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Woman taking a shower and shampooing her hair

Why You Shouldn't Shower Daily

You may shower to wake you up in the morning or help you wind down at night and you probably look forward to doing so. Chances are you also do this on a daily basis. You may want to rethink your daily shower, as dermatologists deem doing so as potentially harmful to your skin. Dr. Ranella Hirsch, a Boston dermatologist, says “[w]e over bathe in this country and that’s really important to realize. A lot of the reason we do it is because of societal norms.” So, should you skip your daily cleansing ritual? Not necessarily. Resveralife researched the thoughts behind not showering each and every day and how to properly shower to protect your skin from damage.

Why Skip Showers
Dr. Casey Carlos, assistant professor of medicine in the division of dermatology at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, says “[p]eople don’t realize that the skin does a pretty good job of cleaning itself.” Still, our inclination is to do it ourselves daily in the shower. Carlos and other dermatologists advice showering less to keep skin at its healthiest.

How to Shower
You know how to shower; you’ve been doing it since you were a kid, but dermatologists suggest that perhaps it’s how you shower that does the most damage to your skin. The first thing you should be doing is lowering the temperature of the water. Hot showers may feel soothing and relaxing, but they also add to the damage your skin suffers in the shower. Use warm, not hot, water when you shower.

Your natural inclination is to step into the shower and lather up everything from your hair to the tips of your feet. “It’s the hardest thing to get people to use soap only where they need it,” says Dr. Casey Carlos. Soap is designed to remove oils from the skin, and sometimes it can do too good of a job. Using soap only on areas that need it (armpits, feet, and groin area) can help minimize the damage that showering does.

And, if you’re still washing your hair every day, you might want to give that up too. Shampoo, like soap, strips your hair of natural oils. If you must shampoo, use a gentle shampoo only at the roots of the hair because it will rinse down into the ends of your hair and clean them. Condition the mid to ends of your hair to avoid irritating the scalp with unnecessary heavy products.

Once out of the shower, moisturize immediately. Adding moisture back into the skin while it is still damp helps your skin to better absorb moisturizing products.

It may feel completely unnatural to not shower or shampoo daily, but you will get used to it. If you want to protect your skin but absolutely must have water to do so, consider taking a warm bath in between shower days. Soak for 10 to 15 minutes in warm water then moisturize afterward. Post workout use, refreshing pre-moistened cloths to keep yourself feeling fresh. Skipping your daily shower helps strengthen and take care of your skin.

Woman scratching her skin

Do You Have Rosacea and Not Realize?

You may have not heard the term rosacea, but you may have the condition. Rosacea frequently goes undiagnosed because it has symptoms that are so similar to other conditions, such as acne. Here, we present you with important information about rosacea and how to identify the most commonly experienced symptoms of rosacea. If you suspect you may have rosacea, seek attention from a doctor or dermatologist.

What is Rosacea?
According to the National Rosacea Society, Rosacea is a chronic disorder that usually occurs on the facial skin, often characterized by remissions and flare-ups. Many people have observed that the occurrence of rosacea any time after age 30 as a redness on the nose, cheeks, forehead or chin that might come and go. In some cases, rosacea might also occur on the chest, neck, ears or scalp.

Presently experts are still unsure of what exactly causes rosacea, but they know that it is a progressive condition. Over time, this redness tends to become more persistent. If left untreated, pimples and bumps tend to develop, and in severe cases the nose may become bumpy and swollen from excess tissue.

Who Gets Rosacea?
While rosacea can affect anyone, experts believe that those with fair skin that blushes or flushes easily are at the greatest risk for developing rosacea. Additionally, the disease is most most commonly diagnosed in women but the most severe cases tend to be in men. There is not a particular cause for men having more severe cases than women, but researchers believe it is simply because women seek medical attention for symptoms of rosacea far more quickly than men do.

Currently it is estimated that 16 million Americans suffer from rosacea and 95% of those 16 million were entirely unaware of the condition and the signs and symptoms prior to actually being diagnosed. Often people with rosacea will attribute the symptoms of a red face and bumps or pimples to an acne problem.

