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Friends having dinner in restaurant

Our Favorite Night Out Ideas

There’s no escaping it: sometimes you just need a night out. Whether it is with your girlfriends or your significant other, a night out can be a great way to help reduce stress and increase happiness. Nothing is worse than making time for friends or your husband then having to face the question – what do you want to do? Grabbing dinner and heading to a movie are definitely fun ways to spend an evening, but that can get old. Keep your nights out, no matter who you’re headed out with, fresh and fun with a few of our favorite night out ideas.

Comedy Club
Part bar and all entertainment, your local comedy club is sure to be a blast. Comedy clubs are a great way to discover local talent, or to see one of your favorite comedians perform an awesome stand-up set. Plus, it gives you something to talk, and laugh, about on the ride home.

Woman sipping coffee and reading a book.

Coffee (or tea) and Books
Especially fun for bibliophiles, consider making your night out a completely relaxing, leisurely experience. Head to your favorite place for java (local or chain) and try a drink you’ve never had before. Your local bookstore is a great place to end the night, perusing the shelves and talking about one another’s interests. Bonus, most Barnes and Nobles have a Starbucks directly inside so you can maximize your relaxation by not worrying about running all over town.

Get a little silly and engage in some friendly competition when you head to your local arcade. The great thing about arcades now is that you don’t have to hit up the mall and share space with a bunch of teenagers (unless you want to) anymore. Now, there are tons of establishments that feature a wide range of arcade games and activities while serving your alcoholic beverages and perfect arcade food, like pizza and nachos.

Cheese and wine in a winery

Tour a Brewery/Winery
Chances are you live near a brewery, or a local microbrewery, that conducts tours for the public. Often, after the tour, you are treated to a complimentary beer. If beer isn’t your thing, or if you just aren’t in the mood for it, visit a local winery. Sometimes, we get so stuck in drinking our favorite go-to wines that we totally forget to be adventurous and try new things. Taking a sip of local flavor is a fun way to enjoy the company of your best friends or your spouse.

Dance Lessons
When you want to let go and have fun with those around you, look into local dance courses. For couples, a ballroom class might be a fun way to connect with each other while sharing a new experience. If you’re heading out with the girls, try to find a local hip hop or jazz class to really get moving.

Your nights out, no matter who you go out with, are meant to be a way of touching base with those you care about and having some fun. Sharing new experiences and activities is a great way to spend an evening, and you’ll have plenty to talk about the next day. A little creativity, and a willing mindset, is all you need to create the perfect nights out.

Couple on a date

Why Date Night is So Important

Married couples, or those in long-term relationships, tend to settle into a comfortable rhythm. Your typical Friday night might be relaxing together after a stressful week with a full Netflix queue and a glass of wine or a beer. Don’t get us wrong, sometimes that is exactly what you need and is a fun way to spend time together. However, if this is all you do when it comes to “dating” as a couple, things are likely to get boring and stale. Often, we feel that making time for a date night, especially if children are involved in the relationship, is a luxury that we can’t afford whether it’s financially or when it comes to sparing time. Resveralife wants you to think of date night as a necessity, not a luxury. Making time for each other isn’t just fun, it actually strengthens your relationship.

With demanding work schedules, social obligations and caring for kids, it’s easy to coast through each day without really taking the time to be with your partner. When you set aside a specific time for a date night, you are being intentional about spending time with your loved one as a couple. You don’t have to plan a fancy five-course dinner date, unless that’s what you want, to be able to really reconnect with your significant other. Take a picnic to the park, learn how to cook a new dish by taking a cooking class together or simply grab a drink together. The activity that you choose for your date night is less about the activity and more about the mindset you approach it with. Find something that you will both look forward to doing and approach it with the mindset that you are doing something together, as a couple, not just as roommates or parents. This helps remind you reconnect with one another in a way that is far more intimate than rehashing your day at the dinner table.

Along with reconnecting with each other, it is important to keep the romance alive in a relationship. This can be hard to do after an exhausting day at work or running necessary errands on a weekend. Scheduling a date night gives you the chance to make each other feel special and wanted. A date night helps remind you of the time you spent together when you were first getting to know each other which can lead to bringing back some of the excitement and romance of your courtship. To make a date night even more romantic or special, dress up a bit. You don’t have to go all out, unless you want to, but taking a bit of time to primp signifies that this evening is different than just heading out for a quick bite to eat; it’s about being together as a couple and creating a closer, more romantic feeling between the two of you.

