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Old couple drinking wine.

Undiagnosed Glucose Intolerance Common in Early Alzheimer’s Disease

New research being conducted at Georgetown University suggests that people suffering from early onset Alzheimer’s disease should be routinely tested for glucose intolerance. Alzheimer’s is “…a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior,” according to the Alzheimer’s Association. Most believe that Alzheimer’s is a disease that only the elderly population struggles with, but there are many individuals with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia that has no known cure and that progressively worsens over time. Research out of Georgetown University suggests that those with early onset Alzheimer’s may have something else to be concerned with.

The Study
Dr. R. Scott Turner, MD, Ph.D. is a neurologist at Georgetown University and while conducting a nationwide study on people with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s, discovered that a large number of the participants were found to have undiagnosed glucose intolerance. According to an article published online at Diabetes News Journal, the study examines resveratrol, a natural phenol which can be commonly found in blueberries, red grapes, mulberries, red wine and raspberries, to determine whether or not it could bring about a change in the glucose levels in patients who suffer from mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Turner also noted that resveratrol is believed to act on proteins in the brain in a way that mimics the effects of a low-calorie diet.

The way in which resveratrol works on proteins in the brain is important because previous studies indicate that calorie restrictions can help in preventing issues such as Alzheimer’s and diabetes. Dr. Turner’s study began with an emphasis on resveratrol and Alzheimer’s and for patients to be admitted he ordered a fasting glucose tolerance test to provide a baseline level. Patients were retested two hours after they ate and a continued high sugar level after two hours shows that glucose intolerance is high. It was during the glucose intolerance screenings that Turner noticed an interesting pattern: “All told, overall prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance of diabetes at two hours was 43 percent or nearly half of the recruited study candidate cohort.”

The Indications
Further research is required to determine what link, if any, diabetes and Alzheimer’s have. Turner’s study was designed to study the effects of resveratrol in the prevention of Alzheimer’s, therefore, it was not set up to study the diabetes/ Alzheimer’s relationship.

All of this information is fascinating, but what impact does it have on your life? First, eating a healthy, low-calorie diet can help in the prevention of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Secondly, another possible way to help prevent or slow serious diseases is resveratrol. A glass of red wine or a handful or blueberries may do far more than please your palette, it may keep degenerative diseases at bay. Of course, before making any additions or serious changes to your eating habits and diet, it is strongly advised to check with your doctor to make sure you really are making helpful and healthy choices.

Wine glasses with food in the background

Resveralife Live Well: Sauvignon Blanc Recommendations

Now that you know what food to serve with Sauvignon Blanc (check out our last post), it’s a good time to know what some of the best Suavignon Blanc wines are. There is a large variety of Sauvignon Blanc due in part to the fact the the white grape features a broad range of notes and tastes. Some Sauvignon Blanc wines feature a very citrus-like taste while others have a more “green” or herbaceous flavor. Additionally there are some Sauvignon Blancs that feature heavy notes of oak. Some of Resveralife’s favorite Sauvignon Blancs are:

Robert Mondavi 2011 Fume (Sauvignon) Blanc (Oakville)
This Sauvignon Blanc is a textbook Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc, For an authentic, and affordable (it retails for $32), you cannot beat the 2011 Fume Blanc. The main notes of the wine are citrusy and fruity, making it a great choice for a summer gathering. The Robert Mondavi 2011 Fume Blanc features heavy notes of lemons, limes, pink grapefruits, gooseberries and rich tropical fruits. Like a true Sauvignon Blanc this wine is completely dry and has a delicious crisp to it. It also has low acidity and just a light touch of oak.

Chalk Hill 2008 Musque Sauvignon Blanc (Chalk Hill)
This California Sauvignon Blanc is another highly recommended wine. The Chalk Hill 2008 Musque Sauvignon Blanc is a vibrant, bright wine with a light acidity to it. True to the name of Sauvignon Blanc this wine is bone dry though finishes with an elegance and complexity. The main notes identified in the Chalk Hill 2008 Musque Sauvignon Blanc are tangerine and lime. This wine also has indulgent notes of honey, making it a perfect treat, though at $40 per bottle, it is a bit pricey.

