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Woman applying hand cream

What Your Hands Say About Your Health

You use them every day for everything, but when was the last time that you actually took the time to care for your hands? If it’s been a while, you may be surprised at what you find, and even more surprised at what those findings can indicate. Below, find out some common occurrences regarding the appearance of your hands and your health.

Flaky, Peeling Skin
Fingertips that suddenly begin to peel or become flaky are often an indication of a vitamin B deficiency. Two B vitamins that are important for the health of your skin are biotin, B7, and niacin B3. You can up the amount of niacin and biotin by eating foods like fish, peanuts, avocados and mushrooms, and you can also add a supplement to your diet. “Taking a biotin supplement helps to promote healthy skin and nail growth; niacin helps protect and repair skin by preventing the formation of melanin, boosting collagen growth, and improving your skin’s natural moisture barrier,” says David Bank, M.D, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at New York City’s New York-Presbyterian/Columbia.

Discoloration Under Your Nail
If you notice a black or brown streak under your nail, seek medical attention immediately. According to David J. Leffell, M.D., Chief Section of Dermatologic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology at Yale University School of Medicine a black or brown streak under the nail can be a sign of acral melanoma, a rare skin cancer that often occurs in people with darker skin tones. Although this nail discoloration may be an early sign of melanoma, this type of cancer only accounts for about one to three percent of all cases of melanoma.

Pale, White or Blue Fingertips
Fingertips that change in color from blue to white to red could be an indication of Raynaud’s syndrome. According to Bank, “this condition causes coldness of the fingers and toes and can be accompanied by pain, numbness and tingling.” Experts believe that Raynaud’s syndrome is caused by spasms of the blood vessels that narrow them and lead to decreased circulation. You may also notice that your ears or nose go numb when temperatures drop or when you are put under a significant amount of stress.

Woman scratching her arms.

Dry, Itchy Skin
Your hands are frequently dried out because they are in constant use. “Repeated hand washing, which can dry your hands, and then touching paper and other harsh material all day long, will doubly dry them out,” warns Bank. However, if your skin seems to remain dry and itchy or if you have rashes, you may have eczema. Check with your doctor to determine whether or not your skin is just dry or if you have eczema. Bank says to apply products containing vitamins A and E to your hands and cuticles at night. “Because we don’t wash our hands while we sleep, these products will have a good amount of time to penetrate into your skin,” says Bank.

Pale, White Nail Beds
Not to be confused with pale or white fingertips that may be a symptom of Raynaud’s syndrome, pale or white nail beds can be a sign that you are anemic. Anemia means that your body is not making enough healthy red blood cells, which are responsible for carrying adequate oxygen to your tissues. Generally, the treatment for anemia is quite simple and involves iron supplementation, but you should confirm this diagnosis with a doctor before taking additional iron.

It is useful to check your own body, if you find any of these signs or symptoms on your hands or nails, contact a medical professional. Paying attention to your body helps you to remain healthy and informed, and don’t forget to give your hands a little extra TLC every so often.

Aromatherapy oil

Boost Mood with Lavendar, Jasmine, Rosemary

Aromatherapy is a natural, holistic treatment that has been used for over 6,000 years and it involves the use of essential oils that have been extracted from various plants. Typically, aromatherapy is associated with inhalation exercises, but you can also use essential oils for a stress-relieving bath, a therapeutic massage or under doctor supervision, you can orally administer essential oils. There is a multitude of different essential oils, all of which target specific health problems or concerns. When it comes to needing a mood boost, three of the best essential oils you can use are lavender, jasmine and rosemary. Below, find out why each of these essential oils is beneficial and what you can expect from each one.

Lavender oil

Lavender is perhaps the most widely thought of essential oil when it comes to relaxation. Many sleep products are infused with lavender essential oil because it promotes relaxation and is thought to aid insomnia. How does lavender oil do these things? It seems that when lavender oil is inhaled, molecules enter your brain and interact with two centers associated with emotion: the amygdala and the hippocampus. When this happens, lavender acts as a sort of sedative to these two areas, thereby reducing feelings of stress and anxiety while promoting relaxation and calm feelings. In fact, a 2007 study found that men who inhaled lavender essential oil had significantly lower levels of cortisol, the hormone primarily associated with stress. To benefit from the relaxing and calming scent of lavender, you could use an essential oil warmer, diffuser or simply open a vial of the essential oil and inhale. Keep a bottle near your bed for help with insomnia, or stash some in your purse for days where it seems that your stresses are unending.