You spend your days constantly moving from one responsibility or task to the next. You are in a neverending state of doing. When you make time for a date night, you are choosing to stop “doing” for a bit and just spend some time “being.” A date night does not come with a to-do list and it should have only one real objective: to spend time being a couple. Taking the time to really listen to one another or really talk, not just in passing, gives you both an opportunity to feel heard, cared about and more relaxed.

It’s true, scheduling a date night can be difficult, but it really is important to your relationship. A special night that consists only of the two of you helps remind you why you fell in love with the other person in the first place. Ideally, you would have a date night every week, but we know that isn’t always a realistic possibility. Start by scheduling at least one date night a month to invest some time into each other and your relationship.

Two women enjoying martinis

Girl's Nights – What They Really Do for Mental Health

You are busy, it’s as simple as that. Career obligations, social calendars and personal commitments are all vying for your attention and it can become overwhelming quickly. One way to fight back against the constant demands is to set aside time where you focus on you and what you need:  to relax and have a bit of fun. However, saying you need to take time for yourself and actually doing it are completely different. You may feel that you don’t have time to just go out with the girls for a fun night, or you may feel guilty leaving your significant other and/or children behind. It’s time you stop feeling guilty about making time for yourself with your girls. Not only do you finally get time to just enjoy yourself, you are also engaging in an activity that has some pretty awesome mental health benefits.

Why Your Mental Health Matters
With the long list of things to do each day come people that depend on your. Your boss depends on quality work, your kids depend on you for a healthy meal and your significant other depends on you for support. It seems counterintuitive to say that you need to take time for yourself when you have so many people relying on you each day but in reality it’s incredibly important and beneficial. Without taking time to take care of yourself, how are you going to effectively take care of those who make up the important parts of your life?

The Office of Women’s Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services very plainly states the benefits of giving yourself some time saying, “[g]ood mental health helps you enjoy life and cope with problems. Just as you take care of your body by eating right and exercising, you can do things to protect your mental health.”

How a Girls Night Out Helps
Spending some time with your girls can:

  • Boost your happiness and reduce your stress
  • Encourage you to avoid or change unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as lack of exercise or excessive drinking
  • Improve your self-worth and confidence
  • Help you cope with traumas, such as serious illness, divorce, the death of a loved one or job loss
  • Increase your sense of purpose and belonging

Spending a night out with the girls decreases feelings of depression, stress and anxiety, increase beneficial hormones and can also give your immune system a boost. Research suggests that socializing with people of your gender plays a role in improving mental health. The reason is as yet unknown but there is a theory that bonding occurs due to biological hormone differences between genders and because you may find it easier to relate to the life experiences of members of your gender.

We know it may be difficult to schedule time with friends or that you might feel guilty about doing so, but you shouldn’t. Hanging out with your girls not only gives you a bit of time to relax, it also does provide serious mental (and physical) health benefits. Take care of yourself so you can take care of the people and things that are most important to you.

Woman testing blood samples

Is Young Blood the Fountain of Youth

Very few people are excited about growing old and the aging process. Sure, we want to think we will live long, healthy and fulfilled lives but unfortunately that is rarely the case among the elderly. Diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis and neurological degenerative disease like Alzheimer’s. So many products or ingredients have been labeled as “the fountain of youth,” and some of these truly are beneficial to age-related illnesses. For instance, resveratrol has been shown to increase the rate of apoptosis (the process of cancer cells destructing themselves) in addition to providing the benefits of following a calorie-restricted diet. Aging goes far beyond wrinkles and age spots, and scientists are focusing specifically on whether the blood of the young may be beneficial in slowing or reversing the aging process.

The Research
Research on the elderly and the diseases that occur in old age has generally focused on a specific disease or condition: cancer research, Alzheimer’s research, cancer research, etc…However, each of these diseases are often impacted by the aging process, so scientists at Stanford University decided to tackle solutions for aging in general. It may come as a surprise the study of young blood and elderly patients actually started in the 1600s. In 1615, Andreas Labavius initially wanted to connect the arteries of a young man with the arteries of an old man. The German doctor and alchemist had a very hopeful view of the procedure saying, “[t]he hot and spirituous blood of the young man will pour into the old one as if it were from a fountain of youth, and all his weakness will be dispelled.” This account is featured in Sally Rudmann’s Textbook of Bloodbanking and Transfusion Medicine, though there is no record that this procedure actually happened. Research has continued on and off since the 1600s, but the manner in which the tests and experiments are done has changed drastically.

