15 Fun Ways To Move More
Keeping fit is very important.
For a number of reasons, such as:
- It helps to keep your weight under control
- It prevents certain health conditions, such as stroke, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, different types of cancer and more
- It boosts your mood, thanks to the way in which it triggers your brain to release feel-good chemicals
- It increases your energy levels
- It boosts brain function
- It improves digestion and gut health
- It promotes better sleep
Don’t enjoy exercising?
This is actually quite common, but it only means that you haven’t yet found the right physical activity for you.
If you need some inspiration, here are 15 fun ways to get moving more:
Cook Yourself a Meal
Did you know that you can combine the time you spend cooking yourself a meal in your kitchen with a workout?
You are probably wondering how…
Well, there are a few ways in which you can go about doing this:
- Enthusiastically wiping down your counters will burn 200 calories an hour
- Putting away any gadgets, and doing things like mashing potatoes or kneading dough by hand, will really use some muscles
- Use your counter-tops to do a few push-ups
- Perform a squat each time you load something in the dishwasher
- Wash your dishes by hand
Not only will all of this give your body some exercise, but you’ll also end up with a tasty meal at the end of it. Just make sure that it is something healthy, so that you don’t undo all of the hard work you have just done!Â
Never quite taken to the idea of yoga?
You might change your mind if you can bring your pooch with you…
Doga, which refers to doing yoga with a dog, is becoming increasingly popular, because not only is this a great way for people to keep fit, but their dogs benefit too.
Having your dog with you also makes the whole experience so much more fun, as well as social, since pooches are such a great ice breaker when it comes to meeting new people.
There are doga classes held all over the world, but if you would like to give doga a try from the comfort of your own home first, you will find several tutorials online that will help the two of you to get started.Â
If you used to love treasure hunts as a child, then geocaching may be right up your street.
Never heard of it before?
All you need to do is download a geocaching app on your smartphone, and then pick a set of GPS coordinates in your area. Follow these coordinates to find the geocache, which is a hidden marker or container at that location, but can be just about any shape or size.
What do you do once you find the geocache?
Open it up and sign the logbook. Some geocaches also have small gifts within them. However, the rule of the game is that if you take something, you need to replace this with a small item or gift of your own.Â
Once you are done, put the geocache back in the same place that you found it. You can then share your experience via the app if you desire.
There are geocaches hidden in 190 countries around the world, with millions to be found, so you will never be short of new adventures to have.
Pole Dancing
Pole dancing as a workout has become so popular, with these moves offering up a fun way to stay active.
The best way to begin is by signing yourself up for a pole dancing class, as these will take you through the basic moves that you need to know.
Wondering how pole dancing benefits your body?
In a number of ways, such as:
- Gives you a cardio workout
- Works out your upper body
- Improves your balance
- Improves your flexibilityÂ
- Increases self-confidenceÂ
Thanks to how popular pole dancing classes have become, these are now available in so many different countries, with competitive rates.
Horseback Riding
For those who love animals, especially horses, horseback riding seems like a no-brainer when it comes to keeping fit.
Even if you have never ridden before, this is such an easy hobby to pick up.
Just be warned…
Horse riding can become extremely addictive!
Want to know how to get started?
Look for a riding center or stables near you, and then see what sort of lessons they offer. You will usually be able to choose between private lessons or group sessions. Both of these have their advantages, so opting for a mix of both would probably be best.
Circus Workouts
The circus is always so exciting and awe-inspiring.
If you love the circus, why not bring some of that energy and excitement into your own life?
You are probably wondering how to do this…
Many gyms around the world now offer circus-inspired workouts.
What do these involve?
A wide mix of activities, from juggling and trapeze work to tumbling and jumps.
Just one thing to keep in mind…
Make sure that the gym you choose uses equipment that has been modified for beginners.
Community Trash Pick-Ups
Passionate about environmental causes?
That same drive can also help you to get moving more.
You have likely heard of, or even participated in, community trash pick-ups. These are basically when people from the community get together to clear up trash from a certain area, whether this may be a park, a beach, a forest, or any other natural setting.
Not only will you be doing good for your local environment, but joining in on one of these sessions will also get you moving quite a bit, and will work out a number of different muscle groups in your body.
Many people equate trampolines with children, but more and more adults are turning to trampolines as a way to stay fit.
How does all of that jumping help your body?
