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Woman with healthy skin in the fall

Tips For "Fall Proof" Skin

“To everything there is a season” and to every season there is a new skin regimen. In the summer, we sun proof, in the winter, we moisturize, and in the fall? What do we do in the fall? If you got questions, we got answers.

Fall is rough on the skin because it is a time of transition. Not only is the drying weather a problem, but new routines and busier schedules put our complexions under stress. Our skin is subject to imbalances such as, flakiness, and eczema breakouts and dryness. Here are some ways to prepare and keep your skin beautiful in this season of change.

1. Buy A Humidifier
One of the the reasons autumn is so dehydrating is drop in the humidity level. Dryness leads to inflammation, which is why rosacea and eczema are so prevalent in the fall months. The solution? Bring the humidity back with a humidifier. Use humidifiers to boost the moisture level in the home or office and increase hydration. It may also reduce redness and increase comfort levels.

2. Slather On The Oil
Nourish dry skin with some natural oil. Not only does oil help to maintain the skin’s elasticity, it decreases trans-epidermal water-loss. Worried about worsening acne? Don’t be. Lubricating skin loosens dry, pore- clogging sebum and helps to bring balance to acne prone skin. It is important that when choosing an oil, you aim for one with natural ingredients; mineral oil will not absorb as well. Your best options are olive, jojoba, and coconut oil.

3. Hydrate
Moisturize from the inside as well as the outside. Hydration includes the increased consumption of foods like moisture-rich fruits, leafy greens, and healthy fats. Soups and stews are great for you and great for the season. Avoid dehydrating dry meats, alcohol, starches, and caffeine.

4. Feel The Peel
Exfoliate! It gets rid of dead skin and clears pores allowing the skin to absorb oils and moisturizing elements to replenish skin and prevent dry skin patches form appearing. Peeling is also crucial for circulation and keeps skin looking young. While you may choose to use an intense scrub on your body, you may want to use a gentler product on the face.

5. Stimulate Circulation
Cold weather constricts the blood vessels making for dull looking skin. Strong blood flow transports waste from our skin cells while delivering oxygen, keeping skin healthy and bright. Use skincare with ingredients such as lemon, oil, Vitamin C, ginseng, and ginger. These will help to restore color, improve circulation and increase collagen for anti aging.

6. Nurture Your Skin
Pamper yourself with a facial. The pore extracting elements will help to purify skin and the massage portion with boost blood flow and brightness. Masking treatments can be tailored to your beauty needs and aid in stress relief.

If you have any fall skin tips, please share. We welcome your insight!

Woman with healthy skin

Foods For Healthy Skin

Why is it that some women always seem to look great? Obviously, there are some who invest in designer wardrobes, top of the line haircuts and treatments, manicures, pedicures, the list goes on. But there are some women who seem to need none of that stuff. No matter how simply they’re dressed, or how little effort they’ve put in, they just seem to shine. It’s the skin.

According to a PMC study on mate choices and facial preferences, healthy skin is one of the most important determinants in picking a mate. The study finds that, “there is a large and obvious selective advantage in detecting healthy partners for social exchange and mate choice” and people are “more willing to reciprocate trust from healthy looking social partners than from social partners who are unhealthy looking.” The research goes on to explain that, “skin health may be a particularly useful marker of current health condition,” and we all want to be attractive, right? Jessica Wu, MD and author of , “Feed Your Face,”says, “My conclusion is that naturally gorgeous skin often starts with your diet.” So let’s dig in!

1. Walnuts
Eat walnuts? If you do, you are eating the only nut that has a significant level of omega-3 fatty acid. That’s great news if your not too keen on fish, which also contains loads of the nutrient. Walnuts have alpha-linolenic acid, which protects from eczema, plus they’re great on froyo and ice cream.

2. Kale
Kale is a powerful source of both lutein and zeaxanthin, which are nutrients that neutralize free radicals from UV light, and can even safeguard against wavelengths that penetrate sunscreen. Just one cup of these mean greens give you 134% of you daily vitamin C and 133% of your daily vitamin A, both of which are known for their skin firming properties.

3. Rosemary
According to a study done by the International Journal of Epidemiology, the regular consumption of four or more herbs per day, such as rosemary or thyme, was known to reduce the risk of melanoma by 60%. These herbs contain large amounts of antioxidants and block the sun’s free radicals before they cause damage to the skin.