Jasmine oil

Often referred to as the “woman’s oil,” jasmine has been used for centuries to help with health problems such as skin care, hormonal disorders and childbirth. However, jasmine is not limited to these functions, it can also have profound psychological effects. Jasmine has an excellent reputation as an antidepressant and can be used if you suffer from anxiety, depression, fear and tension. Additionally, jasmine is a well-known and powerful aphrodisiac, which can be very helpful to someone suffering depression. Often, a serious lack of sex drive accompanies depression or is a side effect of antidepressants. Jasmine essential oil can help put your sex life back on track, which is another way to boost your mood. Experts do caution those wanting to use jasmine essential oil. Because it has such a strong floral fragrance, it can be overpowering for some and may induce headaches. Using jasmine oil in an essential oil diffuser is a great way to use a tiny amount, but to get big results.

Rosemary oil

Rosemary is well-known for its fragrance and taste in the kitchen, but rosemary essential oil can help with a number of psychological and physical issues. One of the historical uses for rosemary was at weddings and funerals, because rosemary improves memory. In addition to improving your memory, rosemary essential oil can help with physical symptoms of depression and anxiety like headaches, sore muscles and digestive concerns. Another way that rosemary can help boost your mood is by improving your circulation and providing you with a feeling of rejuvenation and renewed energy. Rosemary can also help to clear and calm your mind, making it easier to relax. You can use rosemary in a diffuser, a warmer or place a few drops in a spray bottle filled with water and mist the air when you need a little lift.

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years because they work. A well-formulated, high-quality essential oil can have dramatic impacts on both your physical and mental well-being. When you need a boost in mood, using lavender, jasmine and/or rosemary can be quite helpful. Keep small vials of essential oils in your purse, so that you are ready to tackle any problem or difficulty that comes your way during the day.

Woman eating healthy food

Eat Well: Berries, Spinach and Almonds

Diet is one of the most influential and important factors in your health, and you can improve your health by eating, or avoiding, certain foods. Three incredible superfoods that are easy to incorporate into a diet and that taste great are berries, spinach and almonds. These foods all have the ability to seriously boost your health with benefits ranging from lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s to preventing cardiovascular disease. Below, find out some specific information on why these superfoods should be put on your grocery list right now.

Bowl full of berries.

Although berries are small, the health benefits they provide for your body are huge. According to a study published in the Annals of Neurology, women who ate two servings of strawberries or one serving of blueberries per week showed delayed and decreased mental decline. “We think that the effect might be related to a class of compounds called anthocyanidins, which is a type of flavonoid. These compounds, found almost exclusively in berries, are known to cross the blood-brain barrier and locate in learning and memory centers in the brain,” explains study author, Elizabeth DeVore, ScD, a professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston. The flavonoids and antioxidants found within berries are also associated with a lowered risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, the flavonoids in berries are believed to help prevent Parkinson’s disease.

It isn’t just your brain that berries help. Even though berries are sweet, they also have plenty of fiber and liquid, which make these the perfect snack for those looking to manage weight. The liquid and fiber content in berries will help you feel satiated and full in ways that a snack with refined sugar can’t. Although no clinical studies have been done yet, many health experts believe that berries are also a heart-healthy food that can lower your blood pressure. The antioxidants in berries are known to reduce overall inflammation in your body, which contributes to problems like high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

Bowl of spinach

Popeye made spinach famous when he used it as fuel to fight off foes, and sometimes there is some truth on TV. While you won’t immediately sprout Popeye-sized muscles from eating spinach, you will be getting some amazing health benefits. “Eating spinach is beneficial for maintaining healthy skin, hair and strong bones, as well as helping with digestion, lowering the risk for heart disease and improving blood glucose control in diabetics,” says registered dietician nutritionist, Megan Ware. Just one cup of spinach provides 987 percent of your daily recommended value of vitamin K, which is important in keeping strong bones. A 2003 study found that low levels of vitamin K in women were associated with low bone density (the same is not true for men), and subsequent studies mention how necessary vitamin K is to healthy bone growth. Spinach also is a great source of iron, vitamin A and chlorophyll – which is thought to fight cancer.


