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Woman eating healthy food

Earning Your Way To A Flat Belly

Anyone who has seen “Crazy Stupid Love” will remember the scene in which Emma Stone first sees Ryan Gosling shirtless. She takes one look at his washboard abs and says, “Seriously? It’s like your’e photoshopped!” Well, while we can’t all walk around looking like we’re photoshopped, we can take certain measures to tighten up our bellies. If you’re serious about losing the muffin top, read on!

Live Well

Focus On Your Whole Body
Many people believe they can crunch their way to a flat belly, but contrary to popular belief, crunches and sit-ups do not guarantee a svelte middle. That’s because belly bulge is not about lack of muscle, it’s about extra body fat. If you’re hoping to rival Beyonce’s midriff, you need to burn calories, not build muscle. The best way to do this is by developing a workout that impacts several muscle groups so you strengthen your entire body while burning those excess calories.

Woman planking
Work Your Core
In exercise lingo, planking is a term that refers to a move that practices balance, targets abdominal muscles, and strengthens your back and chest. To execute a plank, begin in a push- up position, but with your hands directly under your shoulders as opposed to outside your chest. Bring your feet together and balance on the balls of your feet and the palms. of your hands. Hold the position for as long as you can. If you like this one, you can move on to side plank, reverse plank, and even work your way up to plank-ups and plank twists!

Side Bend Stretch
This exercise won’t make the fat disappear, but it will bring blood and oxygen to this area which may help break down fat. Try to do this three times a day to stretch the upper back, triceps and abs. Bend to one side stretching your opposite arm over your head and then quickly stretch sides, bending the other way and raising the other arm. This should be done continuously for a total of 10 stretches on each side.

Eat Well

Woman eating berries

Not only do beans contain the best types of carbs, they are also full of resistant starch to help you burn fat after meals. Plus, they keep you feeling full.

These natural beauties are proven to stop fat cells from increasing in size and also help the cells release a hormone, called adiponectin, which lowers blood sugar and reduces inflammation.

Research finds that eating nuts twice a week makes a person less likely to gain weight than their non-nut eating buddies.

Avoid Alcohol
If you drink, even occasionally, you know that alcohol is the ultimate nemesis of weight loss. The demon alcohol releases estrogen into the blood and excess estrogen means you’re more likely to hold on your excess weight. Plus, it lowers your inhibitions and hinders judgement, which means a late night feast may suddenly look more appealing.

Cut Down On Sodium and Drink More Water
If you’re looking to get rid of the bloat, you should keep your sodium intake down to 1,500 mgs a day and increase the amount of water you drink. Be sure to read food labels. Most processed foods contain alarming amounts of sodium. Cut down your levels to lower your water retention.

Now go out and flatten that belly and wait for those jaws to start droppin’! Let us know how it works for you; we love to hear it!

Woman spreading cheese on bread

Signs and Symptoms Of Wheat Allergies

There is an old saying, “He who will have a cake out of the wheat must tarry the grinding.” A truer proverb may never have been said, but what of those who must have the wheat out of the cake?

To say wheat allergies are no fun may be an understatement. Wheat is a main ingredient in some of the most beloved foods in America including donuts, cookies, cakes, muffins, crackers, waffles and pretzels, hot dogs, and ice cream. That sure limits the menu at baseball games. I guess this is what was meant by “tarrying the grinding.” Here are some of the things that can help to recognize, diagnose, and treat this troubling condition.

Symptoms of A Wheat Allergy
A wheat allergy is the result of a response that causes the immune system to attack wheat proteins because it falsely recognizes them as harmful substances. Symptoms include nasal congestion, eczema, hives, asthma, swelling of the mouth or throat, watery, itchy eyes, diarrhea, vomiting and bloating of the stomach. Anaphylaxis also may occur causing tightness of the throat, chest pain and difficulty breathing, a weak pulse, bluish flesh, and a possibly fatal drop in blood pressure. Although some adults have wheat allergies, they are more common in children and are usually resolved by the age of 5.

There are various tests to diagnose wheat allergy. In many cases, patients are asked to keep a diary of the foods they eat, noting the symptoms. Those experiencing symptoms of wheat allergies will be asked to eliminate wheat and wheat products from their diet, then slowly reintroduce them at intervals. This, along with the food diary, will help to pinpoint the problem-causing foods, which can then be replaced.

Another way of revealing a wheat allergy is food challenge testing, which usually takes place at a hospital or clinic. The patient ingests capsules containing suspected allergens. The doses are gradually increased while symptoms are monitored to determine whether an allergic reaction takes place.