Guardian Cellars 2012 Angel Sauvignon Blanc (Red Mountain)
Sourced from the Klipsun Vineyard, this Sauvignon Blanc is a dense, pungent white wine. The Guardian Cellars 2012 Angel Sauvignon Blanc is intensely aromatic and opens with notes of the green variety. Opening notes are of freshly mowed grass and hay. The fruity notes experienced towards the beginning are citrus and fig, which is then followed pineapple and additional citrus notes. While the Chalk Hill above features notes of honey, the Guardian Cellars 2012 Angel Sauvignon Blanc has interesting notes of bee pollen and beeswax. Each bottle retails for $20.

Spy Valley 2012 Envoy Single Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc (Marlborough)
The Spy Valley 2012 Envoy Single Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc is generally regarded as much better tasting than the Spy Valley Sauvignon Blanc. Like a traditional Sauvignon Blanc there are fruit notes and this wine opens with notes of citrus and fig. To add a bit of surprise and elegance to the wine the fig and citrus notes are followed by vanilla notes. The wine then features more citrus fruits with the prominent note being nectarines. This Sauvignon Blanc is not quite as dry as others and has a silky texture with a robust finish.

Sauvignon Blanc can be served alongside a variety of foods from a simple salad to a freshly prepared white fish. The above Sauvignon Blanc wines are highly regarded as representative of what a Sauvignon Blanc should taste like.

Sauvignon Blanc grapes being grown in a vineyard.

Resveralife Eat Well: Sauvignon Blanc Food Pairings

Sauvignon Blanc translates to “wild white,” and the grape is one of the most widely planted because of the variety and wide range of tastes and styles. The popularity of Sauvignon Blanc is largely due to the master winemakers in the Bordeaux and the Loire Valley, both in France. The grape has origins that trace back to the South of France. Sauvignon Blanc is mainly a dry wine, though there are some regions, such as California, that produce Sauvignon Blanc that leave just a gram or two of residual sugar for a texture that is richer. The most commonly associated fruit notes in Sauvignon Blanc are peach, passion fruit, lime and green apple but what really distinguishes this wine from other whites, such as Chardonnay, is the presence of greener flavors. Some Sauvignon Blancs feature notes of jalapeno, bell pepper and grass. It is these notes that put Sauvignon Blanc in a category of it’s own.

Sauvignon Blanc 
Because Sauvignon Blanc has interesting herbaceous tastes, this wine is excellent to pair with “green” food items as well.


Citrus Sauvignon Blanc
For a citrusy Sauvignon Blanc, asparagus and artichokes are an excellent choice. These vegetables can be hard to pair with other wines as they can leave a metallic finish, but they pair beautifully with Sauvignon Blanc featuring notes of citrus. Grill or roast with herbs like rosemary for a perfect, light accompaniment to your Sauvignon Blanc. Vegetables are certainly not your only option for a Sauvignon Blanc with citrus notes. Prepare some authentic fish and chips or grill some chicken with rosemary, thyme, basil and white pepper. If you prefer something with a bit more heat, consider pairing citrus Sauvignon Blancs with Mexican food. Avocados and tomatoes work perfectly with Sauvignon Blanc. Alternatively, you can go Greek and pair your Sauvignon Blanc with olives and feta cheese.

Fresh salad with green vegetables.

Herbaceous Sauvignon Blanc
One of the greatest features that Sauvignong Blanc has is it’s unique, earthy tones like grass or bell pepper. Enhance this taste by serving your Sauvignon Blanc with green foods. Salads are an excellent choice and provide virtually limitless combinations to pair with Sauvignon Blanc. Meats that pair well with Sauvignon Blanc include chicken, lobster and crab among many others. A simple grilled chicken with spinach salad and an herb vinaigrette makes for a wonderful meal. Another way to pair Sauvignon Blancs with green notes is to prepare a light meal of fish such as Halibut or Tilapia. If you don’t feel like cooking, call your favorite Japanese restaurant and order an assortment of sushi. For those who are a bit more adventurous, make your own sushi at home.