Almonds are a very nutrient-dense food that contain vitamin E, magnesium, copper, B vitamins, iron, phosphorous, calcium, monounsaturated fat and potassium. While almonds are a source of fats, the monounsaturated fats can actually help you lose and maintain weight. One study found that people who consumed nuts twice weekly were 31 percent less likely to put on weight than those who didn’t eat nuts. Additionally, almonds may be beneficial to those who are pre-diabetic or struggle with blood glucose levels because it reduces the spike in blood sugar levels following a meal or snack. Almonds are also considered an excellent food for your heart, because they are able to lower your blood pressure and lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, both of which are major factors in cardiovascular disease.

Berries, spinach and almonds provide health benefits that are absolutely astounding. Just a few servings of these foods each week can go a long way in fighting some very serious diseases, while also improving your skin, hair, bones and tasting great all the while. Whip up a healthy spinach salad that includes berries and sliced raw almonds for an incredible dose of flavor and health.

Woman getting a spa treatment

Destress for Healthy Skin

There are so many factors that contribute, whether positively or negatively, to the health of your skin and stress is one of them. Stress levels continue to rise with a seemingly endless to-do list, commitments and responsibilities. In fact, stress and its impact on your skin has given rise to a new field of skincare known as “psychodermatology.” Karen Mallin, PsyD and an instructor in the departments of psychiatry, behavioral science and dermatology and cutaneous surgery at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, predicts that psychodermatology is going to become increasingly popular over the next few years.

“Psychodermatology is a field that addresses the impact of an individual’s emotion as it relates to the skin. The mind and skin are connected on many levels. A lot of nerve endings are connected to the skin, which wraps around the organs, so as emotions are played out neurologically, they can be expressed through the skin just as stress can be expressed through gastrointestinal symptoms, increased anxiety or hypertension,” explains Mallin. Below, find a few ways to destress so both your brain and your skin can remain calm.

Woman exercising

A quick way to relieve stress and boost your mood is to take a quick exercise break. Even a 10 minute walk around the block or spending a few minutes going up and down stairs will help you clear your head and minimize stress. Exercise also boosts your circulation, which increases blood flow to the skin. Try to take a walk each day during your lunch hour to fight stress and improve your skin.

Green tea

Drink Some Tea
Some people find tea to be not only a relaxing drink, but also an entirely relaxing experience. Green tea is an excellent drink for fighting stress and for keeping your skin healthy. The antioxidants in green tea provide protection from free radicals, which can cause additional harm to your skin.


Essential oils are another way that you can reduce stress levels while also providing benefits to your skin. Lavender essential oil promotes relaxation, but it can also stimulate the regeneration of skin cells and can fade the appearance of signs of aging like sun spots or scarring. Lemon essential oil is a stimulating scent that brings feelings of peace and positivity. Additionally, it is a natural astringent and antibacterial, meaning that it can be especially helpful if you struggle with breakouts or acne.

There are other ways that you can reduce stress such as meditation or engaging in a hobby or activity that you find particularly enjoyable. Taking some time out of every day to focus on eliminating stress not only has a positive impact on your mood, but it also significantly impacts the health of your skin.

Woman making a heart shape with her fingers

Your Skin and Heart Health

What if you could predict your risk for cardiovascular diseases and conditions by the simple act of looking at your skin? While it might not be that easy, recent research suggests that there are links between the health of your skin and the health of your heart. Two major studies supporting this claim include one published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology and one published in the Journals of Gerontology. Keep reading to learn about the studies and what they mean for your health.

