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Young woman popping pimple in mirror

Resveralife Look Well: Best Foods to Deal with Acne

Are you one of those suffering from acne? Acne doesn’t just happen in the face, it can happen over your entire body and you might need some changes in your lifestyle to help you get over it. Acne is ugly to look and can stop you from having that clean and smooth skin. In fact, acne can change the entire texture of a face, and have others smirking at you.

While there are a number of people who believe that acne treatment creams are the solution, one of the best ways to get rid of acne is to bring in a change in your food habits. Here is what you can do when it comes to dealing with acne and bidding it adieu.

Dealing with acne

Being one of the most common and troublesome skin problems of them all, acne can cause extensive damage to your skin if not treated on time. Use these natural ways to control the acne and give way to smooth and soft skin in the comfort of your house.

  • Apple cider vinegar – This is one of the best ingredients to control acne as it helps in killing the acne-causing bacteria present on the skin. The vinegar dries up excess oil, balances the skin’s pH and becomes alkaline, thereby making it difficult for the bacteria to survive. Mix one part vinegar with 3 parts water. Dip a cotton ball in this mix and apply on the affected area. Let it rest for a few minutes and then rinse off with cool water. Apply 3 to 4 times daily and use a good moisturizer after rinsing off the vinegar each time.
  • Yogurt or milk – Dairy products such as yogurt or milk can help reduce acne on the skin. They contain antibacterial properties, nourish the skin with their fat content and also remove dirt and oil build-up. Apply room temperature milk or yogurt on the acne and let it rest for 15 minutes. When done, scrub the area to get rid of dead skin cells and allow new ones to reach the skin’s surface. Wash off with water and apply a moisturizer.
  • Egg whites – The white of eggs help reduce acne and also fade scars. Egg whites are full of proteins and vitamins and rebuild damaged skin cells quickly. They also soak up excess oil from the skin. Take the white from 2 eggs and whisk till it becomes frothy. Let it sit on the affected area for 10 minutes. Apply 2 to 3 layers of the same at an interval of 5 minutes each for best results. Finally rinse off after 15 more minutes and pat dry. Apply a good-quality moisturizer when done.
  • Cinnamon and honey mask – Honey and cinnamon make a great combination to combat acne-prone skin. Being loaded with antimicrobial properties, cinnamon helps to stop the bacteria from spreading while honey’s antibiotic properties wipe out the acne from its roots. Mix a teaspoon of cinnamon powder with 2 tablespoons of honey to get a smooth paste. Apply paste on affected area and let it rest for 10 minutes. When done, rinse off with cold water and pat dry.
  • Papaya – Papayas are a great anti-acne remedy which remove dead skin cells and extra lipids from the skin and make it smoother than before. It contains an enzyme named papain which reduces inflammation and pus which is caused due to acne. Simply mash a slice of fresh papaya and apply to affected area. Rinse off after 15 minutes and moisturize afterwards.
Woman with dropper applying anti-aging skin care

Resveralife Look Well: Anti-Aging Tips for Over 40

Once you reach the point in life where you’ve entered into your 40’s, it can become apparent that you are starting to feel – or at least look – your age.  Aging is sometimes hard to handle for many women. Lucky for the women of 2014, there is much advancement in science which provides you with options to keep you looking fresh and young. There are many companies which realize the growing demand for women in their forties to maintain their youthful appearance. Just because you’re now a 40-something, doesn’t mean you need to look like one!

Resveralife has some advice and tips on anti-aging, and we hope you will find them useful and informational. Feel free to share them with friends and family.

Tip #1: Avoid Over Exposure to the Sun
The number one thing any woman can do is avoid over exposure to the sun or any UV rays, such as from a tanning bed or booth. The UV rays have a tendency to damage skin, and aside from upping your chances of getting skin cancer, these harmful rays have been known to permanently damage the skin. Age and sun spots can also appear on over-exposed skin as well. It’s important that anytime you are planning on spending time in the sun, whether at the beach, at a barbecue, day in the park, or walking, you apply a good sun screen offering at least 30 SPF. This will prevent the most harmful rays from penetrating the skin.

