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Woman running outside

Get Your Workout Without Hitting the Gym

If a tree falls in the forest with no one to hear it, does it make a noise? The same can be applied to real life situations. If we eat at home alone, did we really eat? If we drink at home alone, did we really get drunk? And if we exercise at home alone, did we really work out? Doing things publicly seems to affirm that they really happened, but they usually involve extra expense, extra energy, and, of course, leaving the house. Sometimes there can be advantages to eating without a restaurant, drinking without a bar, and working out without a gym. Here are some ways you can do the last, and when you see the results, there will be no doubt you had a great workout.

You definitely don’t need a gym to take off running. And no one will deny the results. You’ll get fabulously toned legs and burn tons of calories. Plus, there is no shortage of places to do it. There are running and jogging trails all over the place, or you can run along the street to change up the scenery.

If running is too brutal for you, walking may be more your thing. You’ll get in your cardio and your calorie burn. You can join a walking club if you need some people to motivate you, or start your own.

Woman exercise to video

Exercise Videos and TV Shows
Videos are great because they provide you with a structured exercise that you can do in the privacy of your home at a time most convenient for you. They also cover every type of workout known to man, from yoga to high intensity, to step aerobics, so you can find the one best suited to your abilities and preferences.

At Home Exercise Equipment
Stationary bikes, treadmills, and stair masters are all great ways to workout without the gym. They can cost a pretty penny but are well worth it when considering what you may be saving in time and gym membership fees.

Woman swimming

Swimming is an excellent way to burn calories without damaging your joints, and you don’t even have to break a sweat. While you may not have the luxury of an Olympic sized pool in your back yard, there may be a community center or park nearby that does.

Bikes are functional as well as beneficial to your health. You can get a quick workout while running an errand, or take a more intensity focused ride. Neighborhoods are making their streets more bike friendly, and, biking is a good way to exercise your environmental consciousness while you exercise your body.

Woman playing with pug

Play With Your Kids Or Pets
You’ll get a workout and your family will love you for it. See who lasts longer, you or the kids. Plus, it’s more entertaining than walking on a treadmill.

Public Courts
Public courts are ideal for cool summer nights and lazy summer Saturday mornings. Many parks offer tennis, volleyball, and basketball courts to the public. It’s BYO on the equipment, but space is free.

Are you working out without a gym this summer? Good for you? Let us know what you do when the gym is not an option?

Woman swimming

Public Pool Safety

Summer is here! The temperature is going up, and we are heading to the pool! Trips to the public pool should be fun, so follow these tips this summer to ensure that nothing will ruin your weekend!

Be Aware of Health Standards
We hate to say it, but some pools have been fined or closed for violating health and safety standards. When choosing a public pool to belong to for the summer, ask when the facility was last inspected. Management is usually happy to show you that they are in compliance with all safety standards, and you will get peace of mind!

Stay Hydrated!
Staying hydrated is one of the most important summer tips. Heat stroke and heat exhaustion can be a big problem during the summer months, and extended sun exposure can cause you serious harm if you aren’t drinking enough water.

Woman applying sunscreen

Slather on the Sunscreen
This is a no brainer. A long day at the pool can be a recipe for disaster if you’re not properly protecting your skin. It is a good idea to put on your sunscreen before you leave the house, at least 15 minutes before you’ll be out in the sun. Also, give your sunscreen plenty of time to sink in, and make sure that you aren’t rubbing off your SPF with your clothing. It’s easy to lose track of time during a day in the sun, but it is important to reapply your sunscreen every few hours- even more often when you’re in the water! The instructions on the bottle will let you know exactly how often to reapply any particular brand. Keep your skin protected at the pool, and don’t let an angry sunburn follow you to work on Monday!

Know Your Surroundings
This is especially important if you have kids. Anytime you are around water, there is danger, regardless of how well you or your family members know how to swim. Public pools can be crowded, and though lifeguards are well trained, it is possible that they will miss a warning sign if there are a lot of people to watch. Make sure you know where you kids are at all times. If you, or anyone in your family, are not  strong swimmers, take a special note of what areas of the pool are safe to be in, and what areas to avoid (deep water, steep inclines, drains, etc). Also, make sure that these areas are properly roped off to decrease the chances of mistakenly entering an unsafe area.


Don’t Go Overboard
No, we don’t mean falling into the water. It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re having fun in the sun, but it is important to not go overboard, and limit your sun exposure. Too much sun during peak hours can cause serious burns, fatigue, dizziness, heat rash, and several other not so fun complications. Play it safe, and take breaks from the sun every so often so you can enjoy the pool all summer long!

Family sitting beside lake

Resveralife Live Well: Favorite Pastimes to Enjoy This Summer

Remember when summer was the most exciting part of the year? You got out of school and you had endless hours of sunshine, freedom and fun. Growing up does not mean that your favorite summer pastimes are just long forgotten, especially if you have children. Chances are that when you were a kid you loved summer with a passion and you can recreate that for your children, or for yourself as a reminder to take a break once in a while. This Resveralife Live Well Guide presents some our favorite pastimes to enjoy this summer.

Closeup of woman having ice cream

Make Ice Cream/Popsicles
Nothing is quite as satisfying as homemade ice cream and as a bonus you can make any flavor that you want. One of our favorites is a classic strawberry ice cream featuring freshly sliced berries. Add a spray of whipped cream and some sprinkles for added indulgence. If you aren’t into the idea of either investing in an ice cream maker or having to do all the work by hand, consider making your own popsicles. As a kid you may have made a low­key orange juice popsicle, but as an adult your tastes have probably matured. Try blending mangoes, pineapples, milk and full fat canned coconut milk and freeze in popsicle molds for a taste of the tropics.

Professional baseball player hitting a stroke.

Take Yourself to the Ballgame
Even if your town isn’t home to a major league team, a baseball game is a great way to enjoy the summer air. Many cities have either minor league or local teams that play and you can join in on the fun. Get into the game and enjoy cheering with a crowd of people. And of course, don’t forget the hot dogs and beer (if you’re legal drinking age of course)!

Man swimming in a swimming pool

Go Swimming
Bonus points if you go swimming in an outdoor pool. Swimming and playing in the water was probably an activity you loved as a kid, so why not take a dip in the summer as an adult. Many areas have outdoor pools that allow you to join via a daily, monthly or yearly membership so that you can go whenever the mood strikes, or when you have a bit of extra time. If there are no outdoor pools near you, check out your local YMCA or look for a gym that offers lap swims or water aerobics to get not only the fun of being in the water, but health benefits as well.

Woman at a garage sale.

Go to a Garage Sale
Depending upon where you live this may or may not have been a part of your childhood summers. Spend a Saturday morning cruising your neighborhood and look at all of the odds and ends your neighborhood has to offer. If you do not live in an area where garage sales are a big deal, such as a major city, head to an antique mall or other vintage stores to browse.

Young boy catching fireflies.

Catch Fireflies
Whether you call them fireflies or lightning bugs, these always signaled the true summer season. Catching fireflies is a great activity to do with your own children or with a date as the end of a romantic, fun evening.

No matter how old you get, there is always room for a bit of play and fun. Spend this summer participating in pastimes that make you feel young and exuberant again.



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