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Daily Habits for a Happier Life

Many people believe that happiness is something that happens by chance, but this is not necessarily true…

Instead, think of happiness as a life skill, something that you can work on and develop to ensure that you are feeling consistently happy each day.

Wondering how to do this?

It’s easy. All you need to do is adopt each of these habits into your daily life…

Meditate Daily 

For someone who has not bought into the idea of meditation, the thought of doing this on a daily basis can seem pointless.

However, meditation has been proven to have so many different health benefits, from increasing focus and concentration to improving memory. In addition to all of this, meditation on a regular basis can permanently rewire the brain to increase happiness levels. 

benefits of meditation infographic

Meditation is not something that has to take much time either…

When just starting out, all you need to commit to is a couple of minutes of meditation a day. Even if you are extremely eager to get started, it is always best to begin small, so that you can turn this into a habit that you will stick to.

Pick a time of the day to set aside for meditation, and find a quiet spot somewhere. Sit down comfortably, and then do the following:

  • Focus on your breath as you breathe in, following this through your nostrils, throat, lungs and stomach
  • Do the same as you breathe out, counting your breaths if this helps
  • If you find that your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back to your breath
  • Repeat this process for a couple of minutes

It does not matter if your eyes are open or closed, so long as you do this process each and every day. After a week, you can increase your two minutes of meditation to five minutes, and keep doing this in five minute intervals each week.

It will take about a month for this to become a habit, after which time you will likely also notice the benefits that this brief daily meditation is bringing to your mind and body. 

Keep Busy, But Don’t Rush Yourself

There is an incredibly fine line between staying busy and feeling rushed, but it is this balance that can really make a huge difference to how happy you feel.

Research has shown that feeling rushed will inevitably lead to stress, and therefore unhappiness, while having too much free time results in boredom and dissatisfaction

On the other hand, being productive can really boost your happiness, but you need to do this at a pace that feels comfortable for you.

Are you someone that often takes on more than you can handle?

The best way to handle this is to stop and think each time an opportunity or project comes your way. Unless you are really and truly excited and passionate about it, you need to learn how to say no.


Do you do some form of physical activity each day?

If your answer is no, this is a habit that can really help with your happiness.


Because exercise triggers the release of certain proteins and endorphins in the brain, all of which will make you feel happier. 

Exercise also helps to boost productivity, which will help with the point mentioned above about keeping busy.

Couple running together in the park

Think you do not have the time to exercise each day?

Here are a few ways in which you can easily incorporate more exercise into your everyday life:

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator
  • Do some window shopping, but at a fast stroll
  • Stand more, whether this may be on public transport or while watching television
  • Do a ten minute long squat each day, or start with a shorter time and build this up each day
  • Install a pull-up bar onto a door frame in your house, and then do one or two reps each time you pass underneath it 

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

In order to really be happy, you need to be able to challenge yourself, and succeed at those challenges. Taking risks and embracing change is so important, even though it may seem frightening at the time.

Don’t like the idea of having to step out of your comfort zone each day?

This does not need to be anything crazy, like jumping out of a plane…

Instead, just try to do something small that you have never done before, whether this may be eating a new ingredient, styling your hair in a different way, or taking a new route to work.

Improve Your Diet

Your diet has a direct impact on your mood, and, even if you already eat quite healthily, the majority of people out there could likely easily make a few changes to improve their diet.

On a daily basis, you should be eating at regular intervals, as this helps to keep your mood stable, and make sure that you do not skip meals.

There are certain foods out there that have been proven to boost the mood, such as:

  • Protein – including eggs, seafood, poultry and tofu
  • Vitamin D obtained through sun exposure, but also comes from egg yolks and soy milk
  • Vitamin B-12 and Folate comes from broccoli, lentils, oatmeal, cottage cheese, lean beef and salmon
  • Fiber comes from fruits, vegetables and oats

On the other hand, there are certain foods that can really throw your mood off, making it much more of a challenge for you to feel happy. The main culprit here is sugar, as well as refined white starches. While sugar may give you a short burst of energy, this will soon drop back down, leaving you feeling even crankier than before. 

So, how do you implement all of this on a daily basis?

It’s easy…

Small changes are the key here, as you do not need to completely overhaul your entire diet overnight.

Instead, aim to improve a small part of your diet each day in a way that you would not have normally done. This could be anything from adding one less spoonful of sugar to your morning coffee to incorporating some extra leafy greens in your dinner to swapping your white bread for a wholegrain version. 

Be Appreciative

Whether showing appreciation for someone else, or for yourself or what you have, being appreciative has been proven to significantly increase happiness levels, with some studies even showing that it can boost this by up to 25%

The idea of being more appreciative may seem easy in theory, but how do you actually go about doing this on a daily basis?

Simply verbally expressing appreciation for someone, whether this may be for something that they have done or just an aspect of their personality, is a great way to start. Alternatively, try writing a handwritten thank you note to somebody each day, but make sure that you are only sending this with sincere appreciation in mind.

Wake Up Earlier

When you first start working on implementing this habit, the earlier starts to your day will likely not immediately make you feel happy, but this is something that will develop quite quickly.

Waking up earlier will help to keep you feeling invigorated and energized throughout the day. It also gives you extra time in your day, which can help with productivity, which also then results in happiness. 

Woman stretching in bed, waking up

To top it all off…

Early starts mean that you are likely to start going to bed earlier, and will be able to maintain a much healthier sleep routine.

Just like with changing your diet, this is not something that you need to get drastic about.

Instead, set your alarm for 15 minutes earlier than you usually would, and give yourself a few days to a week to get used to this change. Once your body has adapted, set your alarm for 15 minutes earlier again, and keep repeating this process until you have begun to naturally rise at a time that suits you.

Learn Something New

Human beings have a core need for psychological well-being, and a natural desire to learn new things and progress in life.

There are numerous studies out there that suggest that education can directly increase happiness, thanks to the way in which the mind is being challenged. 

Don’t want to go back to school?

Fortunately, you do not need to, as there are so many other ways in which you can learn new things. Here are a few ideas:

  • Arrange a skills swap with friends
  • Ask a keen gardener to teach you how to develop your green thumb
  • Take up a new hobby
  • Sign up for a free online course
  • Think of a skill or activity you would like to do, and use the power of the internet to teach it to yourself

Of course, there is no denying that learning new skills can often cause stress…

However, research suggests that while the actual learning process can sometimes feel stressful, your overall levels of happiness and satisfaction will be higher when you look back on your day and all that you have learned.

Give Yourself a Treat

Research shows that in order to be truly happy overall, you need to have plenty of small positive experiences along the way. The frequency of these experiences is actually more important than the intensity, which is why treating yourself on a daily basis can really help to boost your happiness levels.

