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Woman having elbow pain

Carpal Tunnel & Golfer's Elbow

In order to determine where the carpal tunnel is, you should take a look at your wrist with your palm facing up and as you flex the wrist towards you, the area underneath the wrinkles is where the carpal tunnel is located. The carpal tunnel contains blood vessels, nerves and tendons which are the outer layers of muscles. Golfer’s elbow, also called medial epicondylitis, causes inflammation and pain in the tendons that connect the forearm to the elbow. Pain generally is focused on the bony area on the inside of the elbow but may also radiate outwards to the forearm. The best thing you can do is you develop golfer’s elbow is really just rest.

What Causes Golfer’s Elbow?
Golfer’s elbow and carpal tunnel are usually caused by the overuse of forearm muscles that involve gripping, rotation of the arms as well as flexing the wrists. Repeating these actions continuously often causes tiny tears in the tendons. Although the condition is called ‘golfer’s elbow’, it does not just affect golfers. Other activities that can lead to the condition are baseball (sometimes called pitcher’s elbow), tennis and bowling. Additionally, individuals can also develop the condition from overusing or incorrectly using tools like hammers, screwdrivers or while painting or raking. Many people will have heard the term ‘tennis elbow’ – both are forms of tendinitis, however, the difference is that golfer’s elbow is usually caused by tendons on the inside while tennis elbow is a result of damage to the tendons on the outside. Golfer’s elbow is also generally less common than tennis elbow.

Treatment of Golfer’s Elbow
The best thing you can do to treat your golfer’s elbow immediately is to apply ice to the affected area for around 20 minutes, anywhere from three to five times a day. You should also ensure to rest the injured elbow and refrain from any activities that may aggravate the condition. Pain medications should also be considered and doctors will often recommend an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin to help reduce the swelling.

Additionally, physical therapy can help relieve pain and hasten the recovery process. There are numerous prescribed exercises which can help and reduce stress to the elbow which in turn can minimize the chance of the condition re-occurring.

There have been numerous innovations in recent years which in more serious cases of golfer’s elbow involve using plasma rich protein injections to accelerate recovery. For individuals who still experience pain after three months or more, surgery may be required. These procedures will often remove damaged parts of tendons in order to promote the healing process. Some individuals may take up to 6 months to recover from a serious case of golfer’s elbow.

Preventing Golfer’s Elbow
The only thing you really can do to prevent golfer’s elbow is to avoid overusing the joint. If you feel pain during any activity or sport you should stop immediately before the condition worsens.

Woman meditating outdoors

Meditate to Improve Your Game

For some, meditation seems far-fetched and not a smart way to spend free time throughout one’s day. But research shows that meditation is a great way to spiritually and emotionally complete certain areas in life that one might feel are lacking. Once someone tries meditation, they instantly become aware of all the benefits that it offers, including the following.

Starts Day Off On the Right Foot
Spending just five minutes meditating each morning before beginning the day can have a lasting and positive effect that lasts the entire day. By mentally preparing for what activities and commitments are planned and increasing awareness for what may happen unexpectedly, it becomes easier to focus on the good and avoid the bad.

Promotes Positivity
Meditation allows someone uninterrupted time to focus on the good and positive in their life. By expressing gratitude and avoiding self-pity, life instantly takes on a more positive light. The Universe tends to give back what it receives. If negative energy is constantly emitted from someone, they can only expect negative energy to return. But with meditation, it becomes nearly impossible to not emit positive energy, therefore encouraging the return of positive energy from the universe.

Increase Self Confidence
When someone is able to begin to view the entire world in a most positive light, they are able to do the same with themselves. Increased self-confidence begins a positive domino effect that can completely change someone’s life path. For example, increased self-confidence can help to spark a new relationship, encourage the start of a new career or enable someone the power to embrace new and exciting opportunities.

Reduce Anxiety
Anxiety is a serious condition that can suddenly affect anyone. Increased levels of anxiety lead to increased levels of stress, which not only take away from someone’s overall quality of life but can also lead to some serious health conditions. Meditation can help to stop anxiety before it creeps up on the brain and body, preventing the unwanted side effects that go along with an already undesired condition. Imagine finally taking control of anxiety with just a few minutes of meditation at the start and end of each day.