Symptoms of Rosacea
So much of what causes rosacea is unknown, which can make it difficult to correctly identify the condition. The symptoms of rosacea vary greatly between cases, but there are some frequent symptoms to look for:

  • Blushing or flushing
  • Constant redness
  • Bumps and pimples
  • Small but visible blood vessels

Other symptoms may include:

  • Eye irritation
  • Burning, stinging, itching or feeling that the skin is tight
  • Facial edema (swelling)
  • Raised red patches (known as plaques)
  • Thickened skin
  • Skin that appears dry near the center of the face

What to Do if Symptoms are Present
If you experience the above symptoms, there is a possibility that you are suffering from rosacea. There is no cure for rosacea but with a correct diagnosis and medical intervention, it is possible to treat and manage the condition. The first thing to do if you suspect you may have rosacea is to make an appointment with a doctor or dermatologist. This is an important step in the process because every case is vastly different meaning that treatment must be tailored to your specific problems.

Often, oral and topical medications are prescribed to get rosacea symptoms under control. Your doctor or dermatologist may prescribe both a topical medication and a short-term oral medication. This combination speeds the process of controlling rosacea symptoms. Typically once the rosacea is under control, use of the oral prescription ceases and topical medication is used long-term. In addition to medications for rosacea, lifestyle changes are also important. Sometimes rosacea can be triggered by irritants or environmental factors. Avoid rosacea triggers when possible. Additionally, proper skin care is important in the management of rosacea. Check with your doctor or dermatologist to be sure you are using gentle, yet effective products in your skin-care routine.

It is not uncommon for those with rosacea to be unaware that they have it. If you suspect that you may have rosacea, it is important that you seek medical attention. Rosacea is a progressive disease and left untreated it can significantly worsen and be permanently damaging. With proper diagnosis and treatment, rosacea can be well managed and treated.

Woman testing for diabetes

How Resveratrol May Help Fight Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is the most frequently experienced form of diabetes, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stating that 29 million Americans suffer from this condition. What’s worse is that one in four Americans with type 2 diabetes aren’t aware that they have it. Around 86 million Americans (one in three Americans) are in a prediabetic state where blood glucose levels are elevated, but not enough to be classified as diabetes. Diabetes treatments include careful monitoring of blood sugar levels, diet and exercise and medication when necessary. A new study suggests that resveratrol may also be able to help fight diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes
The American Diabetes Association states, “[i]n type 2 diabetes, your body does not use insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance. At first, the pancreas makes extra insulin to make up for it. But, over time your pancreas isn’t able to keep up and can’t make enough insulin to keep your blood glucose levels normal. Type 2 is treated with lifestyle changes, oral medication (pills) and insulin.”

Even if you don’t currently have type 2 diabetes, there is a good chance that you may be prediabetic. Lifestyle changes are one important way to help treat diabetes, or to lower your prediabetic levels. A diet that features foods low on the glycemic index is the first line of defense against diabetes type 2. Beans, whole grains, citrus fruits, berries and dark, leafy greens are all excellent choices when it comes to healthy eating. Exercise is also recommended for those who are prediabetic or who have type 2 diabetes. Sometimes, monitoring your blood glucose levels and making great lifestyle changes aren’t enough to treat diabetes.

Traditionally, treatments for diabetes can include insulin or other injectables, oral medications in the form of pills, or even an aspirin regimen. However, a new study indicates that there may be another force that battles diabetes: resveratrol.

Resveratrol, found in foods such as red grapes, red wine, peanuts and blueberries, among others, may be an excellent dietary supplement for those with type 2 diabetes. Research and review of major reports and clinical trials indicates that resveratrol works against diabetes in several ways. Studies suggest that resveratrol helped with systolic blood pressure, hemoglobin AC1 and creatine. Because resveratrol is safe to use as a supplement, these findings are encouraging. Although resveratrol may be beneficial as a supplement to type 2 diabetes, it is important to note that resveratrol would not be effective as the sole treatment of diabetes. Resveratrol has no effect on fasting glucose levels, insulin and LDL/HDL. Additional research is necessary in order to conclude that resveratrol supplementation should be added to treatment plans for people with type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is a prevalent condition that has major impacts on the lives of those it affects. To reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes, start increasing your intake of fruits, non-starchy vegetables and whole grains. Coupled with an active lifestyle, dietary changes can make a huge impact on your risk of getting type 2 diabetes.