Wondering what to treat yourself with?

Everything from breakfast in bed to purchasing gourmet coffee beans rather than instant to setting aside some time each day where you can curl up with a good book. 

Spend Money on Experiences, Rather than Material Goods

There are quite a few studies out there that show that experiential purchases, meaning spending money on experiences, makes people far happier than buying material goods.


For a few different reasons:

  • Material goods get old quickly, while experiences can be shared throughout a lifetime
  • Experiences get recalled and revisited frequently, boosting happiness
  • Experiences are much more unique in nature
  • Experiences tend to be social, and humans are social animals

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

Do you remember constantly comparing yourself to other people when you were in your teenage years?

Hopefully, this is not something that you do quite as much now, since comparing yourself to others can really minimize happiness.

If you catch yourself making comparisons to others…

Turn this around and instead compare yourself to an earlier version of yourself. Think about your qualities that have improved over the years, as these are much healthier comparisons to be making.

Keep a Journal

If you have never kept a journal before, the thought of starting one can seem a little daunting…

However, a journal is a great way to help your mind to process the events that are happening in your life, building up your awareness and increasing your clarity.

Young woman writing in journal outdoors in a field

Even if you only manage to jot down a few lines a day, this can really help in the long run.

The easiest way to get started with this is by grabbing a pen and a piece of paper, but there are also journaling apps that you can download. These will send you notifications each day to remind you to write, which is always helpful when you are first trying to build a habit.

Not sure what to write about?

Just about anything will do! Start by writing down the events of the day, or even what you have eaten. You can also jot down your goals and dreams, as well as any worries or fears that you may have, as just the act of writing these down will help you to work your way through them.

Taking proactive steps to be happy means that you are much more likely to experience consistent happiness in your life, and it makes happiness more of a sure thing, rather than you just waiting and hoping for it to appear. Each of these daily habits are so easy to incorporate into your life, so have another read through the list and then pick a few that you can begin to implement right now.

Contemplative woman on a park bench

Afraid of Aging? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Be

The idea of aging is something that many do not react well to, but why is this?

Well, it could have something to do with the physical changes that take place, or even the mental ones.

But while this may be the case, aging is really not something that you need to be afraid of. Here are just a few of the reasons why…

Aging Doesn’t Mean You Must Have Poor Health

Many people think that pain, illness and disease are all things that go hand-in-hand with old age.

But this is not true…

Yes, there are certain diseases that become more common as you get older, but, for many of them, there are actually quite a few preventative steps that you can take.

One of these is by paying attention to nutrition

colorful food nutritional benefits infographic

Malnutrition is becoming an increasing problem, especially amongst the elderly, and this can have a number of severe consequences:

  • Weakened muscles and bones
  • Higher susceptibility to diseases and infections
  • Risk of becoming underweight
  • Slower healing time

By ensuring that you are receiving all the nutrition that you need, you will be having a huge impact on your health in the future. A healthy diet now means that, as you age, you will not need to deal with the diseases and health issues that others face. 

Aging Means You’ll Have More Time

Imagine having an extra hour or two in your day…

How would you spend it?

The idea of having this extra time may seem ludicrous to some, but this is exactly what you will have as you get older.


Because older adults need less sleep.

In fact, this is a sign of healthy aging.

So, how much sleep will you need?

Well, up until the age of 30, you need between seven and eight hours. After this, you need between six and seven. 

Of course, a lack of sleep can be damaging too.

How do you know if you are getting enough sleep?

Pay attention to how sleepy you feel during the day. If you are wide awake and alert, then this means that you have likely had enough sleep the night before. However, if you start to feel drowsy at some point during the day, then you may need an hour or two more each night.

Aging Makes You Happier

The concept of happiness has been at the center of so much research in recent years. 

One interesting result is the fact that seniors, out of all of the different age groups out there, are among the happiest of them all. This is especially the case when compared to those who are middle-aged. 

Wondering why this is?

Researchers believe that this could be down to better coping abilities. Since seniors have likely already been through quite a bit of hardship in their lives, they are much better able to deal with negative situations, and are also quite optimistic.

Aging Increases Marital Satisfaction

For those who are married, this may really interest you..

Many parents think that once the last of their children have moved out, a marriage will feel so much emptier.

But this is actually the opposite from the truth.

Research has shown that once all children have left home, there tends to be an increase in marital satisfaction.

senior couple walking together


Because often, couples find themselves drifting apart, or feeling disconnected, while going through all that it takes to raise children. However, once the children have left, couples are able to get back into touch with each other, rediscovering why they fell in love with each other in the first place.

Aging Allows You to Pursue Your Dreams

When you are in your teenage years, the passion to pursue your dreams is a strong one. However, as you continue on through life, this can often be dulled down. Many find themselves in jobs that they do not enjoy, spending years doing something that does not really satisfy them.

However, once retirement rolls around, this all changes…


Well, retirement gives you so much more time, and this time can be spent pursuing some of those long lost dreams that you may have put on hold years ago.

Whether you wanted to travel to a foreign country to learn a new language, write your very first novel, or grow your own food, you will have so much time once you are retired to try all of these exciting things.

Ever wanted to start your own business?

Retirement is the time to do so. In fact, over the past ten years or so, the average age for an entrepreneur is between 55 and 64.

Aging Gives You More Family Time

grandfather and grandson playing in the grass

In addition to spending your retirement time pursuing your dreams, you will also have so much more time to spend with your family and loved ones.

Being able to see your children and grandchildren grow up is something that so many look forward to, and this time of your life may even be one of the highlights of all of your years.

Aging Teaches You Emotional Management Skills

In your younger years, you may often experience moments where your emotions seem to simply overwhelm you, leaving you feeling confused and unsure of what to do.

Fortunately, these moments decrease as you age…

Managing your emotions is actually considered to be a life skill that takes decades to master. The result of this is emotional stability, as well as the ability pay more attention to the good, and less attention to the bad. This could be another reason as to why seniors have a happier outlook on life than younger generations. 

Aging Can Boost Cognitive Function

There is no denying that aging commonly brings with it cognitive decline, but researchers are finding that, in some ways, cognitive function may actually improve with age.

There is still plenty more research to be done on the topic, but a study carried out by the University of Illinois examined the way in which older air traffic controllers carried out their job in comparison to younger generations of air traffic controllers.

Wondering what the results were?

Even though the older group was experiencing some short term memory loss, as well as a reduction in visual spatial processing, they still excelled at their jobs. When it came to navigating multiple aircrafts at the same time, and avoiding a collision, the older group was far superior

Aging Teaches You Not to Judge Others

In your younger years, you may have often cast judgement upon others. Whether due to material goods they did or did not have, or something superficial, such as the way in which they looked, judgement is something that just about everybody is guilty of.