Woman meditating

Encourages a Healthier Lifestyle
When someone begins to incorporate meditation into their daily routines, it becomes easier to make healthier decisions. For example, meditating before breakfast will most likely lead someone to choose fruit and oatmeal instead of a doughnut. It encourages healthy eating, exercise and the avoidance of toxic substances.

Slows Aging
Studies have shown that meditation can literally slow down the aging process by changing the way the brain controls aging. As already mentioned, meditation helps to remove stress and negativity from daily life, which can also have a positive effect on appearance.
There are many different types of meditation. Finding one that fits into someone’s lifestyle and meets their needs is crucial but not difficult. With plenty of informational resources available, one can begin to experience the impressive benefits of meditation in only a few days. As with many types of health treatments, consistency is key, along with the true belief that meditation can change life paths for the better.

There are many different types of meditation. Finding one that fits into someone’s lifestyle and meets their needs is crucial but not difficult. With plenty of informational resources available, one can begin to experience the impressive benefits of meditation in only a few days. As with many types of health treatments, consistency is key, along with the true belief that meditation can change life paths for the better.

Upper body workout

Upper Body Golf Workout

As much as improving your golf game is about practicing more often and learning how to optimize and adjust your bodily position, it is also about improving strength and balance in your upper body which in turn will make hitting with accuracy much easier. Golf swing technique problems have been attributed to inadequate core strength and stability, lack of shoulder and hip flexibility and insufficient abdominal strength. If you perform certain exercises regularly you will be able to enhance your golf game and become more flexible and stronger throughout your entire swing.

Golf Twist
Stand in the position as if you were about to tee off with feet just over should-width apart and the weight on the inside of each heel. Use both hands to hold a 5 pound or 2kg dumbbell or weight at the centre of your chest. Elbows should be extended outwards. Keeping your feet flat and head still bring the weight through the motion of a backswing until your right shoulder is underneath your chin. Return to the starting position and repeat through to a downswing. This exercise increases your flexibility and range of motion in the shoulders and ultimately helps you generate more power when you swing for real.

Pilates Rolldown and Oblique Twist
Sit down with your knees bent at 90 degrees in front of you. Squeezing a ball between your hands, slowly lie back until your bottom rib touches the floor. Exhale and roll back up to your starting position. Repeat this up to twenty times. If you find this too easy, roll back until you find your abdominal muscles tensing and then bring the ball to the right and left. This exercise works out the muscles on the front and sides of your abdominal wall which is important for back strength. It ensures that you generate more power when hitting the golf ball through your hips.

Core crunch

Core Crunch
With your knees bent and a towel or ball placed between them, lie on the floor. Place your hands behind your head and neck and on the exhale lift your shoulders off the floor (or crunch). Repeat as much as you can or until you have muscle fatigue. For more of a challenge and a stronger workout bring your knees towards you as you crunch. This exercise works the abdominal muscles and is integral for core stabilization when you swing.

Power Rotation
Similar to the golf twist, this exercise does not use any weights. Stand in your teeing off position, palms together aimed at the ground. Raise your right arm in a backswing motion until both arms form a vertical line then swing it back down clapping it with your left. Repeat with your left arm. Finally, rotate both your arms so as your right arm reaches over your head, your left will be down to the ground and vice versa. This exercise is known to help increase the power you can generate from the shoulders. When you bring your right arm down to clap your left hand, imagine your arm is the club hitting the ball.

Woman smoking outside

Smoking & Skin Aging

Smoking is an unappealing habit. It leaves you with bad breath, yellow nails, and moreover is linked to a vast host of health conditions such as lung cancer and even depression. What you may not fully realize however is that smoking also leads to significant premature aging of the skin and causes wrinkles, furrows and thinning lips. There’s really no soft way of saying this – if you smoke cigarettes, you need to stop. Many scientists have also stated that smoking adds between 10 and 20 years to your natural age.