Sip Your Way to Better Health with Resveratrol Smoothies

Our focus this week has been on resveratrol, and the clinical trials and studies underway that make this powerful antioxidant such a great investment in your health. Resveratrol is still being studied, but the research and studies seem to suggest that resveratrol may be beneficial for a number of health conditions. With these exciting results, you’re probably wondering how you can incorporate more resveratrol into your diet. Of course, you know that red wine is an excellent source of resveratrol due to the skin of red grapes, but what you may not know is that you can still sip your way to health. Try any one of these supercharged smoothies for a boost of resveratrol and other healthy ingredients.

Peanut Butter Smoothie.

Peanut Butter Smoothie
Resveratrol is also found in some nuts, including peanuts. If you love peanut butter, grab some and indulge in this smoothie. To avoid using ice, freeze your banana beforehand. When freezing bananas, always remember to remove the peel before your pop it in the freezer.


  • 1/2 banana (fresh or frozen)
  • ½ cup milk or milk substitute
  • 2 tablespoons all natural peanut butter
  • 1 teaspoon honey or agave


  • Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until completely smooth.
  • If you decide to use frozen bananas rather than ice, use a whole banana.

Dark Chocolate Green Smoothie
If you love all things chocolate, this smoothie is perfect for you.


  • 1 cup milk or milk substitute
  • 1 cup frozen berries (blueberries or strawberries are awesome)
  • 3 cups baby spinach (or other dark leafy green)
  • 2 tablespoons cacao powder (or cacao nibs)
  • 1 mango peeled and cubed


  • Add the milk and mango to your blender and blend until smooth. Then add the frozen berries, cacao powder and mango.
  • Blend until thoroughly mixed.
  • Add your baby spinach and give it all another good blend.

Mixed Berry Smoothie

Mixed Berry Smoothie
Berries such as blueberries, strawberries and raspberries are also sources of resveratrol. You can use one of these types of berries, or a mix of all three, when you make this smoothie.


  • 1 banana
  • ½ cup frozen blueberries
  • 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • ½ cup orange juice
  • 1 cup vanilla (or plain) yogurt

If you plan to use fresh berries rather than frozen, add ½ cup of ice to your ingredient list


  • Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.

Smoothies are an excellent way to receive not only the benefits of resveratrol, but also other essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients that your body requires. They are also a great way to start your morning or energize your afternoon. Perhaps the best part of smoothies is how customizable they are; you can tweak these smoothie recipes to your tastes. Add cacao powder to your peanut butter smoothie or substitute a peach in place of banana in your berry smoothie. Enjoy experimenting with different fruit and flavor combinations while also receiving the vitamins and minerals, and resveratrol, that smoothies provide.

Old woman looking out of the window

Brain Decline and Resveratrol

At Resveralife, we’re already pretty impressed with what the amazing antioxidant resveratrol is capable of, although the topic of health benefits from consuming resveratrol has been hotly debated for years. Many claim there is not enough clinical research to suggest that resveratrol really does incredibly positive health benefits, such as aiding in the fight against Alzheimer’s and other age-related degenerative diseases. The opinion of the medical community may be changing in light of a large clinic study involving resveratrol and patients with Alzheimer’s.

The Study
Published in the medical journal, Neurology, the study solidifies prior suggestions that resveratrol helps patients with Alzheimer’s. Researchers found that resveratrol really does protect brain decline as a result of aging. The study was incredible in scale: 20 medical centers from all of the United States were used to produce these findings. In addition to attempting to determine the appropriate dose of resveratrol, researchers were also monitoring the safety of using this antioxidant in large doses. One group of study participants were administered high doses of resveratrol (enough resveratrol to equal the amount found in 1,000 bottles of red wine) in pill form while others were given placebo pills. All participants in the study had mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease.

