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Woman drinking water

Healthy Lifestyles Reduce Cancer Risks

If you can manage to avoid getting cancer in your lifetime, you’ll be dodging a bullet. Approximately 39.6 % of the population will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lifetime. Odds of surviving 5 years or more are pretty good, with 66.9% of people diagnosed with cancer surviving at least 5 years. So your odds are pretty good, and they only keep getting better as medicine advances, but wouldn’t you like to do what you can to avoid having to deal with the insidious disease at all? Let’s talk about some lifestyle changes you can make to do just that.

Don’t Use Tobacco of Any Kind
And if you currently use it, stop. Using tobacco products makes you age faster, makes your skin look awful, makes you generally unhealthy, and increases your risk of cancer, especially (but not only) lung cancer. If you’re currently using tobacco and have had a hard time quitting successfully or are scared to try, reach out to others going through the same thing. You CAN do it, and you will feel much better once you do. Also consider trying a vapor e-cigarette, which has cartridges with a variety of concentrations of nicotine, so you can start with the normal cartridges and gradually switch to the ones with less and less until you’re totally nicotine-free. Vapor is also much easier on your lungs than smoke.

Limit Processed Foods
Consumption of highly processed foods may be linked with cancer risk odds. Processed meats are especially bad in this regard. Try to stick to lean proteins, dark leafy greens, and dark, colorful fruits. Whole grains and beans are also great choices. Try to maintain a healthy weight by avoiding over-consumption of fried foods, and high-sugar foods, especially processed sugars. When you do use sugars, try raw sugars, or better yet, replace sugars in your diet with sweeteners like stevia as much as possible. Some artificial sweeteners may or may not be linked to higher cancer rates, but stevia is not an artificial sweetener, and seems to be completely safe.

Moderate Alcohol
Drinking is fine in moderation, but don’t overdo it. Breast, colon, lung, kidney, and especially liver cancer risk all increase with the amount of alcohol you drink and the length of time you’ve been regularly drinking.

Be Active
Physical activity might actually lower the risk of breast and colon cancer, and it’s just a good idea anyway to stay healthy and feel better in your day to day life. Aim for at least 20 minutes a day of moderate to vigorous cardiovascular exercise. Your heart will appreciate it too!

Limit Sun Exposure
And when you do go out in the sun, use sunscreen! Make sure it’s broad-spectrum and that it’s SPF 30 or higher. If possible, don’t go in the sun between 10 AM and 4 PM, even with sunscreen. And be sure to apply the sunscreen even on overcast days! UV rays can penetrate clouds and are still a danger in winter, too.

And don’t tan. Not with natural sunlight, and not with tanning beds. Just don’t do it. It’s dangerous and damaging and impossible to do safely. Instead, if you really want the tanned look, use a self-tanning product like a tanning lotion or spray tan.

Woman gardening

Get a Hobby

A lot of people associate hobbies with people who have way too much free time, but it turns out, whether you think you have the spare time or not, having a hobby you enjoy may be worth making time for. This is true for everyone, regardless of gender, but in terms of men’s health, this is perhaps especially worth noting, because it’s an area that may often be lacking or not being nurtured in a healthy way. What exactly do we mean by this? Let’s take a look.

A Good Hobby Promotes Healthier Socializing
Toxic masculinity is, unfortunately, ubiquitous in our society. Men are told from a very young age that they need to be territorial, aggressive, domineering, and unfeeling. This can make it incredibly hard for men to form any healthy relationships with friends, family, their partner, etc, etc. Picking up a hobby could give you a reason to get out of the house for something other than work, and you could find yourself in a good environment to make lasting friendships with people who have similar interests. Ever thought painting could be fun, but you figured you’d be no good at it? Or that it wasn’t very “masculine?” Well, screw that, we all know dividing things by gender is generally entirely arbitrary anyway, go sign up for a class at your local community center! Or maybe you like working with your hands in the soil and the satisfaction of watching a little sprout grow big with love and care. Who says men can’t be gardeners? Whatever it is that interests you, make time for it. And if you don’t know what the hell you want to do, just try some new things! Take classes, talk to people about it, dabble until you find something you love to do!