Sauvignon Blanc is a unique, complex white wine that features notes perfect for preparing summer foods. Prepare a great spinach salad for a daytime affair or have an ethnic feast with foods from Japanese, Greek and Mexican cultures. If you simply want to serve your Sauvignon Blanc with a bit of cheese, look for softer cheeses like goat’s milk cheese or creme fraiche.

Sunscreen on woman's shoulder outdoors

Are You Wearing the Right Sun Protection?

You know you need to protect yourself from the sun and harmful UV rays. You know to apply sunscreen before you head outside and even to reapply often or after being in water. But is the sun protection you are using right for you? Check out Resveralife’s guide below on how to be sure you are wearing the most effective sun protection possible.

Little girl wearing a hat and sunglasses holding a sunscreen bottle in a beach.

You need to keep the entire family protected, especially your little ones. Children have more reactive, sensitive skin than adults, so the type of sun protection you choose for them should be suitable for sensitive skin types. Kids tend to tolerate physical sunscreens better than they do chemical sunscreens as chemical sunscreens contain active ingredients like PABA and oxybenzone which have been associated with irritation.

Woman wearing a hat applying sunscreen.

Acne Prone Skin
Acne is a common problem and many people believe that sunscreens tend to increase blemishes and breakouts. The first thing to check in your sun protection, like any other skin care product for acne prone skin, is that it is free from unnecessary preservatives and fragrances. Some sunscreens are available in gel formulas that may suit acne or oily prone skin better than a traditional liquid. Just as with children, the most frequently cited aggravating active ingredients in sun care products are PABAs and oxybenzone. Physical sunscreens tend to work well for people who suffer from acne. If you are opposed to the thick white cast these can leave, look for a chemical sunscreen with salicylates or ecamsule. Note that if you are on a prescription medication for acne, it is best to consult with your doctor because some of these medications increase sensitivity to the sun.

Woman applying sunscreen on her hands.

Dry Skin
If you have dry skin, look for a sunscreen that contains moisturizer or a moisturizer that contains sunscreen. Many cosmetic and skin care companies now make day creams with an SPF in them already. Sunscreens that contain moisturizing ingredients such as lanolin, oils and dimethicones (silicone) tend to be appropriate for dry skin. Formulations of sunscreens with added moisture are often marketed as creams, lotions or even ointments.

If you are already using a sunscreen that is perfect for your skin type and your needs, that is awesome. However, dermatologists and skin care experts warn that even if you have the perfect sunscreen, not wearing enough renders the protection virtually useless. As a general rule you should be applying an ounce of sunscreen every single time you plan on getting sun exposure. If you are just covering your face, use about the size of a silver dollar to ensure proper coverage. Sunscreen has a shelf life of one to two years, so if you have a bottle from last year it is probably safe to use. Remember that the most effective sunscreen is the one that you apply every day and that you use the proper amount of. If using a chemical sunscreen, apply the product 20 minutes before sun exposure to allow time for it to absorb. Once out in the sun, reapply your sunscreen (with a full ounce of product) every two hours or more often if you have been swimming.

Woman bathing in a beach.

Sun Care Industry Updates

Sun protection is without a doubt on of the most discussed components of the skin care and cosmetic industries. Expert after expert offers advice on how to properly protect your skin and dermatologists warn about what happens if you fail to adequately protect your skin. So, it’s pretty simple right? Throw on a sunscreen before you go outside in bright weather and you’re good to go. Not so according to the experts. There are two different types of sunscreen (chemical and physical) from which you must choose, a large variety of SPFs and labels such as waterproof and water-resistant. The skin care industry is large and full of technology and innovations. Resveralife presents some of the most exciting updates from the skin care industry.

Types of Sun Damage
We know that UVA and UVB rays are our enemies when it comes to the sun. There is a plethora of information about what sunscreens or sun products most effectively absorb or deflect UV rays. However, on of the lesser known dangers is infrared radiation. The research on infrared radiation started several years ago, though the impact that it has on your skin is just now beginning to be made public. The Coty company has spent years researching infrared radiation and their Research and Development director Marc Pissavini had the following to say “the industry was focused on UV more so than infrared, as infrared is quite new. Now we are seeing more raw material suppliers offering an infrared solution. We are now seeing more people talking about infrared – it is the beginning of this focus and theses products.” The products he refers to include a formulation with reflecting pigment and antioxidants to fight free radicals while protecting your skin from the sun.