The Findings
Researchers discovered that patients who took up to four resveratrol pills per day for a period of one year had higher biomarker levels in their spinal fluid than those who had received the placebo pills. The biomarker in question is amyloid-beta proteins, which is quite interesting because these biomarkers are the hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease when they are present in the brain. However, the higher level of amyloid-beta proteins were found outside of the brain, which is quite healthy. The study concluded that resveratrol may help to adjust the balance of amyloid-beta proteins in the body by reducing the levels in the brain and increasing level found outside of the brain.

While the results of this study are incredibly exciting, it is worth noting that much more research is required before resveratrol pills featuring this high of a dosage are available for all. Dr. Scott Turner, professor of neurology at Georgetown University Medical Center, led the study and was optimistic about the results. “The study is encouraging enough that we should certainly go ahead and do a [larger] clinical trial because we showed that it is safe and does have significant effects on Alzheimer’s biomarkers.” There was only one-side effect present during this survey, and that was weight-loss. Because one of the main goals in the study was to determine the safety of taking resveratrol, researchers were pleased that weight-loss was the only noted side effect.

More clinical research is needed before high potency resveratrol and Dr. Turner is currently conducting another study on this antioxidant. It is likely that for those with degenerative diseases, resveratrol will be added to current medication rather than being the only thing used for disease management. Increasing your consumption of berries, peanuts, dark chocolate (70% cacao or higher) and a nightly glass or two of red wine are ways that you can add resveratrol into your life. Enjoy some decadent dark chocolate or luscious red wine and add this powerful antioxidant to your daily routine.

Coffee and wine on the table.

How You Take Your Coffee Could Suggest What Wines You Will Enjoy

When it comes to picking out wine it can be overwhelming to decide exactly what wine varietal will be most enjoyable to your specific tastes. When it comes to your morning cup of coffee, it’s probably incredibly easy for you to determine exactly what suits you. In fact, your coffee routine is most likely second nature; you like what you like and you stick to it. Interestingly, the way you enjoy your coffee can actually help you figure out what wine varietals may be most suited to your palate preferences. There are three main components that guide your palate through a drink, both coffee and wine. Here, we share what these guides are and what wine you might like based upon how you take your coffee.

Your Palate
Your sense of taste is directly related to your sense of smell. Aroma, a term used both for coffee and wine, is an important aspect of your palate profile. You’ve undoubtedly heard the term body in reference to wine, such as a full-bodied red, but you might not be exactly positive what that means. The body of your drink, coffee or wine, is simply how your drink feels inside your mouth. You may change what type of body you prefer based on your mood, the weather and whether you are drinking wine to celebrate a big promotion or unwind after a hectic day. Lastly, acidity is an important element of your palate profile. Acidity may seem a bit difficult to determine, but it’s actually quite simple. If you were to pick up a piece of sour candy right now, would you like or not? If you would, you prefer drinks that are highly acidic, zesty and lively. If you would rather not pucker up with sour candy, you enjoy a light acidity.

Women having coffee in a bar.

Your Coffee of Choice
Black – If you enjoy a straightforward cup of black coffee, chances are you will enjoy a wine with an equally straightforward, strong flavor. Wines that feature spicey notes and a higher level of acidity are great choices to look to. Argentinian Malbec, Cabernet Franc or a Beaujolais nouveau are all wines that fit the flavor profile for a black coffee drinker.

Coffee with Sugar – If you have a bit of a sweet tooth, you probably drink your coffee with a bit of sugar. Looking for sweeter wines is a good bet if you take sugar in your coffee. Some wines to start with are Moscato, Riesling or Zinfandel.

Coffee with Milk – If you take your coffee with milk, you enjoy soft, smooth flavors. When you’re looking for a wine that suits you, look for an aged wine with low acidity. Chardonnay or Cabernet Sauvignon are two choices that have low acidity but still feature a smooth texture and flavor.

Espresso – Espresso features a thick, bitter flavor that suggests you would find wines with hearty flavors and high tannins pleasurable. Consider Chianti or Medoc wines if you enjoy a strong, bitter flavor.