Hobbies Are Good for You
And we mean that in more ways than one. They might actually be beneficial to your physical health! Studies have found evidence suggesting that engaging in enjoyable non-work activities is associated with lower blood pressure, cortisol, and healthier body fat and weight. Doing something you love in your down time relieves stress and gives you a boost that helps prevent or manage depression, anxiety, bad moods…the list goes on.

It’s Important that Your Hobby not Be Work
We’ve said a couple times now that a good hobby outside of your job has a lot of benefits. Thing is, it doesn’t even matter if you absolutely love your job; ultimately, it’s still work, and work feels different from a hobby. If you love your work, great! Even better! But it’s still what you do for a living, and all the positive effects we’ve listed apply more to enjoyable things you do outside your job, because no matter how fun your work might be, it still just feels different, on a fundamental level, than a hobby.

Some people have the experience of their hobby becoming their work. Professional artists or bloggers that started out as hobbyists, etc, etc. This can be a really neat experience, and allows one to do what they love for a living, but if you’re ever lucky enough for this to happen to you, you should really consider finding a new hobby to replace the one that became your job. You’ll probably notice a reduction in stress levels pretty quickly.

Man doing yoga

Yoga's Benefit for Men

Many people find yoga to be relaxing, energizing, and to help contribute to a sense of calm, contentedness, and well-being. It also helps one become more flexible and breathe better and more fully, and conceivably could count as a form of light exercise. It doesn’t replace a good 20-30 minutes of cardio daily, but every little bit counts.

Of course, the vast majority of yoga practitioners are female, so it could be intimidating for men to start a yoga habit. But don’t let that stop you: like most arbitrarily gendered things, thinking yoga is just for women is silly. Let’s talk about a few benefits of yoga, benefits anyone can attain from yoga.

Stress Relief
Many forms of exercise relieve stress in one way or another, but while vigorous or aggressive exercise routines can make one angry or just really tired, yoga uses techniques to make you overall calmer. For this reason, yoga makes a great way to start one’s day, because it promotes a calm but aware state of mind that can help get you through a busy work day with lots of quick thinking and tough choices, as well as help you stay on task better.

Did you think yoga was only about stretching and getting flexible? You’d be wrong. A lot of yoga exercises involve using your own body’s weight to build muscle. Your yoga routine may have a lot of stretching involved, but it can also include drawn-out pushups, leg lifts, squats, and more.

One of the more obvious benefits of yoga, you’ll find with just a few classes you might already feel more limber and springy. If you’re into any sports, know this: increased flexibility is an advantage in just about any sport. Those funny-feeling spine twists can especially help you relieve major tension and improve your tennis and golf abilities.

Injury Prevention
Yoga also has the benefit of reinforcing mindfulness of one’s own body and its needs and limits, which is a huge boon in other workouts you do or sports you play. The ability to listen to your body and be aware of its state at any given moment, and just how far its limits are being pushed, and most importantly, when you should stop, will be a huge boon in keeping yourself from getting hurt. Because seriously, who wants to nurse a broken bone, sprained ankle, etc, etc, when it could simply be avoided?

Goal Setting
Yoga classes also place a significant emphasis on goal setting. You are likely to be asked to set a goal for any given individual session, and to set goals for the future in other areas of your life. They can be as small or large as you like, but keep them attainable and realistic. Further, be sure and reward yourself whenever you meet or exceed a goal; yoga can, surprisingly enough, help with all of these, as the mindset it fosters is incredibly conducive to calm, clear thinking, which is required to set good goals and then take steps to reach them.

Overlay of scientific diagrams on woman's skin

Synthetic Skin for Daily Wear

Do you ever feel like you just want to trade in your aging skin for a fresh, youthful coat? Well, with the direction science is headed in, you might just be able to do that…well, kind of. On a small scale, at least. We’re talking small patches of synthetic skin you can get for those rough patches on your elbows, or maybe for the acne scars on your cheek, or…you get the idea. Let’s talk about this revolutionary new emerging technology, how it works, and how it can help you.