Tip #2: Eat Well
Diet can play an integral role in our skin health, and it’s been proven time and time again that a diet lacking in beneficial nutrients and laden with sugar, bad carbs, salt and oils will ultimately ruin your skin. Aside from acne breakouts, you can develop cellulite, dry skin, and reddened skin – all attributed to a bad diet. Change your diet, and watch and see how much better your skin looks. You can help to retain a youthful appearance if you simply eat more raw, fresh fruits and vegetables, opt for water instead of soda, and put the chips down.

Tip #3: Incorporate Resveratrol Into Your Skin Care Routine
Resveratrol has been gaining increasingly popularity in the media due to the findings of doctors and scientists which indicate that this component has the ability to reduce the signs of aging and restore a youthful appearance. A great product to begin using to take advantage of resveratrol’s benefits is the Resveratrol Capsules. They incorporate many fantastic properties to fight aging such as green tea, Vitamin C, Pomegranate, and free radical fighting agents as well as many other beneficial components.

Tip #4: STOP Smoking
One of the most detrimental things you can do for your skin is to smoke. Smoking ages you by generating lots of fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, and dries out the skin. It fills your blood stream with toxins, and depletes the oxygen levels within your blood, as well. Skin regeneration is necessary for the production of new, fresh skin cells – and this requires adequate oxygen levels. Do yourself, your skin, and your health a favor, and quit while you can – before it’s too late.

Panels of different vitamin sources

Resveralife on Foods That Your Body Will Love

The Vitamins Your Body Needs

Vitamins and minerals are essential for our body and help us stay healthy and active, that’s what we have learned from the time we were in middle school. The use of vitamins though and it’s intake is not just restricted to how well the body can function, our skin needs the right amount of vitamins to look good too. Vitamin C, for instance, is used extensively in many beauty products today.

However, we need vitamins for more things than just looking good.

For one, we need them to feel better too. Most of us don’t have that time to have a properly planned meal all the time – we have urgent appointments and meetings to handle and a work life that makes healthy eating a lot more difficult

Yet, the value of vitamins can never be underestimated. They supply our body with the needed nutrition and also do a world of good to our external and internal body parts. We will discuss each vitamin and find out foods which are rich them in so that you can create the perfect diet for yourself and receive your daily dose of all vitamins. Try to consume less of fatty foods and foods high in sugar and focus on these food items more.

Vitamin A rich foods

Vitamin A helps in proper vision and gene transcription. It also improves the health of our skin and boosts to the immune system. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to improper vision and even blindness and make one suffer from viral infections. Foods which are rich in Vitamin A are cooked sweet potato, cooked carrots, dark leafy greens, squash, lettuce, dried apricots, cantaloupe melon, sweet red peppers, mangoes and tuna fish.


Molecule of vitamin A


Vitamin B12 rich foods

Vitamin B12, also known as Cobalamin and helps to increase blood levels in the body, keeps the body active and mind fresh. People who suffer from this deficiency may experience permanent damage to the brain or nervous system. The main food items that are rich in this vitamin are cooked shellfish, liver or beef, fishes like mackerel, crabs, fortified bran and also soy products such as silken tofu, red meat, skimmed milk, swiss cheese and eggs.

Vitamin C rich foods

Vitamin C is quite essential for the body as it helps maintain tissues, cartilages and blood vessels. It is an antioxidant which reduces stress levels in the body and also lowers the risk of cancer. The major food items that are rich in this vitamin are yellow bell peppers, dark leafy greens, broccoli, kiwi, citrus fruits such as oranges and clementine, strawberries, tomatoes, papayas and peas.

Vitamin D rich foods

Vitamin D is important for the body as it helps in complete absorption of calcium, cell growth, bone development, immune functioning, reduction of inflammation and also neuromuscular functioning. Vitamin D deficiency can make the immune system weak, increase risk of cancer, leads to hair fall, and weaken the bones and muscles. The foods rich in this vitamin are cod liver oil, oily fishes like trout, mushrooms, fortified cereals, tofu, cheese, egg yolks, caviar and dairy products.