Woman drawing the sun using sunscreen on her back.

Multiple Purpose Sun Care Products
The sun and skin care industry is beginning to focus on products that a multi-functional and can accomplish several things with a single formula. As a general rule, it is easier to to maintain skin health and be proactive than it is to repair already damaged skin. Now more than ever before you can purchase a moisturizer or day cream that contains SPF, eliminating the need for multiple steps in your skin care routine. Additionally, there is a focus on creating cosmetic products that contain an SPF, especially foundations and powders.

Global Sun Care Regulations
There are countries that are far more serious about sun care than the United States. For instance, people in Asia avoid the sun at all costs and routinely apply sun care products. The focus on global sun care regulations concerns these aspects: labeling, testing and ingredients used. Experts in the skin care and cosmetics field want to ultimately harmonize sunscreens globally. There are several major considerations when attempting to globally harmonize sunscreens. The major issues are issues of semantics and language. For instance, on labeling in North America, the ingredients in sunscreens are classified as drugs. In Europe, these same ingredients are classified as cosmetics. Language also plays a significant role in hamonization of sunscreen. Ideally the goal is to provide the most effective sunscreen products with the most comprehensive labeling and usage directions.

Continuous improvements in the sun and skin care industry can be difficult to keep up with. Staying informed on the technological advances helps you best protect your skin.

Woman with a beautiful tan posing.

Resveralife Live Well: Tanning Addiction, Real Issue?

Summer is just around the corner and you can’t wait to throw on your bikini and relax in the warmth of the sun. But before you do, perhaps you feel the need to get a golden glow from a tanning bed so you don’t look too pale when you hit the beach. If you frequent the a tanning salon, or even go year-round, you can maintain a beautiful bronzed body, but you may also have some more serious issues at hand than simply doing damage to your skin.

What is a Tanning Addiction?
It may sound silly, but there are numerous studies and research that indicate that it is possible to be addicted to tanning. A paper published online by the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that females were far more likely to have an addiction to tanning than males were. Additionally, the study found that there were other conditions that were associated with a tanning addiction in a large number of those studied. The two most commonly associated behaviors that were observed among tanning addicts were some measures of obsessive-compulsive behaviors and body dysmorphic behaviors.

Resveralife came across an article posted by the Skin Cancer Foundation which stated that tanning addicts display both physical and psychological dependence behaviors with regards to tanning. When something causes physical dependency, the body goes through the process of cravings, withdrawals and an increase in tolerance to the addictive stimuli. A psychological dependence deals with your brain’s rewards system.

Frequent tanning is also associated with unhealthy practices such as smoking, alcohol use, illicit drug use and eating disorders. In addition to these increased behavioral risks, tanning also is linked to higher incidences of premature aging, sun damage and skin cancer.

Woman getting a tan in a tanning machine.

What Causes a Tanning Addiction?
Here is where the research gets a bit unclear. There are certainly known risk factors that contribute to possible tanning addictions. One possible factor in a tanning addiction is the release of endorphins when tanning. Exposure to UV light is known to release endorphins which are opiod-like chemicals in the brain. These chemicals increase feelings of general happiness, increased mood and even relieve pain. This process, the relief of pain and positive emotions is the same cycle responsible for other chemical dependencies such as alcohol or drugs.

What You Can Do
As with any addiction, prevention of an addiction is easier than treatment of an addiction. Dermatologists suggest public education on the dangers of tanning beginning in early childhood. Educational information should also be directed at parents and other caregivers on how to stay safe in the sun, and how to avoid tanning.

If you already think that you may have a tanning addiction, not all hope is lost. The first thing you should do is cancel any subscription-type services at your tanning salon. Not having advanced paid tanning sessions makes it easier to avoid hitting the tanning beds. Next, address the issue of endorphins through other activities. Experts suggest tanning addicts engage in some exercise when a desire to tan attacks. Exercise is a healthy source of endorphins. Lastly, if you absolutely need to be bronze, check out self-tanning products to give you the glow without the damage.