4. Almond Milk
Since Dr. Wu says, “Research shows dairy is highly inflammatory, which means it will aggravate acne, wrinkles, and rashes;” it is suggested that almond milk is used as a more skin-friendly alternative. Use it in your coffee and on cereal for better skin health.

5. Soy
A study of middle-aged women in Japan found that those who ate 40 milligrams of an isoflavone found in soy had improved elasticity and fewer lines in their skin when compared with subjects who received a placebo. The isoflavone, known as aglycone is effective in preventing collagen from breaking down, thereby decreasing the chance of sagging and wrinkles. You can get your 40 mg dosage in 1 oz. of dry roasted soybeans, 3 oz. of tempeh, or 6 oz. of tofu.

Got some more info on healthy skin food? We love to hear your comments. Let us know if you’ve tried any of these and what you think.

Woman running outdoors during fall season

Reboot Your Workout For Fall

You put on the TV and some see a lady talking about avoiding excess calories this holiday season. She tells you caramel apples have about 500 calories and you’re better off with apple slices and low-fat caramel dip. She says eggnog is 340 calories and cocoa is 190 calories without the whipped cream. She suggests you stick with green tea which is calorie free and rich with antioxidants. She tells you to chew sugarless gum instead of Halloween candy. She tells you to serve yourself only a sliver of pie with light whipped topping and, oh, skip the crust. “Skip the fun,” you think turning off the TV.

Fall is the season of feasting! You don’t have to deny yourself. Eat that extra helping, bring on the whipped cream, you can work it off!

1. Enjoy The Cooler Weather
Todd Durkin, MS, fitness coach, says, “Walking, hiking, and cycling are awesome in fall. ” Take in the fall foliage with some biking or walking. If you live in a place that gets an early snowfall, you can cross-country ski or snowshoe. Take advantage of the empty beaches with some volleyball or frisbee. Kayaking and canoeing are great options if you are near a lake.

2. Catch Up On Your Favorite Shows
If you’re thinking about binge watching several seasons of “Orange Is The New Black” this fall, you may want to incorporate some exercise. Try running or walking in place as you watch, do some lunges or dips off the couch, or lift some weights. Use commercial breaks to do push ups or sit ups.

3. Find Opportunities To Exercise
Park your car a little further from your destination, take the stairs, walk on your lunch break. Go for walking meetings, It will help get your thoughts in order and come up with new ideas. Try downloading some new music on your iPod and walk while you listen.

4. Obey The Thirty Day Rule
Justin Price, owner of a coaching and personal training facility in San Diego, says ,”It takes about four weeks for the body to adapt to lifestyle changes. That’s why people who give up on their fitness programs tend to do so within the first thirty days.” He suggests sticking with a program for a month so you have time to develop behavior patterns that help you adapt.

5. The Three C’s
Chris Freytag, fitness instructor for “Prevention Magazine” believes that the keys to a successful exercise program are a convenience, commitment, and consistency. She believes we must commit ourselves to an exercise schedule, make workouts convenient by choosing a gym near you or exercising at home and be consistent with your routines. She says, “I’d rather see a brand-new client work out for ten minutes a day rather than one hour every month.

6. Don’t Let Early Darkness Stop You
If you want to exercise outdoors in the early morning or evening, don’t let the shorter days get you down. Just take extra precaution by wearing reflective clothing and carrying a flashlight.
Good luck and prepare to chow down!

Woman meditating in the forest

Planning Your Daily Meditation

Katy Perry says she starts her day with Transcendental Meditation. Madonna can be seen with her foot behind her head practicing meditative yoga. Lena Dunham claims that all Type A women, she included, could benefit from meditation. Clint Eastwood says he’s been using Transcendental Meditation for almost 40 years. Talk show gurus Ellen DeGeneres and the great Oprah Winfrey both swear by meditation and, if that isn’t reason enough to start practicing your daily mantras, the lovely Nicole Kidman uses the meditation app on her phone that shows her a map of all the people who are meditating at the same time.

Meditation is a practice which involves self-regulation of the mind. It is used to ease high blood pressure and to combat depression and anxiety. It is known to improve the quality of life and health and help you make better choices. Here are some ways to work meditation into your day.

1. Find A Place Where You Can Meditate Regularly
Find a quiet spot and place a chair or meditation cushion there. Create a peaceful atmosphere that recalls the sacred purpose of meditation. You may choose to make an altar with flowers or sacred images.

2. Pick A Regular Time To Practice
If you love mornings, you might consider meditation before breakfast, schedule permitting. If you prefer evenings or have more time at night, try to meditate then. Start by sitting ten to twenty minutes a day and gradually increase the length of time and the number of sittings.

