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Woman with a beautiful tan posing.

Resveralife Live Well: Tanning Addiction, Real Issue?

Summer is just around the corner and you can’t wait to throw on your bikini and relax in the warmth of the sun. But before you do, perhaps you feel the need to get a golden glow from a tanning bed so you don’t look too pale when you hit the beach. If you frequent the a tanning salon, or even go year-round, you can maintain a beautiful bronzed body, but you may also have some more serious issues at hand than simply doing damage to your skin.

What is a Tanning Addiction?
It may sound silly, but there are numerous studies and research that indicate that it is possible to be addicted to tanning. A paper published online by the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that females were far more likely to have an addiction to tanning than males were. Additionally, the study found that there were other conditions that were associated with a tanning addiction in a large number of those studied. The two most commonly associated behaviors that were observed among tanning addicts were some measures of obsessive-compulsive behaviors and body dysmorphic behaviors.

Resveralife came across an article posted by the Skin Cancer Foundation which stated that tanning addicts display both physical and psychological dependence behaviors with regards to tanning. When something causes physical dependency, the body goes through the process of cravings, withdrawals and an increase in tolerance to the addictive stimuli. A psychological dependence deals with your brain’s rewards system.

Frequent tanning is also associated with unhealthy practices such as smoking, alcohol use, illicit drug use and eating disorders. In addition to these increased behavioral risks, tanning also is linked to higher incidences of premature aging, sun damage and skin cancer.

Woman getting a tan in a tanning machine.

What Causes a Tanning Addiction?
Here is where the research gets a bit unclear. There are certainly known risk factors that contribute to possible tanning addictions. One possible factor in a tanning addiction is the release of endorphins when tanning. Exposure to UV light is known to release endorphins which are opiod-like chemicals in the brain. These chemicals increase feelings of general happiness, increased mood and even relieve pain. This process, the relief of pain and positive emotions is the same cycle responsible for other chemical dependencies such as alcohol or drugs.

What You Can Do
As with any addiction, prevention of an addiction is easier than treatment of an addiction. Dermatologists suggest public education on the dangers of tanning beginning in early childhood. Educational information should also be directed at parents and other caregivers on how to stay safe in the sun, and how to avoid tanning.

If you already think that you may have a tanning addiction, not all hope is lost. The first thing you should do is cancel any subscription-type services at your tanning salon. Not having advanced paid tanning sessions makes it easier to avoid hitting the tanning beds. Next, address the issue of endorphins through other activities. Experts suggest tanning addicts engage in some exercise when a desire to tan attacks. Exercise is a healthy source of endorphins. Lastly, if you absolutely need to be bronze, check out self-tanning products to give you the glow without the damage.

Woman trying to decide what to make for dinner.

Quick Anti-Aging Recipes for Weeknights

Your life is a non-stop rush where you go from task to task hoping to complete everything you need to get done in a day. Most times the last thing you want to do when you get in your door is spend hours hovered in front of your stove preparing a healthy and great tasting meal. We’ve got you covered. Not only are the following recipes quick to prepare, but they also go far beyond healthy. These recipes from Resveralife also provide anti-aging benefits to your skin by using superfoods that possess anti-aging properties.


Vitamin C
Vitamin C really is a powerhouse when it comes to your health. Not only does this ingredient help repair and regenerate tissue and fight against damaging free radicals. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, also helps protect you from heart disease, supports healthy immune function, decreases your LDL (or bad cholesterol) levels and may also aid in the prevention of a variety of cancers.