Judgement may not be a huge evil in the big scheme of things, but it does often lead to negative emotions within the person doing the judging, which is no good for your mental health.

However, this changes with age…

As you grow older, you will learn not to judge other people, and will instead naturally begin to accept them for who they are.

Aging Doesn’t Mean Isolation

One worry that many have about aging is that they may find themselves isolated from all that is out there.

However, the world is becoming increasingly age-friendly.

happy senior people

In fact, the World Health Organization has started an initiative, in conjunction with a number of cities around the world, to make the world more age-friendly. 

What exactly does this mean?

Here are just a few of the ways in which cities are adapting to their elderly population:

  • Age-friendly transportation
  • New forms of education
  • New care and housing concepts
  • Age-friendly business workplaces and campuses

From Mumbai to New York, cities all over the world are embracing this initiative, determined to make the world a better place for those who are aging.

Aging Reveals Your True Identity

Many people spend their youth trying to discover who they really are, but very few find the answers…

Why is this?

Because discovering who you are is something that takes decades, and cannot be rushed in just a few years.

Each year, you will learn so many new things about yourself, whether this be related to your character, your beliefs or your abilities. You will learn both positive and negative things about yourself, and these discoveries will accumulate over the years, meaning that you will finally understand your inner nature in depth.

Aging Means You Have More Life Experience

The older you get, the more life experiences you accumulate.

Everybody goes through different things in their life, and these experiences make you who you are. 

While you may sometimes face negative experiences, these are just as important as the positive, as you will come out of them having learned something, even if it may not feel like it at the time.

All of these life experiences also means that you become much more interesting to others. You can use your experiences to guide and advise others, changing peoples’ lives for the better.

Aging Doesn’t Mean Giving Up Driving

A few decades ago, growing older meant that you would soon have to stop driving, but this is no longer the case.

Technology has advanced in huge leaps and bounds, and all of these innovations mean that people will be able to continue to drive, in a safe manner, as they grow in age.

senior woman driving

What are some of these innovations?

Everything from adaptive headlights, which pivot the light beam so that drivers can see better on curved roads, to assisted parking systems to rear cameras make driving so much easier.

Aging Doesn’t Mean Losing Your Independence

One of the aspects of aging that many fear is having to become completely dependent on others.

However, the chances of this happening are actually quite slim…

Let’s begin by taking a look at those between the ages of 65 and 74.

When it comes to everyday tasks, this age group barely differs from those who are middle-aged. This is especially true for those living in an age-friendly location, such as within easy walking distance of shops.

But yes, things do change slightly once you pass this age range…

However, unless you are suffering from a physical health problem, or a cognitive issue, you will still not need to be completely dependent on others. You may need some extra help from support services, but you will still be able to live in your own home and continue doing what you love.

Aging Gives You More Confidence

Along with age comes confidence.


Well, the answer has already been mentioned above, and this is down to all of the life experiences you will have acquired.

Each of these experiences will add to your sense of confidence, meaning that, as you reach the later stages of old age, you will have confidence in buckets! This confidence is something that really only does come with experience, but it can really change the lives of those who have suffered from a lack of confidence in their earlier years. 

Aging is a Privilege

You may not think it now, but aging is actually quite a privilege.

Wondering how?

Think about everything that people face on a daily basis…

From crime to pollution to politics to stress, there are so many people that do not even get to see the age of 60.

No matter how old you may currently be, think about all that you have seen and experienced in your lifetime. Every day really is a gift, so put your fear of aging behind you and make the most of all that life has to offer.

Closeup of a small cup of espresso

The Benefits and Harms of Your Regular Espresso

For years now, there has been so much debate on whether or not coffee is actually good for us. If you are someone that drinks coffee each and every day, here are some of the health benefits that you will likely experience, as well as a few dangers that you need to watch out for.


What Exactly is Coffee?

Coffee is the most widely consumed beverage in the world, with 83% of the population of the United States being avid coffee drinkers. Consisting of a powerful collection of biologically active compounds, many people associate only caffeine with coffee, but this drink actually contains so much more than that, and is packed with thousands of complex substances.

Let’s look at the benefits and harms of drinking your daily espresso.


Benefits of Your Daily Espresso


1. Coffee Can Boost Physical Performance

Coffee has been proven to be able to increase energy and boost physical performance, making this a great beverage to sip on before a workout.

Drinking just one cup of coffee, around an hour before you intend to work out, can improve your performance by up to 12%.


Well, coffee increases the adrenaline in your blood, which is the hormone that your body produces to help it to deal with physical exertion. An increase in adrenaline levels then increases your energy, as well as the amount of exercise you are able to do.


2. Coffee Helps to Burn Fat and Lose Weight

While you should not depend solely on coffee if you are trying to lose weight, this beverage can definitely help you on your weight loss quest.

Coffee is packed with potassium and magnesium, both of which help the body to use insulin and regulate blood sugar levels. By keeping your blood sugar levels steady, you will not experience as many cravings for unhealthy foods and snacks, making it much easier for you to stick to a healthy diet.

But, don’t forget…

Although coffee can help you lose weight, you need to ensure that you are not filling your coffee with calorie-laden creams and sugars, as this will only counter the weight loss benefits that coffee can have.


3. Coffee Contains a Wide Range of Antioxidants

Here is a fact that will no doubt surprise you…

Coffee is the biggest source of antioxidants in the Western diet, and outranks both fruits and vegetables combined. 

Coffee is absolutely packed with a wide range of antioxidants, including:

  • Polyphenols – key when it comes to disease prevention
  • Hydrocinnamic Acids neutralizes free radicals and prevents oxidative stress
  • Cafestol an anti-inflammatory that protects the brain
  • Melanoidins an anti-bacterial and an anti-inflammatory that also gives coffee its distinct aroma

So, why exactly are antioxidants so important?

Well, the body is constantly being attacked by free radicals, and these cause so much damage to your cells, affecting them as deeply as DNA level. Antioxidants are able to neutralize these free radicals, keeping your body healthier, as well as more youthful, for longer.

free radicals

But, here’s the deal…

The way in which you prepare your coffee will have a significant impact on its antioxidant content. For example, roasted coffee has many more antioxidants than non-roasted coffee, so always opt for coffee that is as high quality as possible.


4. Coffee Reduces Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Affecting over 300 million people, type 2 diabetes is one of the most common diseases out there, and refers to blood sugar levels being elevated due to a resistance to insulin.

There have been multiple studies carried out over the years that look at the relationship between coffee and type 2 diabetes, and the results have been surprising…

By drinking coffee on a daily basis, you will be able to reduce your risk of developing diabetes by an impressive 23-67%.


