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What Are DHEA Supplements?

You see them on news programs. The octogenarian, nonagenarians, and even centenarians, those lucky people who seem to be age defiant, surviving years of life, still remaining active, cognizant and even rather attractive. Inevitably, these people are asked how they do it; what is the secret to the fountain of youth, and inevitably some saucy senior will reply by saying they credit regular sex with their youthful appearance. True, we do often associate higher sex drive with youthfulness, but is it possible that the opposite is true? Is there anything substantial behind the idea that increased sex drive can lead to a more healthy, longer life? Read on to find out about the possible benefits of DHEA supplements.

What is DHEA?
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone found naturally in your body, manufactured by the adrenal glands. There, it is converted into male and female sex hormones, like estrogen and testosterone. Recent studies suggest that taking DHEA in the form of a supplement can boost levels of estrogen and testosterone, protecting the body from health problems stemming from hormonal imbalance or age related decline in hormonal levels.

How Can It Help?
Studies Show some degrees of success in DHEA supplementation in the following areas:

Research supports the possibility of a link between depression and DHEA levels. According to recent research reports, DHEA supplements may be useful in the treatment of major depression. However, further studies need to be done before any affirmative conclusions can be reached.

Bone Density
The aging process and diseases such as anorexia and lupus, have all been associated with bone loss. There is some evidence to suggest that higher DHEA levels may be associated with higher bone density, specifically in post menopausal women and that DHEA supplements may have the ability to increase of bone density.

Weight Loss
Could DHEA be the key to shedding those extra pounds? Studies show that 7-KETO, a DHEA containing product may help stimulate metabolism and assist in weight loss. Again, more long term research still remains to be done.

Adrenal Insufficiency
Adrenal Insufficiently is a condition in which adrenal glands do not produce enough hormones. Recent studies show that DHEA supplements may improve hormone levels, and quality of life for people with the condition. However, other research found that DHEA had little effect of symptoms of depression, and heart health.

Sexual Function
Here’s where you’d think it would make perfect sense. Because research has shown a link between lower levels of DHEA in man and erectile dysfunction, it would seem to be a no brainer that DHEA supplements can boost low libido. However, higher quality studies reveal inconsistent results in the effect of DHEA on libido, sexual performance and erectile dysfunction. Although research looks promising, additional studies are required.

Lupus is an autoimmune disorder which affects the organs and skin. Women suffering from this condition also exhibit lower levels of DHEA, hence,the suggestion that DHEA may improve immune function. While some trials report a lack of effect of DHEA treatment on lupus activity, there is evidence that it can be effective when used regularly.

What do you think of the use of DHEA supplements to improve health? Have you tried them? Let us know about your DHEA experiences.

Young woman holding bottle of olive oil

The Oils Of Longevity

You may have heard people saying they can’t live without their morning coffee, but we usually don’t take them literally. Just when you thought your caffeinated cup had reached the limit in positive attributes, there comes proof that having a cup of coffee each day may be just what you need to keep having more days to have more cups of coffee! And while you’re at it, you may want to pop some fish oil pills too; they apparently have similar effect.

Recent studies show that both coffee and fish oil contain properties which can actually promote longevity. Not convinced? Here’s a look at some of the latest research on drinking coffee and taking fish oil capsules and why it may just be the latest recipe for long life.

What Are Telomeres?
You may have heard of these little caps at the end of our DNA. Telomeres control our lifespan by determining how many times our cells divide and stay alive. As we get older, environmental stressors take their toll, and these telomeres get shorter, meaning our lives do as well. Therefore, keeping them long is key to longevity. The latest way to do that is by drinking your morning coffee with a side of fish oil.

Fish Oil and Longevity
A study in the 2016 issue of Nutrients looked at the effect of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil on tele mere length in a controlled trial. Experts attribute the increase in length to a reduction of oxidative stress.

An additional study in Brain, Behavior, and Immunity seems to support these findings. The study included 106 individuals with an average age of 51 who were considered relatively healthy, divided into three groups. One group received 2.5 grams of long chain omega-3’s per day, a second received 1.25 grams a day, and one received placebo pills that had proportion of fatty acids similar to those found in an average American diet. After four months, results showed a significant increase in telomere length and a decrease in oxidative stress among those who received the omega-3 supplements.

The two main types of long chain omega-3 fats are most often found in fish such as sardines, herring, salmon, and mackerel. Alpha-linolenic acid is a short chain omega-3 fatty acid that can be found in flaxseeds and walnuts.