3. Pick A Posture
You want to be able to sit erectly without stiffness. Plant your body firmly and let your hands rest. Your eyes should be gently closed and your heart rate should be slow. Feel your body consciously releasing tension and let go of your thoughts.

4. Concentrate On Your Breathing
Take a few breaths to try and find the place from where you breath most easily. Feel the sensations of your breathing like the movement of your chest and belly. Relax with each breath, feeling the air entering and exiting your nose and throat.

5. Allow Your Mind To Wander
Your mind may slip away for a while. Allow yourself to return to the next breath and think about where you have been. You may want to use a word to name to yourself where you have been, such as “wandering” or “thinking” and say it to yourself silently. When you become more accustomed to meditation, you may be able to train your brain to return to the place it has been, but until that is possible, just use the word of acknowledgment and return on the next breath.

6. Sit, Letting Your Breath Change Rhythm
Relax into the rhythm of your breath allowing it to change from short to long, fast to slow, easy to rough. Concentrate gently.

As you progress, you should notice it will be easier to center and calm yourself. Meditation is a journey that needs to be ridden out, with some days more peaceful than others. If you stick with it, you will find that concentration on breathing helps to calm your mind and body.

Woman sleeping

Maintaining A Healthy Sleep Routine

If you’re not overly motivated, a good night’s sleep may be your greatest accomplishment. After all, it is no small feat. From the various available products to the barrage of commercials and helpful apps and websites devoted to the subject, it is obvious that not everyone is capable of peaceful somnolence. So, if you’re one of the lucky ones who has just engaged in 8 or 9 hours of uninterrupted rest, pat yourself on the back! You are quite the achiever!

What You Accomplish During Sleep
The list of things your body does during sleep is quite lovely. During Stages 3 and 4 of sleep, our muscles relax and our blood pressure drops. There is an increase of blood supply to the muscles, repair, and growth of tissue takes place, the body experiences a restoration of energy, and the growth hormone is released. Sleep gives our brains and bodies energy and helps us to perform our daily activities. Plus, you have some really cool dreams!

Sleep Hygiene And Becoming A Successful Sleeper
Sleep hygiene is the term used to describe your habits associated with sleep. To maintain good sleep hygiene, you should:

  1. Keep your sleep schedule consistent. Try to set your body clock to waking up and going to sleep at the same time every day, even on your days off.
  2. Establish a bedtime ritual that helps you relax. Avoid bright lights excitement, sound, and stress. Reading can be incredibly sleep-inducing.
  3. If you are among the sleep deprived, try and curb your desire to nap. It may help get through the day, but it is equally as likely to make you less sleepy at night.
  4. Exercise every day, but not when you should be sleeping. Exercising lowers blood pressure and stress and makes sleep easier.
  5. Keep your sleeping environment comfortable, The optimum temperature for a good sleep is between 60 and 67 degrees. Make sure your room is dark. Blackout curtains can be very effective and very cool. The atmosphere should be free from disruption, If your spouse is snoring, gently push them off the bed. (only kidding)
  6. Make sure your mattress is comfortable. If it’s over 8, it’s time to replace. Consider throwing some nice fluffy pillows on your bed, make sure to avoid allergens, and don’t leave your heels where you might trip over them.
  7. The right amount of light is important in maintaining circadian rhythms. Get some sunlight in the morning and avoid it in the evening.
  8. No alcohol, spicy foods, and coffee before sleeping. If your feel hunger may keep you awake, you can allow yourself a nice light snack 45 minutes before turning in.
  9. Keep any stressful work-related devices and thoughts separate from your sleep routine. Light from electronic devices can stimulate the brain and keep you awake.
  10. If you are having a hard time slipping into a dream state, go into another room and engage in a relaxing activity until you feel tired.

And, to think, your mother told you-you would never accomplish anything!

Woman sneezing into napkin

Staying Well During Cold And Flu Season

It’s finally Fall! Season of the Pumpkin spice everything! Pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin spice ice cream, hey, you even think you saw some pumpkin spice potato chips the other day! Not only that but fall also means you can let that bikini bod slide just a little bit, maybe relax the intensity on the treadmill a little, cut the routine from 5 times a week to 3. Trade in those Daisy Dukes for some classic fall sweaters and jackets. And, best of all, you get to cuddle with your new significant other while looking at decorative gourds.