The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Study
The skin/heart health study published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology involved more than 61,000 adults. Adults that had the inflammatory skin condition eczema were 48 percent more likely to have high blood pressure, 35 percent more likely to deal with adult-onset diabetes and 29 percent more likely to have high cholesterol than other adults. All of these ailments are risk factors that contribute to heart disease and the numbers remained the same, even after other factors that play into cardiovascular diseases such as alcohol consumption and activity levels, were controlled.

Why do those who have eczema find themselves at a higher risk for cardiovascular disease? While the exact answer is unknown, the most probable answer is that those with eczema have such intense chronic inflammation that it shows up throughout the body as opposed to just superficially on the skin. “It may be that chronic inflammation from eczema directly increases cardiovascular risk,” says Jonathan Silverberg, M.D., Ph. D, and assistant professor of dermatology and preventive medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Silverberg notes that not all inflammation is a bad thing for your body, in face acute inflammation is the natural response your body has to harmful invaders, it is the constant deployment of natural killer cells and T cells that can interfere with vital functioning, including circulation. Additionally, Silverberg makes it clear that not everyone who suffers from eczema will have cardiovascular problems. You can help prevent both the health of your heart and skin by consuming antioxidant-rich produce, controlling stress levels and being sure to get seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

The Journals of Gerontology Study
Researchers from Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands in conjunction with scientists from Unilever observed 250 women who were separated into two groups by the researchers based on high and low cardiovascular disease risk. The scientist analyzed the skin of the faces and upper inner arms of the women and found that the women who appeared younger had lower blood pressure and heart disease risks. “We have found that the feature in the face that blood pressure was linked to was not skin wrinkles but likely what we term as ‘sag’ in the face. The exciting thing is further investigations will enable exact pinpointing of the feature in the face that signposts an individual’s blood pressure,” says Dr. David Gunn, senior scientist at Unilever.

You may not be able to determine your heart health and future cardiovascular disease risk by merely taking a peek in the mirror, but it seems that your skin may reflect more of your internal health than previously thought. You can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by engaging in a healthy, active lifestyle that includes low stress, adequate sleep and a nutritious diet. Not only will your heart thank you, but so will your skin.

Woman looking at a health app.

Tech Apps are Changing Women's Health

You’ve heard “there’s an app for that” so many times by now that it’s probably a bit obnoxious to hear, but quite honestly, it’s true. Health apps are not necessarily new, but when it comes to women’s health apps, tech companies are realizing the needs of women and creating apps that really can revolutionize how women engage in their own health. Even though there is a seemingly endless supply of health apps, just how are these tech apps changing women’s health?

Being Aware
There are probably a million things you have to keep track of daily and your health may be an area that you let slide with everything else you have on your plate. Health apps are perfect for busy women because they take the stress out of having to remember every little thing. There are apps that track your birth control and that send you reminders when it’s time to take your pill.

Some of the most popular women’s health apps are period trackers which do exactly as the name implies. One of the most popular period tracking apps is aptly titled Period Tracker and it lets you keep track of your menstrual cycles. While anyone can do that with a desk calendar, this innovative app also lets you record any symptoms you experience day-to-day and can help you predict when your most fertile days are if you want to become pregnant.

It’s way too easy to snack throughout the day and completely forget that you are doing so and the result can be significant weight gain. Apps like Myfitnesspal let you record everything you consumed for the day including how many glasses of water you drank, and you can put in any exercise you engaged in.

A Sense of Empowerment
When you use women’s health apps, you are taking an active role in your own health and that can feel incredibly empowering. For women that are trying to get pregnant, being able to determine ovulation days and keep track of important factors like your basal body temperature is a powerful tool to have in your arsenal. If you struggle with infertility, having some sense of control over your body and the process can help keep you thinking positively along the way.

Catching breast cancer early is one of the best ways to increase your likelihood of being a cancer survivor and doing monthly exams is perhaps the most important detection tool you have. One app, iBreastCheck, not only sends you reminders as to when your next self-exam should be, but they include an introductory video that walks you through the steps of completing one.