Coffee and Longevity
Coffee is already a well known source of antioxidants which makes it a life lengthening beverage. Scientists ar the Journal of Nutrition used data from the Nurse’s Health Study form 1976 to explain the link between coffee drinking and telomere length in 4780 female nurses, and found a direct correlations. Of the nurses, those who drank 2 cups of coffee daily had a 29% higher chance of having an average telomere lengthen while the odds were 36% higher in those who drank 3 cups.

However experts are quick to point out that while coffee may be very beneficial to your health, caffeine may not. Although researchers from the University of Scranton say coffee is America’s number one antioxidant source, they are also quick to remind us that regular and decaf have the same antioxidant levels, and too much caffeine can cause unwanted side effects. Try to keep caffeine consumption at a moderate 300-400mg daily, about 3 to 4 cups of coffee to keep away anxiety and depression.

What do you think? Is fish oil and coffee the new Breakfast of Champions? Let us know!

Woman with vitamin D capsule

Vitamin D and Lowered Cancer Risk

Cancer cells can seem downright evil. While normal cells act to benefit their host, cancer cells have their own devious plan and that plan is to stay alive and keep dividing. And when cancer cells divide, they mutate and tumors result. Normal cells are designed to commit suicide when they are damaged, but not cancer cells. Cancer cells continue to thrive and, multiply and produce. So what can a body do to fight these demonic cells? It must use every weapon at its disposal. One of the most powerful of these is Vitamin D.

What is Vitamin D?
Vitamin D helps the body to use phosphorous to make teeth and bones strong. While certain foods can be sources of Vitamin D, it is more commonly made when skin is exposed to sunshine. If you are looking for vitamin D from food sources, foods such as fish liver oil, eggs , and fatty fish, naturally contain the vitamin, while others, such as cereal, juices and milk, are fortified with vitamin D. It can also be obtained through supplements.

The Vitamin D Cancer Connection
Researchers are studying connections between vitamin D and lowered cancer risk based on early research that showed cancer rates to be lower among people living in the south, where levels of sunlight is high, as opposed to those living in northern areas. Because UV light from the sun is responsible for production of vitamin D, researchers speculated that the difference in vitamin D levels might account for the findings. According to a 2007 study, women experienced a 77 percent reduction in all cancers after being given enough Vitamin D to raise their serum levels to 40 mg/ml.

Breast Cancer and Vitamin D
Breast cancer has sometimes been referred to as “vitamin D deficiency syndrome.’ Dr. Cedric F. Garland of the University of California’s San Diego Moores cancer center is responsible for making the connection between cancer and vitamin D deficiency. If you don’t have enough vitamin D, the structure that makes up you epithelial cells comes apart and the cells begin to circulate and multiply. If this process becomes problematic, cancer can result. If breast cancer is in progress, vitamin D can slow cancer growth and allow your immune system to deal with them in smaller numbers.

Getting Your D
The best way to get vitamin D is through sun exposure. You should expose 40% of your body to the sun for about 20 minutes between 10 am and 2 pm, when the sun is stronger. If you are taking oral supplements, studies suggest adults get 8,000 IUs per day. However, keep in mind that oral vitamin D should be accompanied by vitamin K2 to prevent hardening of the arteries.

Let’s all try and up our defenses against cancer and get all the Vitamin D we can! Just say “no” to cancer and let us know your favorite ways of getting your Vitamin D!

Woman enjoying the summer weather.

Next Level Healthy Ideas

Your health is critical to your quality of life. When you are in poor physical health you are more likely to be in poor mental health as well. You know the basics of living a healthy lifestyle; diet and exercise. You need to nourish your body not just dump food into you and if you aren’t moving, your body doesn’t work at peak efficiency. If you are already leading a pretty healthy lifestyle consisting of a healthy, nutritious diet and plenty of activity, you may want some ideas on how to take your health to the next level.

Different types of juices on a wooden table.

Consider a Cleanse
A cleanse is not for everyone but for some it can be a great way to jump-start weight loss. Additionally, cleanses are designed to remove unwanted toxins from the body. There are a multitude of cleanses from juice cleanses to cabbage soup cleanses. Do a bit of detective work to find a cleanse you have the willpower to stick with, because a cleanse does you no good if you don’t follow through.

Vegetarian dish.

Go Vegetarian
Hear us out before you get too upset about losing your bacon. Studies definitely support the idea that a plant-based diet is capable of providing your body with all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that it needs. However, if you aren’t ready to give up meat, consider following a vegetarian diet one day each week. If you are interested in taking your vegetarian diet even further, take it to the next level and go vegan. A vegan diet differs from a vegetarian diet as it includes absolutely no animal products, so cheese and dairy are out. If you are vegan already and you want to up your health game, go raw. A raw foods diet can be difficult to adjust to, but it is an excellent way to eat for your health.

