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Lifestyle Changes For Digestive Health

Let’s face it. Eating is one of the great pleasures of life. In fact, it may be safe to say that if most of us died in front of the television with a pint of Ben and Jerry’s, we’d probably die happy. That’s why digestive problems stink. There are few enough pleasures in life; we need to make sure to completely enjoy each and every one without interference. If you are suffering from digestive problems, that means you’re not getting the full benefits of one of the life’s greatest pleasures, and that needs to be remedied. Here are a few lifestyle changes you can make to bring the fun back to your food.

Beat Stress
Butterflies in your tummy? Stress and anxiety can upset digestion and cause the stomach to become unsettled. While in some people, stress slows digestion, leading to pain, bloating and constipation, in others, stress causes metabolism to speed up, resulting in diarrhea and increased trips to the bathroom. Others completely lose their appetite. In addition, IBS and digestive conditions like stomach ulcers can become exacerbated in stressful situations.

What should you do? Try to avoid eating while you’re stressed and try to avoid getting stressed while you’re eating. Arguing over dinner is never good for digestion.

Stop Smoking
Smoking can weaken the muscles which control the lower part of the esophagus, allowing acid from the stomach to travel in the wrong direction. More commonly known as reflux, this condition can cause heartburn, and bring on or worsen inflammatory conditions and stomach ulcers. Smoking is also a big risk factor for stomach cancer.

healthy family

Eat Properly
High paced lifestyles often cause us to eat on the run, which can wreak havoc on our digestion. To avoid this:

  • Don’t eat too quickly. Concentrate on putting your fork down between bites and chewing each mouthful completely.
  • Don’t eat too much. Adjust your portions at mealtimes, or try to eat small meals frequently, rather than large ones occasionally.
  • Avoid eating a big meal before bedtime. Try to give your body at least two or three hours to digest before hitting the hay.
  • Eat on a regular basis, don’t skip meals, and get plenty to drink.

Lose Weight
Excess stomach weight puts pressure on your middle, which can cause heartburn. Weight loss may help to relieve digestive symptoms like heartburn and other stomach problems.

Binge Drinking
While drinking in moderation should not harm digestion, binge drinking can increase the production of acid in your stomach and cause digestive complaints. Binge drinking means drinking eight to more units of alcohol in a session for men, and six for women.

Are you suffering from digestive issues? Let us know what lifestyle changes you made to help you. We want to know.

Smiling woman standing on weighing scale

Unusual Things That May Help You Lose Weight

We’ve all seen the ads: “Lose Weight Without Dieting,” “Exercise-Free Ways to Melt the Fat,” etc. Most of us just file these away under the ‘too good to be true’ category, along with the “Make Money By Sealing Envelopes” ads. However, every once in a while, something comes along that defies expectations. Something that is too good and true, like coffee and dark chocolate being healthy for you.

Ready to add to the list? Here are a few things that you might want to include.

Hot Baths For Weight Loss

The Study
There’ve been some interesting things happening lately at Loughborough University. According to research done by Dr Steven Faulkner, hot baths can have health benefits similar to exercise and can help prevent type 2 diabetes.

In a study involving 14 people, Dr Faulkner and his team investigated the effects of “passive heating” on blood sugar levels and number of calories burned. Participants soaked in an hour-long 40-degree bath before heading out for an hour of cycling. Each of the two tests was designed to raise core body temperature by one degree so that they amount of calories burned during each session could be measured.

Woman in the bath

The Results
Although more calories were burned during the cycling, results showed that the hot bath consumed as many calories as would be consumed during a thirty-minute walk. “The overall blood sugar response to both conditions was similar, but peak blood sugar after eating was about 10% lower when participants took a hot bath compared with when they exercised, “said Faulkner.

The doctor also explained that exercise prevents inflammation which can boost the immune system and fight disease. “This suggests that repeated passive heating may contribute to reducing chronic inflammation, which is often present with long-term diseases, such as type 2 diabetes.”

Turn Down The Heat
Another one for the “too good to be true” file? How about turning down the heat to lose weight. According to a recent trial published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, when we’re exposed to cooler temperature, our white fat converts to a darker color and we begin to burn calories. A British study from 2012 suggests that lowering the temp as little as two to four degree may be enough to activate fat loss.