Community and Understanding
Facing health issues like infertility or obesity can be a very isolating experience, and it can be hard to open up to your loved ones about these struggles. Many health apps, like Myfitnesspal and Period Tracker, have communities where users can gather to share their stories, tips, tricks and be a source of comfort and inspiration for other users. Sometimes, just knowing that you’re not alone can go a long way in helping you to cope with a health issue, and these apps provide just that.

Health apps are certainly quickly becoming one of the most empowering tools women have regarding their health and wellness, but they come with a caveat: these apps do not replace your doctor. Yearly mammograms, breast exams, gynecological check-ups and general health check-ups are still a very important part of keeping your health at its highest and these apps can help you give more precise and accurate information to your doctors at the time of your appointment. Apple has announced that even more women’s health apps are on the way, so be on the lookout for more ways in which you can monitor and participate in your health.

Potted plants indoors

Why You Need a House Plant

If you’ve ever been surprised by a bouquet of beautiful flowers or a pretty potted plant, you know the instant mood lift you can get just by seeing them, but you might not realize that these plants actually do have significant health benefits. A houseplant is so much more than a decoration, it can improve your breathing, reduce the number of illnesses you suffer from and increase your mental functioning. Learn five reasons you need a houseplant below, and find out which houseplant varieties are thought to be the most beneficial.

Better Breathing
When you inhale you bring oxygen into your body then you release carbon dioxide as you exhale. Your houseplant does the reverse in a process known as photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Keeping a houseplant increases oxygen levels, which leads to better breathing. Photosynthesis is a process done during daylight hours, but some houseplants such as orchids and succulents, continue to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen throughout the night. An orchid in your bedroom can improve breathing during your sleep, which leads to a better, more restful sleep.

Air Cleaning
According to space agency NASA, both the plants and the roots are used in removing trace levels of toxic vapors from tightly sealed buildings. Low levels of chemicals like formaldehyde and carbon monoxide can be removed using plant leaves alone. Some of the most effective houseplants for air cleansing are:

  • Peace lily
  • Gerbera daisy
  • Bamboo palm
  • English ivy
  • Spider plant

Reduce Illness
The roots of plants tap into the groundwater table and then release this as moisture in the air in a process known as transpiration. The moisture produced by transpiration is responsible for about 10 percent of all moisture in the atmosphere. Houseplants complete the same process indoors thereby increasing the moisture level in your home. While this may not sound that like an impressive reason to get a houseplant, studies conducted by the Agricultural University of Norway associate an increased moisture level in your home has been linked to a decreased incidence of colds, dry skin, sore throats and dry coughs.

Promote Healing
Bringing flowers or a houseplant to someone recovering from a chronic illness or rehabilitating after a surgery is a common practice, and some research shows that this may be more than a kind gesture. A study conducted at Kansas State University revealed that simply looking at plants during recovery from a surgery was associated with lowered systolic blood pressure and decreased levels of pain, anxiety and fatigue when compared to patients without plants in their rooms. The study labels plants as a “noninvasive, inexpensive and effective complementary medicine for surgical patients.”

Increase Mental Function
Have you ever gone outside for a quick walk and found that your concentration and mental clarity seemed improved? If so, that’s because simply being in the presence of nature provides some significant brain benefits like concentration, memory and productivity. A study from the University of Michigan suggests that merely being near plants can increase memory retention by up to 20 percent. Notes Texas A&M, “keeping ornamental plants in the home and in the workplace increases memory retention and concentration. Work performed under the natural influence of ornamental plants is normally of higher quality and completed with much higher accuracy rate than work done in environments devoid of nature.”

A houseplant expresses your personality, adds beauty to your home and improves your physical and mental health. Bring a houseplant home today to breath easier, work better and enjoy the presence of natural beauty around you.

Woman eating fruits in a garden

Foods That Keep You Young

Aging is inevitable, but if you are eating the right foods, you can help yourself feel young for a longer period of time. A healthy lifestyle including a balanced, nutritious diet and plenty of exercise keep you looking and feeling young and in great shape. There are tons of foods that benefit you when it comes to aging, but here are four of our very favorites.

Woman holding an apple.