Woman eating a snack at night.

The Science Behind Midnight Snacking

You, and probably everyone you know, have enjoyed a treat at night. It’s a totally normal, though not super healthy, habit among many. However, midnight snacking can become a big problem and lead to excessive weight gain. The tendency to graze is a contributing factor to evening snacks, and often the amount of food you consume at night is far greater than the snacks you chow down on during the day. Why do you eat more at night?  Resveralife came across a recent study offers scientific research that help explain why you seem to inhale your nighttime snack.

The Study
A study conducted by researchers at Brigham Young University delves into why you are more prone to consuming more food at night than when you snack during the day. Researchers at BYU monitored participants’ brain activity in the morning and again at night. Each participant was shown the same 360 images of food and they used MRI scans to visualize the results. The pictures of food were split into two categories:  healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains and junk foods like ice cream, potato chips and brownies. During the course of the day researchers noted that the brain activity of participants did spike when pictures of food were shown. It isn’t surprising that seeing food stimulates a response in your brain, but what is interesting is that when viewed at night, the brain was less stimulated. At both times of day, there was a higher neural response when participants viewed pictures of foods with a higher  calorie count.

When you eat a great meal or one of your favorite foods you get a high from that food. At night, the drop in brain activity can leave you scarfing down way more chocolate or potato chips than you meant to. During the evening, our brain does not get the level of reward or “high” that it does when snacking during the day. Because you don’t get the high, you continue to eat well past what you intended to. According to Travis Masteson, the researcher and lead study author, people may over-consume food at night because it is not as rewarding, at least visually, at that time of day. As a result, one needs to eat more to try to get satisfied.”

Girl sneaking into the kitchen to eat a midnight snack.

How to Control Midnight Snacking
The researchers at Brigham Young University are not sure why food is less rewarding at night but believe that the body’s circadian rhythyms may be involved. Your circadian rhythyms dictate your natural patterns during rest and activity.

Even if the reason is not completely known at this point, you can rest assured that you are not the only having difficulty curbing your snacks at night. What do the experts suggest? Masterson says that “[b]eing aware that you are being more influenced visually in the morning and perhaps are being less satisfied by food at night may help you make small but meaningful changes in your eating habits.”

When snacking at night, take a moment to truly taste the food that you’re eating. Ask yourself if you are actually receiving satisfaction or pleasure from the snack you are consuming. If not, put the food down and drink a tall glass of water instead.

Woman changing the time of the day.

Resveralife Live Well: Revel in the Most Pleasurable Time of Day

You have a lot to do during any given 24 hour period. Pressures like work, making it to the gym, cooking and taking care of kids all add a degree of stress to your day. Additionally, these activities all take up significant amounts of your day. Chances are that by the time you finally collapse at night you are too exhausted to do things for yourself that bring you happiness or stress relief. Fortunately, Resveralife came across a recent study published in the Journal of Personality suggests that simply being present and aware during a specific time of day can increase feelings of relaxation and enjoyment.

Digital clock showing 07.00

The Magic Hour
According to the study, the most fulfilling time of day is 7:00 P.M. What are people doing at this hour that makes them happier at any other time of day? Well, because the activities that bring people happiness differ, so do their activities at 7 P.M. One of the study’s authors, Erica Baranski, explains “It is possible that 7 P.M. is unique over other times of day in that the things that generally make us feel comfortable and happy are present. Maybe all the ingredients that make life pleasurable are present at this time more often than at any other time.”

The study used 5,447 members of college communities in 20 different countries and most of the respondents reported feeling the happiest at 7 P.M. When you think about it, the logic behind Baranski’s statement makes complete sense. By 7:00, most people are done with work which is immediately a bit of a relief. Some people have already prepared and eaten their evening meals while others still have a delicious experience ahead of them. Parents may be spending quality time with children or preparing them for bed. Maybe you’re looking forward to an evening full of possibilities. Whatever the night holds, at 7 P.M. the majority of people are free to choose what they do with their time, a feeling that is linked to increased levels of happiness.

