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Peanuts, grapes and dark chocolate

Red Wine & Peanuts Help Prevent Memory Loss

Often we treat our favorite indulgences, a glass of wine or a handful of nuts, as a treat. However, recent scientific advances suggest that those of us who enjoy a luxurious glass of red wine or a handful of savory peanuts may be indulging more than our food and drink cravings. New studies conducted by Dr. Ashok Shetty, professor in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Medicine at Texas A&M University and the Director of Neurosciences at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine, indicate that compounds found in red wine and peanuts may help slow our memory loss due to aging.

The Compound
The red wine drinkers among us, and many others, are familiar with the compound reservatrol. Reservatrol has been the subject of much research and debate for it’s various health benefits. Reservatrol is an antioxidant commonly found in the grapes used to produce red wine, peanuts and some berries. Previous research and studies involving reservatrol indicate that this antioxidant is particularly beneficial when it comes to heart health. Dr. Shetty’s research reveals that the antioxidant reservatrol may have more significant health benefits, specifically where aging is concerned.

The Study
As we age, our spatial learning abilities, our cognitive function, and our ability to create new memories decrease. The same is also true for animals as they age. Dr. Shetty hypothesized that reservatrol would have a positive effect on memory, learning and mood due to the fact that reservatrol affects the hippocampus area of the brain. The hippocampus is the area in the brain responsible for much of our cognitive functioning. The study, published January 28th, used elderly rats, both a control group and a group that was given reservatrol. The control group of rats demonstrated that cognitive and spacial abilities held steady. However, these rats were not able to create new spacial memories and cognitive functioning decreased dramatically around months 22 through 25 of the study. By contrast, the rats that were given reservatrol showed an increase in their abilities to create new memories and an improvement in spacial learning abilities for the duration of the study. Additionally, Dr. Shetty noted that neurogenesis, the growth and development of neurons, nearly doubled among the rats given reservatrol. The rats given reservatrol also showed an improvement of blood flow throughout the body and a lower amount of inflammation in the hippocampus.

The Impact
There are a number of neurodegenetrive diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, that have the potential to affect our quality of life as we age. The research conducted at Texas A&M University proves that there is hope in improving memory, mood and cognitive functioning for the elderly. Dementia and Alzheimer’s are chronic conditions that affect as many as one in six elderly individuals. This study gives hope that there is the opportunity to increase mood and cognitive ability, though there is no definitive evidence to show what the effect reservatrol would have on dementia in the long-run.

The benefits of reservatrol can be achieved with just one glass of red wine each day. Reservatrol continues to illustrate it’s ability to improve our health and well-being. Go ahead and indulge in a luxurious glass of red wine or a handful of peanuts and enjoy the tastes as well as all the potential health benefits.

Thinking about which foods are healthier

Eat Well: Foods to Avoid for Beautiful Skin

Taking good care of our skin goes beyond the products we choose to apply and how frequently we wash or exfoliate our skin. We have all heard the old maxim, “you are what you eat,” and in some ways this really is true. There are foods that doctors and dermatologists recommend for a more youthful, glowing complexion and there are foods that these experts advise us to stay away from if our goal is clear, glowing skin. We know that a healthy, well-rounded diet and exercise help to keep us in good shape, but this nutritious eating may also help improve the texture, tone and appearance of our skin.

Regulate Blood Sugar

Dr. Valori Treloar, co-author of the book titled The Clear Skin Diet, suggests that one key factor that links diet and skin condition are foods that cause our blood sugar to spike. When our blood sugar levels rise, our bodies respond by increasing the insulin produced. Insulin in turn signals the body to release hormonal effects that include the release of androgen (an acne causing hormone), high levels of oil and increased production of skin cells, which all leads to clogged skin and subsequently, breakouts. Instead, we are advised to choose foods that have a low glycemic index. Glycemic index refers to a number that provides an estimate for how quickly our bodies convert carbohydrates in food into glucose. To make the use of the glycemic index even more effective, eat small meals throughout the day to help keep blood sugar levels steady.

Dairy Dairy

A hot topic when it comes to diet and skin is the subject of dairy. There are no definitive studies or tests that prove without a doubt that dairy is linked to causing acne or breakouts. However, there are some well-researched theories that involve dairy consumption and the condition of our skin. Milk contains substances that are closely related to the male hormone, testosterone. This is important because testosterone increases oil production, which can lead to acne. Dairy seems to target specific areas on the face, so if breakouts are present on the chin, neck and jawline, limiting dairy may help remedy this.