Boost your vitamin C levels by preparing this quick (under 30 minutes from prep to eating) pasta salad. Though there are a decent amount of ingredients, it’s a super simple dish that you can throw together. Here’s the recipe and directions:

Pasta Salad with Peppers

  • 3 red peppers (or throw in an orange pepper for color variety)
  • 1 can of black olives
  • 1 medium tomato (optional)
  • 1 16 oz package of your favorite pasta (we love whole grain rotini)
  • 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan
  • 8 oz fresh mozzarella
  • 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • 1/4 cup fresh basil leaves
  • 2/3 cup of olive oil
  • 1 and 1/4 teaspoons salt
  • cracked black pepper to taste

Begin by either dicing your peppers or cutting them julienne style. Dice your tomato and drain your black olives. Bring a large pot of water to boil, add pasta and cook according to directions. In a food processor or blender, combine white wine vinegar, olive oil, Parmesan cheese, basil and salt and pepper. Blend until until smooth. Drain pasta and transfer to a large bowl. Drizzle dressing and add vegetables to the bowl. Toss together and top with cubed or grated mozzarella cheese. Serve warm or allow to cool to room temperature.

Avocado and Strawberry Salad.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that improves your body as well as your skin. This antioxidant is required for proper structural and functional maintenance of your skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscles. When it comes to your skin, vitamin E is excellent for dehydrated skin. It also provides UV protection and reduces damage done by free radicals. Add some vitamin E to your diet with this easy weeknight recipe.

Avocado and Strawberry Salad

  • 2 cups spinach
  • 1 avocado (pitted, peeled and sliced)
  • 10 strawberries washed and sliced
  • 1 tablespoon white sugar (or sugar substitute)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 teaspoons raw honey
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice (fresh is best if you have a lemon on hand)

Grab a small bowl and whisk together the sugar, olive oil, honey, apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. Add cracked black pepper for an added kick. Set that bowl aside and place spinach in a larger bowl. Top with sliced avocado and strawberries then drizzle the dressing on top. If you want you can also add sliced pecans, walnuts or almonds for added flavor.

Mashed Sweet Potatoes

Vitamin A
Vitamin A comes from both plant and animal sources. When an animal source is used, vitamin A is referred to as a retinoid, when a plant is used it’s beta-carotene. Either way, this is an anti-aging superstar. Vitamin A increases cell turnover encouraging new, healthy skin cells to grow and aids the skin in it’s barrier function. Vitamin A is also good for your vision and immune health. Add a little sweetness to a weeknight meal with this quick and easy recipe for mashed sweet potatoes.

Mashed Sweet Potatoes

  • 6 sweet potatoes washed, peeled and cubed
  • 3/4 milk or milk substitute (such as soy or almond milk)
  • 1/2 butter
  • 3/4 organic maple syrup

Bring a large pot of water to a boil and add sweet potatoes. Cook sweet potatoes until tender, or 20-30 minutes. Drain potatoes and add to a large bowl. Using an electric mixer, blend potatoes and gradually add your milk. If you find your sweet potatoes are too thick, add a bit more milk until you achieve the desired consistency. Finally add butter and maple syrup then blend until smooth.

You don’t need extra hours in the day to eat for your health and for anti-aging skin benefits, you just need a little bit of creativity in the kitchen.

Woman eating a snack at night.

The Science Behind Midnight Snacking

You, and probably everyone you know, have enjoyed a treat at night. It’s a totally normal, though not super healthy, habit among many. However, midnight snacking can become a big problem and lead to excessive weight gain. The tendency to graze is a contributing factor to evening snacks, and often the amount of food you consume at night is far greater than the snacks you chow down on during the day. Why do you eat more at night?  Resveralife came across a recent study offers scientific research that help explain why you seem to inhale your nighttime snack.

The Study
A study conducted by researchers at Brigham Young University delves into why you are more prone to consuming more food at night than when you snack during the day. Researchers at BYU monitored participants’ brain activity in the morning and again at night. Each participant was shown the same 360 images of food and they used MRI scans to visualize the results. The pictures of food were split into two categories:  healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains and junk foods like ice cream, potato chips and brownies. During the course of the day researchers noted that the brain activity of participants did spike when pictures of food were shown. It isn’t surprising that seeing food stimulates a response in your brain, but what is interesting is that when viewed at night, the brain was less stimulated. At both times of day, there was a higher neural response when participants viewed pictures of foods with a higher  calorie count.