It is estimated that around 1 million people start smoking in the United States every year and virtually all will go on to regret this decision as they find out the effect this poisonous habit has on their health, bodies and skin. Some studies have established that smoking is actually worse for women as the nicotine is more addictive. Women who smoke are also twice as likely to have heart attacks, strokes and lung cancer than their male counterparts.

How Does Smoking Age the Skin
The effects of smoking on skin have been known for a long while. One study as early as 1965 identified what is now known as ‘smoker’s face’. What has become more apparent in recent years is exactly how smoking causes premature aging. There are numerous mechanisms by which smoking accelerates aging. It begins with the formation of free-radicals in the body when exposed to cigarette smoke. Free radicals are unstable molecules that cause disease and damage to cell DNA. Smoking also restricts blood flow to the minuscule veins in your skin known as capillaries preventing oxygen and vital nutrients from doing their job. All in all, this leads to a dull, grayish skin tone which has an obviously discolored look.

Additionally, smoking increases production of enzymes that break down collagen in the skin which is integral to maintaining its elasticity. Smoking for many years will also deplete stores of vitamins A and C, both of which are involved in skin protection and health and help to keep harsh UV rays at bay.

Finally, the actions involved in continually sucking on cigarettes and squinting from cigarette smoke causes deep lines to develop around the eyes and mouth. Smoking doesn’t just cause wrinkling on your face, it is also associated with damage and sagging on nearly all parts of the body including your inner arms and neck.

Reversing Skin Damage
Many smokers wonder if they can reverse the damage they have caused to themselves by smoking. Simply put, the best thing you can do to begin the reversal process is stop smoking – although you must realize you will never fully undo the damage that you’ve done. Healthy diets and supplements are great at maintaining skin health. You should also be aware that skin damage won’t usually appear until 10 or 20 years after you began smoking. A proper skin care regimen using anti-aging and moisturizing creams can also assist in preventing the formation of further wrinkles and fine lines.

Woman enjoying the sun in the grass

One a Day for Health

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” We have all heard the phrase, and we know it’s about more than just apples! Making healthy choices every day can be hard, but consistently doing things each day to make healthy habits is the best thing you can do for your physical and mental health. There are all kinds of little things you can do each day to help you lead a healthier lifestyle!

Woman drinking water

Drink Water!
Whether you think 8 cups, a gallon, or some other amount is best, drinking one glass of water in the morning is a perfectly simple way to get ahead for the day. Whatever your goal is, starting your day with one glass of water down is going to make it so much easy to reach it!

Start Your Day with Green Tea
Green tea has caffeine, so it is a great choice for a morning pick-me-up. Unlike coffee, green tea can actually help you stay hydrated, as well as give you a boost of energy. Green tea also jump starts your metabolism and is rich in antioxidants- who wouldn’t want to add this stuff in their routine?

Woman exercising

Do Something Active for At Least 30 Minutes
This can be anything! Even going for a short walk can boost your energy and metabolism. Doing yoga, going for a bike ride, exploring your neighborhood, or taking a spin class are also great ways to be more active every day. Mix it up and try new things so you stay motivated and excited to get your 30 minutes (or more) of activity every day!

Replace One Unhealthy Food with a Healthy One
Dieting is hard. It’s certainly not fun to always be thinking about what you eat, more specifically what you can’t eat. A simple way to ease into making better diet choices is to simply replace one unhealthy food with something more nutritious each day, and working up from there if you choose. This could be as simple as choosing a good old-fashioned coffee instead of a sugary coffee drink, or skipping the pop tart and opting for a smoothie in the morning. This method keeps dieting from getting overwhelming and breaks it down to each meal or snack. Creating good habits that are satisfying and manageable is really the only way to turn a diet into a lifestyle change.

Woman drinking wine

Drink a Glass of Wine!
This one is our favorite. It is no secret now, after new studies have shown all of the possible benefits of resveratrol, that drinking wine can actually be healthy. This antioxidant just so happens to be found in the skins of red grapes, so when we drink wine, we are getting a healthy dose of resveratrol, which can improve heart health, protect your cells from damaging free radicals, and prevent muscle fatigue!