There’s only one catch; you’re sick. Your throat hurts, your nose is stuffed and doesn’t feel like leaving your bed. Worst of all, the thought of pumpkin spice is turning your stomach. What can you do?

1.Flu shot
Get a flu shot. The flu shot is the most effective way of flu prevention. They are available at most pharmacies.

2.Wash your hands
There is no such thing as washing your hands too much. No matter what professional environment, you are in, you run the risk of being exposed to contagion. Doctors and nurses constantly keep soap and water in the close vicinity. To completely rid skin of viruses, scrub for at least 20 seconds. Dr. Alan Pocinki,MD recommends singing “The Birthday Song” twice while thoroughly washing under nails and between fingers, although you may get strange looks if you do this in public.

3. Hand Sanitizer
An alcohol-based hand sanitizer can kill germs from cold and flu.

4. Avoid Close Contact with Sick People
Tery Remy, MD, director of Medical Associates at Beauregard in Alexandria VA gives advice on how to politely turn down a handshake. “Just explain, ‘To keep transmission of colds and flu down, I’m not shaking hands. But hello! Nice to meet you!’ They understand.”

5. Keep Your Environment Clean
If you want to stay well, roll up those sleeves and get scrubbing! Paramedic Beth Geoghegan starts every day by cleaning her office with germ-killing soaps. If her day has included visits with flu bearing patients, she, “takes her uniform off the minute I get home, put it in the wash, and get right in the shower.” Geoghagan advises, “looking at your environment and thinking, ‘What could be contaminated? All it takes is a tiny droplet. It may already look clean, but it might not be.”

6.Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
Keeping up a strong immune system is one of the most important ways to avoid sickness. Low protein diets can deplete your immune system. Stick to high protein options like fish, yogurt, and eggs. In addition, make sure to get enough rest, don’t smoke, and keep allergies under control. Allergies cause inflammation of the upper respiratory system which sets the body up for getting a virus.

7.Drink Tea
Ah, steaming tea with milk and honey. Just mention it and you start to feel better. Inhaling steam helps the cilia to move germs out of the nose more efficiently. Honey gets rid of bacteria and lemon helps to thin mucus. So, start getting better so you can join the pumpkin explosion!

Woman touching her neck

Problems Only People With Sensitive Skin Understand

“You’re too sensitive.” Whom among us has not heard or used this phrase once in their lives? “Too sensitive” is usually used to imply that someone is weak or overly emotional. But, really, what is wrong with being sensitive? Should there be shame in the expression of true feelings? ” No! ” comes the resounding reply. Since when are deep feelings a sign of inferiority? Quite the reverse! Sensitive people are just more emotionally attuned and compassionate.
The same is true of sensitive skin. You may have been told that your skin is “too sensitive” or overly sensitive. Well, know that there is nothing wrong with that. It just means your skin expresses its feelings more easily than other people’s. If you have sensitive skin, it doesn’t mean that your skin is inferior, it is simply discerning. For those of you whose skin is a little less susceptible to irritants, here are some things you may never have to deal with. Please be empathetic.

  1. Doing Patch Tests: Every time someone with sensitive skin is trying out a new product, it needs to be tested on the jawline and slowly spread out, provided no visible negative reactions occur.
  2. Being Unable to Purchase Products with Fragrance: Even though a product may say “for sensitive skin,” including fragrances will lend lie to that phrase. The unaware and sensitive skinned may be in for a nasty surprise.
  3. Not Being Able To Get a Casual Facial: Although, a pleasurable pampering for most of us, facials can be a surefire inflammation trap for the overly sensitive. Many dangers may lie behind every touch and every new product.
  4. Knowing That You’ve Woken Up With A New Breakout Before You See it: You don’t have to see it any more to know its there. You’ve put something on your face at some time and now you’re feeling the burn. You dread the mirror.
  5. Explaining Why Your Face is So Red: Just because your skin is sensitive, it doesn’t mean your feeling aren’t. You would think people would be a little more polite and keep the questions about the “sunburn” to themselves.
  6. Having to Avoid Getting Your Face Wet: Water? Et tu, Brute?
  7. All The Cool Kids Are Using A New Product: Everybody’s trying the new peel and why should you be left out? It’s just not fair.
  8. Unavoidable Red Cheeks: Even if your product does wonders for most of your face, your cheeks tell a different story.
  9. Not Being Able To Cover Redness with Foundation: It’s usually a no brainer. Your face breaks out, you reach for foundation. Not you. Foundation only irritates your face more.
  10. Buying Something New and Having to Throw It In the Bill: You shell out the 20 odd dollars for the new “sensitive skin” product, only to wake up realizing that your face looks and feels like its on fire.