It’s Harder Than You Might Think
Right about now, you might be thinking “artificial skin can’t be that difficult, why did it take this long?” Well, the truth is that it’s not nearly that simple, and designing synthetic skin that actually works is, in fact, quite complicated. It needs to be able to act as a protective barrier while still being breathable, the synthetic skin can’t be toxic itself, and it has to have the same amazing strength, elasticity, flexibility, etc as normal skin. The scientists who created this synthetic skin took all this into consideration to create something that looks, feels, and acts like normal skin. They’ve already conducted human trials, too, and to a stellar success. Not only did participants see marked improvement in skin appearance, hydration, and function, but the underlying skin beneath the synthetic skin remained healthy and suffered no adverse effects, even through activities such as running and swimming.

It Has a Lot of Potential Uses
It’s not hard to think of at least one way artificial skin could be used; covering up areas where our natural skin is starting to lose its luster. But it goes way beyond just that. There’s a host of aesthetic applications, definitely, but consider the medical ones too; the highly adaptable artificial skin design these scientists came up with has the potential to help victims of burns and other surface injuries, and the chemistry of the skin is very malleable and can be adjusted according to specific need, further increasing its potential uses.

This synthetic skin hasn’t hit the market yet for medical or aesthetic uses, but it certainly is something to look forward to. Of course, don’t take this upcoming technology as an excuse to slack on your skincare; there’s only so much it can do! A proper skincare routine, with moisturizer, sunscreen, cleanser, etc, etc, is not going to become obsolete anytime soon, although they may have a powerful new emerging technology joining them quite soon.

Woman swimming

Public Pool Safety

Summer is here! The temperature is going up, and we are heading to the pool! Trips to the public pool should be fun, so follow these tips this summer to ensure that nothing will ruin your weekend!

Be Aware of Health Standards
We hate to say it, but some pools have been fined or closed for violating health and safety standards. When choosing a public pool to belong to for the summer, ask when the facility was last inspected. Management is usually happy to show you that they are in compliance with all safety standards, and you will get peace of mind!

Stay Hydrated!
Staying hydrated is one of the most important summer tips. Heat stroke and heat exhaustion can be a big problem during the summer months, and extended sun exposure can cause you serious harm if you aren’t drinking enough water.

Woman applying sunscreen

Slather on the Sunscreen
This is a no brainer. A long day at the pool can be a recipe for disaster if you’re not properly protecting your skin. It is a good idea to put on your sunscreen before you leave the house, at least 15 minutes before you’ll be out in the sun. Also, give your sunscreen plenty of time to sink in, and make sure that you aren’t rubbing off your SPF with your clothing. It’s easy to lose track of time during a day in the sun, but it is important to reapply your sunscreen every few hours- even more often when you’re in the water! The instructions on the bottle will let you know exactly how often to reapply any particular brand. Keep your skin protected at the pool, and don’t let an angry sunburn follow you to work on Monday!

Know Your Surroundings
This is especially important if you have kids. Anytime you are around water, there is danger, regardless of how well you or your family members know how to swim. Public pools can be crowded, and though lifeguards are well trained, it is possible that they will miss a warning sign if there are a lot of people to watch. Make sure you know where you kids are at all times. If you, or anyone in your family, are not  strong swimmers, take a special note of what areas of the pool are safe to be in, and what areas to avoid (deep water, steep inclines, drains, etc). Also, make sure that these areas are properly roped off to decrease the chances of mistakenly entering an unsafe area.


Don’t Go Overboard
No, we don’t mean falling into the water. It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re having fun in the sun, but it is important to not go overboard, and limit your sun exposure. Too much sun during peak hours can cause serious burns, fatigue, dizziness, heat rash, and several other not so fun complications. Play it safe, and take breaks from the sun every so often so you can enjoy the pool all summer long!