The skin prick test consists of diluted food drops placed on an individual’s back or arm. If itching or redness occurs, the test is considered positive. Blood tests can also be used to detect antibodies indicating food allergies.

Although the recent amount of attention to gluten sensitivity has increased the emergence of wheat-free products, wheat proteins may still be difficult to avoid. Antihistimines can eliminate or lower allergy symptoms by lowering the immune system and should be taken after being exposed to wheat. This medication should be used only under professional guidance.

Adrenaline, or epinephrine is often used in an anaphylactic emergency. Patients who are at high risk of anaphylaxis are instructed to have two injectable doses of the treatment on hand. Auto-injector pens open airways, helping the patient to breathe more easily and restoring low blood pressure.

Risk Factors
If there is hay fever, asthma and allergy in the family history, the risk of developing a wheat allergy increases. Young children and infants are more likely targets because their digestive and immune systems are not fully developed. Exercise has been known to trigger responses to wheat product and may lead to anaphylaxis.

If you have, or have had wheat allergies, we would love to hear how you “tarry the grinding.” Let us know how you deal with them. We’d love to hear it.

Flat lay of fresh salmon on wooden board

Choosing Sustainable Sources of Seafood

Gen Xers and Baby Boomers will probably remember the Starkist commercials that popularized Charlie the Tuna. Although he may have done wonders for the canned tuna company, Charlie was something of an anomaly. Why would a fish do a commercial for a product in which he would end up being the main ingredient!

Things have come quite a way since then. Millennials are more likely to celebrate the characters of “Finding Nemo” and “SpongeBob Squarepants,” all of whom have seemed to fare better than poor Charlie. In this day and age, it seems only natural that our environmental consciousness effect the way we represent, and eat, our fish. The American Heart Association recommends a minimum of two servings of fish per week. But is there something you should know about our finned friends before digging in?

Why Eat Sustainable Seafood?
As the sea continues to boil, we are slowly but surely fishing our amphibious amigos into an early extinction. Scientists believe that by 2048, there will be only algae and jellyfish left; not very attractive options. And think, that’s only 38 years from now, in other words, many of us will live to see it. However, if you think that’s bad, what about people in Asia and coastal Africa for whom fish is the only option? What will they do after the fish apocalypse?

Even if this is not enough to get you to change your tune, let’s talk about toxins like PCBs and mercury. Toxins are more likely to be found in predatory fish like tuna, shark and salmon because the pollutants are more able to attach themselves to fatty skins and flesh and you certainly don’t want those swimming around your tummy.

If you’re wondering just how much America is effected by this, here are some ideas. Salmon and tuna are numbers two and three on the list of most popular American fish and shrimp, our number one choice is increasingly coming from central America and southeast Asia, both of which have unregulated environmental standards.

What Can You do?
Avoid big, predatory fish like tuna, shark, swordfish and salmon. They tend to live the longest and are more prone to attract toxins because of their older flesh. Exceptions include wild salmon from Alaska and small albacore tuna from British Colombia and the Pacific Northwest, both of which come from regulated fisheries. Eat fish which are smaller on the food chain. These include anchovies, clams, sardines, oysters and mussels. They live for a shorter amount of time, and reproduce more easily, increasing their resistance to the pressure of fishing.

Keep Your Options Open
To reduce the likelihood of exposure to pollutants, try to eat a variety of seafood rather than sticking to one type. Check for where the fish at the supermarket came from . If its from the US and Canada, it is likely to be safe, Central America could be dodgy and stay away from Asian fish. Of course, this does not guarantee that all North American fish is sustainable.

What to Avoid
Stay away from most ahi (bigeye and yellowfin tuna, as well as bluefish tuna, all of which are facing extinction. Steer clear of imported farmed shrimp and farmed salmon, commonly sold as Atlantic Salmon. Actual Atlantic salmon is no longer available as overcrowded conditions of Chilean salmon farms have lead to the spread of infectious viruses. Also avoid freshwater eel or aka unagi, which is 95% gone.

Sorry Charlie! We really will be. If you have anything to contribute to the sustainable seafood conversation, let us know! We want to hear all your viewpoints!