5. Coffee Offers Protection for the Brain

As the body ages, neurodegenerative diseases become so much more common.

What is a neurodegenerative disease?

These are brain diseases that occur due to the death of neurons in the brain. These diseases are always progressive, meaning that neurons will continue to die and the disease will only worsen over time.

The two most common neurodegenerative diseases out there are Alzheimer’s, which is also the leading cause of dementia, and Parkinson’s.


Fortunately, coffee can help to protect your brain from both of these…

  • Alzheimer’s – Research shows that coffee drinkers have a 65% lowered risk of developing Alzheimer’s
  • Parkinson’s Studies show that coffee drinkers have a 32-60% lowered risk of developing Parkinson’s, with this number increasing with the more coffee that you drink

By protecting the neurons in your brain, coffee will also reduce your risk of developing dementia as you get older.


6. Coffee Improves Mood and Acts as an Anti-Depressant

The caffeine that coffee contains is a known stimulant, and, each time you drink a cup of coffee, the caffeine blocks the function of one of your brain hormones, known as adenosine.

Wondering what this actually means?

Well, by blocking adenosine, your brain is then able to enjoy an increase in activity, and releases several other neurotransmitters, including dopamine and norepinephrine.

Here is what this can do for you:

  • Improves your mood
  • A short-term boost to brain function
  • Reduces tiredness and increases alertness

All of these effects then work together to fight depression, with one Harvard study showing that coffee drinkers experience a 20% lowered risk of becoming depressed.

This also relates to suicide rates, with coffee drinkers being 53% less likely to take their own lives.


7. Coffee Can Lower Your Risk of Premature Death

Premature deaths can be caused by so many different factors, including all of the health issues mentioned in this article.

By experiencing so many health benefits, it only makes sense that coffee drinkers have a much lowered risk of dying prematurely.

How much coffee do you need to drink for this?

Studies have shown that when drinking four to five cups of coffee a day, men have a 12% reduced risk of premature death, while women have 16%.

However, even just one cup of coffee a day can still reduce your risk of premature death by 5-6%, showing you just how little is needed to make a difference. 


8. Coffee Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Thanks to its phenolic compounds, coffee can have a significant impact on different types of cancer.

Numerous studies have been carried out over the years. Here are some of the results:

  • A 2012 study found that each cup of coffee a day would lessen your chances of developing endometrial cancer by 8%
  • A 2011 study showed that each cup of coffee a day would reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer by 4%
  • A 2011 study found that each cup of coffee a day would reduce the risk of bladder, breast, prostate and colorectal cancers by 3%

Here is the best bit…

When it comes to liver cancer, a 2007 study found that drinking two extra cups of coffee a day would lower an individual’s risk by 43%.


8. Coffee Can Help with Oral Health

You are probably thinking…

“Coffee is known to stain teeth. How can it help with oral health?”

While it is true about coffee staining the teeth, this is a cosmetic problem, and does not actually signify anything about a person’s health.

In fact, when drank straight black, the antioxidants found within coffee make your teeth less adhesive. This means that bacteria is not able to hold on to your teeth with much strength, not only keeping them cleaner, but also making them easier to clean.


Harms of Your Daily Espresso


1. Coffee Can Elevate Cholesterol Levels

While coffee does not contain cholesterol itself, it does interfere with the way in which your body produces and regulates cholesterol.


As mentioned above, coffee contains an antioxidant called cafestol. While this compound does have its benefits, it affects the way in which your body metabolizes cholesterol, leading to raised cholesterol levels.

Fortunately, there is a way around this…

There are multiple ways to brew a coffee, but, if you do it in an American-style coffee pot, with a filter, then the resulting coffee will actually have quite low cafestol levels.

Why is this?

Since the coffee only passes through the grounds once, most of the cafestol is left behind in the filter. On the other hand, a French press brews coffee by constantly passing water through the coffee grounds, meaning that the resulting beverage contains quite a bit of cafestol.

However, even if you do like a French press, you may not need to worry too much about raised cholesterol levels…

Research has indicated that you would need to drink around five cups of French press coffee a day to see an increase in your cholesterol levels, so as long as you ensure that your coffee consumption does not become excessive, then you should not have a problem.


2. Coffee Can Increase Your Risk of Heart Disease

While coffee does not increase the risk of heart disease for everybody, it does if you have a genetic mutation that slows down the rate at which caffeine is broken down by the body.

Since your body will not be able to metabolize the caffeine quickly enough, this can significantly increase your chances of developing heart disease.

Fortunately, this does not mean that you have to completely avoid coffee…

Try to stick to just one cup a day, as the risks will only come from drinking two cups or more.


3. Coffee Can Be Addictive

If you are quite dependent on your daily coffee, then you will already be aware of the fact that coffee is quite addictive. This is due to the caffeine in coffee, with the term caffeine dependence being coined a few years ago.

What does too much caffeine do to your body?

A number of things:

    • Increases anxiety
    • Disrupts sleep patterns
    • Leads to insomnia
    • Increases blood sugar levels
    • Can lead to spinal bone loss if an individual is not consuming enough calcium


A Lowered Tolerance

While all of these health benefits that coffee can bring to the body may sound great, keep in mind that many of these effects are likely to only be short term. If you are someone that drinks coffee multiple times a day, then you are likely to soon build up a tolerance to its benefits, meaning that the results will not be as noticeable, and you will be more likely to experience some of the negatives that come with coffee.

So, how much is too much?

Drinking more than eight cups of coffee a day would be considered excessive, and would bring about the negative effects mentioned above.

So, as long as you stay below this guideline, and do not fill your coffee with sugars, flavors and creams, you will be able to enjoy nothing but the many benefits that coffee can bring to the body.


How to Make Your Daily Espresso Healthier

As mentioned above, you need to ensure that you do not add sugars and other harmful ingredients to your coffee, as this negates its benefits.

Here are a few other tips to help you to ensure that your daily brews are as health-boosting as possible:

  • Coffee is often sprayed heavily with pesticides, making it worth springing for organic versions
  • For maximum health benefits, drink your coffee straight black
  • Adding a square of 70% cacao dark chocolate to your cup of coffee will give it a chocolatey edge, while bringing you all of the health benefits of the cacao too 

Small cup of espresso, surrounded by biscotti, cinnamon sticks, and coffee beans

So, how should you brew your coffee?

Well, that all depends on what you are trying to gain from it…

  • If you want a coffee that is as “pure” as possible, opt for a French press
  • If you have acid reflux or a sensitive stomach, go for cold-brewed coffees, as these are much less acidic
  • If you have cholesterol concerns, an American-style coffee pot or an instant coffee may be your best bet

Do not be afraid to experiment with all of the different coffees, as well as brewing methods, that are out there. While you do want your coffee to be as beneficial to your health as possible, you still need to be able to find a brew that truly satisfies your taste buds.