Woman having a neck ache

Fighting Muscle Fatigue     

Summer is a great time to change up (or start) your workout routine. The weather is warmer and the days are longer, and people are getting out of the gym (and off the couch) and flocking to bike paths, fields, and tennis courts to get in their 60 active minutes. We all know how important it is to stay active. Working out a few times a week can help fight muscle fatigue, lose weight, and give you more energy. It’s important to fight lactic acid accumulation and avoid fatiguing your muscles so you can finish strong and stay fit. There are tons of supplements out there that are marketed for stopping muscle fatigue and building muscle faster, but there are a few simple and inexpensive ways you can defend your guns.

Stay Hydrated
This may seem too simple, but getting enough water is essentially for your muscles to function properly. In fact, muscle fatigue and cramping are actually a side effect of dehydration. Always be sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercise. Making a habit of drinking water throughout the day is going to prepare your body for you work out. Increasing your H2O intake can also give you more energy, help you skin, and help you stay focused!

Get Your Protein
Eating a protein rich meal after a workout is going to help you build muscle. Your body continues to burn calories at an elevated rate after your workout ends, so it is important that you are ingesting enough calories at that point, otherwise you can actually lose muscle. Building strong muscles is going to help stop future muscle fatigue. Although protein is most commonly connected with eating meat, it is also high in fat. You can also get your protein boost with beans, nuts, and protein powders.

Add Resveratrol to Your Diet
Resveratrol is a substance found naturally in plants that can prevent muscle fatigue. You may have heard about exciting new studies that have added fighting muscle fatigue to resveratrol’s list of benefits. Muscle fatigue is most often caused by leading a sedentary lifestyle, and resveratrol can actually give you the benefits of exercise, even when eating a diet high in sugar and fat. Scientists have studied animals, and found out that those given resveratrol were able to counteract the muscle fatigue that can come with eating poorly and not exercising. This wonderful antioxidant is sold in supplement form, but it can be found in the skins of different types of berries. This is extra exciting because, as many of us know, resveratrol is found in red wine because it is fermented in grape skins, which have a high concentration of the substance.

Before you kick back with a glass of red and forget about working out, resveratrol is not a replacement for a balanced diet and regular exercise. That being said, drinking red wine can actually help you muscles- so raise a glass!

Woman's hands holding cup of green tea

Drinking Tea for Weight Loss

People have been drinking tea for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. It is no secret that different kinds of teas have different benefits- there really is a tea for every situation! Tea can wake you up, help you sleep, jumpstart your metabolism, stave off hunger, help your body process fats, and much more!

Green Tea: Start Your Day Off Right!
Most people are familiar with some of the benefits of green tea. It is used in many different kinds of energy drinks because it is a natural source of caffeine. Because of this, it is a good alternative to coffee, and people often drink it in the morning to jumpstart their day. In addition to waking you up, green tea is the perfect start to your morning because it also helps boost metabolism! Many people already know that green tea can help with weight loss, and this is because it kickstarts your metabolism, and can increase your caloric burn throughout the day.

Mint Tea: The Afternoon Pick Me Up
It’s been a few hours since lunch, but you still have some work to do before it’s time to go home and have dinner. That 3.00 pm slump affects us all in varying degrees, but it can be difficult to resist reaching for a bag of chips or a cookie when the hunger and fatigue sets in. Mint tea is the perfect choice for this time of day because it helps to avoid hunger pangs, plus it can perk out up enough to make it to the end of the day!

Detox Teas
We’re sure you have seen the posts and videos about detox teas that are all over social media right now. There are tons of different kinds of detox teas ranging from single boxes of tea you can buy at a grocery store, to whole detox tea packages that you can order online. These teas are meant to be balancing, detoxifying, and to help you lose weight. Some weight loss cleanses involve replacing meals with juices and smoothies to detoxify your organs and drastically decrease the number of calories you are consuming. Cleansing with tea is a little easier to fit into your life, and simply requires adding a few cups of tea to a healthy diet. Detox teas can help you slim down because they regulate your appetite and help with digestion! Herbal detox teas are also great because they often contain different types of antioxidants that can prevent cell damage, act as anti-inflammatories, and relieve indigestion.