It’s not fair. For those of you with sensitive skin, we feel your pain. If you have sensitive skin and think your voice has not been recognized, we would love to hear from you. You are not alone.

Woman doing push-ups at the gym

Avoiding Muscle Cramps During Exercise

So there’s this really cute guy at your gym. You feel emboldened because you just shed about 15 pounds and your new tank top reveals your newly flat belly. You see him on the treadmill. You give a little wave and smile. He waves and smiles back. Good sign. You maintain eye contact as you straddle the stationary bike. You feel his eyes on you as you start to pedal. And then…it happens! You are seized by a blinding shooting pain causing your leg muscles to spasm uncontrollably. Your face becomes a mask of agony. The cute guy looks away, horrified. You will never live this one down.
The most commonly accepted explanation for muscle cramps is dehydration, so most of us will try to combat a cramp with a glass of water. However, the reason for muscle cramps may be far more extensive and avoiding them may not be a simple as grabbing a glass of H2O.

The jury on the effects of hydration on muscle cramps is still out. Some studies find there is no correlation between cramps and liquids, others show that fluids and electrolytes can be an effective way to avoid or delay muscle cramps. If dehydration is a cause of cramping, it would work something like this: When we don’t get enough to drink fluids outside our cells decrease and our nerve endings get crowded together, The result of this is a spontaneous discharge or a muscle twitch, leading to a muscle cramp. Proper hydration will prevent this from happening. So, to drink or not to drink? To drink of course. The benefits of staying hydrated during exercise are virtually never-ending, even if they don’t include the prevention of cramps. Experts agree that you let your thirst be your guide in determining the proper amount of fluid to drink and when to drink it.

Muscle Fatigue
Cramps are most common among beginner athletes and those who exercise too intensely because cramps are more likely to result from muscle fatigue. Exercisers should make sure to warm up muscles and pace their exercises to avoid strain. Adapting to heat may also cause cramps. When warmer weather arrives, take precautions to avoid starting workouts with too much intensity; don’t go from 0-100 too quickly.

Electrolytes are necessary for shifting fluids into and out of cells. Sodium is an electrolyte found in table salt. When it sweats, the body doesn’t just lose water, it loses sodium. Replacing the water without replacing the sodium can lead to dangerously low sodium levels, otherwise known as hyponatremia. This condition is most likely to occur during high endurance workouts which produce repeated sweating and can lead to painful cramping. Sodium can and should be replaced by snacking on salty foods or drinking sports drinks with high sodium levels.

Although some may claim they are the devil incarnate, carbs are still the main source of fuel for exercise. Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen in our muscles, and muscle cramps can set in when the store is exhausted. This is because our muscles use carbs to contract and also to relax. While exercise makes muscles contract, without enough fuel, muscle relaxation becomes impaired . If the muscle cannot relax, it can cramp.
Energy from carbs usually lasts through 60 to 90 minutes of exercise. Carbohydrates should be consumed if the workout exceeds that limit. Eat carbs before and during exercise, as needed.

So if you want to avoid those painful cramps, stick to these guidelines:

  1. Make sure to get appropriate training.
  2. Get used to the environment.
  3. Make sure your body gets enough fluids.
  4. Eat salty foods of high sodium sports drinks during, before and following exercise.
  5. Consume carbohydrates before working out and every 60 to 90 minutes thereafter.
Woman measuring circumference of thighs

Causes Of Inner Thigh Skin Sag

Did she so it or didn’t she? Did Beyonce, the woman who only needs one name, photoshop her world famous legs to create the image of a thigh gap? We can all agree that Beyonce is flawless, so why is she so concerned with creating the illusion of thinner thighs?
A survey commissioned by REAL Magazine found that , of the body parts that cause the most dissatisfaction to women, 91% of women named their hips and thighs.
Inner thighs are a cause of consternation for many, mainly because inner thigh muscles can be very difficult to target with exercise. Overweight women may find loose skin forming in this area. Muscle targeting can be helpful, but it often does not completely solve the problem.

Identifying Loose Skin
If you have loose skin on your thighs, you probably don’t need any help identifying it, nor do you want to help anyone else identify it. However, for those of you who may be new to it, saggy thighs are often characterized by drooping skin that hangs lax from the muscle without tone. It is often wrinkly and may have cellulite and is common in those who have had a recent dramatic weight loss.