Vitamin E rich foods

Vitamin E helps to protect the body against diseases of the heart, cancer and also eye-related problems. It also makes the skin soft and smooth and nourishes it from within. Vitamin E should not be consumed in large quantities though. You will find Vitamin E abundantly in silken tofu, cooked spinach, nuts like almonds, sunflower seeds, avocados, shellfish, rainbow trout fish, olive oil, broccoli, squash and pumpkin.


Have any more Vitamin rich foods to offer? comment below or let us know

Woman sleeping in bed. Woman sleeping isolated on white background.

Reasons to sleep well every night

More Reasons to Get Your Daily Sleep by Vine Vera

If you’re tired and worn out after a long day at work, and feel that you’ve to stay up to watch that late night show you are fond of, you might be better off not to. It’s no secret that scientists want you to sleep eight hours a day – that’s the sleep time you need to have for maintaining a healthy mind.

However, there are more reasons to sleep well – including the benefits sleeping has with your skin.

After a hard day’s work, the only thing we have on our mind is to get a good night’s sleep so that we can get up fresh and energized the next morning. However, did you know that not sleeping well at night can affect your health in the long term? Read on to know the 8 main reasons to sleep for at least 7 – 8 hours every night.

Vine Vera on good night sleep

Better skin – Your lack of sleep shows on your face, there’s no secret about that. The best tonic to look and feel better is to sleep well, because the metabolic rate increases as well replenishing the dead cells on the surface of the skin. Interestingly, the older you are the less sleep you may need and being younger means trying to get more sleep.

Improvises health – Getting insufficient sleep can give way to serious health problems for you in the long run. The feeling of being weak or fatigued starts setting in with irregular or less sleep. People who sleep for at least 8 hours every night are healthier and fitter as compared to those who don’t.

Better sex life – A recent study suggested that 26 percent of the people interviewed in that survey revealed that their sex life suffered immensely due to lack of sleep and being tired at night. Other studies reveal that men who do not get enough sleep have lower testosterone levels as compared to those who sleep well.

Reduces pain – Sleep has the ability to reduce any kind of pain that you might be suffering from currently. Sleep works as a medication for pain. Studies reveal that sleep loss has a direct effect on increased body pain of any kind.

Works as a mood booster – Getting a good night’s sleep helps you to feel good and be less cranky in the morning especially at work. People who do not sleep well often experience anger issues and snap at others without reason. An overtired or fatigued mind can do unwanted things while good sleep can elevate the mood and make you feel happy at all times.

Helps control excessive weight – Getting proper and sufficient sleep at night helps an individual to maintain his weight. Deprived sleep can make your body overtire and you might laze around in bed all day long instead of being physically active. Also, people who do not sleep well at night tend to be hungrier during the day and crave for high-fat and high-calories food items.

Clears thoughts – A good night’s sleep helps a person to wake up with clear thoughts in the morning. He is able to focus on his work, make lesser mistakes and also perform better in all that he does. Individuals who do not sleep well often feel distracted and make mistakes repeatedly.

Sharpens memory – When your brain is able to get the right amount of rest and that too soundly, it functions better the next day. The brain is able to consolidate the memories and process them easily thereby sharpening the individual’s memory for the future. Decreased sleep can also give rise to false memories.

And now after you had a good night sleep don’t forget to read about having a better morning.



Smiling young woman applies cream on her hands.

Resveralife Look Well: Holiday Look Inspiration

The holidays are here, and it’s time to begin thinking about how you can look your absolute best for the season. From clothing, to skin, to cosmetic products and hairstyles, these are all fun ways to improve and build upon your natural beauty. Resveralife has some tips to provide you to help you understand how you can look well for the holidays

Woman sleeping in bed. Woman sleeping isolated on white background.

Tip 1: Get Plenty of Rest

Whether or not you realize it, getting enough sleep can be a major component to your overall look. When you lack in getting enough sleep, things such as dark circles under the eyes, tired skin, dull skin, and other skin conditions can ensue. To look and feel your best, be sure to sleep for at least 8-10 hours per night for a refreshed appearance.