Woman getting a manicure at a salon.

How to Make 7:00 Your Happy Time
The good news is that making the most of the 7:00 hour really doesn’t require much effort from you. Many of the positive effects of this time in the day are simply from being able to make your own plans and surround yourself with comfort. However, if you want to know how to make the most of your 7:00 ask yourself a few questions. What activities truly bring happiness and peace to you? How can you incorporate more quality and meaning into these activities?

This Resveralife Live Well Guide lists a few options for activities that can make 07.00 PM your happy time.

  • Pampering yourself – Give yourself a manicure/pedicure or head to a local salon if one is open a bit later in the evening. Take a relaxing bath with scented oils for extra luxury. Put on a face mask or a deep conditioning hair treatment.
  • Get social – Head to your favorite bar or restaurant with friends for happy hour. Gather your family for a family game like charades.
  • Take it easy – Prepare an easy, but tasty meal for yourself. Bring up your Netflix queue and indulge in your favorite entertainment.

No matter what activities you choose, take some time to enjoy them at this magical and pleasurable hour of the day.

Family having a meal outdoors.

Resveralife Eat Well: Dishes to Make for Mom

Nothing shows love and appreciation more that a home-made dish or goody. This Mother’s Day, express your deep admiration by taking time to prepare a dish you know she loves, or that you think she will love. You don’t have to be a master chef to whip up a tasty Mother’s Day treat, you just need a bit of planning and your time to create something your mother will love as much as you love her. This Resveralife Eat Well Guide from Resveralife highlights some of the best dishes to make for your mom on Mother’s Day.

Vanilla crepes with caramel sauce.

For Breakfast or Brunch
Let mom relax as she wakes up and take over preparing breakfast or brunch for her.

Vanilla Crepes
Crepes sound elegant and luxurious and this recipe ensures they taste that way as well. The bonus to this recipe is that you already have everything you will need in your kitchen, so no visiting the grocery store scouring the shelves for some specialized ingredient. For these crepes you will need:

  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 and 1/2 cups of milk
  • 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste
  • 2 tablespoons white sugar
  • 1 and 1/2 cups of flour
  • 5 tablespoons of butter, melted
  • pinch of salt
  • Crepe fillings – anything you choose such as fruit or fresh whipped cream

Begin by mixing wet ingredients together, including the vanilla extract. Next, add the rest of the ingredients and blend thoroughly. Heat a pan to medium heat and pour roughly 1/4 of batter into the greased pan. Crepes are notoriously thin and delicate so tip the pan on all sides to spread the batter to the sides of the pan. Cook your crepe just as you would a pancake; when the edges of the crepe are dry and bubbles form on top, you are done with that side. Flip and cook other side. Repeat for the rest of the batter. Finish by filling with Mom’s favorite fruit and whipped cream or an indulgent chocolate filling. The filling is the perfect opportunity for kids to help prepare the breakfast.

Strawberry salad on a plate.

For Lunch
A tasty salad is always a great lunch and we’ve loaded this salad with ingredients that are not only healthy for you but also delicious.

Strawberry Salad
For a family of four you will need:

  • 1 large chicken breast either diced or cut into thin strips
  • 2 ounces of Gorgonzola cheese
  • 1/2 pint of fresh strawberries, sliced or diced
  • 2.5 ounces of your favorite nut, pecans are our pick but walnuts taste great too
  • 2 tablespoons of any vinaigrette dressing you choose (balsamic is always a great idea)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 a bunch of fresh spinach washed and dried

Begin by heating a pan to medium heat and adding one tablespoon of olive oil to the warm pan. Add the chicken and one tablespoon of vinaigrette to the pan and cook until chicken is not longer pink and is slightly browned. You can also add spices to taste while cooking your chicken, such as cracked black pepper, garlic or sweet basil. Set aside and let the chicken cool. Place spinach in a large serving bowl and add the toppings: Gorgonzola, strawberries and nuts. Again, if you have little ones sprinkling the salad is a great way to have them help make Mom’s lunch. Next, drizzle remaining olive oil and vinaigrette over the salad. Lastly, add the chicken on top. You can serve this right away with the chicken slightly warm, or you can let it cool for a bit in the fridge for a refreshing cold and crisp salad.