Woman with pineapple

The Health Benefits of Pineapple

What can you say about a fruit that has its own social history? The pineapple has probably adorned more tabletops than a drunk in a bar. The reasons are obvious. After all, the pineapple just screams centerpiece, and comes complete with its own crowning glory. In colonial America, a hostess would rather be caught dead than without a pineapple at her dinner party. Guests to a house with a pineapple displayed on the table were ensured that the hostess spared no expense for the dining pleasure of her guests and could expect a feast not to be outdone. With a history like this, it would not be inaccurate to say that this crowned natural wonder is indeed the royalty of the fruit family.

But besides its rare beauty and sweetness, there are many other reasons the pineapple is worthy of celebration. Perhaps we should look at some of the incredible health benefits the pineapple offers.

Great For Weight Loss
Pineapples can keep you full longer than other foods because they pack a lot of water and fiber. Plus, they have fewer than 60 calories per half cup and help prevent tummy bloating.

Promotes Cell and Tissue Health
Pineapple increases synthesis of collagen. That means it will help your skin to stay youthful and firm and strengthen organs, bones, and skin. They also contain vitamin C that helps wounds to heal and protects the body from illness and infection.

Promotes Healthy Digestion
Pineapple packs in the fiber, which, according to experts, keeps your intestines healthy and protect against constipation, diarrhea, IBS and high blood pressure.

Good For Your Eyes
As a person’s age increases, so too does the risk of macular degeneration.The Eye Diseases Prevalence Research Group found that vitamin C and betacarotene, both of which can be found in the spiked wonderfruit, can help to prevent or delay this and other age-related eye deficiencies.

Helps To Reduce Cold Symptoms
Although you may think it is only the vitamin C in pineapples which makes them so powerful in combating the common cold, it is also the content of bromelain. Bromelain is a special enzyme that has been shown by University of Maryland studies to reduce the phlegm and mucus that builds up in sinus cavities and respiratory tracts. In addition, pineapples contain properties to help reduce the inflammation of the airways associated with bronchitis.

Strengthens Your Gums
Pineapples have astringent properties that make your gums stronger and prevent your teeth from falling out. They also help to tighten tissue and tone the body, preventing hair loss, skin loosening and muscle weakness. So eat pineapples to keep those chompers chomping.

Beautiful, interesting and functional, what more can you want in a fruit? If you want to help us sing the praises of the pineapple, please send in comments and suggestions. We also welcome recipe ideas!

Woman holding up fresh beetroot

Vitamin Packed Fall Fruits and Veggies

Have you heard of the Super Sprowtz? You may have seen the colorful Sammy Spinach, Erica Eggplant, Oliver Onion , Colby Carrot and Suzy Sweet Pea singing, “If you’d like to eat healthy, put a veggie on it” to the tune of Beyonce’s, “Put A Ring On It.” in videos and on social media. The Super Sprowtz are the biggest thing to hit the produce industry since the “California Raisins.” Veggies and fruits as superheroes and rock stars is a no-brainer; they must be among one of the most powerful food sources, able to deliver vitamins and nutrients in a single bound. Let’s have a look at some of the superheroes of the fruit and veggie world.

Don’t let the size fool you. Cranberries deliver a punch of antioxidants. They will protect you from free age-related degeneration and free radical damage and save you from urinary tract infection, oral disease, and cancer. Pop some in your pancakes for a healthier breakfast.

Beets’ superpowers come from their stores of betaine and nitrate. They will fight off super villains like heart and liver and will staunchly support the blood flow to your brain and reduce the risk of dementia.

This furry superhero is known for its lung, eye and colon protecting nutrients. They may also help your supervision by preventing macular degeneration. Kiwi is also known for its high level of vitamin E which prevents cancer and also has been known to pack vitamin C, magnesium, copper and potassium.

This is a wonder fruit if there ever was one. It boosts your cardiovascular system and kicks carcinogens in the butt.

Brussel sprouts and Cabbage
These daredevils are chock full of the powers of vitamins A and C and will deliver with high concentrations of glucosinolates faster than a speeding bullet.

What would our group of avenging produce be without a super pumpkin? Hurling through the air bursting with alpha-linoleic acid, pumpkin seeds are known defenders against high blood pressure, heart disease, and high cholesterol. Pumpkins are also great sources of alpha and beta carotene to guarantee X-ray vision and cell growth with its alpha and beta carotene.

Maybe the Boy Wonder of the Superfruits, pears are not only full of antioxidants, they are also considered hypoallergenic because they are so unlikely to incite allergies. They’re also full of vitamin C and fiber to make constipation and other chronic diseases a thing of the past. Holy Smoke!