When obesity occurs, skin expands to accommodate the excess fat. When weight loss occurs, the added skin remains and will only increase the amount of weight lost. Sagging thighs can also develop from a general lack of physical activity or age. Excessive sun exposure can also break down collagen in the legs, causing the skin to sag.

One option for tightening up skin is exercise, but, if you are targeting your thighs, you may want to concentrate your efforts on the thigh muscles. Running may work, as may standing leg lifts, squats, and side lunges. If you are familiar with pilates, the side split may also be helpful.

Creams And Lotions
Vitamin C, vitamin E, and alpha-hydroxy acids are known for their ability to firm skin. Coconut oil, shea butter, and cocoa butter are known for their moisturizing properties. Using creams and lotions with these ingredients along with regular exercise may help to give your thighs a tighter appearance.

Non-Surgical Methods
Radio frequency is a nonsurgical option which has been compared to a microwave by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery(ASAPS). It heats the skin to a point at which firming occurs. Pulsed light treatments are another option and work in a similar way, converting light to heat.

Surgical Methods
If you are considering a surgical solution, a lower body lift will remove loose skin and fat tissue , and, according to the ASAPS allows the “remaining tissue to stretch and smooth around the lower body, especially the buttocks and thighs.” Thin scars may result, but can be hidden by clothes or covered with concealer.

If you are considering surgical or nonsurgical methods, remember to consult a dermatologist first, and, if none of these options float your boat, there’s always loose clothes and photoshop!

Putting on blue latex gloves

Understanding Latex Sensitivity

Dustin Hoffman must have said it best. “There’s a new medical crisis. Doctors are reporting that many men are having allergic reactions to latex condoms. They say they cause severe swelling. So what’s the problem?”
Depending on your proclivities, the word latex brings up several associations. For the sexually inclined, thoughts immediately go to condoms and rubber clothing. For the less exotic, latex recalls rubber gloves and cleaning. If you are a dentist, you may recall catheters.
Naturally occurring rubber latex is derived from the sap of a rubber tree (of course!) otherwise known as Hevea Brasil ensues, which is found in Southeast Asia and Africa. Allergic reactions may occur when people who are sensitive to the proteins in natural rubber latex are exposed to products which contain the material.

Where Is Natural Rubber Latex Found?
Latex is common in dental and medical supplies like intravenous tubing, disposable gloves, stethoscopes, syringes, catheters, and bandages. As for consumer products, latex is found in handbags, athletic shoes, underwear leg and waist bands balloons, tools, tires, and, of course, condoms. Latex can also be found in baby products, such as baby bottles, pacifiers, nipples and rubber toys.

Allergic reactions occur when latex allergy sufferers come into contact with latex. Some of the more common, and less embarrassing, ways of incurring these reactions are blowing up a balloon or undergoing a dental or medical procedure in which the doctors are wearing latex gloves.

Food Triggers
People with latex allergies can have food allergies as well. If you have latex allergies, you may also be adversely affected by apples, potatoes, bananas, papaya, melons, celery, carrots, kiwi, chestnuts and avocado.

Usually, allergy symptoms do not occur right away. In most cases, it takes several exposures for the signs to reveal themselves. (Virgins rejoice!) However, once they develop, symptoms include itching, hives, and runny or stuffy nose. Asthma- like symptoms, such as wheezing and tightening of the chest, may develop. Reactions will appear within minutes after coming into contact with latex. Anaphylaxis is the most serious result of a latex allergy and is characterized by breathing difficulty and drop in blood pressure.
If you wear rubber gloves, you may be in contact with chemicals that cause “allergic contact dermatitis.” This can cause blisters on the back of hands and eczema occurring 1to 3 days after wearing gloves.
And perhaps most distressingly: You don’t even have to come into contact with latex products to develop a reaction, Asthmatic reactions and anaphylactic can be caused just by inhaling proteins in the air caused by the powder contained in latex gloves and aerosols.

Treatment And Management
Sufferers of latex allergies should avoid coming into contact with anything containing latex and avoid consuming potentially risky foods. Doctors and dentists should always be informed of allergy before performing the treatment. Clinics and hospitals have increasingly begun to feature latex-safe areas and to use non-latex and low protein latex gloves.
Those with a latex allergy should wear a medical alert ID and carry an epinephrine auto-injector in case of emergencies. Allergists can provide additional information and recommendations for those affected by latex allergies.



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