Cheeseburger and friesFats

While eating a cheeseburger and fries once in a while is not going to cause our skin to react badly constantly, it is important for us to monitor the amount of fatty acids we are consuming. Fatty acids are good, as they can help to alleviate inflammation in the body and skin. However, too much of a good thing in this case is decidedly bad. If not balanced, fatty acids can increase the amount of inflammation which may lead to pimples on the skin.

Alcohol bottles Alcohol

We don’t have to eliminate happy hour from our lives, but it is important to be intentional about what alcoholic beverages we are consuming. Alcohol dries out the skin which inhibits the healing process for present breakouts and exaggerates the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Experts also mention that alcohol affects vitamins A, B3 and C negatively. These antioxidants  are important in the regeneration of skin cells. A good guideline to follow, for reasons beyond just clearer skin, is to consume one glass of water for every alcoholic beverage you drink. The good news here is that our favorite red wines are not terrible for our skin. In fact, a single glass of red wine can be beneficial to our skin due to the antioxidant resveratrol.

The links between diet and skin continue to be studied, but there are promising results that indicate what we put into our bodies reflects what our bodies look like on the outside. Exercise moderation in all things, particularly fat. Dairy substitutions such as soy or almond milk are a great idea to help eliminate chin, neck and jawline breakouts. Drink plenty of water and maintain a good skincare regimen to get the best skin possible.

Mother caring for her childs skin

Resveralife Live Well: Care for Your Child's Skin

The skin is an organ just as the heart, lungs and stomach are organs. As a matter of fact, our skin is the largest organ in our bodies. Our skin provides protection against the elements, helps us avoid illnesses, produces Vitamin D for our bones and other organs and through capillaries it helps regulate our temperature in extreme weather. In order to keep our skin working at an optimal level, it is important that we take care of it. Practicing good skincare not only helps to keep the skin healthy, but it reduces the chances of issues such as skin cancer or premature wrinkling. As with many other healthy habits, good skincare should begin during childhood. The following three tips help parents instill healthy skincare habits in young children.

Keep Skin Clean

Caring for our children’s skin begins with cleansing it. Children often have skin that is far more sensitive than adults, so care should be exercised when selecting a cleanser. Products formulated specifically for children’s skin are typically a good place to start looking for a soap. Soaps and cleansers that are free from dyes, fragrances or harsh chemicals, such as alcohol, are highly recommended when it comes to taking care of the kids skin.Children should bathe or shower frequently to keep skin clean. In addition, it is especially important to keep hands clean as clean hands help children to avoid harmful germs and bacteria. Use warm, not hot, water and a mild soap to clean hands, face and body. When teaching hand washing techniques to children, the use of the “Happy Birthday” song can be quite helpful. Children sing the song while washing their hands and may turn off the water only when the song is complete. This helps ensure that kids have time to thoroughly clean every part of their hands. Once skin has been cleansed with warm water and a gentle cleanser, dry the skin thoroughly.

Add Moisture to Skin

Children, especially infants, lose moisture from their skin far more quickly than adults do. This means that we need to be extra careful about using products that are sensitive to this need and that do not strip any unnecessary moisture from children’s skin. As with selecting a cleanser, choose lotions and moisturizers that do not contain any dyes, fragrances or harsh chemicals.

Always use Sunscreen

Adults need to pay attention to this guideline as well, but it is especially important for children. Sunburns are visible signs of sun damage, though a burn is not a prerequisite for skin damage. Damage from UV rays early in life increases the risk of skin cancer and is also a factor in premature signs of aging. Experts recommend that children wear a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Remember that sunscreen should be applied prior to heading outside and reapplied every few hours. If children are playing in water, reapply when they emerge, even if the sunscreen claims to be waterproof. Also, it is important to select a lip balm that contains SPF to keep lips healthy and hats are a good idea for children prior to sun exposure. Experts recommend that children not be out during the hours of 10:00 AM through 2:00 PM.

Remembering to take good care of children’s skin helps prevent future problems such as skin cancer or premature wrinkles. The guidelines for children’s skincare work equally for adults. We teach our children through instruction and example and by practicing proper skincare ourselves, we help foster a lifetime of healthy skincare by our young children.