If pears are the Boy Wonder, apples are the Superman. They are packed with antioxidants to fight evil doers like chronic illness and can help to slow aging, how’s that for a superpower? Fuji apples are the stars of the apples family, with the highest amounts of phenolics and flavonoids.

How’s that for some super power? If you have any fruits or veggies to add to our list of superheros, let us know. What superpowers does your super fruit/veggie give you?

Woman with the flu

Prepping For Cold and Flu Season

During her highly anticipated Diamond Tour, Rihanna contracted laryngitis and a cold after a Buffalo, New York appearance and was forced to cancel her upcoming shows. And little wonder! How can a girl from the tropical Barbados possibly be prepared for the unforgiving climate of Buffalo, New York?

And, while most people would agree that colds are inconvenient, uncomfortable, and unnerving when Rihanna contracts laryngitis, it is nothing short of a national disaster; after all, what is Rhi-Rhi without her voice? Not to mention all these gorgeous outfits hanging unworn in the closet. How sad! If only Rhi-Rhi had been prepped for cold and flu season!

Now, maybe your cold or flu is not likely to garner the attention on social media, but it is still distressing and does not come without costs. Here are some things you can do to avoid getting sick this year.

Load Up the Medicine Cabinet
The next time you’re at the market make sure to add a few extra items to your list. You’ll want to stock up on decongestants, cough medicines, antihistamines, pain relief meds, and vitamins. You may not need them now, but better safe than sorry.

Make Sure you Have the Right Equipment
Besides medicine, it’s always a food idea to have a thermometer with fresh batteries, a humidifier, hand sanitizer, tissues, and anti bacterial soap. Remember, you won’t feel like going out and getting them when your sick.

Bring On the Chicken Soup
Make sure your kitchen is ready to handle your cold. Make sure you have lots of fluids, including water and herbal tea, and Vitamin C loaded fruit juices. Also, be prepared with heat and serve comfort foods that can soothe sore throats and keep away chills.

Get a Flu Shot
Flus are extremely contagious and, unlike colds, can spread a day before its symptoms how up. The flu vaccine is the best way to protect yourself from the common flu strains and is updated each year according to predictions about the coming season.

Wash Your Hands Properly
Begin with anti-bacterial soap and warm water. Spend about 20 seconds lathering up, concentration on jewelry and fingernails. To track the time, you can sing “Happy Birthday” twice, but, be warned, the woman next to you may turn around and say,”How did you know?” Rinse and dry hands and use a disposable towel when touching the faucet.

Keep Household Surfaces Clean
Yes, even your house is not a safe haven. Cold and flu viruses can thrive on surfaces outside the body form between a few seconds to a few days. Clean surfaces with products containing alcohol, sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide, citric acid or bleach. There should be an EPA number on the label informing you whether or not the products meets the guidelines for disinfectants.

Have you done enough this season to fight off the cold and flu? What do you think? Did you get your flu shot this year? Let us know and tell us what you do to keep the germs away. Inquiring minds want to know.

Closeup of woman's blue eyes

The Connection Between Accurate Vision and Nutrition

In September of 1937, pulp magazine Spicy Mystery Stories introduced the world to Olga Mesmer, the Girl with X-ray Eyes. Olga was a comic book character who owed her X-ray vision and super strength to experiments done by her mad scientist father on her Venusian mother, Margot, during which Margot was exposed to radiation. Thusly endowed, Olga’s superpowers, “dormant in childhood, burst into light” leading Olga to “embark on a remarkable career.”

If there is anything to be gotten from this, it is clearly that good vision leads to greatness. However, not all of us are born to an extraterrestrial mother and mad scientist father. Luckily, there is an alternative way of keeping our vision in tip-top shape: proper vitamins. Here are a few of the best vitamins for healthy eyes.

Not just any eye vitamin, lutein is “the eye vitamin.” Lutein is an anti-inflammatory antioxidant found in egg yolks, green, leafy veggies, orange veggies and citrus fruit. Once it enters the body, it gets transported to parts of the eye called the lens and macula. Harvard University Researchers found that six milligrams of lutein daily can decrease the likelihood of macular degeneration by about 43%, so let’s make lutein our routine!

Out of the 600 carotenoids in nature, only 20% effect the eyes. Lutein and zeaxanthin top the list as heavyweights because the macula receives them in the highest quantities. Zeaxanthin protects eye tissue and helps to clear the vision and prevent light sensitivity, glare, and cataracts.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps to fight free radicals and helps the body to absorb nutrients and minerals. A long term study done on 3,000 adults, aged 43-86, found that cataracts were 60% less common among people whose multivitamins contained vitamin C and vitamin E.