The old adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is pretty spot on; apples contain a range of health benefits two of which are improving your body’s immune system and digestive functioning. The vitamin C content in apples provides anti-aging effects while also helping your immune system fight diseases. As you age your digestive system tends to slow down, but eating foods that are high in fiber, like apples, boost your digestive system to keep your healthy.

Woman holding a bunch of grapes.

Grapes are one of the best fruits you can eat to help slow down the aging process. Technically classified as berries, grapes are packed with antioxidants, flavonoids, polyphenols and potassium. One of the greatest things you can do for your body as you age is to decrease your sodium intake and increase the amount of potassium you get. Potassium is associated with lowered risks of stroke, lowered blood pressure, the prevention of losing bone mineral density and decreased risks of heart disease. Grapes contain the flavonoid quercetin, which is a natural anti-inflammatory. Quercetin benefits you as you age by reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, a disease of the arteries by a buildup of plaque, and is thought to have anti-cancer benefits, although more human studies are needed. Polyphenols in grapes also work to lower your blood pressure and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Lastly, the polyphenol resveratrol helps to protect your body against heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes. As if that wasn’t enough, resveratrol is also a key player in keeping your skin looking young and healthy.

Woman holding kale.

There’s a reason you hear about kale all the time, it’s truly a superfood and it can help combat aging. Kale is an incredibly nutrient dense food and comes with very little calories; a one-cup serving of cooked kale contains only 36 calories. Kale contains vitamins K, A, E and B vitamins 1, 2, 3 and 6 in addition to manganese, copper, calcium, potassium, iron, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and folate. Kale is rich in antioxidants and the beta-carotene and lutein content protect your body against oxidative damage from free radicals. It is also thought that kale helps protect against cancers such as breast, colon, bladder, prostate and ovaries.

Woman eating walnut

Nuts in moderation are great for your health and walnuts may be the most beneficial of them all. Walnuts are full of protein, healthy fats, fiber, antioxidants and a host of vitamins and minerals. One of the most frustrating parts of aging is the loss of mental sharpness and walnuts help fight this. Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, melatonin and antioxidants that all slow cognitive decline. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that those whose diets included a healthy amount of nuts showed that body mass index, body weight and waist circumference were controlled among the groups of individuals who consumed a healthy amount of nuts. Additionally, the amino acid l-arginine can provide vascular benefits to those who are at risk of or have heart disease.

Eating a varied diet full of lean proteins, fresh produce and whole grains is one of the greatest things you can do for your body at any age. Selecting foods that have amazing nutritional content, like the four above, help keep you healthy and young.

Woman holding a collagen drink in her hand.

What You Need to Know About Collagen Drinks

The beauty and skincare world never stops evolving and new products are introduced daily. While having options is awesome, sometimes it can also get overwhelming. How do you decide what products or ingredients are actually worth the money. Popular in Asia and Europe, collagen drinks are one of the most buzzed about beauty products right now.

What are Collagen Drinks?
Collagen drinks are essentially a collagen supplement in a liquid form. When it comes to the ingredients found in collagen drinks, that varies widely based on the manufacturer. Typically, either animal extract collagen or fish extract collagen are the source of collagen in drinks. Animal extract collagen generally comes from cows, chickens or pigs, so vegetarians will want to steer clear of supplements containing animal extract collagen. Fish extract collagen is regarded as the superior type of extract because it is believed that fish extract collagen is better absorbed by the body. The majority of collagen drinks are flavored to avoid an unpleasant taste.

Do Collagen Drinks Work?
In a word, maybe. There are differing opinions when it comes to the effectiveness of collagen drinks. Drinking a collagen supplement seems like a great way to add necessary collagen to your body. The general skepticism by experts is due to the fact that the collagen protein contained in the supplement will be broken down during the digestion process, which makes it impossible for that collagen to get to your skin. California based cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Katie Rodan says, “[y]our body will break it down and use it for energy. Digestive enzymes are powerful, so the collagen won’t be absorbed into your bloodstream, meaning they won’t make it to your skin.”