Header of Beginner's Guide to Probiotics

A Beginner’s Guide to Probiotics

Probiotics have been all the rage recently, and there is good reason for this too. For those of you who are new to the world of probiotics, this beginner’s guide will tell you all that you need to know.


Infographic on probiotics


What Are Probiotics?

Probiotics are often referred to as good bacteria, and they live within your digestive tract, regulating digestion, supporting the immune system and doing so much more.

However, your gut also contains bad bacteria, and when these outnumber the good bacteria, you may experience some of these problems:

  • Digestive disturbances, such as gas, diarrhea and IBD
  • Skin conditions, such as acne, psoriasis and eczema
  • Mood swings, excess stress and depression
  • A weak immune system, meaning that you easily fall ill
  • Allergies and asthma

Your gut flora should ideally contain 85% good bacteria and 15% bad bacteria, and, even if you do not suffer from any of the above-mentioned issues, probiotics could still benefit you in a number of ways:

  • Improving digestion, allowing your body to absorb more nutrients
  • Improving immune function, protecting you from illnesses and infections
  • Giving an overall boost to your complexion and skin
  • Aiding in weight loss
  • Increasing energy
  • Reducing lactose intolerance


Types of Probiotics 

There are thousands of strains of probiotics out there, and each one will support a different aspect of your health. If you are seeking a general overall boost to your health, try to consume a wide variety of strains, as this will help to cover just about everything.

If you have a specific health problem you are trying to treat, there are particular probiotic strains that would be especially beneficial to you.

  • Immunity and Infections – Lactobacillus casei
  • Gas, bloating and lactose intolerance – Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Liver function and inflammation – Bifidobacterium longum
  • Neutralize toxins – Lactobacillus bulgaricus
  • Arthritis and Inflammation – Bacillus coagulans

You’re likely thinking…

“Those words don’t make much sense!”

Fortunately, unless you are looking to treat a specific condition, you do not need to worry too much about the various probiotic strains out there. By consuming a wide range of probiotics, you will more than likely be covered.

woman eating probiotics


Why Have Probiotics Become So Trendy? 

Historically, people used to have plenty of probiotics in their diet, as they would eat fresh foods, that had been grown on quality soil. Fermenting foods, in order to preserve them, was also commonplace, with the fermentation process itself creating a wide range of good bacteria.

Today, life is quite different…

The food that you eat has likely been soaked in chlorine and then processed and refrigerated, removing any probiotics. Lower quality soil also has a huge impact on this, as do the antibiotics that many foods contain, as these actually kill off any good bacteria that is already in your gut.


Who Should Avoid Probiotics? 

Probiotics will generally benefit just about everyone, but there are a couple of conditions that can actually be worsened by probiotics.

If you suffer from short bowel syndrome or immunodeficiency, it would be wise to speak to your doctor before beginning your probiotic journey.


How to Increase Your Intake of Probiotics

Now that you understand the importance of probiotics, you can begin to take a look at the many ways in which you can increase your intake of probiotics. Consuming more probiotic-rich foods is the best way to do this, and there are many options out there.


Milk Kefir 

Milk kefir is similar to yoghurt, although with a thinner texture, and has been consumed for over 3000 years. Just like yoghurt, kefir is slightly tart tasting, but, when it comes down to the probiotics within the two, kefir wins hands down.

Yoghurt contains between 2 to 7 types of probiotics, while kefir contains an impressive 10 to 35, as well as a number of beneficial yeast strains.

Never tried it before?

Kefir can be purchased in supermarkets and speciality shops, but store-bought versions will never quite compare to flavor that comes from making it yourself at home. Store-bought kefir will also be lightly processed, removing some of its probiotics.

If you want to try making it yourself at home, this is what you will need:

  • Fermented kefir grains
  • Milk
  • A non-metal strainer
  • A glass jar

The fermented kefir grains are mixed with the milk in a jar before being strained out the next day, with the resulting liquid being the kefir. The grains will grow and multiply with each batch that you make, meaning that it will not be long before you will be able to share them with friends and family, so that they can also make their own.

Wondering where to get the fermented kefir grains from?

Getting your hands on some grains can be tricky, unless you know someone that already makes kefir at home. If not, try ordering them online, or join a few kefir groups on social media, as there will always be people happy to post their extra grains to you.

milk kefir



Sauerkraut is most commonly made from fermented cabbage, but can also contain a number of other vegetables. While sauerkraut itself does not contain a huge number of probiotics, its organic acids support the growth of good bacteria within the gut.

Just like with kefir, sauerkraut can be purchased from shops, but is far more beneficial when made yourself at home.

All you need to do is:

  1. Thinly slice or shred the cabbage, as well as any other vegetables you want to include. Beets and carrots work particularly well, and also add a beautiful pop of color.
  2. Layer the cabbage into a glass jar, alternating each layer with a sprinkling of salt, with the top layer being just salt.
  3. Cover the jar with a boiled cloth and leave it to sit for a couple of days, until a white scum appears on the top. Skim this off, replace the cloth, and then repeat this process for about two weeks. You will know that your sauerkraut is ready when no more bubbles form within it.

sauerkraut preparation



If you have tried sauerkraut, and would prefer it to have more of a kick, then kimchi may be just the food for you.

Kimchi is often referred to as the Korean take on sauerkraut, as it is also made from fermented Chinese cabbage. However, the difference comes from the addition of other ingredients, including:

  • Radish
  • Carrots
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Red pepper flakes

The method of making kimchi is not too different from that of sauerkraut, and, just like with sauerkraut, kimchi is a fantastic accompaniment to so many meals.

kimchi preparation


Raw Cheese 

For those of you who love dairy products, you will be happy to know that raw cheese is a great source of probiotics, but you do need to ensure that the cheese has not been pasteurized. In particular, goat’s milk and sheep’s milk cheeses are especially high in probiotics, so try to opt for these if possible.



If you are a fan of Japanese food, then you are likely already familiar with miso, which has been a staple in Japanese cuisine for more than 2500 years. Miso is a paste that is made from fermented soybeans, barley or rice, and is most commonly eaten in the form of a soup.

However, if you do not tend to enjoy the taste of miso soup, here are a few other ways in which you can use the ingredient:

  • Mixed with sesame oil and spread on fish fillets for a beautiful shiny glaze
  • Whisked into a salad dressing
  • Mashed into potatoes
  • Turned into a mayonnaise or a mustard
  • A marinade for meat
  • Caramelized into a butter

probiotic-rich foods


Probiotic Supplements

In addition to consuming more probiotic-rich foods, you could also look into taking a probiotic supplement. If you have already had a look at the supplements out there, you are likely thinking…

“There are far too many to choose from! How do I know which one is best?”

