Getting the fit, lean and toned body you desire may seem impossible, particularly if you are just beginning an exercise regime. However, we promise that results are totally possible, and will come, if you stick with exercise and make it a regular habit. When it comes to diet and exercise there is always a new fad or trend circulating that promises the most amazing results in the shortest amount of time possible and some of these have components that truly do work, but it is still important to know that there is no magic cure-all that will give you instant health and the body you’ve always wanted. It will take work and discipline, but if you strive for progress not perfection, you will see your hard work pay off. That said, there are some workouts that truly can transform your body when you dedicate time in your day to exercise and use the techniques. Here are some of our favorite workouts that can help transform your body:
Preconceived notions of yoga may have you questioning how yoga could help with weight loss and transforming your body, but bear with us. There are multiple research studies focusing on the health benefits of yoga and they include things such as encouraging weight loss and reducing obesity, decrease in risk of heart disease, relief from chronic pain and fighting fatigue. Although yoga may look like a bunch of stretching, there are multiple forms of yoga, each one with a targeted benefit. Hatha is perfect for beginners as it focuses on form, balance and flexibility, creating a great foundation on which to build. If you’re looking to drop pounds, check out a vinyasa class. Bikram, or hot yoga, is a great way to increase your flexibility since the heat loosens your muscles. Yoga will increase your health while transforming your body into a toned, lean body.
Tabata Interval Training
Interval training is quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to quickly transform your body and with good reason. Research on Tabata Interval Training suggests that completing a round of these quick bursts of cardio with brief rest periods can make your body burn calories for up to 36 hours after you complete the workout! Maybe the best part of Tabata is that it takes only four minutes. Tabata consists of doing 20 seconds of intense cardio exercises followed by a 10 second rest period before moving on to the next burst of cardio. Keep your workout interesting by switching up the cardio exercises you do every so often.
Pilates (The Plank)
Pilates is not the same as yoga, though there are some principles that are similar such as the focus on form, flexibility and breathing. Performing a Pilates routine requires concentration and engages your entire body from the core. The plank is one of the greatest exercises you can do for you waistline no matter how much you may hate the exercise when you first begin. Planks are better for your waist than traditional sit-ups or crunches because they utilize muscles deep in your stomach that have the most impact on your musculoskeletal health. There are plenty of variations to the plank that keep the exercise challenging. In addition to switching the plank you perform, you gradually add time to the length of your plank. For instance, beginners may want to start at 10 to 15 seconds and move to 20 to 30 seconds the following week.
The only workouts that will transform your body are the ones that you actually do consistently, so it may take a bit of trial and error before you find a workout that makes you excited about making changes in your body. Keep a positive attitude and trust that your body will transform if you remain dedicated to the change.