When you eat a great meal or one of your favorite foods you get a high from that food. At night, the drop in brain activity can leave you scarfing down way more chocolate or potato chips than you meant to. During the evening, our brain does not get the level of reward or “high” that it does when snacking during the day. Because you don’t get the high, you continue to eat well past what you intended to. According to Travis Masteson, the researcher and lead study author, people may over-consume food at night because it is not as rewarding, at least visually, at that time of day. As a result, one needs to eat more to try to get satisfied.”

Girl sneaking into the kitchen to eat a midnight snack.

How to Control Midnight Snacking
The researchers at Brigham Young University are not sure why food is less rewarding at night but believe that the body’s circadian rhythyms may be involved. Your circadian rhythyms dictate your natural patterns during rest and activity.

Even if the reason is not completely known at this point, you can rest assured that you are not the only having difficulty curbing your snacks at night. What do the experts suggest? Masterson says that “[b]eing aware that you are being more influenced visually in the morning and perhaps are being less satisfied by food at night may help you make small but meaningful changes in your eating habits.”

When snacking at night, take a moment to truly taste the food that you’re eating. Ask yourself if you are actually receiving satisfaction or pleasure from the snack you are consuming. If not, put the food down and drink a tall glass of water instead.

Woman changing the time of the day.

Resveralife Live Well: Revel in the Most Pleasurable Time of Day

You have a lot to do during any given 24 hour period. Pressures like work, making it to the gym, cooking and taking care of kids all add a degree of stress to your day. Additionally, these activities all take up significant amounts of your day. Chances are that by the time you finally collapse at night you are too exhausted to do things for yourself that bring you happiness or stress relief. Fortunately, Resveralife came across a recent study published in the Journal of Personality suggests that simply being present and aware during a specific time of day can increase feelings of relaxation and enjoyment.

Digital clock showing 07.00

The Magic Hour
According to the study, the most fulfilling time of day is 7:00 P.M. What are people doing at this hour that makes them happier at any other time of day? Well, because the activities that bring people happiness differ, so do their activities at 7 P.M. One of the study’s authors, Erica Baranski, explains “It is possible that 7 P.M. is unique over other times of day in that the things that generally make us feel comfortable and happy are present. Maybe all the ingredients that make life pleasurable are present at this time more often than at any other time.”

The study used 5,447 members of college communities in 20 different countries and most of the respondents reported feeling the happiest at 7 P.M. When you think about it, the logic behind Baranski’s statement makes complete sense. By 7:00, most people are done with work which is immediately a bit of a relief. Some people have already prepared and eaten their evening meals while others still have a delicious experience ahead of them. Parents may be spending quality time with children or preparing them for bed. Maybe you’re looking forward to an evening full of possibilities. Whatever the night holds, at 7 P.M. the majority of people are free to choose what they do with their time, a feeling that is linked to increased levels of happiness.

Woman getting a manicure at a salon.

How to Make 7:00 Your Happy Time
The good news is that making the most of the 7:00 hour really doesn’t require much effort from you. Many of the positive effects of this time in the day are simply from being able to make your own plans and surround yourself with comfort. However, if you want to know how to make the most of your 7:00 ask yourself a few questions. What activities truly bring happiness and peace to you? How can you incorporate more quality and meaning into these activities?

This Resveralife Live Well Guide lists a few options for activities that can make 07.00 PM your happy time.

  • Pampering yourself – Give yourself a manicure/pedicure or head to a local salon if one is open a bit later in the evening. Take a relaxing bath with scented oils for extra luxury. Put on a face mask or a deep conditioning hair treatment.
  • Get social – Head to your favorite bar or restaurant with friends for happy hour. Gather your family for a family game like charades.
  • Take it easy – Prepare an easy, but tasty meal for yourself. Bring up your Netflix queue and indulge in your favorite entertainment.