Tip 2: Stay Hydrated

Be sure to drink enough water. Products such as coffee, sodas, and even tea can dry out your skin and even dehydrate your body due to caffeine. Try to at least increase your water intake to 8 glasses per day on top of other beverages, and if possible, cut back on the main culprits listed above to avoid potential dehydration.

Smiling young woman applies cream on her hands.

Tip 3: Nourish Your Skin

Be sure to moisturize your skin on a daily basis – this includes the entire body, not just your face. During these Holiday months, our skin has the ability to become dried out due to the climate change and other factors. Avoid dry, itchy skin by applying a good daily moisturizer – and be sure to take your vitamins, including Vitamin E, C, and Biotin supplements for optimal skin health.


Tip 4: Try out Some New Hairstyles

Getting a new, fresh Holiday look – or a few – is simple and easy to do with practice. If you don’t want to go the drastic route and opt for something such as a cut or color, learn to do some new hairstyles on yourself that are quick and easy. You’ll be amazed how simple many of these looks are to achieve, and how much they can change your appearance for the better.


Tip 5: Buy a New Coat

Sometimes, something as simple as a new coat for the Holiday season can really spice up any outfit. No matter the style you like, a new coat offers you a fashionable way to stay warm all throughout the Holiday season – and can dramatically change an outfit from cute and stylish, to va va voom!


Tip 6: Wear Seasonable Color Schemes

One of the easiest ways to look your best this Holiday season is to be sure you wear colors that match the Holiday’s theme, or at least coincide with the theme. For instance, Christmas colors that look fantastic are red, evergreen, silver, gold, black, navy blue, and whites of different shades.

Woman with seasonal makeup colors like shimmer eye makeup and red lips and nails

Tip 7: Seasonal Cosmetic Colors – Wear Them

Adding a bit of flair to your face is a great way to look your best. By doing something as simple as switching your color palate or incorporating more of the festive looks for the season into your cosmetic regimen, you can’t go wrong and will look fab! Eyeshadow colors and eye liners, along with lipstick shades, are the two most important cosmetic components for the season. Try using some metallic colors for more of a shimmer, or actual shimmer products themselves. Glitter is also complimentary for the holidays. Lipsticks in red or berry shades make for a perfect Holiday look.


Easy as Pie

Try some of these simple steps to look your best, and you can’t go wrong. Simple and easy to complete on your own, you’ll be amazed at the transformation things this small can make in your appearance.

Happy Holidays from Resveralife!

Resveralife Eat Well: Healthy Hors D’oeurves

During the holiday season, providing healthy food options isn’t typically something many of us focus on. We tend to want to provide or offer something to our guests that tastes fabulous without focusing on calorie content. What if there was a way to incorporate healthy with great taste? Resveralife brings you a few hors d’oeuvres that give you the best of both worlds. The best part is, your guests will love them and never be able to tell they are less fat and less calories as they don’t lack in flavor or taste.

Cheese and Fruit Bites

The accompaniment of fruit and cheese is a timeless classic. Serve with wine for the perfect touch. Super easy and quick to make, you can make a couple of trays in no time. With only 26 calories and 1 gram of fat, you simply cannot go wrong with this delicious concoction.


  • 1 Lb. Red seedless grape
  • Reggiano Parmigiano cheese wedge
  • Festive foil tin cups (think baking cups)


1. Halve all of the grapes.

2. Break cheese wedge into small chunks

3. Place two grape halves and a small chunk of cheese into the foil cups and place on a festive tray for serving.

Grapes are a healthy fruit which contain resveratrol, which contains anti-aging properties that benefit the skin. There are also as many vitamins and minerals which are easily absorbed as well as a high fiber content. Reggiano Parmigiano cheese is also low in fat and calories. This is a great finger food for your guests, and will disappear quickly.

Phyllo dough crab cups

Crabmeat Cups

Crab meat is a delicious and protein filled shellfish which is enjoyed by many people. Be sure to make sure none of your guests have any shellfish allergies before incorporating this into the menu. These delicate crab meat cups offer a delicious taste of something elegant with only 46 calories per cup.