Here are a few tips to help you to make your decision:

  • CFU count – this is something that often confuses people, but is simply a measurement of the amount of live bacteria that a supplement contains. Try to choose one that contains between 5 to 10 billion CFU.
  • Strains – There are 10,000 different strains of bacteria within our gut, so make sure that your supplement also contains a good variety of these.
  • Packaging – Probiotic bacteria can easily be killed by everything from light to air to heat, so look for a supplement that is housed in a thick, opaque bottle if possible, or a blister pack.
  • Expiration date – the supplement industry is not required to put expiration dates on their products, but, without one, it is impossible to know how long the probiotic bacteria in your supplement will stay alive for. If a supplement does not state an expiration date, you can assume that this is because it is of a lower quality, and is best avoided.


Combining Probiotic-Rich Foods with Probiotic Supplements 

As mentioned above, the gut contains over 10,000 different strains of bacteria, and it is impossible for a single supplement to match this. While supplements may be convenient to take, these should ideally be supported with probiotic-rich foods in order to experience the best results.

You may be thinking…

“I don’t like sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, raw cheese and miso!”

Luckily, there are so many other probiotic-rich foods out there, and there are bound to be at least a couple that you will enjoy. Here are some more ideas for other probiotic-rich foods you could try:

  • Kombucha – a fermented black or green tea
  • Tempeh – a fermented soybean patty with a nutty, mushroom-like texture
  • Pickles – make sure that these are fermented in water and salt, rather than vinegar
  • Green olives – brined in salt water, green olives undergo a natural fermentation process
  • Sourdough bread 


What About Prebiotics? 

Put simply, prebiotics are the food source for probiotics, and help to keep probiotics alive.

Prebiotics can be found in such a wide range of foods, such as:

  • Vegetables – garlic, onion, beetroot, green peas, Jerusalem artichoke, asparagus
  • Fruits – white peach, grapefruit, pomegranate, nectarine, dried fruit
  • Legumes – baked beans, red kidney beans, soybeans, chickpeas, lentils
  • Nuts – pistachio nuts, cashew nuts

So, do you need prebiotics?

Well, it is likely that, if you have a balanced diet, you are already consuming a fair amount of prebiotics. Nevertheless, it never hurts to add in a few more, so do try to increase your consumption of the foods mentioned above.

Some probiotics, such as sauerkraut and kimchi, also contain prebiotics, making them twice as powerful. Some probiotic supplements also contain prebiotics, and this is commonly labelled as inulin, so keep an eye out for this.

probiotic foods


Other Ways to Boost Your Gut Health 

The health of your gut is so important, and while probiotics, as well as prebiotics, can really help with this, these on their own are not enough to guarantee a healthy gut. You should also:

  • Decrease your consumption of fast food and sugar
  • Limit your alcohol consumption
  • Cut back on your consumption of meat
  • Regular exercise
  • Stress management

Both of these are extremely detrimental to your gut’s microbial balance, so you need to take control of this if you really want to balance out the good and bad bacteria in your gut.

healthy green smoothie


Take the First Step 

If you are still feeling a little confused about the world of probiotics, the best way to begin your journey is by picking a couple of probiotic foods and incorporating them into your diet as much as you can. If you make them yourself at home, you will gain a much deeper understanding of the fermentation process, but there is nothing wrong with purchasing probiotic-rich foods from a store, especially if you only want a little taster to begin with.

Nuclear family enjoying dinner together

The Profile Of A Healthy TV Dinner

The original frozen dinners were literal recipes for disaster. Take the fact that they were first introduced  in the 1950’s when a nutritious dinner was defined by meatloaf and mashed potatoes with pie for desert. Add to that the fact that they catered to bachelors, whose main goals of eating were to fill their stomachs. Then, consider that the food had to be preserved, which adds a boatload of sodium to the equation. Put it all together, and you get a 1,040 calorie chicken pot pie, with 62 grams of fat, 26 grams of saturated fat, 1,480 mgs of sodium, and 14 grams of sugar.

As you may have guessed, there has been an appropriate amount of backlash. With the increased knowledge of nutrition, it comes as no surprise that sooner or later someone was likely to come up with a slightly more balanced way of preparing dinner instantly. Here are some of the kindler, more gentler versions of the original enemy of the artery.

Chicken and Harissa Chickpeas

The ingredient list in this meal is so healthy, you might start feeling stronger just thinking about it.  This North African option blends chicken, broccoli, butternut squash, chickpeas, brown jasmine rice and kale, topped with harissa, a spicy paste consisting of garlic, hot chili peppers, coriander, and caraway seeds, known to blast away fat. Capsaicin, the ingredient that gives the sauce its kick, is a proven appetite suppressant and metabolism booster, and the regular consumption of the caraway seed is associated with weight loss as well.

Quinoa Bowls

You may not know how to pronounce it, but you have probably seen quinoa popping up on restaurant menus and in health food stores quite a lot recently. Why are the bowls popular? They provide an easy way to combine flavors and spices with protein, healthy grains, and produce. The South American inspired quinoa bowl mixes meat free proteins, such as black beans, and red quinoa, for a meat free answer to high protein.

The Profile Of A Healthy TV Dinner

Thai Stir Fry

With all the new super foods on the market, tofu almost seems to get taken for granted. However, its still a very healthy option and can be the basis of a smart frozen dinner choice. Try an organic heat and eat, mixing tofu with a rainbow of veggies, including carrots, cabbage, broccoli, jalapeños, zucchini, and hot pepper for a low fat, high protein boost.

Butternut Squash Ravioli

Ravioli in the microwave! How revolutionary! These protein and vitamin A filled ravs are stuffed with ricotta and butternut squash, and topped with kale, roasted tomatoes, and a sage garlic and lemon sauce. Wait til you tell your coworkers what was on the menu at your house last night!

Black Bean and Mango Bowl

This is an exotic combo for a frozen dinner. The entree is served on a bed of whole grain and sesame pilaf, comprised of brown rice oats rye, red wheat, barley, and sesame seeds. Top that with black beans, peppers, carrots and roasted onions, and you’ve got a bowl loaded with fiber and protein. Add some mango, ginger, and other seasonings, and you have preservatives that keeps the sodium content down for better heart health.

What is your best frozen dinner recipe? Let us know how you do health in front of the TV!