Tea – Tea drinkers we have you covered too. Not everyone enjoys coffee so if tea is more your speed, look for wines that are dry and savory. A Sauvignon Blanc or Sangiovese are crisp, fresh and bright flavors that tea drinkers will appreciate.

Of course, when it comes to wine the most important rule is to drink what you like. However, if you find you’re having a hard time getting started finding wine varietals that you do like, this may be a fun way to experiment. Use this guide and see if how you take your coffee really does have an impact on the wines you prefer.

Glass of wine on a terrace during fall.

Summer to Fall Wines

The shift of one season into another is the perfect time to add some variety and change up your routine. Slowly, the days get a bit shorter and the air a little crisper. Fall is the perfect time of year to enjoy the changing scenery on your back porch with a relaxing glass of wine. With summer ending, and the weather becoming cooler, you may crave wines with a bit more body and substance than traditional summer wines have. Rose and white wines are popular during the summer and red wines are more commonly associated with winter. With fall bridging the gap, what wine varietals transition seamlessly from summer to fall? Below, Resveralife provides three suggestions for summer to fall wines.

Though it is several months until winter, fall sees warm weather out and welcomes cooler temperatures. A smooth, round texture is characteristic of Merlot wine, which some experts consider to be the perfect “introductory” red wine for beginners. Merlot has very soft tannins, which is what is largely responsible for the wine’s smooth finish. Fruit notes typical of Merlot wines include blackberry, plum and some herbal flavors.

Cabernet Franc
One of the most popular wines worldwide is Cabernet Sauvignon, but this complex, highly tannic and full-bodied red can be a bit heavy for fall. Cabernet Franc is genetically the parent of Cabernet Sauvignon and it is often overlooked. However, Cabernet Franc is the perfect summer to fall wine as it is a lighter, brighter and less tannic red wine than its offspring, Cabernet Sauvignon. The main note in Carbernet Franc is often raspberries, though you may find leafy green, earthy or smoky aromas present as well .This is an elegant wine that smells like fall and is evocative of all the flavors and scents that define the fall season.

Oaked Chardonnay
Just because red wine tends to be what people gravitate to when cooler weather hits does not mean that you can’t enjoy a white wine during fall. Chardonnay tends to feature fruit flavors of lemon, pear, apple, pineapple, peach and passion fruit. An oaked Chardonnay is an excellent summer to fall wine as it is a rich, full-bodied white wine. In addition to the fruit flavors, oaked Chardonnays have flavors such as creme brulee, caramel, butter, caramelized sugar and pie crust. These flavors combined with the added richness and buttery texture of oaked Chardonnay make this wine one of the perfect summer to fall transition wines.

When it comes to wine, the “rules” can be a bit overwhelming, but there are guidelines that help you receive the most enjoyment possible from the wines you drink. Summer to fall wines tend to be heavier and richer than their summer counterparts, while still retaining some light crispness. Remember that the only real “rule” to drinking wine is that you should drink what you enjoy and what brings you pleasure. Experimenting with different wines during different seasons help broaden your horizons and may introduce you to wines that become your favorites.

Servers pouring red and white wine.

A Guide to Common Wine Varietals

The enjoyment of a great glass of wine is one of life’s simplest pleasures, though sometimes it may not seem simple to select your wine. Wines are available in so many varieties and have so many subtle, and not so subtle, differences that it can be downright overwhelming when you start to select wines. Often, when buying a Riesling or a Cabernet Sauvignon, you know what you are getting; which is wine produced using the Riesling or Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. But if you pick up a bottle with the word “varietal” on the label you may not be positive what it is that you’re choosing. Simply put, varietal means that the wine was produced using a specific wine grape. Further, in the United States, wine varietals indicate which grape is the dominant grape in the wine so that you have an idea of what flavor to expect. Some, but not all, bottles even include the percentages for every grape used in the blend. To make you more confident in your next wine purchase, Resveralife composed a guide to the most common wine varietals.

White Wines
Chardonnay – Wines produced using the Chardonnay grape are often medium to full bodied and complex. The most prominent notes in Chardonnays tend to be citrus fruits, melon, pineapples, peaches, butterscotch, butter and vanilla. There are other notes available such as apple, fig, pear, spice and hazelnut.