No matter what activities you choose, take some time to enjoy them at this magical and pleasurable hour of the day.

Little boy presenting flowers to mother

Beyond Brunch: Ideas for Mother's Day

You want your mother to have a magnificent Mother’s Day but it can be hard to think of things to do. You want mom to be relaxed, but still enjoying herself. After all, this day is devoted to honoring your mother. One of the most popular activities on Mother’s Day is to take her to a delicious brunch. However, if you are tired of just taking your mom out to eat, there are plenty of ways to enjoy Mother’s Day with your mom. Below we’ve listed some of our favorite creative ideas for showing mom how much you love her.

Family enjoying a picnic lunch.

Okay, so this one still involves food, but it adds atmosphere and fun to your Mother’s Day meal. Going on a picnic often feels nostalgic and brings back memories of playing in the sun, popsicles and the sweet smell of flowers. Find a basket your mom that you can give to your mother after the picnic and fill it with utensils, plates, napkins and any other thing you need for dining. Once that is sorted, either make or buy some of your mom’s favorite classic foods. Great foods for a picnic include sandwiches, fresh fruit like strawberries and blueberries, homemade iced tea and treats like cookies. Handpick some flowers for your mom and give them to her at your picnic.

Mother and daughter at a spa.

Pamper Mom
Normally Mother’s Day is an affair that involves the entire family, but maybe what mom needs is a little quiet and alone time. Pampering activities can include a massage or facial at her favorite spa or a mani/pedi. However, pampering your mom on Mother’s Day does not have to come with any added expense. Simply let mom take a nap while dad takes care of the kids. Let mom watch her favorite TV or movies all day long or prepare her a relaxing bath with soothing scents (like lemon and jasmine) and let her soak for as long as she wants. Because moms are constantly doing something, it can be nice to give her some time to just do things that let her completely relax.

Mother and daughter gardening.

Plant a Garden
If your mom is an outdoor enthusiast, consider heading outdoors for Mother’s Day. Start a new tradition and plant a few of her favorite flowers. To give mom a bit of a break on Mother’s Day, plant a garden a few weeks before Mother’s Day so it starts to bloom brightly on her special day. The great thing about planting a garden for mom is that it truly is a gift that keeps on giving.

The ultimate Mother’s Day activity, and gift, is one that is tailored to your mom’s specific tastes and lifestyle. A few weeks before Mother’s Day, start making lists of activities your mother enjoys or food that you know she would love. Mother’s Day is all about your mom and there are many ways to celebrate her. The best gift is one that is thoughtful and benefits your mom, such as a book by her favorite author or a new coffee mug for her morning caffeine fix. You don’t have to stick with flowers and brunch, and you also don’t have to spend an extreme amount of money, just give your mom a gift from your heart and she will love it.

Family having a meal outdoors.

Resveralife Eat Well: Dishes to Make for Mom

Nothing shows love and appreciation more that a home-made dish or goody. This Mother’s Day, express your deep admiration by taking time to prepare a dish you know she loves, or that you think she will love. You don’t have to be a master chef to whip up a tasty Mother’s Day treat, you just need a bit of planning and your time to create something your mother will love as much as you love her. This Resveralife Eat Well Guide from Resveralife highlights some of the best dishes to make for your mom on Mother’s Day.

Vanilla crepes with caramel sauce.

For Breakfast or Brunch
Let mom relax as she wakes up and take over preparing breakfast or brunch for her.