Making an effort to add healthy habits to your daily routine can work wonders when it comes to improving your overall health. The best part is, as you can tell by this list, not every healthy habit is going to be difficult or unpleasant! Some are downright fun (thank you resveratrol)! So don’t ditch the apples, but there are tons of other little things you can do each day for your health!

Asian woman touching her face

Trending: The Asianification of Skin Care

The influence of Asia on beauty concepts, techniques, and treatments, also referred to as Asianification, took 2015 by storm and it’s showed no sign of slowing down in 2016. The global beauty business is massive, and Asia certainly seems to be at the forefront of it. Many western consumers are becoming increasingly focused on using products that include more natural elements. It’s also about products that combat environmental factors while helping skin to look more youthful with a glowing-from-the-inside-out appearance. The more benefits the product has, the better. Japan has long been a hot spot for trends, but there’s also an increase in fantastic developments emerging from South Korea and China. BB Creams have already been incorporated into many a beauty arsenal, but let’s talk about some other beauty trends that could take your skin care regimen to another level.

Sleeping Masks
The skin works hard to repair itself while you’re sleeping, and helping it along a bit can do wonders for waking up with skin that looks refreshed, hydrated, and brighter. Sleeping masks can add a huge dose of moisture to dry skin. You typically use it only once or twice a week, leave it on overnight, then wash it off in the morning.

Cushion Compact
They’ve been around for awhile, but the popularity of cushion compacts is steadily increasing. The product basically consists of airtight packaging that includes a sponge that’s soaked in the foundation. You can build up the lightweight multi-tasking formula on your skin and it provides even coverage. Additionally, if you’ve ever had a foundation spillage in your purse, you already know a cushion compact can be a big asset.

Splash Masks
It’s the “mask” that doesn’t require slathering a product on your face and letting it sit there for 15-minutes. All you have to do is add the liquid to water, splash it onto your face, pat it in, and you’re done. The concentrated ingredients can do wonders for your skin and all it takes is less than a minute to get them going.

Sheet mask

Sheet Masks
Using sheet masks can take a little getting used to considering on your face is a piece of cloth or paper that’s soaked with ingredients and has strategically cut holes in it. The mask presses all the good ingredients onto your face for the directed amount of time, then you’ll toss out the mask and usually pat the remaining ingredients into your skin rather than wash your face. They’re individually packaged and – depending on the mask – you can buy them in singles or in a box of multiples. There are a variety of different types of sheet masks, however, so it’s all about finding one that’s best for you.

Women from Japan, South Korea, and China know what they’re talking about when it comes to beauty and skin care. They’re smart, educated about the products and techniques, and they expect to get good results for their money. One of the great things is that many of these products don’t cost a substantial amount of money, especially for the exceptional results that they provide. It’s no surprise that Asianification has taken hold of the global beauty world.

Woman drinking wine

Why does Red Wine Stain Teeth?

If you’re a red wine drinker, you’re probably quite familiar with the struggle of red wine stains on teeth. As far as why it happens, you can thank the high acidity levels combined with tannins and chromogens that like to take advantage of the plaque on your teeth. It’s not a particularly attractive look, but what are you supposed to do if you want to enjoy a nice glass of red without it showing up all over your pretty smile?

Drink Sparkling Water
Drinking sparkling water and subtly swishing it around in your mouth a bit can help remove the wine from your teeth before it could actually settle in. Having some water while you drink your wine is also a great way to help prevent getting a hangover while making sure you stay hydrated.

Skip Red Wine While Teeth Whitening
If you’re doing teeth whitening, you’re going to want to avoid red wine altogether. Your teeth are more porous so it’s more likely that they can get stained. Considering they’re more susceptible to staining, you should wait at least two days after the whitening is done before you start drinking red wine again.

Eat Hard Cheese
Wine and cheese go together like peanut butter and jelly, but eating hard cheese while you’re drinking wine can actually be good for preventing red wine stains on your teeth. You can thank the high amount of calcium from the hard cheese for that little benefit. Don’t hesitate to have some of your favorite cheese before and during your glass of red wine not only to help prevent stains but also because it’s typically a good idea anyway to have food on your stomach when you consume alcohol.