Female doctor measuring heart rate of young girl

ID Health Warning Signs With These Health Checks

You’ve got a significant other with significant needs, kids with busier schedules than most adults, a boss who has you on speed dial, and a mother who’s always, well being a mother. Sometimes you need to look out for number one. After all, when it comes to your health, no one’s going to be able to function if you can’t. If your hectic life has you too busy to see a doctor, you need to take matters into your own hands, Here are a few diagnostic tests that can help you make sure you can your machine running clean so you can make sure everyone else’s is.

Eye Check
When your checking your eyes, you want to see firm clear eyes with even lashes looking back at you. If you see redness or irritation on the surface of your inner eyelid, it could be Ectropion, which is an age related condition causing drooping of the lower lids and exposure of the inner eye. Ectropion can lead to damage of the cornea and should be treated.

Bumps on the eyelid and missing lashes could be cancerous. Look out for bumps that increase in size and grow thicker and darker.

Skin Check
Check your skin by running your fingertips and eyes over your skin, and have a family member check your back. Look for an even texture over individual body parts and consistency in skin’s appearance. If you see a new mole, or one that has changed color of shape, take note. Asymmetrical growths, growths with uneven coloring and borders, or growths larger than a pencil eraser should be examined for melanoma.

Small sandpapery patches of skin could indicate actinic keratosis. Be safe rather than sorry, and see a professional; ten percent of actinic keratosis develops into skin cancer.

If you see a shiny brown or pink bump with a rolled raised border that wasn’t there before, have it checked out. It could be basil cell carcinoma.

vine vera banner ID Health Warning Signs With These Health Checks

Balance Check
While checking your balance requires a bit of exertion, it may be worthwhile. Stand on a flat surface, folding your arms across your chest. Stand on your favored leg and raise the other foot on a few inches from the ground without resting it on the other leg. Time yourself to see how long you can maintain the position without losing your balance. Do the test one time with your eyes open, and one time with your eyes closed. If you can’t hold the position with your eyes closed, you may want to consider consulting a doctor. A study of 53 -year- old women and men found that those who could balance on one leg with their closed for over ten seconds had a lower risk of death in the 13 years after the study than those who could not.

Hair Check
While hair loss or thinning is normal, especially after 50, quick changes can indicate an underlying condition. If your hair loses density at a fast rate, over a rate of about three to six months, it may mean anemia, thyrhoid disease, or iron loss. Says dermatologist Chris Adigun, if you “notice more hair in your brush, in the shower drain, and on your pillow,” it may be a cause for concern.

Heart Check
A DIY heart check can be done by placing two fingers on the side of your windpipe. Count the beats for fifteen seconds and multiply that number by four. This should give you your beats per minute. A resting heartbeat of 60 to 100 is normal. If your heart rises at work, or when you think about work, it may mean that stress levels are high. High stress may lead to diabetes, heart disease and obesity. A rate exceeding more than 100 may mean a doctor’s appointment should be scheduled. Tachycardia, or rapid heart rate can be caused by anxiety, cardiac issues, to alcohol, among other factors.

Are you keeping tabs on your health? Let us know how your doing your DIY checkups and how they’re helping you!

Woman eating carrot cake

Tricks for Controlling Food Cravings

That hunk of chocolate cake. The fork sitting next to it just waiting for you to plunge it into the sweet moist layers, shoveling a huge, rich satisfying heap of chocolate goodness into your mouth, the sweet, decadent icing dissolving on your tongue, the serotonin rushing to your brain Oh, pure joy. Cravings can be hard to deal with, but so can excess calories. If you need some help dealing with temptations, here are a few suggestions.

Drink Water
It may be no match for chocolate cake, but you may find that a few minutes after drinking a large glass of water, your craving may disappear. Water also has health benefits and drinking it before a meal can help keep appetite to a minimum.

More Protein
A study of overweight teenage girls found that eating a breakfast high in protein reduced cravings significantly, and a study of overweight men showed that increasing protein to 25% of daily calorie intake resulted in a 60% reduction of cravings and a 50% reduction in desire for nighttime snacks.

Just Walk Away
One way to beat a craving is by distancing yourself from it. Taking a shower or brisk walk can help to shift your mind to something else, and chewing gum can also help to reduce appetite.

Plan Meals
Knowing what you’re going to eat will help to cut down on spontaneous eating. If you don’t have to think about your next meal, you’ll be less likely to succumb to temptation.

couple prepping food in the kitchen

Don’t Wait to Eat
Hunger is a big reason for cravings. Avoid hunger by eating regularly and keeping healthy snacks close.

Control Stress
Stress can bring on food cravings that lead to binge eating. Studies show that women under stress typically take in significantly more calories and have more cravings than women who are not experiencing stress. Stress can also increase blood levels of cortisol, a hormone that can lead to weight gain, especially in the belly. Minimize stress by planning ahead, slowing down, and meditating.

Spinach Extract
Spinach extract is a supplement made from spinach leaves that helps to delay the digestion of fat that increases the levels of hormones responsible for reduction of hunger and appetite. Studies show that 3.7-5 grams of spinach extract taken with a meal may reduce cravings for several hours. One study showed that overweight women who took 5 grams of spinach extract daily were able to decrease cravings for food with a high level of sugar by 88-95%.

Mindful Eating
Mindful eating is a type of meditation used to develop awareness about eating habits, hunger and physical sensations, which teaches you to distinguish between craving and real physical hunger. Mindful eating helps you to choose your response to food, rather than acting impulsively. Mindful eating involves being present during a meal, slowing down and chewing food thoroughly, and should be done without distractions such as TVs and smartphones. One study found that episodes of binge eating in individuals were reduced from 4 to 1.5 sessions per week over a 6 week period, and the severity of the binges was decreased, as well.

How do you fight your food cravings? Let us know what you do when the urge to indulge hits!

FDA Aims To Reduce Death From Nicotine

It seems that everything we buy these days has been revamped in some way. Our cereal has less sugar, our cheese has less fat, our juice has more vitamins, what about our cigarettes? Cigarettes have never been the healthiest item on our shopping list, should we try and make them healthier? It wouldn’t be the first such attempt, there are herbal cigarettes on the markets, as well as E-Cigs aimed at maintaining the elements of cool without the element of danger. Now it seems the FDA is stepping in with its own attempt at making cigarettes healthier. Could this be a show of some much needed serious muscle? Here’s a look at reduced nicotine cigarettes and their long term implications.

Reduced Nicotine
There is reduced fat, we reduced calories, why not reduce nicotine?The US Food and Drug Administration is aiming to lower the nicotine content in cigarettes in the years to come in an effort that health officials believe may reduce the amount of tobacco related disease and illness.