The simplest way that drinking tea daily can help you lose weight it the very fact that you are drinking tea, and not a sugary juice or soda. People consume a lot of empty calories in the form of a soda with lunch, or a morning Frappuccino, without even realizing it. Adding tea to your diet will cause you to consciously choose more natural beverages, and make it easier to stick to a healthy diet. Flavored herbal teas can satisfy your sweet tooth without relying on sugary drinks! Drink up!

Woman holding a glass of wine

A Little Glass of Wine Per Day

For a long time, red wine has been thought to be heart healthy. Wine Lovers rejoice whenever a new study comes out boasting of the many benefits drinking red (and sometimes white) wine can have for your heart, skin, bones, and state of mind. These studies even suggest that drinking a glass of wine a day is the key to many health issues. Do these supposed benefits actually do anything, or are we just looking for excuses to drink more wine? Maybe, but there are two main benefits to wine drinking that do seem to carry some weight.

Benefit: Resveratrol
One of the main benefits you hear about when it comes to drinking wine daily is the resveratrol in red grape skins. Because red wine is fermented in red grape skins you get a hefty dose of it with each glass. Resveratrol acts as an antioxidant, which help protect your cells from damage. If you have ever seen an add or read an article about skincare with vitamin E or vitamin C, you know all about the benefits of antioxidants for your skin. Molecules called free radicals can damage your skin cells, and antioxidant skin care helps to prevent this and heal your skin. For this reason, so many brands are coming out with skincare lines formulated with these vitamins to help brighten skin, prevent aging, and repair damage.

Free radicals don’t stop at the skin’s surface- they can cause the same kinds of damage inside your body, too! That’s why it’s important to eat (and drink!) things that are rich in antioxidants (and why every smoothie you buy will have the word “antioxidant” on the label). Luckily for all of the wine lovers out there, a glass of red wine per day can help prevent the kinds of cell damage that lead to heart disease and other health problems, such as osteoporosis. Resveratrol is linked to all kinds of health benefits, and we couldn’t be happier that drinking red wine gives you a dose of this highly sought after antioxidant!

Benefit: Decreased Chances of Depression
Though heavy alcohol consumption is not good for your brain’s chemistry, studies concluded that moderate wine drinking can actually decrease your chances of depression. One particular study warns that incidents of depression do increase with heavy alcohol consumption, but those who drank 2-7 glasses of wine seemed to be in the sweet spot. They had lower incidences of depression than both heavy drinker, and those who did not drink- so raise a glass to your health!

While not all claims about wine being healthy for you may be true, there are some benefits that do seem to have an effect on your health. The resveratrol in wine has a number of benefits ranging from heart disease prevention to bone health, and it is the main reason why wine is known has a heart healthy option.  Moderation is important with anything, so sticking to a little glass of wine a day is just right- cheers!

Healthy woman jogging outdoors

Immune System and Metabolism Boosters

“If you don’t have your health, you’ve got nothing!” We’ve all heard this saying, or something similar to it, at some point in our lives. And it’s very true. If we’re not healthy, being happy or even functional can be extremely difficult. That’s why it’s so important to take care of both our metabolisms and our immune systems. But being healthy is not that difficult if you follow these strategies that will ensure a healthier you.

Our immune system does a great job of fighting disease causing microorganisms. But it’s not always successful. So how can you intervene to make your immune system stronger? Although there is a lot that researchers still have not discovered about the intricacies and interconnectedness of the immune response, healthy living strategies are a good way to give your immune system the upper hand. Here are some recommended lines of defense as offered by Harvard Medical School.

Don’t Smoke
Eat a healthy diet high in fruits vegetables and whole grains. Avoid saturated fats. Deficiencies of zinc, selium, iron, copper, folic acid and vitamins A, B6, C and E can lead to lowered immunity. If you suspect your diet is not providing you with all your micronutrient needs, you may want to start taking a multivitamin and mineral supplements.

