mature eyes tend to droop.

Do not forget about your eyebrows either…

Eyebrows naturally thin with age, and filling these in can really subtract decades from your appearance. Use either a light colored brow pencil or a shadow, as you want the color to look subtle and natural. Make sure that you blend this in well, following your eyebrow’s natural shape and ensuring that they do not look as though they have been drawn on. 

Just like with your eyebrows, your eyelashes will also naturally thin with age…

Mascara is great for this, but do not be afraid to experiment with individual false eyelashes, as these are perfect for filling in any gaps.

Giving your eyelashes a curl before applying your mascara can also make a huge difference, as this will instantly open up your eyes, making them appear bigger and brighter.

When applying mascara to mature eyes, you would be best off staying away from your lower lashes, and only applying it to your top lashes.


Because mascara on your lower lashes will only emphasize any dark circles or crow’s feet, whereas a deep, black mascara on your top lashes only will make your eyes look brighter and whiter.


Your lips will change quite a bit as you age, becoming much thinner, with wrinkles appearing around them. 

This means that you will want to use makeup in a way that plumps your lips out, so that they appear fuller and smoother.

How can you do this?

With a sheer, moisturizing lipstick. Neutral shades are usually best, as you want to enhance the shape and color of your lips without drawing too much attention to them. The most flattering shades for mature lips tend to be a color that is only slightly darker than your natural lip color.

senior woman applying lipstick

Try to avoid dark or bright lipsticks, as well as those with a satin finish.


Because these often only end up drawing attention to thinner lips, as well as to fine lines.

Don’t forget about lip liner either…

This can be used to give your lips a slight boost in volume, while also preventing your lipstick from bleeding into any wrinkles or lines. All you need to do is trace the lip liner around the outside of your lips, so that you have slightly over-lined them. However, make sure that the shade of lip liner you choose matches the shade of lipstick that you are going to be wearing with it, and try not to be too heavy-handed when applying the lip liner

Wondering whether or not you should be wearing lip gloss?

The answer is no. While there is no denying that lip gloss can really help to plump up your lips, it will also highlight every single fine line that is on your lips, so is best avoided.

In order to really look your best as you age, your makeup needs to evolve in the same way that your face and features do. From your eyes to your lips, make sure that you are constantly assessing each individual feature, so that you can determine exactly what they need in order to really shine.



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