Vanilla Crepes
Crepes sound elegant and luxurious and this recipe ensures they taste that way as well. The bonus to this recipe is that you already have everything you will need in your kitchen, so no visiting the grocery store scouring the shelves for some specialized ingredient. For these crepes you will need:

  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 and 1/2 cups of milk
  • 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste
  • 2 tablespoons white sugar
  • 1 and 1/2 cups of flour
  • 5 tablespoons of butter, melted
  • pinch of salt
  • Crepe fillings – anything you choose such as fruit or fresh whipped cream

Begin by mixing wet ingredients together, including the vanilla extract. Next, add the rest of the ingredients and blend thoroughly. Heat a pan to medium heat and pour roughly 1/4 of batter into the greased pan. Crepes are notoriously thin and delicate so tip the pan on all sides to spread the batter to the sides of the pan. Cook your crepe just as you would a pancake; when the edges of the crepe are dry and bubbles form on top, you are done with that side. Flip and cook other side. Repeat for the rest of the batter. Finish by filling with Mom’s favorite fruit and whipped cream or an indulgent chocolate filling. The filling is the perfect opportunity for kids to help prepare the breakfast.

Strawberry salad on a plate.

For Lunch
A tasty salad is always a great lunch and we’ve loaded this salad with ingredients that are not only healthy for you but also delicious.

Strawberry Salad
For a family of four you will need:

  • 1 large chicken breast either diced or cut into thin strips
  • 2 ounces of Gorgonzola cheese
  • 1/2 pint of fresh strawberries, sliced or diced
  • 2.5 ounces of your favorite nut, pecans are our pick but walnuts taste great too
  • 2 tablespoons of any vinaigrette dressing you choose (balsamic is always a great idea)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 a bunch of fresh spinach washed and dried

Begin by heating a pan to medium heat and adding one tablespoon of olive oil to the warm pan. Add the chicken and one tablespoon of vinaigrette to the pan and cook until chicken is not longer pink and is slightly browned. You can also add spices to taste while cooking your chicken, such as cracked black pepper, garlic or sweet basil. Set aside and let the chicken cool. Place spinach in a large serving bowl and add the toppings: Gorgonzola, strawberries and nuts. Again, if you have little ones sprinkling the salad is a great way to have them help make Mom’s lunch. Next, drizzle remaining olive oil and vinaigrette over the salad. Lastly, add the chicken on top. You can serve this right away with the chicken slightly warm, or you can let it cool for a bit in the fridge for a refreshing cold and crisp salad.

Pulled pork sandwiches with fries on a plate.

For Dinner
You want to make an incredible, tasty dinner for mom that reflects the amount of comfort and care she gives you. But, you also want to spend time with her on Mother’s Day instead of spending all afternoon in the kitchen. Use a crock pot to make this ridiculously easy, but delicious comfort food.

Pulled Pork Sandwiches
For this recipe all you need is:

  • 2.5 pound boneless pork loin roast
  • 18 oz bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce
  • Potato (or your Mom’s favorite) rolls
  • Water, as needed

Start by putting your pork into the slow cooker and add enough water to completely cover the pork. Set on low and allow to cook for seven hours. After seven hours, remove the pork, shred it and place it back into the slow cooker. Add the BBQ sauce when you add the shredded pork and continue to cook on low for one hour. Serve with a classic coleslaw for a creamy and crunchy contrast to the richness of the pork loin.

Making a Mother’s Day meal shows your appreciation in a way that even the most beautiful card cannot. Have your kids help wherever possible and remember to serve any dish with plenty of love.

Mother with her daughter in her backyard.

Stress Busting Tips for Mom

Stress levels continue to rise for modern mothers and 70% of mothers surveyed in the United States rate motherhood as “incredibly stressful.” The pressures of everyday family life not only consume time and energy, but they also consume the mind as well. Worrying about finances, success in academics and cultivating a healthier family take their toll on mothers. Below, Resveralife offers some of the most effective tips to help bust stress, if only for a few minutes, and have more peace in your day.

Beautiful woman writing in her diary in a park.