Vitamin E
Combined with vitamins A and C, vitamin E works to keep tissue and cells in good health and protected from inflammation. These antioxidants can help to lower the risk of macular degeneration related to aging and the combination of vitamins E and A can promote healing and improve the effects of laser eye surgery. Studies show that people who consume 400 IUs of vitamin E daily lower their risk of macular degeneration by 25% and another showed that high levels of vitamin E and lutein were associated with a decreased risk of cataracts. Plus, it works wonders for your skin!

Studies showed that, when combined with other vitamins, zinc can protect the retina and decrease the likelihood of macular degeneration. It is good for the tissues in the eyes because of the roles it plays in cell growth and division, the maintenance of good circulation, the balance of hormones used to counter autoimmune reactions, and the control of inflammatories that attack the tissue. Since zinc is not naturally made by the body, it needs to be gotten by grass fed meat, organ meat, fish, and nuts.

So, if you want a life of adventure and greatness without exposure to radiation, these vitamins may be just the thing! Let us know what works for your eyes and we would also love to hear what Olga Mesmer is up to these days if anyone knows.

Woman with strawberries in the grass

Avoid Dehydration With These Foods

Italian Tenor Enrico Caruso once said,” Watermelon- It’s a good fruit. You eat, you drink, you wash your face.” Any of us that has stuck his or her face into a huge hunk of watermelon will realize the truth of this statement. Indeed, watermelon is a very versatile fruit and, while it is up for debate how well watermelon functions as a facial wash, it definitely provides quenches our thirst and satiates our hunger at the same time.

The importance of hydration is undeniable. Water keeps our bodies functioning properly, and aids in digestion, elimination and physical performance and we are often reminded of the daily goal of eight glasses a day. But while drinking water is not without its benefits, eating it may be even better. Says Dr. Howard Murad, associate clinic professor of medicine at the University of California, “There’s nothing wrong with drinking water, but if we don’t improve the capacity to get it into our cells and keep it there, it goes straight down the toilet without doing us any good.” He argues that the water you eat is different because it is attached to other molecules which help it to enter cells more easily and stay there for a long enough amount of time to be of use. So, what foods can we eat and drink?

Woman with watermelon

Caruso didn’t pick this one for no good reason. Although watermelon contains 92% water, it’s the salt, magnesium, and calcium content of this fruit that make it perfect for rehydrating. It’s also a great source of vitamins A and C.

Not just for dipping! Celery sticks are comprised of about 95% water and are high in fiber, vitamin K and potassium. Says Dr. Rachel Berman, registered dietitian, “they’re no packed with nutrients, but that’s also because they’re not calorie dense.” So, you can keep your mouth busy all day for a low calorie fix!

3. Strawberries
Always a beautiful addition to a salad or dessert, strawberries are the wateriest of all berries weighing in at a whopping 92% water and are also packed with Vitamin C and water.

4. Cucumbers
Fans of the movie “Spinal Tap” will remember this vegetable as responsible for setting off the metal detector at an airport when bassist, Derek Smalls, stuffed a foil wrapped one in his pants. Indeed, cucumbers have a plethora of uses. But whether, you eat them, use them on your skin, or shove them down your trousers, they are made up of 96% water, have no cholesterol or fat and are high in iron, vitamin K and vitamin B6.

Woman with spinach
5. Lettuce

Although ice berg lettuce claims a 96% water content, it is not the nutritional champ of the green and leafy veggies. Spinach, butter head and romaine lettuces are a little more heavy weight when it comes to packing a nutritional punch.

In closing, according to Berman, eight glasses is only part of the picture, She recommends 11 cups for women and 15 for men, but, keep in mind, 20% of that should come from food. So start eating your water and let us know how you get your daily water allowance every day. We love to get your input!

Woman working out while looking at wrist watch

Tips For Meeting Your Body Goals

If you are a follower of the latest celebrity news, you’ll have seen a lot of pretty incredible body transformations. You’ve probably seen Jennifer Hudson shrink a few sizes and Al Roker lose a good percentage of himself. You’ve seen Oprah go down, then up, then down, and Jessica Simpson go from a Renaissance painter’s dream to a biker’s fantasy. You bore witness to Cristina Aguilera’s triumphant return to hot pants. And of course, you’ve seen the “Revenge Body” of Khloe Khardashian whose astonishing slim down left her sisters wondering who was really ‘ the fairest one of all.’