Grocery shopping

Eat Well: How to Grocery Shop the Healthy Way

Good nutrition begins with the grocery list. Without healthy and nutritious ingredients in our kitchens making meals that nourish our bodies is difficult. However, knowing what to buy when you are at the grocery store can feel overwhelming. Most of us don’t have the time to stand in the store reading long label after long label, it’s just too time consuming. Even with having to read long ingredient lists (because it is important to know what is going into our bodied), grocery shopping in a healthy way does not have to be stressful. The following four tips help keep grocery shopping from feeling like such an intimidating task.

Plan Ahead
Healthy grocery shopping begins long before we even step foot into our local grocery stores. Many health experts recommend planning meals for an entire week and assessing what ingredients will be needed to make these meals. Preparing a list in advance of heading to the store helps reduce the amount of time we spend in the grocery store wondering whether we will actually need this item or that item. In addition to reducing the amount of time spent in the grocery store, writing everything we need for a week forces us to really take a good look at what we are planning to put into our bodies. Sometimes, seeing things on paper makes us think twice about the food we intend to purchase.

Shop on a Full Stomach
One of reasons we come home with extra cookies, chips, ice cream and other poor food choices is that we go grocery shopping when we are hungry. Grocery shopping on an empty stomach leads to making bad decisions. When our stomachs are empty our ability to resist temptation is significantly lowered. Keep impulse purchases to a minimum by making sure to shop full and never hungry.

Shop the Perimeter
The layout of most grocery stores is similar. The perimeter is generally where the fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat and fish are stocked. By spending the majority of our time in the stores perimeter, we limit the amount of temptation we face in the form of prepackaged, fat and sugar laden products. Walk the outer portion of the store first stocking up on fresh produce, lean meats and low-fat dairy options. When heading towards the center of the store, stick to the list and only buy what is written down. Choose whole grains when purchasing items such as breads and pastas to help increase the amount of healthy food in the cart.

Consider Convenience
While not the most cost effective option, sometimes the added convenience of food that has already been portioned is worth the increase in price. Most of us are constantly rushing around from one obligation to the next, leaving the amount of time available for spending hours preparing healthy food limited. Choosing vegetables and fruit that has already been sliced and snacks such as nuts that have been portioned can make eating healthy easier even with the crazy schedules we keep.

Grocery shopping in a health conscious way doesn’t have to be a time consuming chore or a confusing expedition. By spending a little extra time preparing for our grocery trips, we eliminate the frequency of impulse purchases. Vary the types of fruit and vegetables bought and keep a large array of spices on hand to create endless healthy options. 

Woman with credit card in front of laptop

Resveralife Reports: Consumer Research a Threat to Retailers?

We live in an age of instantaneous information, connection and satisfaction. We get what we want, when we want it. As consumers, it has always been important to be informed when it comes to our purchases. We want to know what we are buying, what benefits the item or service might have, any disadvantages that the item may have and what performance we can expect from the thing we are spending our hard earned money on. Whether it is a silk camisole or a washing machine, we like to be savvy shoppers. But does our increased availability of information and our knowledge of products threaten retailers?

Recently, Google partnered with Ipsos MediaCT and Sterling Brands to see what impact technology has on consumption and shopping habits. Included in this study was the question of whether or not consumer research is damaging to retailers. The common belief among brick and mortar retailers is that the primary reason we go into stores is simply to conduct a transaction. Retailers assume that we have already completed our research and as such, that we are fully informed about their product. They assume we are there only to pay for our items. However, the research suggests that the retailers who believe all we want is a sales transaction are doing damage to themselves.

The data gathered by Google, Ipsos MediaCT and Sterling Brands, suggests that as consumers, we expect more than ever from our retailers. We still visit stores, and online shops, to compare and to stimulate interest in items. The research suggests that while we are more informed than ever, we still look to retailers to be an authority on their products and to provide use with a shopping experience. Google, Ipsos MediaCT and Sterling Brands found that just because we perform searches and gather information does not mean that we are turning our backs on retailers. We simply want more out of them. We visit our favorite stores not only because we like the merchandise that is sold there, but also because we enjoy and savor the shopping experience in these stores.