Some of the most recent research focuses on the proteins found in the blood and which of these proteins specifically benefits the blood of the elderly. Several proteins have been isolated and have been shown to have promising results, though scientists continue research and studies to learn more about this topic. Using mice, scientists have been able to show that the brains of old mice started growing new brain cells after receiving the blood of young mice. However, research is ongoing and it is believed that it will not be merely blood plasma that provides the positive results seen in these mice. In addition to the proteins found in blood, scientists believe a number of antibodies to neutralize the effect of aging in old blood.

The Implications
Though research has been promising and exciting thus far, there are some serious concerns. While it is legal to donate blood plasma in the United States, the notion that simply giving blood could potentially protect against the undesirable effects of aging makes the blood donations from young people likely to skyrocket. Blood Plasma Donation Centers are a legal way for individuals to donate blood, however, the fear is that this research could lead to a black market blood problem. Organs are already being harvested and sold illegally, so many fear that this would happen with blood as well.

Ultimately, the science is extraordinary and fascinating, though far from being used as a medically viable option. There may be, in the future, a way to stop the aging process, at the present the best you can do is be proactive. A lifestyle that includes a nutritious diet, exercise and keeping your mind active may also help you slow the aging process. Also, supplements with ingredients shown to have an impact on problems such as heart disease and cancer are worth taking a look at to help shield you from old age. Our Resveratrol supplement is a high-quality product that does contain anti-aging benefits. Stay as healthy as possible by taking an active role in your own health today.

Red wine and antipasto.

Resveralife Live Well: Our Favorite Wine Pairings

When it comes to pairing food with wine, many people feel completely and utterly intimidated. However, you don’t have to worry about doing something “right” or “wrong” when it comes to pairing foods with wines. The number one rule when it comes to food and wine pairings is to pair what you like. If you are looking for a little guidance, we’ve put together a list of some of our favorite wine pairings.

Champagne and caviar.

Champagne and Caviar
Yes it may sound a bit snobby, but there is a reason that champagne and caviar have been paired together since ancient Russian Czars paired these two together. Champagne can pair easily with almost any dish because it has a lower alcohol content, bubbly texture and a refreshing, not overpowering, acidity. Caviar by itself can be an acquired taste as it is salty, oily and has an entirely unique texture. But when put together, Champagne is absolutely perfect for caviar because the acidity of the Champagne helps dissolve any weird, overwhelming fishy tastes. This crisp, refreshing pairing is a truly classic food and wine pairing.

Sauternes and Foie Gras.

Sauternes and Foie Gras
Another classic food and wine pairing is a rich Sauternes and foie gras. Sauternes is produced in the Sauternes region of France using the Semillion and Sauvignon Blanc grapes. The result is an impressively sweet wine with flavors and notes of peaches, apricots and honey. The sweetness of this wine is a result of the “noble mold,” Botrytis. Botrytis does not occur everywhere in the world, as it is produced when moisture meets the sun at the precisely correct time to create the perfect mold. Foie gras is a delicacy made from livers of ducks or geese. The result is a remarkably rich dish that requires a rich wine to meet its own richness. The sweetness of a good Sauternes cut through the rich foie gras to create an impeccable pairing. It is important to note that Sauternes can be quite a bit more expensive than other wine varieties because of the rareness of Botrytis.

Chardonnay and lobster.

Chardonnay and Lobster
Chardonnay is a rich, buttery wine produced around the world. California Chardonnays feature the aforementioned buttery richness and tropical fruit. The result is a big, rich Chardonnay. Lobster is a bit heavier than most seafood, so it requires a wine that has more weight than other seafood while still complimenting flavors of lobster. Additionally, lobster is most commonly served alongside a large amount of melted butter, which requires a special wine as well. The Chardonnays produced in California are buttery enough to stand up to lobster yet sweet enough to compliment lobster perfectly.