Woman brushing teeth

Wait to Brush Your Teeth
You may be tempted to brush your teeth right after drinking red wine in order to prevent staining on your teeth, but that could do more harm than good. It’s best if you actually brush and floss your teeth about an hour before you go out so you have a chance to remove the plaque that’s built up on your teeth while ensuring that you’re not going to have a nice mix of toothpaste flavor and red wine going on at dinner.

Drink Through a Straw
Okay so you’re probably not going to ask for a straw in a restaurant to start drinking out of your glass, but when you’re home, feel free to reach for one if you want to help prevent red wine stains on your teeth. It basically helps the wine bypass most of your teeth. Just keep in mind if you do this a lot that the repetitive motion of drinking through a straw could actually cause wrinkles around your mouth.

There’s no reason you can’t enjoy a good glass of red wine, but if you want to reduce the chances of stains popping up on your teeth, it’s best if you take precautions before, during, and after. A little effort can go a long way in helping to ensure your teeth stay as pearly white as possible.

Glass of wine surrounded by grapes and logs

Great Quality Homegrown Wines

For years, wine has been known to be a great drink for socializing, or just relaxing quietly at home. Now, studies have emerged showing that wine also has great health benefits. But good wines can be costly. However, you can make a great homemade wine for a fraction of what it would cost you to buy wine at a store. Find out how you can make a quality wine in your own home.

According to health and gardening writer Jeff Cox, the quality of the wine is determined by the grapevines, not the winemaker. Better grapes will make a better wine. A growing site is best with access to full sunlight, good drainage and nutrient poor soil. You can pick grapes at the peak of perfection, when it is not only ripe, but mature. Then the grapes should be brought to the winery (which may be your garage or basement) to begin the winemaking process.

The next step would be primary fermentation. Grapes are crushed to yield juice, pulp and skins. Next, you can stir in honey, which provides food for the yeast and sweetens the wine. Finally, add wine yeast, which can be bought in a store. Cover loosely with plastic. This process will allow the yeast to convert natural sugars to alcohol and will take about 10 days. A perfect temperature for primary fermentation is between 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Secondary fermentation comes next. During this process, you will be ‘racking’ or siphoning the wine from one container to the other, leaving the sediment that has settled to the bottom of the container behind. It’s best to store the wine in a glass container with an airlock. This will create a barrier from the environment to prevent airborne contaminants from spoiling your wine.

After 6 to 8 weeks it is time for the second racking. This is necessary to remove more sediment and it rids your wine of excessive carbon dioxide resulting from fermentation. Wait another 6 to 8 weeks before the next racking.
For the third racking, add one campden tablet per gallon of wine. This tablet is an antioxidant that also inhibits bacteria. It will make your wine taste good and prevent browning. You must wait another 4 to 6 months before the fourth racking also known as filtering.

Filtering is not necessary, but it will clear the wine and prevent sediment at the bottom. It can be done by a filtering machine and it will give your wine some sparkle. Once this is done, wait two more weeks to allow any traces of sediment to settle.


Bottling is your last step. For best results, use green wine glass bottles with cork seals that don’t have rough edges or nicks. Siphon the wine into bottles and leave room for the cork and air space of one inch between the cork and wine. Then leave wine bottles standing upright for 24 hours. Then turn bottles on their sides for long term storage. Age your bottle another 6 months to a year for a great homemade quality wine.

Do you make your wine at home? Are there any tips that you would like to add? Let us know in the comments section below.

A running lady being trailed by a man

Cardiovascular Benefits of Exercise and Wine

What do wine and exercise have in common? Well, on the surface, not much. Wine is associated with relaxation, while exercise is associated with activity. But studies have emerged that both can be beneficial to cardiovascular health, especially when combined. Find out how this combination can be beneficial to your heart health.

The benefits of wine and exercise were discovered in a study ran by The European Society of Cardiology. Lead researcher Milos Taborsky, head of cardiology at the Palacky University Hospital in the Czech Republic says, “We found that moderate wine drinking was only protective in people who exercised. Red and white wine produced the same results.”