Retailers would do well to take heed of this information. The majority of us visit stores to get an idea of what we want to buy prior to conducting research. Once we have seen the item, then we go into detective mode and try to learn as much as possible about what we intend to buy. Our research doesn’t necessarily hurt retailers, though it does affect what we want from them. Because we can pull together so much information on a product, we expect our retailers to be able to still tell us more. Why buy something when the retailer seems less knowledgeable about the product than we are? We expect retailers to be experts in their products and services. We also anticipate that retailers will provide us with a personalized shopping experience.

Being an informed consumer is important, and some of the burden certainly does rest on us. However, retailers also need to remember that customers want more than just information and details on products. We want to feel valued and important. When it comes to shopping we want more than product specifications, we want to have an enitre experience when it comes to shopping.

Shopping and looking at herself in the mirror

Resveralife Live Well: Shopping and Self-Esteem

We have all heard of people indulging in a little “retail therapy.” This common maxim is used to describe shopping as a means of increasing our current moods or ridding ourselves of some stress. As it turns out, the idea of shopping being related to our psychology and self-esteem is not quite as far-fetched as we may have originally thought. As a culture we practice what is known sociologically as conspicuous consumption. Essentially, conspicuous consumption is spending money on goods that are intended to demonstrate our social status. Often, conspicuous consumption refers to the purchase of expensive or luxury items, which are recognized as prestigious status symbols. Studies conducted recently indicate that “retail therapy” is not just a term thrown around when we want to feel better about ourselves by buying. In fact, it seems that our spending habits, particularly of luxury items, are directly related to our self-esteem.

Researchers Niro Sivanathan, assistant professor at the London Business School, and Nathan Pettit, of Cornell University, conducted clinical studies in a lab that were intended to delve into the psyche of what our spending really says about our self-esteem. The results of these studies confirm that we are far more inclined to spend, especially on higher priced items, when we are experiencing periods of low-self-esteem. Why are we buying particularly when we are feeling down? One of the reasons indicated by the studies suggests that we buy in order to create an impressive exterior sense that we are well off. The second reason truly is retail therapy: we shop when we want to soothe internal pain regarding how we perceive ourselves.

Quite simply, psychological forces impact our decision to shop. We all face a great number of challenges daily, and the blows to our egos can be tough to take. It is in these moments that, according to researchers Sivanathan and Pettit, we desire to increase our conspicuous consumption. Additionally, it is interesting to note that the research conducted also indicated that not only do we spend more, but we do so paying mostly with credit cards when our self-esteem is low. The general hypothesis is that using credit cards as a means to purchase high-end goods helps us decrease any guilt we associate with spending large amounts of money.

When we say we are indulging in retail therapy, it really is a truth. Our self-esteem and attitudes towards ourselves influence our shopping habits. We turn to shopping as a means to alleviate stress and as an attempt to improve our perceptions of who we are. Self-esteem can of course be improved by means other than shopping, and it is advisable to learn other habits of coping with stress and low self-esteem. While shopping definitely does bolster our self-esteem, in the long-run it is not a permanent fix. Grabbing some friends and heading to the mall for a day of retail therapy is totally fine. However, it is important to remember that material possessions do not define who we are as people.


Charcoal for Skin Care

A number of new beauty ingredients have come up to cater to the ever increasing demand for new beauty and skin care ingredients. One of the latest ingredients to enter the world of skin care is activated charcoal. This black residue always played a huge role in heating up your grills. Now it seems to be heating up the world of skin care as well. Charcoal is being used for all sorts of solutions – right from whitening the teeth to cleansing the skin.  Vine Vera reviews some of the main reasons why charcoal has become so popular in the world of skin care.

According to some experts, charcoal absorbs 100 – 200 times its weight in terms of impurities. This makes it an amazing ingredient to deep-cleanse and purify the skin. Numerous spas are using crushed black charcoal as soft powder masks to assist in drawing out toxins from the skin. The powder is converted into a thick mixture that is then applied to the skin using a brush. Activated charcoal is created when oxygen is added to regular charcoal. It is commonly used as a medical treatment to treat poisoning, nausea and GI tract infections.

Despite the fact that dermatologists are not buying into the hype that has been created by charcoal, those who have used these treatments have said that their skin felt pretty good after the treatment. According to Dr. Craig Kaffert, there isn’t any solid scientific evidence that charcoal offers these supposed benefits to the skin. He mentions that the solid black color of the ingredient is one of the main reasons behind its surge in popularity, simply because using this pitch-black product on the skin sounds extremely cool and exciting.