  • ½ lb jumbo lump crab meat
  • 1 container of phyllo dough shells
  • Lemon mayonnaise
  • 1 avocado
  • Watercress leaves for garnish


  1. Divide the crab meat between all of the phyllo shells.
  2. Add ½ teaspoon of the lemon mayonnaise as a topper to the crabmeat in all shells.
  3. Place a small cube of avocado into each shell, and top with a small watercress leaf.

Simple and easy to make in three steps, these crabmeat cups are a surefire way to impress your guests and keep them talking.

Crostini with pea puree,radish,rocket and cheese

Pea Crostini

While not everyone is a fan of peas, this pea crostini is sure to change their minds. Delicious and hearty with only a few minimal ingredients, these are sure to fly off the serving trays – and the best part? They contain a minimal 35 calories and 3 grams of fat. You can double the recipe to feed more people.


  • 1 ½ Cups Frozen Peas (thawed)
  • 2 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 30 Crostini
  • Goat Cheese


  1. Blend first 3 ingredients in a food processor until smooth. Spread 8 oz. of goat cheese on crostini, followed by a spoonful of the pea mixture. Top off with a small slice of watermelon or beets for a pop of flavor.

Peas, although small in size, pack a major punch in terms of protein, fiber, and micronutrients. They also contain polyphenols, which aid in the prevention of certain types of cancer. Extra virgin olive oil, and any olive oil for that matter, is good for moisturizing and hydrating the skin. This is a great accompaniment to your Hors D’oeurves spread.


Try one of these simple, healthy, and delicious recipes for your next gathering or party, and you’re sure to please.

Look Well: Makeup Tips for a Flawless Face

As women, we have all seen another woman at least once in our lives who seemed to have the most perfect face, whether or not it looked as though she had makeup on. Maybe some of us have gotten jealous or envious. No need – today, Resveralife would like to teach you a few makeup tips of your own so that you too can have a flawless face every day.

Young Woman Applying Cream On Her Face Over White Background

Step 1: Proper Cleansing and Moisturizing

Before you ever touch a sponge or brush to your face, proper cleansing and moisturizing techniques, done at least twice per day, will keep your skin fresh and clean with a youthful appearance. You always want to ensure you are painting on a fresh canvas, so to speak, and not painting over an already established painting. Always wash your makeup off at the end of the day before bed, and always moisturize with a moisturizing cream intended for the nighttime hours.


Step 2: Primer

Facial primer is the same kind of thing as primer in which you would use on your walls in your home before painting. It covers blemishes, freckles, and spots, while giving you a smooth application when it comes time to use foundation. It also helps your cosmetic products to ‘stick’ throughout the day, and also it helps them to stay in place and not crease in areas where they normally would, such as the eyes.


Step 3: Foundation

Foundation is really the item that will tie your face together and make or break your entire look. You don’t want to underdo it, otherwise you are using it for virtually no reason, however; you don’t want to overdo it, either. Nobody looks good with too much foundation caked on their face. Using a foundation color that matches your skin tone is essential. Another essential is to make sure you are using quality products from reputable companies. Foundation, depending on the type, is to be applied with fingertips, a makeup wedge or sponge, and/or a brush. It should evenly and smoothly cover the face and blend into the neck naturally.

applying blusher

Step 4: Blush

When applying blush and trying to attain a natural flawless look, the blush shouldn’t be too vibrant in color, and should only be applied to the apples of the cheeks. Also, don’t overdo the color. Use minimal amounts simply to give you the appearance of a naturally colored facial tone. Less is better, here. There are many different types of blush for your particular skin tone so be sure to consult with your favorite beauty store for some ideas on what colors work for you.


Step 5: Eyeliner

There’s just something about eyeliner that can make a face look absolutely fantastic – or, on the opposite end of the spectrum, terrible. Proper eyeliner application should be done by applying close to the lash line, and never going heavy on the bottom lash line. Blending the liner on the bottom lash line is also a good idea, whether using a smudge brush or your fingertip. For those who like the look of liquid eyeliner, practice really does make perfect. There are many ways to apply eyeliner for a flawless, gorgeous look. Experimenting with different styles is the best way to know what works best for you.