The FDA announced the plan targeting nicotine as an ingredient responsible for causing dependence and health complications, and hope that lowering the nicotine levels in cigarettes will lead to a decrease in dependence on cigarettes, and lower the rates of tobacco related disease.

vine vera banner presents FDA Aims To Reduce Death From Nicotine

Less Nicotine Means Less Addiction
FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb explains the move. “The overwhelming amount of death and disease attributable to tobacco is caused by the addiction to cigarettes, the only legal consumer product that, when used as intended, will kill half of all long term users. Unless we change course, 5.6 million young people alive today will prematurely die later in life from tobacco use. Envisioning the world where cigarettes would no longer create or sustain addiction, and where adults who still need or want nicotine could get it from alternative and less harmful sources needs to be the cornerstone of our efforts-and we believe it’s vital that we pursue this common ground.”

Although the change will effect people of all ages, the FDA notes a particular focus on young people. Most people begin the smoking habit before the age of 18, it is especially crucial that the lowering of nicotine levels in cigarettes prevent a dependance on cigarettes from forming at an early age and lasting into later life.

The Facts On Tobacco
On the bright side, it seems that some of the anti tobacco strategies seem to be working. Tobacco has reached all time lows in teens and adults. However, it still remains the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, resulting in 480,000 deaths a year. The Centers for Disease Control Prevention blame smoking as a cause of cancer, diabetes, heart and lung disease, stoke and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema. The FDA believes and hope reducing the level of nicotine in cigarettes will be an effective way in reduction dependence.

What’s your take? Do you think this new strategy can work? Let us know what you think of the kinder, gentler cigarette.

Woman drinking water at her work desk

Hydrogen Water Is The Latest Health Trend

These days it may seem like the water bottle is the new black. That, along with the yoga mat, may be the best ways to accessorize your athleisure. The water companies comply. They have answered the call by giving the consumer a variety of waters, stylishly packaged, claiming additional nutrients  capable of everything from relieving stress to improving brain power. However, skeptical though many of us are, every once in a while products do come along that live up to their claims, and it is important that we not let our judgmental attitudes prevent us from reaping the benefits. Hydrogen water is one of the latest to be making some miraculous health claims. Is there anything behind them? You be the judge.

Antioxidant and Brain Damage Prevention
Can hydrogen water help to fight oxidation that causes brain damage? Science says molecular hydrogen (H2) protects tissues and cells from oxidative damage by reducing the oxygen species ROS.

Studies on rats show hydrogen water can prevent the onset of Parkinson’s disease and has been shown to prevent cognitive impairment associated with Parkinson’s disease and dementia.

Another Parkinson’s related study on mice, showed the water capable of preventing the development and progression of neural degeneration associated with the condition, and a study on patients with Parkinson’s seems to support those findings. Hydrogen water was found to reduce neurotoxic damage with no adverse effects at high dosages.

Improves Mood Disorders
An additional rodent study, showed hydrogen water was able to restore the natural growth of brain cells in mice. Because antidepressants exhibit similar properties, there is speculations that hydrogen water may be able to improve depression and other mental disorders.

Anti Inflammatoy
A study of patients with rheumatoid arthritis showed that drinking .5L/day of hydrogen water for 4 week resulted in remission for all patients, with 20% becoming free of inflammatory symptoms.

Reduces Motor Deficits, Muscle Disease and Degeneration
An experiment on young athletes showed that drinking hydrogen water reduced the build up of lactic acid during strenuous exercise, resulting in a decrease of muscle fatigue.

In study on mice with the muscle disease Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), showed that hydrogen water prevented the gain of abnormal body mass and increased antioxidant production. This indicates a potential use for hydrogen water as a treatment for muscular dystrophy in patients with DMD.

Prevents Metabolic Syndrome
Hydrogen water may also be able to help those suffering with type 2 diabetes. A study done on diabetic mice found that hydrogen water reduced fatty lever and obesity and decreased insulin, glucose and triglyceride levels by stimulating metabolic energy. Yet another rat study, showed the water was able to prevent hardening of the arteries.

A study on patients with metabolic syndrome who drank 1.5 to 2L of hydrogen water daily for 8 weeks, showed the water led to an increase in HDL (good) cholesterol and a decrease in cholesterol overall.

What do you think? Is hydrogen water worth investigating? Let us know if you’ve tried it, and what you think.

Young people cycling together in the park

Bullet Points For Increased Life Expectancy

The secret to longevity has baffled people for years. There are nonagenarians who swear by their cigars, and centenarians who swear cigars off like the plague. There are octogenarians who ski every day and skiers who fracture their hips on a tough trail. There are healthy eaters who live long, and then there are the French who drink red wine and red meat and remain hale and hearty as horses. If anything is clear about the secret to longevity, its that it is unclear, however, that’s not going to stop anyone from trying to find it. If you’re among those making an effort to do so, scientists may have a few clues to point you in the right direction. Here are a few of the things that research has discovered about longevity.

Your Personality Plays A Role
The Longevity Project is a eight decade spanning study dedicated to the baffling secret of long life. During that time, Stanford researchers Leslie R. Martin and Howard S. Friedman have discovered a few things about personality’s effects on life expectancy. According to them, “The qualities of a prudent, persistent, well organized person, like a scientist professor – somewhat obsessive and not at all carefree” are more likely to be present in a person who reaches old age. “Many of us assume that more relaxed people live longer, but that’s not necessarily the case.” Apparently conscientious people are more likelier to make healthier choices about work, marriage, and daily habits..

Your Diet Comes Into Play
When it comes to diet, it seems that those who reside in the Mediterranean, and follow the diet of the area, are the most likely to make it into their twilight years. The diet, which consists largely of vegetables, nuts, fruits, and olive oil has been linked to lower risk for heart disease and even protection from memory loss.

It may come as no surprise that your parents’ life spans may give you an idea about what yours is likely to be. The autopsy of a 115- year- old woman revealed stem cell exhaustion as a reason for death. This means the woman remained healthy until her cells literally gave out. Other research shows that some people are less prone to diseases or have levels of chemicals, like dopamine and seratonin in the brain that may attribute to superior bodily functions.

If you find yourself with an extra four years at the end, those may be the years you spent in college. A 2012 report from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics found that those with bachelor’s degrees or higher, can live about nine years longer than those who didn’t finish high school. According to health economist, James Smith, educated people make better plans for their future, get better jobs, and make healthier lifestyle choices.

Work Stress May Not Be A Factor
If you think “your job is killing you,” it may not be. According to the Longevity Study, long lives and hard work are not mutually exclusive. The authors say, “We found that productive, hardworking people are not stressed and miserable, but tend to be happier, healthier, and more socially connected than their less productive peers.”

Do you have any clues for us about the path to longevity? We’re dying to hear them.



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