Pulled pork sandwiches with fries on a plate.

For Dinner
You want to make an incredible, tasty dinner for mom that reflects the amount of comfort and care she gives you. But, you also want to spend time with her on Mother’s Day instead of spending all afternoon in the kitchen. Use a crock pot to make this ridiculously easy, but delicious comfort food.

Pulled Pork Sandwiches
For this recipe all you need is:

  • 2.5 pound boneless pork loin roast
  • 18 oz bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce
  • Potato (or your Mom’s favorite) rolls
  • Water, as needed

Start by putting your pork into the slow cooker and add enough water to completely cover the pork. Set on low and allow to cook for seven hours. After seven hours, remove the pork, shred it and place it back into the slow cooker. Add the BBQ sauce when you add the shredded pork and continue to cook on low for one hour. Serve with a classic coleslaw for a creamy and crunchy contrast to the richness of the pork loin.

Making a Mother’s Day meal shows your appreciation in a way that even the most beautiful card cannot. Have your kids help wherever possible and remember to serve any dish with plenty of love.

Abstract art showing beautiful use of color. q

Resveralife Live Well: How to Boost Your Mood With Color

A few weeks ago we discussed tips for using color to help you control your appetite and lose weight. If color can affect your weight, why not use color for other areas of your life as well? Colors also have an impact on your mood and can help energize you, make you smile and help soothe you. You can use everything from your clothing to the color of the walls in your home to boost your mood. This Resveralife Live Well Guide from Resveralife highlights how to boost your mood with color.

Woman wearing an orange top jogging with her husband in a park.

When you Need Energy
One of the most energizing colors is orange. Orange mixes the passion and fieriness of red, it also incorporates the positive and joyful associations of yellow. Experts suggest selecting workout gear that features orange because orange is a color that helps with stimulation and enthusiasm. You know there are days when you drag your feet about exercise, so pop on some orange and increase your energy levels.

Woman wearing a beautiful red dress ready for her date.

Another color that ignites you into action is red. Red is a bit more complicated than orange, because there are many moods and feelings that people associate with red. Red is often considered a color of passion and romance. A date is the perfect place for a woman to wear red. It gets the blood pumping and can make a man’s heart race when he sees you. Additionally, red can work in your favor when it comes to energy. Because red is a physical stimulant, as we just mentioned, it is also a great color for working out or increasing productivity. Red can be a bit overwhelming if you wear it head to toe so experts suggest adding in small pops of red. Painting your fingernails red, choosing red shoes or having red flowers on your desk at work are all ways to inject some energy ad passion into your day.

Beautiful green interiors of a home.

When you Need to Relax
Green is a soothing color that is literally easy on your eyes. The color green requires no ocular adjustment and helps reduce your level of fatigue. Green is commonly associated with nature and helps you tap into your psyche on a very primal level. In addition, green can increase mental focus and can refresh your senses. This is currently the most popular color for home decorating and is also a helpful color in offices. Often you have little control about the color of your office walls, but you can surround yourself with this relaxing color. Keep a small green plant, set your desktop to a shade of green or have a few green candles sitting on your desk for a bit of refreshment and relaxation.

Woman wearing a black dress at a meeting in her office.

When you Need to be Assertive
If you have a huge presentation or an important meeting at work, black is definitely your color. You know that black is used a color of mourning and that it is an ever-present color in fashion because it is slimming, but black is associated with more. Black is a color of assertiveness and even aggression. Studies have shown that when a sports team is wearing black uniforms, they have more fouls called on them than a team not in black. You’re not looking to start a fight at work, but black is perceived as a serious and can enhance your professional persona.

Colors work on your mind in a variety of ways. Blue increases feelings of tranquility, yellow helps with cheeriness and purple is associated with nobility and elegance. Experiment with different shades of each color and find new ways to incorporate colors into your wardrobe and spaces. Change your mood as easily as you change your clothes.



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