Well, not only does it tighten and tone your core, but it also helps with calorie loss, and gives you a cardio workout that is just as effective as going for a run, but without stressing your joints in the way that running does.Â
There are so many different moves that you can do on a trampoline, and plenty of classes that you can join to teach you how to do these.
One thing to remember…
While you may be tempted to get bouncing straight away, make sure that you warm up for a few minutes first, as this will prepare your muscles for the workout ahead. Cooling off for a few minutes once you are done is also just as important.
Exergaming Â
If you love video games, then exergaming could be the perfect workout for you.
What is exergaming?
It refers to playing video games that encourage you to be physically active.
Research shows that many exergames can offer up the same health benefits as traditional exercise, and there are an increasing number of studies that continue to back up the many benefits that exergaming has. These include:
- Improved health and fitness
- Improved coordination
- Reduction in stress and anxiety
- Improved social, cognitive and problem-solving skillsÂ
One big benefit to exergaming is that not only does it keep you moving, but it is also a form of entertainment, and is one that will likely easily keep you fully engaged.
There are exergames available on all video gaming platforms, from the Xbox to the Wii, and even on mobile devices, making this an easy hobby to pick up.
Play a Musical Instrument
You are probably wondering why playing a musical instrument is on a list of ways to move more…
This is because playing a musical instrument actually results in an increase in physical activity.
Well, no matter what instrument you choose to play, you likely make full use of your arm and back muscles, not only while you are playing but also to hold your instrument up.
Certain instruments, such as the drums, will even give you a cardio workout!
Karaoke Workouts
Do you love to sing?
If so, you definitely need to give a karaoke workout a try.
These are usually found at cycling or spinning classes, with a television screen, complete with karaoke words and instructions, attached to each bike.
If you are quite picky about the type of music you enjoy, it would be worth checking out the song list before signing up to the class. Some instructors, in order to prevent students from getting too carried away, will only open up certain songs during each class.
If you have a friend with a karaoke system at home, that’s even better! This means that you can get a group of friends together to belt out your vocals.
High Heel Workouts
Yes, a high heel workout is exactly what it sounds like – working out in your high heels.
Wondering why you would want to do this?
Well, these workouts not only give you some exercise, but also teach you how to wear high heels safely.
When you are wearing a pair of heels, your center of gravity shifts to the front. These classes will teach you how to adjust your posture when this happens, so that you don’t cause any damage to your lower back or feet.
This will also help you to strengthen your lower leg and foot muscles, both of which will make a long day on your feet seem much less tiring.
Hula Hooping
Hula hooping has become quite trendy recently, with everyone from Kelly Osbourne to Michelle Obama giving it a go.
Hula hooping is a great way to give your body a workout, because not only does it strengthen your core, but it exercises other muscle groups too.
When it comes to weight loss…
You lose about seven calories a minute while hula hooping.
Think this doesn’t sound like much?
It’s actually more than what you would lose per minute when doing everything from walking briskly to aerobics to Pilates.
Never quite got the hang of hula hooping?
Here are a few tips:
- Go for a heavier, rather than a lighter, hoop, as this makes it easier to build momentum
- A bigger hoop will be easier, as this gives you more time to react to the movements necessaryÂ
Cleaning Your House
Don’t have time to work out?
Try combining a workout with a house cleaning session instead.
While housework may be boring, giving your body a workout at the same time makes the task seem all the more valuable.
Wondering how to do this?
Here are some ideas:
- Do squats or forward bends when putting items awayÂ
- Walk briskly up the stairs
- Wash dishes to tone your arm muscles, making sure to do 20 repetitions per arm
- Perform lunges while using your vacuum cleaner
- Stretch your body and muscles while dusting
- Iron for an hour, with a good posture, to burn around 150 calories
- Blast some music and dance around the house while cleaning
Not only will you end up with well-worked muscles, but you will also be able to enjoy a clean house at the end of it all.
An Urban Workout
Do you live in an urban area?
There is no reason why you can’t use the urban environment around you to put together a fun workout.
Begin by heading on over to your local playground…
The equipment that you will find here is ideal for pull-ups, while a picnic table is great for doing some tricep dips.
Found some spare tires?
These can be used for shoulder presses, while a park bench is perfect for push-ups.
Exercising definitely does not need to be boring. There are so many unique and fun ways out there to get your body moving more, so try being more creative when it comes to finding ways to stay physically fit.