Stay Organized and Plan Ahead
It can be difficult to plan for a typical day with your children, but there are steps you can take to stay organized and help reduce stress. Your kids can constantly come up with new ways to add unexpected stress to your day and those are hard to plan for, but there are also times during each mom’s day when things are stressful. One of the most stressful times of the day is morning. Someone lost a shoe, your keys are magically missing, your child cannot decide what to wear and you’re out of milk. Starting your day this way not only stresses you out in the morning, but it makes your day more chaotic as well. Experts suggest that parents, particularly mothers, rise a bit earlier in the morning than the rest of the house. This way you get at least a bit of uninterrupted time in the morning which starts your day with a sense of calm. Leave outfits for the next day (including shoes) out the night before for easy dressing and make an extra set of keys to save time searching for them every morning.

Woman performing a yoga breathing exercise in an outdoor setting.

Learn Calming Techniques
Moms are going to experience stress each day and it is incredibly helpful to have a few strategies for calming yourself down. One way of doing so is to practice deep breathing. Experts suggest employing the 5-7-8 breathing method to center yourself. Inhale for a count of five, hold your breath for a count of seven and the exhale for a count of eight. This may feel completely foreign and uncomfortable at first, but it slows you down and relieves stress. Another method experts say is helpful is to spend a few minutes each day meditating. You may think you have no time to simply sit and do nothing, but taking just a few minutes every day can help reduce stress significantly. Start small with three to five minutes and sit in silence. If you find it too hard to shut off your thoughts, try focusing on a calming word or phrase and repeat this as you breathe deeply.

Woman trying to hold a butterfly.

Be Present
One of the biggest stresses mom face is worrying about everything that must get done each day. When you spend your time thinking about all of the things that need to be done and how things could go wrong, you are missing out on living in the present moment. Try to really focus on what is going on around you. Notice your surrounding, listen to the noises, inhale deeply and experience the smell of your area. Channeling your stress energy into immersing yourself in the moment naturally relieves stress.

Let’s face it, being a mother is not an easy job. However, it is also the most rewarding one you’ll ever have. With your day so busy it can be overwhelming to take a few minutes out to just focus on yourself, but when your stress is lowered, everyone around you experiences increased happiness as well.

Abstract art showing beautiful use of color. q

Resveralife Live Well: How to Boost Your Mood With Color

A few weeks ago we discussed tips for using color to help you control your appetite and lose weight. If color can affect your weight, why not use color for other areas of your life as well? Colors also have an impact on your mood and can help energize you, make you smile and help soothe you. You can use everything from your clothing to the color of the walls in your home to boost your mood. This Resveralife Live Well Guide from Resveralife highlights how to boost your mood with color.

Woman wearing an orange top jogging with her husband in a park.

When you Need Energy
One of the most energizing colors is orange. Orange mixes the passion and fieriness of red, it also incorporates the positive and joyful associations of yellow. Experts suggest selecting workout gear that features orange because orange is a color that helps with stimulation and enthusiasm. You know there are days when you drag your feet about exercise, so pop on some orange and increase your energy levels.

Woman wearing a beautiful red dress ready for her date.

Another color that ignites you into action is red. Red is a bit more complicated than orange, because there are many moods and feelings that people associate with red. Red is often considered a color of passion and romance. A date is the perfect place for a woman to wear red. It gets the blood pumping and can make a man’s heart race when he sees you. Additionally, red can work in your favor when it comes to energy. Because red is a physical stimulant, as we just mentioned, it is also a great color for working out or increasing productivity. Red can be a bit overwhelming if you wear it head to toe so experts suggest adding in small pops of red. Painting your fingernails red, choosing red shoes or having red flowers on your desk at work are all ways to inject some energy ad passion into your day.

Beautiful green interiors of a home.

When you Need to Relax
Green is a soothing color that is literally easy on your eyes. The color green requires no ocular adjustment and helps reduce your level of fatigue. Green is commonly associated with nature and helps you tap into your psyche on a very primal level. In addition, green can increase mental focus and can refresh your senses. This is currently the most popular color for home decorating and is also a helpful color in offices. Often you have little control about the color of your office walls, but you can surround yourself with this relaxing color. Keep a small green plant, set your desktop to a shade of green or have a few green candles sitting on your desk for a bit of refreshment and relaxation.