Some basic wine pairing tips are:

  • Generally speaking, wine should match the color of the meat
  • High tannin wines require rich, meaty foods
  • Wines that feature earthy flavors go well with foods that have earthy flavors
  • Salads tend to work well with wines that are high in acidity
  • Dessert wines should be a sweeter wine

As we mentioned before, the perfect pairing for you is a wine and a food that you love. For the most intense flavor combination, take a bite of your food, a sip of your wine and chew together to create entirely new flavors and textures.

Young girl holding cat and dog

Resveralife Live Well: Best Pets For Your Family

Some people think that a family isn’t complete until there is at least one furry member. However, depending on the age of your children or where you live, it may be difficult to decide just what pet is right for your family? To help you decide what pet is perfect for your family, Resveralife did a little bit of digging.

Family playing with their pet dog.

You may remember your childhood best friend, the lovable dog that took naps with you and that chased you around the yard. Dogs are really an amazing pet for your whole family. The breed of dog that you choose for your family will largely depend on the ages of your children, your living situation and the personalities in your family. For example, a boxer might not be the best for apartment living, but would be a happy, loyal friend to a family that has some yard space. Small dogs, like a maltese or pomeranian, may be the ideal dog breed for families that are limited on space. Be sure to do research about what your desired dog breed requires and check with shelters or breeders to help ensure that your dog fits seamlessly into your family.

Mother and sun playing with their pet cat.

Cats are mysterious, independent and moody sometimes, but they are also the perfect snugglers on a rainy day or when you aren’t feeling well. Just as with dogs, the cat your family gets will also depend on several factors. Some of these include the age of your children, the space in which you live and what type of breed you and your family think is best for you. Cats may be great for elementary aged children as they teach some responsibility, feeding and taking care of the cat’s litter box, but are largely not as time intensive as dogs.

Pet gerbils

Gerbils are an excellent pet for nearly any living space. In large part, gerbils are very independent and can spend multiple hours entertaining themselves. They love having time to play and unlike hamsters, gerbils are awake for large portions of the day. If you have young kids, toddler or younger, this might not be the greatest pet. Young children may not have developed strong enough fine motor skills to handle the gerbils and gerbils can be scared by sudden movements or sudden loud noises (which happen frequently with young children).

Little girl playing with her pet fish.

Freshwater Fish
Fish are excellent pets for families looking for a relaxing, calm pet. We’ve specified freshwater fish as good for families because they are significantly less time and labor intensive than their saltwater counterparts. Freshwater fish require minimal time commitment beyond proper feeding and care of the tank. Fish come in a nearly endless supply of species, colors and sizes so you are sure to find some that fit what your family is looking for.

Ultimately, you know your family better than anyone else and know what your children will be able to handle. The addition of a pet to the family creates stronger bonds and extra love for the whole family.

Family watching a movie

Resveralife Live Well: Our Favorite Family Movies

Family movie night can be a great weekly or monthly ritual that brings the entire family together. There are so many children’s movies available, but where are the kids movies that adults will be able to enjoy also. Reseralife rounded up our 10 favorite movies for the whole family.

The Incredibles
This is not your typical superhero and villain movie. Disney and Pixar once again teamed up for a movie that has a bit of something for every member of the family. There are jokes for kids, subtle humor for adults and the movie helps drive home the point that working together as a team (or family) is always a good idea. It also points out that there is no better person to be than the person you are.

The Goonies
This movie is definitely not for your littlest ones, but kids aged 10 or up will enjoy this action/fantasy adventure. The movie has a cult following for a reason: these treasure seeking friends “never say die” and they never give up on each other.

Mrs. Doubtfire
Your kids, and yourself as well, will love the hilarious antics of Robin Williams. Kids will get a glimpse of how a family can come back together, even if the parents are separated.

Steam train on the famous Glenfinnan viaduct, Scotland.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
You don’t have to be an avid Harry Potter fan to appreciate the first movie in the franchise. With a focus on education, accepting who you are, the importance of friends and being brave, Harry Potter is an excellent choice for the entire family.

Remember the Titans
If your family has a love of sports, this is a poignant film that the whole family can enjoy. Denzel Washington plays a high school football coach during the first year of integration in schools. Kids will get a small taste of racial strife in our country’s history and learns the importance of teamwork.

