To say pregnancy is a time of anxiety may be one of the bigger understatements one can make. Expecting mothers have a range of questions and worries, the least of which may be, “Will I ever get my bikini body back?” In a time of such uncertainty. it’s nice to know that there are people out there who understand, and want to make the experience of pregnancy and delivery as stress-free as possible. Behold, the gentle Cesarean. While still surgery, the gentle Cesarean incorporates the elements of natural birth to the procedure to make it less invasive and more celebratory. Here’s the way it works:
What Makes the Gentle Cesarean Gentle?
Un- rushed Birth
Birth is not rushed, so mommy doesn’t feel like an object being pushed through an assembly line.
All Eyes On Mom
More attention and focus is given to the mother and the birthing partner.
Relaxed Atmosphere
The birthing room is quiet and filled with calming music or music chosen by the mother. ( Metallica is not advised.)
No Sheets
Mommy can see the baby being born via mirror reflection. In most C- sections, a sheet is placed in front of the mother. Gentle C- sections invite the mother to view the birth in mirrors and doctors are encouraged to be more forthcoming about the procedure than in the conventional C-section, so the mothers can feel more a part of the experience.
Slow Hand Doc
With the goal on simulating a vaginal birth, the doctor may delay the process of pulling the baby through the abdominal incision. For example, after the baby’s head is out, the doctor may leave the body inside the uterus for a few moments longer to let baby squeeze lung fluids through its nose. In vaginal births, this squeezing occurs naturally and helps the newborn to avoid infant respiratory distress syndrome, commonly associated with Cesarian births.
The Umbilical Chord Is Left Intact For a Longer Period. In traditional Cesareans, the baby is lifted out and the cord is cut immediately. In gentle Cesareans, chorcordis not cut until the mother and child have made skin to skin contact.
Skin to Skin Contact Occurs Immediately
Skin to skin contact is a central feature of the gentle cesarean. It has been shown that immediate contact with the mother makes the experience of birth less stressful for a child; the child is less likely to cry, is better able to regulate their breathing, reaches a stable body temperature more quickly, is likely to have more balanced blood sugar levels. Skin to skin contact is also an important component of emotional bonding between mother and child and helps to reduce risk or postpartum depression.
Immediate Breast Feeding Is An Option
Mothers can choose to breastfeed baby immediately if she desires.
To Have a Gentle Cesarean
If you want to consider the option of a gentle C- Section, add a C-Section Birth plan to your original plan. Be sure to discuss things like skin to skin contact, delayed cord clamping and slow birthing with your doctor to make sure you are on the same page when it comes to the birthing experience. Note that this will not pre destine you for a C- section, but if it becomes an eventuality, you will be prepared.
What do you think of the Gentle Cesarean? Let us know!