Okay, so these are celebrities, and they do have access to personal trainers, dietitians, and Photoshop, but hey, you don’t get results without hard work and commitment. If they can achieve their body goals, so can you, and here are some pretty good tips on how you can do it.

1. Muscle Up
There are more ways to build muscle than weight-lifting. Resistance training can sculpt your body with lean muscle using your own body weight, resistance bands, and medicine balls. Begin with resistance training three times a week and try downing a protein shake or hard boiled egg within 45 minutes after your workout. Protein will help to keep the muscle on. Boot camp classes offer a variety of exercises and tools to help members reshape their bodies into lean muscle.

2. Stick to The Plan
Having a plan could make all the difference in actually achieving your goal. No one gets anywhere without a solid blueprint of how to get there. Arrange meetings with your friends for workout sessions or pencil visits to the gym on your daily planner. You’ll be more likely to commit if you have a realistic arrangement that will fit into your lifestyle.

3. Consider the Benefits
Of course losing weight and looking good are always motivating factors in pursuing a healthier lifestyle; however, it is also a good idea to think about other perks, such as increased flexibility and coordination, better health and a higher level of fitness. The more reasons you have to exercise, the more likely you are to stick to your plan.

4. Hydrate
A good workout equals a good sweat, and while a good sweat is a great accomplishment, it can also be responsible for the loss of fluids, nutrients, and minerals. Coconut water mixed with regular water is a great way to replace lost electrolytes and keep the body hydrated. A good way to determine the amount of water you should be getting daily is to take for weight and divide it in half. The number you get will be the number of ounces of water you should be getting every day.

5. Be Prepared When Cravings Hit
Cravings can be caused by thirst, exhaustion or lack of nutrients. Try to get a nap or drink some water rather than reaching for a bag of chips. Recognize that cravings may really be symptoms of something other than lack of food.

6. Pick Something You Enjoy Doing
Nothing is surer to dissuade you from sticking to your fitness goals than a boring exercise routine. If you like dancing, Zumba is a great way to get that calorie burn. If you love the outdoors, consider running or hiking. Sports and swimming are also valid options.

If you’ve got any tips for sticking to exercise goals, let us know how you did it, We welcome comments and suggestions.

Group of people working out in gym

Exercise Can Make You Happy

If you have ever watched “Legally Blonde,” you will definitely appreciate the wisdom of Elle Woods. You may remember this little gem from the trial scene, “I just don’t think Brooke could have done this. Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands. They just don’t!” Can’t doubt the wisdom of that.

Anyway, if you need another reason to exercise, keeping happy is a proven result and, if the life of your significant other is at risk, maybe you should seriously consider starting an exercise routine. And, if you need more convincing, here are some ways exercise really does keep you happy.

1. Happy Chemicals
Never doubt a character played by Reese Witherspoon! Dopamine is the neurotransmitter in your brain responsible for feelings of pleasure. Studies show that as we age, our stores of dopamine decrease and, as a result, we tend to seek out dopamine releasing experiences. And what’s the best way to do that? Exercise. Dance, run, whatever it is that gets your dopamine buzz going, get moving!

2. It Relieves Stress
Regular exercise actually subjects your body to low level stress by increasing your heart rate setting off a series of hormonal changes. In response, your body becomes more adept at handling stress in general, leading to better mental and physical health and quality of life.

3. It Give You Energy
Of course there are days when working out seems like the least appealing option in the world, However, if you are a regular exerciser, you will attest to the fact that you will feel better after some invigorating physical activity. Try and make that extra effort to get yourself moving by focusing on how the results.

4. It Gives Your Confidence A Boost
Let’s face it; looking great equals feeling great and feeling great equals looking great. If you don’t like how you look, it can effect your career, your relationships and you self esteem. Transforming your body through exercise makes you feel more powerful and look beautiful; not only will you lose weight, but your posture will improve and your skin will glow.

5. It Helps Fight Insomnia
Sleeping pills have their benefits, but they can lose effectiveness over time and can hamper your a.m. activity. Exercise can help relieve insomnia and provide relief for people with sleeping disorders, while giving you the energy boost to leave your bed in the morning.

6. It Reduces Anxiety
Studies show that exercises offers relief from anxiety similar to the effects of therapy and meditation. Maybe old Elle was on to something!

We would love to hear your comments on how happy exercise has made you. Feel free to weigh in (pun intended).



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