Mike Meyers is a Scottish ogre who prefers to live his life in a quiet, isolated way. However, when the king exiles all fairy tale creatures from his kingdom, Shrek is forced to go on an unforgettable, and hilarious, journey with his faithful sidekick, Donkey. The resulting quest is full of laughs for the entire family.

Mary Poppins
Journey back to your childhood with this Disney classic. Julie Andrews plays everyone’s favorite nanny in this feel-good musical.

The Lego Movie
A more recent family favorite is the Lego Movie. Featuring Will Farrell and Chris Pratt, this movie reminds us all that it’s okay to be different.

The Karate Kid
Everybody loves a true underdog story and the Karate Kid is a classic tale of defying the odds. Mr. Miyagi teaches Daniel not just about the sport of karate, but how many of the principles karate is founded on are applicable to everyday life.

Wreck-it Ralph
This 2012 animated movie tells the tale of Wreck-it Ralph who is tired of being outshined by Mr. Fix-it. Ralph is tired of having to be the bad guy in his video game and seeks a way to become the good guy instead. Meeting other video games characters along the way, Ralph discovers that it’s best to be yourself.

These movies range from serious to frivolous fun and every member of your family is sure to find something to love about each film. Grab some blankets, a bowl of popcorn and pop in one of these great family movies.

Family walking on a beach.

Activities For the Whole Fam to Keep Minds Healthy

A healthy family is perhaps the most important thing to you, and many others. Feeding your family a diet that nourishes the body and making time for exercise are two of the largest factors in your family’s health equation. However, you might be neglecting a significant area of health: your brain. Keeping your mind active and healthy improves cognitive function, increases focus and memory and can just be downright fun. We’ve come up with several activities the help stimulate the mind to keep it healthy.

Family on a walk.

Okay, yes we know we already mentioned exercise is important to your overall health, but walking is also an excellent brain activity. The benefits which can be found from walking include growth of new blood vessels in the brain, reducing inflammation and insulin resistance, and stimulating the release of growth factors – chemicals that are present in the brain and can affect the health of our brain cells. You don’t need to put your family in an exercise boot camp to get these brain benefits; a simple walk around the neighborhood as a family will produce these results.

Family playing a puzzle game.

Gathering your family to work on a puzzle together is a great way to spend quality time together while also keeping your minds healthy. You probably know that your brain is responsible for producing dopamine, but you may not know why that it important. Dopamine is the chemical that is largely responsible for learning and memory. Putting together a jigsaw puzzle with your family releases dopamine. The type of puzzle you use will probably be determined by the ages of your children. Younger children will require less complicated puzzles, so be sure to have some kid-friendly puzzles together as well as challenging puzzles for older children and other adults in your family.

Family playing a board game.

Board Games
In the age of electronics and technology, kids probably get more screen time than time spent with family playing games that really encourage a healthy mind. Board games are a great way to spend time together as a family and to improve your minds. Board games are great especially with children in the elementary school age range because they require learning skills such as taking turns, problem-solving and creative thinking. Some of our favorite family games are Uno, Scrabble and Battleship. Monopoly is a great game that teaches about money and cause and effect, but we recommend not trying this one with a toddler.

While the activities mentioned above are excellent ways to keep your family’s minds active and healthy, many of the things you do every day with your family also help keep the mind active. Listening and talking not only strengthen family bonds, but can help stimulate areas of your brain. You could also work on crosswords as a family, color mandalas together (or each color their own) or listen to classical music during meals. The activities available to keep your family’s minds healthy is limited only by your creativity.

Woman enjoying a bath

Resveralife Live Well: Are Wine Baths Good for You

So from reading the title, you might think we’ve gone a bit crazy with our love of wine. While we do love wine, and all of its benefits, we aren’t crazy on this one. Resveralife did some research to discover whether the luxurious spa treatment known as the wine bath is indeed beneficial for your health and skin.

Red Wine
By now you know that the antioxidants in red wine provide your body with some health benefits. One of the most talked about (and our favorite!) antioxidant found in red wine is resveratrol. The resveratrol found in red wine helps lower your LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, prevents damage to you blood vessels and works to prevent blood clots.

So why red wine?  Resveratrol is found in the skin of all grapes, so there is an amount in white or blush wines. However, because the grapes are fermented longer with the skins on, there is a higher level of resveratrol in red wine.