Acupuncture may also be a way to losing weight without exercising. A study published in Acupuncture in Medicine suggests that by targeting five points on the ear linked to digestion and hunger, acupuncturists can help overweight people to begin losing weight. Licensed acupuncturist Daniel Hsu, suggests the stress reduction of acupuncture may be responsible for the reduction of stress-related eating.

What do you think? Still a sceptic? A willing volunteer? Let us know. And tell us some other things belong on the “Good and True” list.

Halved avocado on wooden table

The Health Benefits of An Avocado A Day

According to the story of Adam and Eve, the corruption of the first couple occurs when the members eat an apple. For this, they are banished from the Garden of Eden. Eve is punished with the pain of childbirth, Adam receives a death oracle. That must have been some apple! Of course, the apple is an extremely praiseworthy fruit and one hopes it was worth the price Adam and Eve paid for having eaten it, but if the first humans were willing to risk lifelong punishment over an apple, one can only wonder what they would have been willing to risk if it had been an avocado.

It has been said that happiness is an avocado, and this may well be an absolute truth. After all, what else is actually good for you and tastes like creamy magical natural butter improved tenfold? You don’t need a reason to eat an avocado a day, but just in case you want to hear some, let’s look at a some of the health benefits of avocado.

Avocados Are Nutrient-Rich
Also known as the alligator pear, avocados contain 20 different vitamins and minerals, including vitamins C, K, B5, B6, E, potassium, and folate. A single serving provides 2 grams of protein and 15 grams of healthy fats, and, although the avocado has 9 grams of carbohydrates, 7 of those come from fiber. This makes for 2 “net” carbs, qualifying avocados as low-carb. They are also sodium and cholesterol-free and low in saturated fats.

Avocados Lower Cholesterol And Triglyceride Levels
Tests done on human participants reveal that avocados can significantly reduce cholesterol levels, lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol by up to 22% and increasing HDL cholesterol by as much as 11%, while reducing blood triglycerides by as much as 20%. In addition, one such study showed that the inclusion of avocado in a low-fat diet lead to improvements in the all over cholesterol profile.

Woman presenting avocado

People Who Eat Avocados Are Healthier
According to an analysis of over 17,00 participants, people who ate avocados had a higher nutrient intake than those who did not. They were half as prone to metabolic syndrome, a well-known risk factor for diabetes and heart disease. Avocado eaters had a lower BMI, maintained lower body weights and had less belly fat from those who abstained.

Avocados Help You Absorb Nutrients
Some nutrients, such as vitamins A, D, E and K and antioxidants like carotenoids are fat soluble. That means that they need to be combined with fat in order for them to be moved them from the digestive tract and into the body. How can this be done? Studies show that including avocado or avocado oil in your meal can increase the absorption of antioxidants by 2.6 to 15 times.

Avocados Protect Your Eyes
Avocados contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are vital nutrients for eye health and have been found in studies to significantly reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.

Avocados Help You Lose Weight
A study was done involving two groups of people, one of which was instructed to eat a meal containing avocado, the other of which was not. Polling results showed the former group reporting 23% greater satisfaction of appetite and a 28% lowered desire to eat within the next 5 hours than the avocado deprived. Avocados are also low in carbs and high in fiber, two attributes commonly associated with general weight loss.

So, what are you waiting for? Unlock the guac! Let us know your favorite avocado recipes and your favorite ways to get in your daily avocado!

Woman jogging

Will A Healthy Attitude Help You Lose Weight?

If you’ve ever tried losing weight before, you already know how difficult it can be to make the necessary lifestyle changes. What you may not realize, though, is that your attitude toward your weight loss journey could be what’s hindering your efforts. Most weight-loss programs fail to consider the psychological aspect of weight loss and therefore fail. We’re told it’s simple, just eat less and move more, yet we all know it’s seldom so easy to reach our goals. Perhaps the missing piece of the puzzle isn’t in the form of a pill or the latest workout video but in our attitude.

There are several schools of thought on the power of positive thinking and its relation to weight loss. From ancient Ayurveda to modern psychology, the consensus is clear: our thoughts have real power and those thoughts can become actions. If you think to yourself that you are always going to be overweight and that you’re not strong enough for exercise, you’re likely to become depressed and sabotage your own efforts for weight loss. On the contrary, if you tell yourself you are strong, capable, and that you will reach your goals, you will be motivated to take the necessary action to indeed make it happen.