Step 6: Eye Shadow

Eye Shadow is one of the best components of the cosmetic world. It can do so much for your eye shape and color. You can make your entire appearance change to match whatever your mood through the use of eye shadow. The smoky eye look is a classic which looks great no matter the occasion or outfit. You can go subtle or dramatic – it’s up to you. With a multitude of colors and styles, eye shadow is just one of those things you can learn to do and rock it fantastically.

Applying red lipstick

Step 7: Lipstick

Lipstick is fun to use and can give your face that extra pop of color you’re missing. You can mix and match your lipstick to co-ordinate with your outfit, shoes, or handbag, and whether you have dramatic makeup on your face or are going for a subtle look, lipstick can set the whole look off on the right foot. Using a lipstick brush is the best way to get smooth, even coverage and ensure the product is properly applied where it should be.


Practice Makes Perfect

Cosmetic products are a lot of fun to play with and sometimes, it can take practice to get the look you really want. Practice does make perfect. So, try some of the above cosmetic products out for yourself and soon you will find yourself becoming your very own makeup professional in no time.

Resveralife Brings You the Fall Edition of Living Well, Eating Well and Looking Well

Resveralife knows that looking well, eating well and living well are three of the most important concerns of modern day man. It might be easier said than done, but with the right kind of advice, you can easily transform your lifestyle to incorporate all three features into your life. The Resveralife guide to living, eating, and looking well offers you the best and the hottest tips to transform the way you live, the way you eat and the way you look this fall season.

Living Well – 5 Exercise Routines to Try

Living well is all about experiencing the best that life has to offer. And the good news is that living well isn’t overtly difficult. Exercise is an important factor of living well. One of the best ways to incorporate fitness in your life is to add a few simple exercise routines into your daily routine. This guide to living well acquaints you with some of  the best and most effective exercises.

  1. Zumba – Zumba is an aerobic dance routine that is famous in studios and clubs all the way from Los Angeles to Miami. The Latin music tends to make you feel happier and the refreshing routine can recharge your body and your soul.
  2. Ugi Ball – The Ugi ball is everything that medicine balls are not – it is squishy, weighted, stylish and extremely beautiful. It is an ideal functional fitness tool because it challenges you to use all your muscle groups at the same time.
  3. Bosu Balance Trainer – The Bosu Balance Trainer resembles an exercise ball that has been cut into half. It offers you an exciting way to exercise and it has become a staple inclusions at most gyms and health clubs. The Bosu Balance Trainer is ideal for targeting multiple fitness areas like stability, balance, endurance and strength.
  4. CrossFit – It is impossible to talk about exercise routines without mentioning CrossFit. Considered to be one of the most beginner friendly exercises, CrossFit is a high-intensity program that can be completely scaled to your fitness ability. From athletes to lazy bums, this exercise can suit all sorts of people.
  5. Body Weight Training – The benefits of Body Weight Training have been discussed millions of times before, and we’re about to do it all over again. This routine doesn’t need any fancy gym equipment and it allows you to build your balance, strength and flexibility.

Eating Well – 5 Side Dishes to Try

The eating well guide can offer you the perfect starting point when it comes to adding some healthy side dishes to your diet. Eating a balance diet – a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables, proteins and dairy products – is a must when it comes to leading a healthy life. It’s OK to indulge in a treat every now and then, but your overall food choices on a daily basis are very important. This eating well guide brings you some of the best side dishes that are high on the taste factor and also on the healthy quotient.

  1. Roasted Brussels Sprouts – Remove the brown ends of the sprouts and pull off the outer yellow colored leaves. Mix them with salt, pepper and olive oil and spread them out on a sheet pan. Roast for 35 minutes, until crisp on the outside and tender on the inside.  Sprinkle with kosher salt and serve.
  2. Butternut Squash Soup – Chop squash and onion into large sized chunks and crush garlic. Pour oil in a roasting tin and throw in thyme, onions, garlic and squash. Roast for about 30 – 40 minutes at 350F. Place the roasted vegetables in a blender, add a few spoons of stock and blend. Add more stock if you want to make the soup thinner. Season and serve.
  3. Italian Kale – Cook kale in a large saucepan over medium heat until the leaves begin to wilt. When the volume of kale in the saucepan is reduced by half, add olive oil, garlic and vinegar. Cook for a couple more minutes and serve with salt and pepper.
  4. Wild Rice – Dress up long-grain and wild rice mix by adding some marsala and fresh mushrooms. This side dish is guaranteed to be a big hit at the dining table.
  5. Spicy Collard Greens – Place bacon in a deep skillet and cook until it becomes brown. Bring a large pot of water to boil. Add black pepper, bacon, cayenne pepper, salt, collard greens and vinegar. Boil until greens become tender.