Riesling – With origins in Germany, Riesling is a grape that grows well in all wine districts. These wines are most typically fruity, fresh apple flavors are particularly prominent, and can be floral as well. Riesling ranges from dry to very sweet, with many having a semi-sweet taste with an acidity for balance.

Sauvignon Blanc – Sauvignon Blanc wines tend to be herbal and quite light. The herbal flavors often are reminiscent of grass or bell peppers. Sour fruits such as apple, pear and gooseberry or tropical fruits and blackcurrant, may also be present. Sauvignon Blanc wines tend to be crisp with a strong acidity.

Red Wines
Cabernet Sauvignon – One of the world’s most popular wines, Cabernet Sauvignons are full-bodied and complex. These wines tend to be a bit dry and firm. Flavors can range from currant, plum, black cherry and spice to olive, peppers, herbs, tobacco, vanilla and mint, to name a few. The oak barrels in which Cabernet Sauvignon wines are aged are responsible for vanilla or toasty cedar flavors the wine may have.

Pinot Noir – Another immensely popular red wine, Pinot Noir is fresh and delicate. These wines are smooth, rich and have soft tannins. The most prevalent notes of Pinot Noir wines are raisins with undertones of black cherry, raspberry and spice.

Merlot – Merlot is a supple and smooth wine with a round texture and very soft tannins. The popularity of this wine is caused by its ease of pairing (nearly anything can be paired with a Merlot) and its softness, which is not what one associates with many red wines. Wines produced using Merlot grapes feature cherry, black cherry, herbs, green olive and chocolate.

The wine selection process is a bit easier when you have a bit of background knowledge of common wine varietal. The label on a varietal wine will indicate which grape is the dominant grape in the blend, and may indicate the other grapes used as well. However, it is not required, and indeed it is illegal for a wine to label itself as a varietal is there is no dominant (75% or higher) grape used. When the word “varietal” is present on a label, it indicates what you can expect regarding flavor and finish. Branch out and try a different wine varietal for a new, and delicious, experience.

A Diet for Better Skin

When it comes to your skin, the old adage that “you are what you eat” is completely true. The link between what you eat and how healthy your skin appears is inextricable. All of the foods that you eat have an impact on the appearance, and health, of your skin. If you aren’t happy with your skin, before turning to completely new skin care regimens or the latest cosmetic trend to fake better skin, try modifying your diet instead. A well-balanced diet provides your body, including your skin, with everything that it needs to work at maximum capacity. Starting from scratch with a diet for better skin can be a bit overwhelming, so Resveralife is providing you with five of the best foods to eat when you begin.


When you think of vitamin C the first fruit that comes to mind is probably an orange. However, strawberries actually contain more vitamin C per serving than oranges. Vitamin C is necessary in a diet for better skin because it is an antioxidant that fights against free-radical damage. Free radicals attack your skin by damaging the cells and breaking down collagen, resulting in more fine lines and wrinkles. Research has shown that those who eat foods rich in vitamin C experience fewer wrinkles and less dryness associated with aging than those who skip this vital vitamin.

Dark chocolate

Chocolate can help give you glowing skin, but only if you are consuming dark chocolate with a high cacao content . Renowned skin expert, Dr. Nicholas Perricone, notes some of the benefits of dark chocolate saying, “…dark chocolate contains high levels of flavonols, a potent type of antioxidant.” Cocoa also helps hydrate your skin, making it more supple. Look for chocolate that is 70% cacao or higher to reap the benefits while satisfying your sweet tooth.

Pumpkin pie.

Pumpkin is the quintessential fall flavor and in addition to being delicious, it can provide your skin with significant benefits. Like carrots, pumpkin gets its orange hue from carotenoids, which are pigments from plants that neutralize free radicals in the skin. Additionally, pumpkin is an excellent source of vitamins A, C and E and it contains enzymes that cleanse your skin. With vitamin E, the pulp from pumpkins is a great hydrator for your skin.