It may sound overly simple, just change your attitude, but the truth is, this does require some effort. Some of us have spent years, maybe even our whole lives thinking negatively about ourselves. Our society treats this negative self-talk as normal. Men and women are expected to dislike their bodies and to always be striving for something more. In order to change our attitude, it’s going to take practice. In the beginning, it may seem silly or strange to compliment yourself after a workout, but changing your inner voice to one of love and support is just what you need in order to succeed.

If you struggle with where to start, it can be helpful to think of something not related to weight-loss to get you started. Think of an area of your life that you excel in. Perhaps you’re wonderful at your job or you are an excellent parent. Congratulate yourself for that! Next time you receive a compliment from someone, accept it without making excuses for why you don’t deserve it. Eventually, this new healthy attitude will become second nature and along with helping you in your weight loss endeavors, it will trickle into all areas of your life, making you healthier all around.

The weight loss industry is full of gimmicks and diets that don’t work and you can easily spend hundreds of dollars seeking advice from so-called experts who only want to sell you something. But you have the power to change your attitude and change your life. Be your own weight-loss coach and get started on your new lifestyle today. By focusing your energies toward the positive, you can create the healthy attitude that will lead to healthy and lasting weight loss.

Child painting different colors on a sheet of paper.

Resveralife Live Well: Can Colors Help You Lose Weight?

Think you’ve tried absolutely everything to lose weight? It might be time to reconsider. You know that the key to sustained weight loss is a sensible, healthy diet and regular exercise. However, perhaps you want a bit of a jump start on your weight loss or you want to lose those stubborn last five pounds. New research indicates that the color of your plate and food may help you reach your weight loss goals. This Resveralife Live Well Guide shows you how colors can help you to lose weight.

Woman enjoying a color therapy session in her bath.

Color Therapy
Color therapy, also known as chromotherapy, has been acknowledged for centuries as a way of healing the body. The National Center for Biotechnology Information provides a cursory view of the hypothesis behind chromotherapy:  “The human body, according to the doctrine of chromotherapy, is basically composed of colors. The body comes into existence from colors, the body is stimulated by colors and colors are responsible for the correct working of various systems that function in the body.” Every organ in the body has a distinct color. In addition to our body being composed of color, the atoms, cells and organs co-exist in the form of energy, and each has its vibrational or frequency energy. Each organ and energy center harmonizes and vibrates with the frequencies of these colors.

Exotic image of a food dish with red tomatoes and greens in the background.

Why Color Matters to Your Waistline
Okay, so our bodies are a veritable rainbow of frequencies and energies, but what does that have to do with losing weight? Researchers suggest that colors create fields of energy or electric currents that activate hormonal and biochemical processes in the human body. Some colors are more likely to increase our appetite while others decrease our appetite. So what colors help your weight loss quest and which ones can be harmful? According to ColorMatters, “blue is an appetite suppressant.” Experts theorize that this is because blue is not a common color of natural foods. With the exception of blueberries and some types of potatoes, there are very little naturally occurring blue foods. Because of this, experts believe that we are less likely to associate blue with hunger. To use the color blue to your advantage experts recommend a few tricks.

  • Add blue food dye to your food to decrease the amount you ingest.
  • Swap the light bulbs in your fridge to blue ones. This will help decrease your desire to snack when you open the doors.
  • Use a blue plate for your meals.

The color most likely to derail your progress is red. Red increases your appetite, so get rid of red dishes or placemats and use the more mellow color of blue. It is worth noting that red also increases metabolism as well as appetite, so it can be useful when used properly. Consider using red water as a tool in your healthy eating routine. The LiveStrong organization suggests making red solarized water by “wrapping a clear glass with red cellophane paper and putting the glass in the sunlight. After a few hours, the water will be energized with the color red and ready to drink.” Using color therapy may just be the trick you need to help you with your weight loss mission.

If you aren’t quite ready to jump into dyeing your food blue, you can still use color to your advantage in the kitchen. Use plates that contrast highly with the food that you are eating to help you be more satisfied with less food. For instance, keep salads away from green plates and spaghetti dishes away from red. Picking a plate that contrasts with your food can be a great start to using color to help you lose weight.



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