Looking Well – 5 Makeup Looks to Try

If you don’t have perfect looking skin you more than likely use makeup to improve its appearance. If you do have amazing skin you probably still want to change up your look with some makeup. Resveralife is here to help with tips to apply your makeup right way and look amazing. 1. Cat-eye Eyeliner – Cat-eye eyeliner is super fashionable and fun look to rock. It can give you a flattering look, irrespective of your eye shape and make you look mysterious even when you go low-key with the rest of your makeup. Here’s how to get the perfect cat-eye look:Closeup of a model wearing berry-colored makeup. and a cat eye

  1. Start off in the middle of your upper eyelid and draw a line as close to your lashes as possible. Draw this line in a single stroke or using numerous short strokes, depending on how skilled you are. With practice, you should be able to get it right in one go.
  2. Next move to the inner corner of your eye and draw a fine line towards the one that you just drew.
  3. Draw a line from the last lash to create the wing. You can decide upon the angle and length. A good trick to get the angle right is to imagine that your extending extension from you lower lashline
  4. Draw a line connecting the tip of your wing tail to the line near your eyelashes, this should create a triangle shape.
  5. Color in your triangle.
  6. Finish off the look with thickening black mascara. Use 2-3 coats for best results.

2. Cranberry Eyeshadow – Cranberry eyeshadow can give you an easy and sleek look that is ideal to sport during the changing seasons. Pair it with nude or berry lips for best results.

  1. Prime your lids using your favorite primer.
  2. Add a light colored base shadow which stretches from the brow bone to the crease.
  3. Use a matte, medium eyeshadow shade on your crease. Using a clean brush blend it towards your brow.
  4. Use a matte, deep maroon shade in the corners of your lids and in the corner of your crease.
  5. Blend all edges with a clean blending brush.
  6. Apply a metallic burgundy shade on the center of the eyelid.
  7. Apply a matte, neutral medium toned shade on the lower lash line.
  8. Use a liner brush to apply the matte, deep maroon shade closer to the lash line.
  9. Add a touch of the metallic burgundy shade to your lower lash line.
  10. Highlight using a shimmer, warm off-white shade.

3. Eggplant Nail Polish – Eggplant nail polish is a perennial fall favorite. Use a shade that almost looks black in color and appears to be all nineties and vampy. The secret is that when light falls on this shade, it gives off gleaming hints of purple. This is what makes eggplant nail polish so enchanting. 4. Dark, vampy lips – Dark, vampy lips were seen at fall fashion shows all over the world. That is not to mention the numerous celebrities who have already been sporting this look everywhere. The best part is that with all sorts wine stained and berry colored shades to choose from, you can easily find a shade that suits you perfectly. 5. Berry cheeks – Berry cheeks are definitely worth your while this fall. They go well with your cranberry eyeshadow as well and vampy lips.

Examining antioxidants

Resveralife Examines Whether Antioxidants Are Enough to Protect Alpha Personalities from Premature Aging

A few findings that were published in the “Functional Ecology” Journal state that unequal workloads might make the dominant individual more susceptible to premature aging and an increased risk of diseases. Scientists warn that alpha males and alpha females who are driven to do more than their share of the work might be at an increased risk of premature aging and might also have a shorter lifespan because they would be more susceptible to problems like heart diseases.

According to a study that was conducted using white-browed sparrows, it was determined that males and females who end up doing most of the work are more than likely to suffer from oxidative stress than those who don’t.