The study looked at people who consumed alcohol moderately at least 5 days a week. The researchers then separated the people into those that only drank and those that drank and exercised. The ones that only drank showed no considerable effect on their blood glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, or levels of inflammatory markers. However, those who worked out infrequently, such as twice a week, showed a dramatic impact on lowering cholesterol levels, which can result in a lower chance of cardiovascular disease.


Other studies that champion the combination of wine and exercise come from research done at the University of Florida and the University of Nebraska. These studies showed that ellagic acid, which is found in grapes, drastically slows the growth of existing fat cells and the formation of new ones, boosting metabolism of fatty acids in the liver. But drinking wine alone isn’t enough since the ellagic acid will slow fat growth, but not burn the fat. That’s where the exercise comes in. It allows you to shed some pounds in the first place and a moderate amount of red wine can help you keep it off. Reduced fat will also result in improved cardiovascular health.

Wine and beer can also encourage us to exercise in a beneficial cycle. Researchers have shown that wine and beer release endorphins in our brain that we use as a reward and motivation for working out. When the endorphins from exercising and the ones from drinking are combined, i.e. when we drink a glass of beer or wine shortly after a workout, they create a reaction in our body that our body wants to replicate over and over again. The result is that we subconsciously encourage ourselves to hit the gym the next day in order to replicate that feeling. This is a rare positive addiction that can result in stimulating the heart and blood flow.

Another more inconclusive study shows that a compound found in wine, resveratrol, can improve heart function, physical performance and muscle strength, mimicking exercise in the body and boosting workout performance. The setback in research here shows that it would take so much resveratrol to see the benefit, that humans could never consume that amount of wine and exercise safety. While you can supplement with resveratrol, the real thing is always more effective.

Do you exercise and drink wine? Do you find the combination beneficial? We’d love to hear from you in the comments section.

Grapes in a vineyard

Organically Grown Grapes and Wine

Organic is one of the major buzzwords right now in all areas of life from products you use in your bathroom right down to your kitchen table. However, the title of organic can be confusing at times, and as a consumer, you want to know what you’re paying for. Although organic wine is not a hugely popular item in the United States, there are many winegrowers that are dedicated to producing organically grown grapes on sustainable vineyards. It would be a natural assumption that organically grown grapes produce organic wine, and if you think this you are right – to an extent. Read below to find out what organically grown grapes are and what types of wine these grapes can produce.

What are Organically Grown Grapes?
Like any other food item, in order for grapes to be labeled as organic, they must be grown in accordance with the principles of organic farming. In conventional wine growing, chemical fertilizers are used to protect the vines and to promote larger yields. The chemicals that are sprayed onto the fruits are also absorbed by the soil and they make their way into the leaves and the grapes being grown, meaning that these chemicals ultimately make it into the wine. Those who support organically grown grapes say that not only do these chemicals destroy the soil and surrounding land, but they also remove some of the very unique and distinct flavors that accompany grapes.

Growing grapes organically provides a unique set of challenges to winemakers. For these growers to be the most successful, they must choose the correct type of wine for the growing environment and region. One of the major concerns in growing organic grapes is the presence of mildew and rot pressures, because grapes affected by these factors will not be able to be used in the production of wine.

What is Organic Wine?
In the most basic definition, organic wine is any wine that is produced using organically grown grapes. However, there are some various legal definitions that can be quite confusing to many consumers. Currently, the only effective preservatives that allow wines to last for substantial periods of time are “non-organic.” This means that a wine can be made from organically grown grapes, but still not be considered an organic wine. The difference between organic and non-organic wines lies in the use of sulfites. Many winemakers use sulfites in very small quantities to preserve the wine and to give it a longer shelf life, but a true organic wine in the United States may not contain any added sulfites. If a wine has added sulfites, but is produced using grapes that have been grown organically, then the label may read “wine made from organic grapes.”

Growing grapes organically requires extreme patience, commitment and dedication, and many winemakers are taking up this challenge. Pick up a bottle of organic wine, or wine made from organic grapes and see how you like the taste of grapes produced responsibly and wine made without sulfites.



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