Why a Wine Bath?
Perhaps you’ve joked before about how you would bathe in wine if you could, and now you can. But why would you want to? The practice of bathing in wine is known as vinotherapy and is said to boost circulation while healing and helping the body recovery from stress. Professional basketball player, Amar’e Stoudermire of the New York Knicks, is pretty outspoken about how beneficial vinotherapy, or red wine baths, have been for him. He gets vinotherapy at a spa in New York City weekly with a very hot red wine bath, with the red wine being diluted by water. Stoudmermire says he will continue to receive treatments because his entire body, in particular his legs, feel completely rejuvenated after soaking in the bath.

Wine glass and candles next to a bathtub.

Should You Try a Wine Bath?
Only if you really, really want to. While it is entirely possible that a red wine bath helps with feelings of rejuvenation and renewed health, you are more likely to receive the antioxidant benefits by just drinking a glass of your favorite red wine. Many of the beneficial ingredients in red wine are known as phenolic compounds. Phenolic compounds do provide great health benefits, but they do not penetrate the skin well.

If that’s the case, then why bother using any skin care containing phenolic antioxidant compounds? Phenolic compounds can penetrate the skin, but require a bit of time to do so. Chances are a red wine bath lasts about 30 minutes maximum, but when you put on a well formulated day cream or serum, you give the phenolic compounds time to fully penetrate and sink into the skin.

Red wine baths are certainly intriguing and may be a luxurious way to indulge yourself. However, they are more about relaxing than providing serious skin care or health benefits. To really experience the benefits of resveratrol and the other antioxidants present in red wine, it is best to use superior quality skin care products, or take your daily dose in the form of our capsules. And don’t forget, you can always enjoy a glass of red wine!

Woman reading while on a vacation.

Don't Skip Good Habits on Vacation

You pay good attention to your health by eating well, exercising and taking great care of your skin. However, once you are taken out of your normal environment and are free of rigid schedules while on vacation, it can be so difficult to maintain your good habits. The following tips will help you stay on track during your vacation.

Woman jogging in a beach.

Live Well
Exercise may be the very last thing that you want to do but if you continue to exercise while on vacation, it makes getting back to your regular routine so much easier. If you have an entire gym routine that relies on equipment, you may find that you have to wait until you get back home to do everything you normally do. The great thing about vacation is that you likely are excited to spend time exploring your destination. Rather than hopping on a bus or into a cab, walk as much as possible. This benefits you in two ways; you are maintaining regular exercise and you will almost certainly find shops or eateries that you would otherwise miss and pass right by. Additionally, if you end up making purchases, carrying your items home can count as a bit of strength training. Another way to add a bit of movement into your day is to always opt for taking the stairs. Elevators and escalators are so tempting, but walking up and down stairs will burn calories and help you stay fit. If you feel really motivated to workout, you can always look up hotels with fitness equipment and stay there or search for a local place to workout such as a yoga studio.

Dishes served in a fine dining restaurant.

Eat Well
One of life’s greatest pleasures is eating and going to a new place is often culinary bliss. You should definitely be looking for food and drinks that are unique to the region you are in, but be careful not to overindulge. Rather than ordering full sizes of rich and heavy dishes, order a half size or try several small plates of appetizers. Same goes for dessert, when possible of course. Sampling allows you to try all of the local flavors without feeling super guilty and making it hard to go back to a healthy diet at home. However, in the event that you do indulge your food cravings (new foods are so fun and exciting!) you can always put in a little bit of extra walking.

Woman sunbathing in a beach

Look Well 
Taking good care of your skin is extra important on vacation as methods of travel can remove moisture from your skin (specifically airplane travel) and new environmental concerns may upset your skin as well. The first thing you need to remember is to always apply your sunscreen. Not only are UV rays incredibly harmful to your health, but getting a bad sunburn on vacation is never fun. Next, keep your skin care routine as close to normal as possible. Take travel sizes of your normal cleanser, toner, exfoliant and moisturizer. Never go to bed with your makeup on and add in a bit of extra moisturizer.

Vacation definitely is a time to let loose and enjoy yourself, but you also should practice your good habits while having fun. Remember to always stay well hydrated, particularly in the heat and don’t forget the sunscreen. Have a great time relaxing and enjoying new experiences while sticking with your good habits.


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