Woman wearing a black dress at a meeting in her office.

When you Need to be Assertive
If you have a huge presentation or an important meeting at work, black is definitely your color. You know that black is used a color of mourning and that it is an ever-present color in fashion because it is slimming, but black is associated with more. Black is a color of assertiveness and even aggression. Studies have shown that when a sports team is wearing black uniforms, they have more fouls called on them than a team not in black. You’re not looking to start a fight at work, but black is perceived as a serious and can enhance your professional persona.

Colors work on your mind in a variety of ways. Blue increases feelings of tranquility, yellow helps with cheeriness and purple is associated with nobility and elegance. Experiment with different shades of each color and find new ways to incorporate colors into your wardrobe and spaces. Change your mood as easily as you change your clothes.

Various spices in bowls and spoons

Eat Well: Foods for a Peaceful Life

Most of our lives are lived at a breakneck speed rushing from one commitment to another. Sometimes, it seems that the last thing we have time for is to eat mindfully and for our physical health. However, eating not only helps improve our physical health, it truly does affect your mood. A diet high in sugar, fat and junk tend to leave you susceptible to mood swings as your body goes from sugar to sugar crash throughout the day. Not only does your mood fluctuate, but poor diet has been linked to anxiety disorders, depression and lack of energy. Check out the following tips on choosing foods for a more peaceful life.

Large cup of coffee with coffee beansDrink Your Coffee
Sure, energy drinks and soda are quick, convenient and available everywhere. And in the short term, they seem to be awesome because caffeine triggers the release of dopamine in the brain which increase clarity and focus. However, with the caffeine boost from sugar laden drinks also comes with a mood busting sugar crash. However, you don’t have to go without caffeine, simply switch to coffee. A 2011 Harvard School of Public Health survey found that women who drank at least two cups of coffee daily were at a 15% lower chance of suffering from depression. Additionally, coffee contains plant-based nutrients that work in the body in a manner similar to how anti-depressants work. Like anything, coffee should be enjoyed in moderation as too much stimulation can lead to anxiety and trouble sleeping.

Salmon dish with side salad Scarf Some Salmon
Today, people are pretty programmed to avoid fatty foods, but a little bit of fat can go a long way in improving your mood. However, your diet is probably significantly lacking omega-3 fatty acids. Oily fish, such as salmon, is high in omega-3 fatty acids. Your brain contains more omega-3 fatty acids than anywhere else in your body. Research supports the use of omega-3 fatty acids as a part of psychiatric treatment. These may help even out moods and decrease depression. Experts suggest that you aim for two to three servings of salmon (or other oily fish such as sardines or mackerel) per week.

Carved turkeyGobble up Some Turkey
You know that you tend to feel drowsy after a big Thanksgiving meal and you most likely know that the turkey is the cause. Turkey contains tryptophan which is an amino acid that the body does not produce on its own. Tryptophan is important because the body requires tryptophan in order to make the feel-good chemical, serotonin. Experts recommend ingesting about 320 milligrams of trytophan each day. A four ounce serving of turkey or chicken is plenty to receive your daily amount. If you aren’t a big fan of turkey, or you’re vegetarian/vegan, you can find the same amount (320mg) of tryptophan in one cup of soybeans.

Bowl of spanish Eat Your Spinach
Eating spinach may not result in the immediate muscle-boosting strength that Popeye got, but it does significantly impact your mood. Spinach is high in the B vitamin, folate. Research shows that when you have a high concentration of folate in your blood, you are less prone to bad moods, clinical depression and you think more clearly. In just 1/2 cup of cooked spinach (or 2 cups raw) women receive 33% of the recommended daily allowance of folate. An important thing to note is that folate is water-soluble, which means that you do not store it in your body. Because it isn’t stored, you need to consume it continuously to reap the zen benefits.