Keeping scientific evidence aside for a minute, Resveralife  tried to examine what beauty bloggers had to say about this ingredient. According to Shiva Rose, a popular beauty blogger, charcoal helped her with a number of issues such as teeth whitening, skin treatments and healing mosquito and spider bites. She mentioned that it draws out impurities from the pores and recommended dabbing the black powder on the skin using a toothbrush. Rose also confessed to using carbon tablets as supplements during her juice cleansing routines.

Whether or not charcoal actually offers these purported benefits remains to be seen. Experts are certainly not buying into the craze until there is some solid evidence that charcoal offers these wondrous benefits for your skin. They mention that the human body is already well-equipped to remove its toxins and all one needs to do to remove these toxins is to lead a healthy lifestyle and follow basic skin care processes.

Resveralife  would recommend you to make sure that you follow these fads and trends only when you’re sure of the benefits. There are all sorts of ingredients that are being offered by skin care brands across the world. It certainly makes sense to do some basic research before adding a new ingredient into your skin care routine, because with the proven ingredients already available in the market, you would want to ensure that you spend your money on something that really works.

Resveralife on Live Well: How Unhealthy Lifestyles Take a Toll on Your Skin

Woman leading an unhealthy lifestyle

Resveralife  came across a study which showed that living unhealthy lifestyles can lead to skin aging by more than 10 years. The study shows that smoking, lack of moisturization, improper diet and sun beds play a huge role in accelerating the signs of aging. This study was conducted with 585 women from Spain, UK and China by a group of skin care experts and it showed that the factors that influenced the skin were the same, irrespective of the skin type or the background. This study was carried out over the course of 8 years and it focused on women between the ages 25 – 70 in China, 45 – 75 in the UK and 30 – 70 in Spain. Controlled laboratory conditions were established in Shanghai (China), Bedford (UK) and Madrid (Spain). The study proved that lifestyle choices accounted for as much as 33% in terms of how old a woman looks.

The participants of the study were asked a series of questions with regards to their lifestyles, including whether or not they smoked and if they liked tanning. Other questions revolved around their diet, their skin care routine, their brushing habits and whether they have all their teeth. Digital images of each woman were also taken which were later assessed for how old the woman looked in order to identify the perceived age of the woman and whether she looked older than her actual age. The perceived ages were then compared for women with good and bad lifestyles.

The difference that was finally concluded was a staggering 10.4 years. According to Dr. Andrew Mayes, it is common knowledge that genetics are responsible for 50% of how the skin looks, but it wasn’t known that lifestyles played such a huge part in how the skin looked. Dr. Mayes says that even the experts were surprised by the percentage as well as the number of years.

The researchers mention that they couldn’t believe their findings at first, but the evidence was right there in front of them. Women who had a healthy lifestyle simply looked much younger and healthier than women with unhealthy lifestyles. The study goes on to show that skin care isn’t just about slathering skin creams and moisturizers and forgetting about the rest. Proper skin care is actually about how you treat your life and your body and the steps you take to rectify any obvious errors in your ways.

The study also offers promising results for people not wanting to undergo things like invasive cosmetic procedures or plastic surgeries. The effects of proper skin care, a healthy diet and a good lifestyle might be small, but the study shows that steady effects shall certainly be seen over a period of time without having to resort to invasive procedures.

Resveralife  is delighted to have come across this study because it simply reinforces our beliefs and our suggestions. Resveralife  has always maintained that the secrets to unlocking healthy and younger looking skin is to have a proper skin care routine, live a healthy life and enjoy a balanced diet.

Study Shows that Resveratrol Inhibits Acne Bacteria

Young woman with acne

Resveralife came across a study that was published in the Dermatology and Therapy Journal in the year 2014. The study was conducted by a group of researchers working for the UCLA and it discovered that resveratrol, a compound found in the skin of red grapes, can help in inhibiting the growth of bacteria that leads to acne. Resveratrol has also been prescribed by specialists because of its skin benefits and heart-health properties.

The researchers discovered that combining benzoyl peroxide (a common acne medication) with resveratrol substantially enhanced the drug’s effectiveness in killing the acne bacteria and also inhibits its growth. Resveratrol is an excellent antioxidant that prevents the cell and tissue damage caused by free radicals. On the other hand, benzoyl peroxide is an oxidant that creates free radicals, which in turn kill the acne bacteria. According to the findings of this study, a combination of benzoyl peroxide and resveratrol attacked the Propionibacterium acnes (the acne causing bacteria) in multiple ways.