Walnuts have several ingredients that make this nut a great choice when you want to put together a diet for better skin. Walnuts are the only type of nut that contain a high level of omega-3 fatty acids. In addition the the omega-3s that walnuts provide, they are also high in copper. Copper is a mineral that boosts collagen production, leaving your skin firmer and smoother.

Green tea

Green Tea
The drink of choice when it comes to a diet for better skin, green tea is incredibly high in antioxidants. One of these antioxidants, EGCG, helps reduce redness in your skin. The antioxidants in green tea also increase oxygen flow to your skin and boost your circulation and research proves that inflammation in the body.

A diet for better skin contains a range of fresh produce in addition to lean meats and fish. While green tea is an excellent choice for a drink, don’t forget to drink your water as well to help remove toxins from your body. Get creative in the kitchen and enjoy foods that provide you with healthier, better, more radiant skin.

Fruit infused detox water

Delicious Detox Water Recipes

Drinking water is a great way to hydrate your body while getting rid of unwanted toxins. While pure water certainly helps to achieve this, you can increase your results by adding certain fruits, vegetables and spices to your water. Detox water, also known as infused water, has been gaining popularity for some time now and is not a beverage that is limited to luxurious spa experiences. Making your own detox water is ridiculously easy and your options for flavor combinations are limited only by your imagination. The benefits of a detox water include removal of toxins, better digestion process, your body naturally releases fat cells and it can improve your mood. To get the benefits of these concoctions, Resveralife has picked three of the easiest, tastiest and beneficial detox waters for you to try.

Lemon cucumber detox water.

Lemon Cucumber Detox Water
This flavor combination is a favorite among day spas, but not just because it tastes delicious. Lemons are excellent immune system boosters as they contain a high concentration of vitamin C. Adding lemon to your water increases water’s ability to clean the toxins from your body. Cucumbers are anti-inflammatories, meaning they reduce inflammation throughout your body. Because cucumbers are composed mainly of water, this vegetable helps keep you hydrated for long periods of time. To make lemon cucumber water all you need is a gallon pitcher, one whole lemon and a medium sized cucumber. Cut the lemon and cucumber to your preference (either wedged or sliced) and add to your pitcher. If you want to inject a bit more flavor, add some fresh mint leaves to the lemon and cucumber. Add ice to the pitcher on top of the fruit and fill with water, then allow it to steep in your fridge overnight. When all of the water is gone, you can refill the pitcher using the same lemon and cucumber about three times before you need to cut more fruits and vegetables.

Apple cinnamon detox water.

Apple Cinnamon Detox Water
This detox water not only helps flush harmful toxins from your body, it is also a great way to satisfy a craving for something a bit sweeter without resorting to sodas or fruit juices packed with sugar. Apple cinnamon detox water contains virtually no calories, as the calories that come from the apple are negligible. Cinnamon in the water helps stimulate your metabolism and aids your internal organs in cleaning themselves while apple provides essential vitamins and minerals needed daily. To make apple cinnamon detox water, thinly slice one apple and add to your gallon pitcher. Place a cinnamon stick in with your apple and add ice. Fill your pitcher with water. For the most flavor, allow to sit for at least one hour before serving. Like the lemon cucumber detox water, you can use the same apple slices and cinnamon stick around three times.

Grapefruit tangerine detox water.

Grapefruit Tangerine Detox Water
Grapefruit, the quintessential diet food, really is incredibly beneficial to your body and it helps completely detox your body. Tangerine is an excellent source of vitamin C and it adds natural sweetness to your water. If you find you need a bit more sweetness, consider adding strawberries which will additionally provide you with vitamin C and anti-inflammatory properties. Slice the grapefruit, tangerine and strawberries and place at the bottom of your gallon pitcher. Add ice then fill with water. Reuse the fruit two to three times before replacing with freshly sliced fruit.

Detox water is a refreshing, tasty way to increase your water intake without getting bored by glass after glass of plain water. You can create any combination of detox water that you like, such as lemon ginger, raspberry blueberry, mango tangerine…whatever sounds good to you. Drink up and detoxify with these delicious recipes.



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