Maintain a Healthy Weight
Exercise regularly. Exercise can promote good circulation which allows cells and substances of the immune system to move through the body freely and do their job efficiently.

Control Blood Pressure
If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation.

Get Regular Medical Checkups and Screenings
Metabolism has been defined as “all of the chemical reactions that take place in a living organism every day to keep it alive”. It is the process of converting calories into usable energy in the body. A strong metabolism is tied to a more svelte body and also benefits the immune system, lowers chances of disease, contributes to having more energy, brain functionality, longevity and much more. There are many signs that you may be in need of a boost to your metabolism including ongoing fatigue, cold body temperature, irregular periods, thinning hair, and more.

Try High-Intensity Interval Training (HIT)
This is a form of exercise that features intervals that may vary from all out effort to short period of rest. It is known to boost the metabolism better than steady workouts.

Lift Weights
This builds lean muscle mass which naturally uses more calories than body fat does.

Avoid Inflammatory Foods
Inflammatory foods can slow down the digestive processes. These include sugary drinks, processed foods, artificial sweeteners, and low-quality dairy and animal products. Add metabolism power foods which help the body use and expend energy better. These include high protein snacks, green tea, garlic, spicy foods and apple cider vinegar.

Get Adequate Sleep
We don’t even need to stress how important sleep is in your everyday life!

Frankincense oil on stone table

Benefits of Frankincense

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years and are known for their therapeutic and healing properties. Frankincense is a common essential oil that offers a variety of health benefits. It can help fight common stress and anxiety, reduce pain and inflammation, boost the immune system, and even fight cancer. Read on to find out the health benefits of frankincense and how you can take advantage of them.

Stress Relief
Frankincense immediately brings on feelings of peace, relaxation and satisfaction. By adding a few drops to a hot bath, you can take advantage of these calming sensations. You might also want to add frankincense to a diffuser or vaporizer to fill your home with this peaceful feeling at all times.

Household Cleaner
Frankincense is an antiseptic meaning it will help eliminate bacteria and viruses from your home and clean indoor spaces. The plant can be burned to help disinfect an area and work as a natural deodorizer.

Natural Hygiene
Because frankincense has antiseptic properties, its  a great addition to any oral hygiene regimen. It can help prevent tooth decay, fight bad breath, cavities and oral infections. You can even make your own toothpaste out of it by mixing it with baking soda.

Frankincense is a powerful astringent so it helps protect skin cells. It can help reduce acne blemishes, shrink large pores, diminish the appearance of wrinkles and help lift and tighten skin. It can be used on jowls, under eyes or even the abdomen area. For best results, mix 6 drops of the oil to one ounce of unscented oil and apply directly to the skin. Be sure to test on a small patch of skin before use to ensure it does not cause allergic reactions.

If you have digestive issues including gas, constipation, irritable bowl syndrome, PMS, or cramps, frankincense can help. It speed up the digestion of food. Add 1-2 drops of the oil to 8 ounces of water or a tablespoon of honey and ingest orally, making sure it is 100% pure oil, not a fragrance or perfume oil.

Scars, Wounds, and Stretch Marks
Frankincense can help with the healing wounds and decrease the appearance of scars as well as reducing the appearance of acne blemishes, stretch marks, eczema and even surgical wounds. Mix 2-3 drops with an unscented base of lotion and apply directly to the skin.

Frankincense can help relieve coughs associated with a respiratory infection. It helps eliminate phlegm from the lungs and acts as an anti-inflammatory in nasal passages making breathing easier. Add a few drops to a cloth and inhale for maximum effectiveness.

Pain and Inflammation
Frankincense can also improve circulation and lower joint and muscle pain in conditions like arthritis. You can simply massage the oil into effected areas or diffuse it in your home. You may also want to add a drop of oil to steaming water and soak a towel in it. Place towel over your body and face to decrease muscle aches.


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