Millions of people are known to suffer from acne all over the world. The appearance of acne has a significant psychosocial effect on the person who suffers from it, but very limited progress has been made in terms of offering effective acne solutions. Researchers have mentioned that all current treatments like retinoids and benzoyl peroxide are limited by side effects and antibiotic resistance.

According to Dr. Emma Taylor, the first author of this study, the researchers initially believed that the combination of the two ingredients would cancel out because the two compounds are opposing. However, in reality, the study ended up demonstrating that combining an antioxidant with an oxidant can not only enhance both ingredients, but also offer sustained bacteria-fighting capabilities over a period of time.

As a part of the study, researchers grew colonies of acne causing bacteria and added different concentrations of both ingredients, including individual ingredient compositions. The cultures were monitored for bacterial activity for a period of 10 days. It was found that benzoyl peroxide killed the bacteria at all concentration levels, but the effect never lasted for more than 24 hours. Cultures that only had resveratrol showed inhibited bacteria growth for a longer period of time. However, cultures that had a combination of both ingredients proved to be the most effective in reducing bacteria both in terms of count and duration.

Dr. Jenny Kim, a senior author of the study, mentions that the results were almost like combining the best of different worlds to offer the body a two-pronged protection from the acne causing bacteria.

The researchers also tested both compounds for their toxicity on cultured human blood cells and skin cells. It was noted that resveratrol was less toxic than benzoyl peroxide. This explained the reasons why the skin becomes irritated and reddish when high doses of benzoyl peroxide are used to treat acne. Researchers noted that combining both compounds minimized their toxicity and offered a prolonged antibacterial effect on the acne causing bacteria.

These findings could actually lead to less irritating and more effective topical therapies for acne. The next step of this study is expected to involve more laboratory testings so as understand the mechanisms of both compounds better. Vine Vera believes that this study shows great promise for people suffering from acne issues because it could lead to the development of a number of highly effective treatments.

What is The Right Amount of Red Wine to Drink?

Couple drinking red wine

There have been so many scientific studies completed year after year about the right amount of red wine to drink. Some people think that doctors are out of their minds when they recommend red wine to patients for various reasons such as for arthritis, mild heart disease and even beginning stages of dementia. However, many studies have now shown that red wine can actually help in preventing and treating a number of health related symptoms. In this article, Resveralife  reviews the right amount of red wine to drink.

Amount of Red Wine Prescribed

Many doctors have prescribed or recommended, rather, a quarter of a liter of red wine each day. Does this seem like a lot to you? Well, even so, it still is the amount that has been proven in these studies to help patients with their symptoms. Many of these symptoms are the ones that have been mentioned above.

In fact, red wine could actually take the place of many prescription medications. However, it never will because that will cause pharmaceutical companies a huge profit loss. The studies that were done in the scientific community have shown that the consumption of this amount of red win could be used as a therapeutic or a preventative medication. If it was to be used as such, the rates of disease would be significantly lowered. This, in return, would greatly reduce the number of deaths as well.

So, why is it not recommended more often? Well, one of the reasons is that red wine has been scientifically proved to be one of the more effective medicines in all of history. This would mean other medicines wouldn’t get the buzz their manufacturers wanted them to. With all of that being said, red wine does have side effects just as any other substance does. There are the minimum amounts that would need to be used in order to work and the maximum amount that should be used to keep the therapeutic benefits leveled out. Also, red wine should only be consumed once a day, generally recommended with your main meal of the day.

Red Wine, Taking the Right Amount

Seeing the results of the red wine studies, you know that it is recommended daily. But that does not mean that you should drink red wine all day, every day. Drinking red wine is recommended only once a day and with a single meal. Red wine consumed without food in your stomach would cause more side effects which also means that it could not treat or prevent the health problems that it is supposed to.

When considering your health when you have issues like arthritis, mild heart disease or even the beginning stages of dementia you may want to consider starting to drink a quarter of a liter of red wine each day. This amount has scientifically been shown to reduce health symptoms and to prevent some of the health symptoms as well. Drinking the right amount of red wine each day can really benefit you and your health.


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