Spring Cleaning Tips
The weather is getting a bit warmer, the sunshine is lasting a bit longer each day and the feeling of renewed freshness is in the air. Yes, spring is just nearly upon us. Most of us are excited to welcome the change from winter to spring and relish pulling out our lighter jackets, flirty florals and colorful wardrobe. However, for most of us the beginning of spring is not just about switching our wardrobes from winter to spring and getting outside more often. Many of us take up the annual task of spring cleaning. Whether this is done in one marathon day or broken into several days, the resulting clean, de-cluttered home is well worth the effort. But getting from idea to action can be a bit overwhelming. Resveralife has compiled five of the best spring cleaning tips to help get you motivated and sane during the great cleanup.
Start with Smaller Tasks
Even for the cleanest of homes, the idea of doing a complete spring cleaning can be a bit stressful. Cleaning and organization experts suggest that starting small can help. Before delving deeply into any one room, grab a laundry basket (or other container) and head into each room. Spend five to 10 minutes in each room locating items that do not belong there. A roller skate in the bathroom or water glasses filling a bedside table are examples of items that need to be relocated. Once you’ve collected everything into the basket, spend time putting the items where they really belong. You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel after just this task.
Time Yourself
Business experts suggest that employees work steadily for 50 minutes out of each hour and then take 10 to recharge. For some, this rule can be beneficial during spring cleaning. Knowing that you only have 20 more minutes left can help you push through when you feel like quitting. If you prefer to work straight through with no breaks, cleaning experts say that the act of timing tasks can help make you feel less resentful. Many spring cleaning chores can be achieved in 10 minute or less bursts of cleaning, and knowing this makes the idea of getting to the whole house a bit less overwhelming.
Stop Messes Before they Start
It can be easy to talk ourselves into the mindset that “it’s only going to get messed up again so why bother?” Don’t let this trap you. Tackling the mess and clutter while spring cleaning can help inspire ways to keep things a bit more organized. First, designate two containers in the home for a lost and found. Small items go into a smaller container, while large items head into large ones. This is particularly useful for kid items such as gloves, building blocks or toy accessories that are commonly lost. If you don’t have a mudroom or other organizational items near the front of your home, mounting a few items can help keep clutter from the floor. Keep a shoe rack near the door for those family members that always lose one shoe at the last minute. Mount a cute magazine rack to collect mail that you aren’t sure whether to keep or toss and keep another lost and found tub here for things that may have missed the other lost and found boxes in the home.
Clean in Order
When it comes to cleaning, experts recommend always conquering tasks that are higher up than those close to the ground. The reasoning behind it is pretty sound. If you clean high, then anything that hits the floor will still get cleaned without you having to repeat your work. This piece of advice works for any room in the house that requires dusting or sweeping (pretty much every room). When you head to the bedroom, start by simply making the bed. Experts suggest that doing this act every single day helps keep your bedroom looking better. Each person has his or her preferred method of which room to attack and when, so pick the room you’re most excited to clean and start there.
Cleaning out the Closet
One of the most daunting chores when spring cleaning is the task of going through the closets. Here are some handy tips to help you tackle this task:
- Gather items that are in the same category (sweaters and cardigans, blouses, work pants or jeans, etc…) and go through them by category. This helps you to see how much stuff you actually do have, which makes parting with some of it easier.
- Remove any items for your closet, or your the closets of your kids, that haven’t been worn in a year. These items go immediately to donation bins without a second thought.
- Get rid of things that no longer fit or that are beyond repair.
- Resolve to put laundry away at least weekly. This not only helps keep your house cleaner, but it also makes getting ready in the morning quicker. When you know where everything is, you don’t have to spend time clawing through piles of laundry.
Make spring cleaning a welcome task. Think of it as renewing and awakening your home to the possibilities of spring. With a little upkeep each day, the next time you have to do a deep clean, you won’t be so overwhelmed and your home will enjoy a flawless finish.