If you have an idea about your daily skin care routine, you would already be aware that oxidative stress usually occurs due to a lack of adequate antioxidants in the body. This is believed to lead to all sorts of illnesses such as accelerated aging, Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease. The study used white-browed sparrows because in a white-browed sparrow community the dominant male and female species are the only ones who defend the community’s territory. They are also the only birds that breed. Therefore, in order to assess the impact of these unequal workloads on the overall health of the birds, scientists measured the level of antioxidant protection being enjoyed by 93 different sparrow weavers before and after the breeding season.

Dr. Dominic Cram, the lead author of the study, states that animals or humans are known to divide their workloads when they live together in communities. It is common for some individuals to work harder than the others. This study was mostly conducted to investigate whether the members who work the hardest are the healthiest and whether their optimal health allows them to work more than the rest of the community. Another objective of the study was to determine whether the work rate has any impact on the health or not.

The results of the study showed that even though the antioxidant levels of the dominant individuals and the subordinates could be compared to each other before the start of the breeding season, some of the most hard working females ended up suffering from a much weakened antioxidant protection at the end of a 6 month long breeding season.

It is common knowledge that antioxidants help animals and humans to protect their bodies from the damaging free radicals present in the environment. According to Dr. Andrew Young, the co-author of the study, the findings suggest that an unequal sharing of workload might leave the harder working individual more susceptible to oxidative stress which ultimately leads to things like accelerated aging and poor health conditions.

This study could end up being extremely significant is it is one of the very first studies which suggests that social dominance in species might also lead to certain psychological costs that can have direct implications in terms of the aging and health patterns.

Resveralife Asks: Can Wine Replace the Gym?

Some might consider wine to be a toxic irritant in the system, but recent reports seem to show that the ancients might have got it right once again by substituting water with wines in their diets. A number of studies now state that this grape based intoxicant might have antioxidant qualities to offer to the human body. This simply makes us wonder whether wine can help us feel healthier or not and how much of wine should we be drinking. After all, drinking more wine is what the entire French Paradox is about, isn’t it?


Wine was considered to be a staple in ancient times because water was more or less contaminated with pathogens and deadly diseases. Moreover, in many places water ended up becoming a luxury, whereas wine could be found everywhere. Such was its popularity, that it managed to linger on for centuries when countless other alcohols came and went. And as many wine lovers would love to swear by, they still seem younger than many of their non-drinking buddies.


In a recent study that was conducted to determine whether wine consumption had any benefits, researchers have discovered that red wine contains an active ingredient known as Resveratrol, an ingredient that is commonly found in nuts and red grapes. Resveratrol is considered to offer significant anti-aging benefits with regular use and it is also believed to be one of the most powerful antioxidants in the world. Numerous wine based studies also confirm that Resveratrol has a way of improving the cardiovascular health of our elderly, when used in the right doses.


In fact, another study also mentioned out that red wine could be effectively termed as a substitute to exercising because it helped to protect muscle loss and preserve muscle tone. However, despite these results, Resveratrol studies are still in their nascent stages and it is always best to drink wine in moderation.


What you can do is that you can alter your daily routines to accommodate some red wine and give your body with the wondrous benefits that Resveratrol has to offer. And No. Don’t be lazy. We don’t mean that skipping out on your daily exercise is ok. Here are a few things that you can do.

  • Maintain your daily exercise routine. Resveratrol might be helping you with muscle toning and preventing muscle loss, but exercising is about a lot more than maintaining your muscles. It also has a lot to do with keeping you healthy. What you can do is that you could wind down with a glass of wine. This helps you to look good as well as feel good.
  • Bring in the reds. Dessert wines might taste fantabulous, but they don’t offer you with any Resveratrol whatsoever. So, cut out on the tastes that a Chardonnay has to offer. Red wine is just as tasty and its extremely healthy too.
  • Always drink in moderation. Resveratrol might be beneficial for your body, but always drink wine in moderation. Wine also contains alcoholic content and sugar that can accumulate toxins and poisons in your body. Drinking too much of wine can also cause a lot of internal damage to your body. Remember, wine can act as a Resveratrol supplement, it cannot act as a replacement for healthy lifestyles.


To sum up, can wine replace the gym? Nope!



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