While the general consensus seems to be that these drinks aren’t anything more than hype, there are some that truly believe collagen drinks can work. Dr. Stefanie Williams, medical director at European Dermatology London, was once a non-believer, but has since changed her mind. “Like many others, I thought the collagen would simply be digested and broken down before it entered the bloodstream and never reach the skin.” After reviewing data regarding collagen drinks, she was a believer. “After the molecule is broken down, the fragments are absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed through the entire body, including the skin, where small fragments remain for up to 14 days. [C]ollagen drinks…actually work by persuading our bodies to synthesize new collagen.”

Should You Sip Your Way to Better Skin?
While Dr. Williams was definitely persuaded by research, most dermatologists and other skin experts say that collagen drinks are not worth the money, but that doesn’t mean that you should discount all collagen supplements. A study published by the Natural Medicine Journal, proved that women who took collagen for six months had improved hyperpigmentation and percentages of pores.

Ultimately, more research is required before definitively saying one way or the other whether collagen drinks are effective or not. The data thus far is certainly promising and may eventually change the way aging skin is treated, but for now, it’s safer to stick with a healthy diet and taking great care of your skin, including remembering sunscreen every day. If you want to boost your collagen production, add fish, dark green vegetables, red vegetables and berries to your diet.

It’s always difficult to determine what new beauty and skincare trends actually work and which ones are completely bogus. For collagen drinks the jury is still out as to whether or not these are more hyped up than helpful. Increasing collagen does lead to healthier, more supple skin and diminished fine lines and wrinkles but collagen drinks may not be the most effective way to do so.

Woman testing for diabetes

How Resveratrol May Help Fight Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is the most frequently experienced form of diabetes, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stating that 29 million Americans suffer from this condition. What’s worse is that one in four Americans with type 2 diabetes aren’t aware that they have it. Around 86 million Americans (one in three Americans) are in a prediabetic state where blood glucose levels are elevated, but not enough to be classified as diabetes. Diabetes treatments include careful monitoring of blood sugar levels, diet and exercise and medication when necessary. A new study suggests that resveratrol may also be able to help fight diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes
The American Diabetes Association states, “[i]n type 2 diabetes, your body does not use insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance. At first, the pancreas makes extra insulin to make up for it. But, over time your pancreas isn’t able to keep up and can’t make enough insulin to keep your blood glucose levels normal. Type 2 is treated with lifestyle changes, oral medication (pills) and insulin.”

Even if you don’t currently have type 2 diabetes, there is a good chance that you may be prediabetic. Lifestyle changes are one important way to help treat diabetes, or to lower your prediabetic levels. A diet that features foods low on the glycemic index is the first line of defense against diabetes type 2. Beans, whole grains, citrus fruits, berries and dark, leafy greens are all excellent choices when it comes to healthy eating. Exercise is also recommended for those who are prediabetic or who have type 2 diabetes. Sometimes, monitoring your blood glucose levels and making great lifestyle changes aren’t enough to treat diabetes.

Traditionally, treatments for diabetes can include insulin or other injectables, oral medications in the form of pills, or even an aspirin regimen. However, a new study indicates that there may be another force that battles diabetes: resveratrol.

Resveratrol, found in foods such as red grapes, red wine, peanuts and blueberries, among others, may be an excellent dietary supplement for those with type 2 diabetes. Research and review of major reports and clinical trials indicates that resveratrol works against diabetes in several ways. Studies suggest that resveratrol helped with systolic blood pressure, hemoglobin AC1 and creatine. Because resveratrol is safe to use as a supplement, these findings are encouraging. Although resveratrol may be beneficial as a supplement to type 2 diabetes, it is important to note that resveratrol would not be effective as the sole treatment of diabetes. Resveratrol has no effect on fasting glucose levels, insulin and LDL/HDL. Additional research is necessary in order to conclude that resveratrol supplementation should be added to treatment plans for people with type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is a prevalent condition that has major impacts on the lives of those it affects. To reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes, start increasing your intake of fruits, non-starchy vegetables and whole grains. Coupled with an active lifestyle, dietary changes can make a huge impact on your risk of getting type 2 diabetes.


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