Resveratrol Capsules from Vine Vera.

Think About Supplements
The market is absolutely flooded with vitamins, minerals and supplements designed to take your health to the next level. If you are eating a quality diet with plenty of fresh produce, you really should be getting all of the nutrients you need from your food. However, if you want to add a little oomph, consider supplements. Our resveratrol capsules feature a proprietary blend of antioxidants such as resveratrol, green tea and acai to keep you at maximum health. Not only are our resveratrol supplements great for your general physical health, but they are also incredible for your skin.

Living a healthy lifestyle does not mean that you have to exercise like crazy every day or follow the strictest of diets. Rather, taking care of your health means being more active (like taking the stairs instead of the escalator) and eating a diet full of varieties of fresh produce and lean meats (unless you’re vegetarian/vegan). Adding strength training to your cardiovascular exercise is a great way to increase your health. If you’re already doing both, consider trying something new like high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or relax while you improve your body with yoga. Following a good diet and exercise regime promises a healthy, happy life.

Woman applying moisturizer.

How to Take Your Skin Care to the Next Level

Taking good care of your skin is important in all stages of life. Everyone wants a beautiful, radiant and clear complexion, but sometimes it can seem absolutely impossible to achieve. The first step in taking good care of your skin is a routine that includes washing, toning (if necessary), exfoliating, moisturizing and always applying your sunscreen. Next, remember that what you put into your body is just as important as what you put on your skin. A diet rich in vitamins and minerals will help improve your skin’s level of clarity and radiance. If you are looking to up your skin care game, and take it to the next level, we have some great ideas for doing so.

Dermatologist examining a woman's face.

Consult a Professional
You go to a doctor when you have other problems with your body, so why not when you are having skin issues? Your skin is the largest organ of your body and provides the first line of defense against damage. A dermatologist can assess your skin and provide you with products or treatments that target your specific areas of concern. It can be especially beneficial to see a dermatologist if you are concerned with sun damage, premature aging and acne.

If you have relatively clear skin and want to treat it to some extra TLC, make appointments for facials with an esthetician. These facials typically involve warmth to open your pores, a mask or other treatment and professional pimple extraction. Like a dermatologist, your esthetician can provide treatments and products that address what you are most worried about when it comes to your skin. An additional treatment that can be especially helpful for wrinkles and fine lines is a facial massage. A facial massage generally provides extra moisture and is a great way to pamper your skin while relaxing.

Take Supplements
You may already take supplements meant to improve your overall health and well-being, but have you considered looking into supplements for your skin? We have several suggestions for supplements that can help skin tremendously. Take your skin care to the next level by nourishing your skin from the inside out.

Resveratrol Capsules from Vine Vera.

Resveratrol Capsules
Our Resveralife Resveratrol capsules are formulated with ingredients that target and treat a wide array of skin care concerns. Our unique blend includes antioxidants such as resveratrol, green tea, pomegranate and acai. In addition, it contains enzymes to remove toxins and grape seed extract to help build healthy skin.

Vitamin B3 capsule

Vitamin B3
Vitamin B3 is particularly helpful if you struggle with acne. Forms of this vitamin include niacin and niacinamide. This vitamin supplement could be replaced by tweaking the diet to include more vitamin B3 rich foods such as eggs, green vegetables, meat and milk. Additionally, while you can certainly supplement your diet with this vitamin, preliminary research suggests that this is a skin care component that works most effectively when applied topically.

Salmon with green leafy vegetables.

Lifestyle Changes
In an ideal world, everyone would have the perfectly balanced nutritious diet and an active exercise regimen. However, we don’t live in a perfect world so we have to make do with the best we can. When it comes to skin care and your diet, be sure that you are eating a significant amount of fresh produce. Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that are absolutely essential to great skin such as vitamin B, C, A and E in addition to other antioxidants. To increase your intake of resveratrol through diet, add a glass of red wine to your evening.

Woman going for an evening walk

Exercise does not have to be going to the gym and doing an insane amount of work, it can be as simple as cleaning your house or going for a walk. You do need to be sure that you get moving and active at least three times a week, though many doctors recommend five days per week of moderate cardiovascular activity.

Taking great care of your skin pays off in so many ways. You will more confident about your appearance and more likely to get other areas of your body as healthy as your skin. Try adding some of the ideas to your skin care routine and watch the clarity and natral radiance of your skin improve



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