Various spices in bowls and spoons Spice up Your Life
Besides not being good for you, lots of salt on food as the sole flavoring can get boring. Instead, experiment with different spices to create dishes that will blow your mind. One of the most highly touted spices is tumeric. The reason experts advise tumeric is that it contains curcumin, which gives tumeric it’s signature yellow color and acts as a natural anti-depressant. Some preliminary research suggests that curcumin also lowers levels of chronic stress and that it also stimulates the release of both serotonine and dopamine.

Foods are not only meant to nourish your body, but to nourish your mind. Improve your mood while keeping stress levels at bay by chowing down on some of these super good mood foods.

Beautiful living room with natural lighting.

Resveralife Live Well: Make Your Home a Zen Oasis – Vine Vera Reviews

You already have enough stress in your life. From pressure at work to keeping up with kids, you probably spend a fair amount of time feeling drained and exhausted. You do not want your home to be another source of stress. Your home should ideally be a place where you can completely relax, shut out the outside world and feel 100% comfortable. With all of your obligations your house may not be high on your priority list but it should be. Stress is linked with obesity, heart disease, headaches and depression among other illnesses and conditions. This Resveralife Live Well Guide shows you how to transform your home into a zen oasis and finally get the peace you deserve.

A peaceful Japanese styled bedroom

Get Rid of Clutter
There is a tendency today to own too much stuff. You have knick knacks from all your vacations, gifts from friends that you have no use for, papers you’ve kept for documentation but that haven’t been touched in 5 years, baby clothing when your child is 15…the list truly is endless. Often, you keep things for sentimental reasons. The problem is that having so many possessions not only clutters your house up, it also creates stress. And it is completely aggravating to never be able to find anything. 

With the amount of things in your home, the idea of going through all of them may seem completely impossible and overwhelming. Experts suggest that taking just a few minutes each day to work on getting rid of clutter makes a huge impact. Additionally, often once you start to see some cleanliness and order, you will be more encouraged to do more. Try to spend 15 minutes at night cleaning things and putting them in in their proper place or removing items that you no longer need.

A bonsai tree used as decoration in a bathroom.

Get Some Green
You know how taking a walk in nature helps your unwind, calm down and refocus? Keeping plants in your home has the same effect. Once you have your clutter under control and you have free space available, add some plants. There are tons of options to match any decor or personal style. Also, there are plants that are totally low-maintenance, such as succulents, geraniums or Boston ferns are all indoor plants that require a small amount of work. Be sure to place your plants in areas of your house where they will receive adequate light. Not only will plants brighten your space and bring you a sense of calm, they actually do help clear your air and rid your space of toxins.

A bedroom with soothing lighting.

Use Soothing Lighting
Most spaces use overhead lighting as the primary source of light. However, these lights are not only unflattering, they also tend to increase the frequency of headaches. Rather than relying on harsh overhead lighting, light your home with plenty of desk lamps, table lamps and floor lamps. To increase the effectiveness of these lamps, use shades that help reduce the brightness of the light.


Be Color Conscious
Think about your favorite relaxing spa. Chances are the colors that fill the space are neutral and light. This is because color has a significant effect on your mood. In order to create a completely zen environment stick to colors that are earthy neutrals: cream, beige and soft shades of blue. If you are a person that craves color, use pastels to brighten your space. Mints, dusty pinks and robin’s egg blue are all shades that work perfectly with a neutral palette and that create a calming atmosphere.


Use Your Nose
Scent is a powerful tool in creating a zen ambiance. Depending on the scent, you can help yourself wake up in the morning or fall asleep at night. A linen spray with lavender promotes a peaceful sleep while grapefruit essential oil stimulates your brain and metabolism.

Sure, it’s great to have reminders of the important or fun events from your life, keeping an object from every single moment of your life leads you to forget the good times and focus on how everything is constantly in your way. Reducing the amount of clutter and keeping your home organized are the first steps in making sure that your home is truly your oasis from the world.



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