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Child painting different colors on a sheet of paper.

Resveralife Live Well: Can Colors Help You Lose Weight?

Think you’ve tried absolutely everything to lose weight? It might be time to reconsider. You know that the key to sustained weight loss is a sensible, healthy diet and regular exercise. However, perhaps you want a bit of a jump start on your weight loss or you want to lose those stubborn last five pounds. New research indicates that the color of your plate and food may help you reach your weight loss goals. This Resveralife Live Well Guide shows you how colors can help you to lose weight.

Woman enjoying a color therapy session in her bath.

Color Therapy
Color therapy, also known as chromotherapy, has been acknowledged for centuries as a way of healing the body. The National Center for Biotechnology Information provides a cursory view of the hypothesis behind chromotherapy:  “The human body, according to the doctrine of chromotherapy, is basically composed of colors. The body comes into existence from colors, the body is stimulated by colors and colors are responsible for the correct working of various systems that function in the body.” Every organ in the body has a distinct color. In addition to our body being composed of color, the atoms, cells and organs co-exist in the form of energy, and each has its vibrational or frequency energy. Each organ and energy center harmonizes and vibrates with the frequencies of these colors.

Exotic image of a food dish with red tomatoes and greens in the background.

Why Color Matters to Your Waistline
Okay, so our bodies are a veritable rainbow of frequencies and energies, but what does that have to do with losing weight? Researchers suggest that colors create fields of energy or electric currents that activate hormonal and biochemical processes in the human body. Some colors are more likely to increase our appetite while others decrease our appetite. So what colors help your weight loss quest and which ones can be harmful? According to ColorMatters, “blue is an appetite suppressant.” Experts theorize that this is because blue is not a common color of natural foods. With the exception of blueberries and some types of potatoes, there are very little naturally occurring blue foods. Because of this, experts believe that we are less likely to associate blue with hunger. To use the color blue to your advantage experts recommend a few tricks.

  • Add blue food dye to your food to decrease the amount you ingest.
  • Swap the light bulbs in your fridge to blue ones. This will help decrease your desire to snack when you open the doors.
  • Use a blue plate for your meals.

The color most likely to derail your progress is red. Red increases your appetite, so get rid of red dishes or placemats and use the more mellow color of blue. It is worth noting that red also increases metabolism as well as appetite, so it can be useful when used properly. Consider using red water as a tool in your healthy eating routine. The LiveStrong organization suggests making red solarized water by “wrapping a clear glass with red cellophane paper and putting the glass in the sunlight. After a few hours, the water will be energized with the color red and ready to drink.” Using color therapy may just be the trick you need to help you with your weight loss mission.

If you aren’t quite ready to jump into dyeing your food blue, you can still use color to your advantage in the kitchen. Use plates that contrast highly with the food that you are eating to help you be more satisfied with less food. For instance, keep salads away from green plates and spaghetti dishes away from red. Picking a plate that contrasts with your food can be a great start to using color to help you lose weight.


Couple exercising in the park,.

Benefits of Outdoor Activity

The weather is warming up and the sun is shining brightly on lawns that are once again green and flowers that are in bloom. Unfortunately, most of us aren’t using this weather to our advantage. Many Americans are not participating in regular exercise and some people use the excuse that they aren’t comfortable at an indoor gym. Worry no more because Resveralife found out that taking the exercises outdoors can provide benefits that you just can’t get from an indoor gym.

Works Both Mind and Body
You know that exercise benefits your body and if you keep with a routine you are able to see physical proof that your hard work is paying off. However, you may be unaware of all of the added perks exercising outdoors provides to your mental health. A study published by the National Center for Biotechnology suggests that individuals who run outdoors expend more energy than those using a treadmill indoors. The reason for this is that when you run outdoors, you face elements that a treadmill cannot give you such as resistance from a strong wind. Exercising outdoors gives you more challenges and is more strenuous than workouts at your indoor gym and the more energy you exert, the more calories you burn, the easier it is to get in shape.

As mentioned above, the results of exercise are not limited to your outward appearance. One of the greatest outdoor workout extra is the effect it has on your mental health. Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry conducted a study using 800 participants. The results were incredibly positive. Those that exercised outdoors reported increased vitality and memory and a decreased number of negative feelings. Outdoor exercise was proved to lower feelings of anger, depression and tension while a traditional indoor workout session did not result in the same benefits. Additionally, a study in Quebec, Canada by Isabelle Dione suggests that when people exercise outdoors, they are more likely to work out for a longer period of time than those exercising indoors. The constant change of scenery and the beauty of nature eliminate the monotony of staring at your screen or display on the treadmill.

Added Benefits of Sunshine
Calcium is a necessary nutrient to build, and maintain, strong bones. Vitamin D3 is an important factor for both bone health and metabolic function and you can get plenty of D3 by taking your exercises outdoors as sunshine is great provider of vitamin D3. However, there are more benefits to receiving sunlight than getting vitamins and a possible tan. Exposure to sunlight during the day helps your body sleep better at night, increase endorphins and strengthen your immune functions.

Woman exercising in the gym.

Better Than Your Gym
A gym membership is a great thing to have during the winter when it is too cold to take your exercise outside. But once the weather warms up, working out in the great outdoors saves you money. If possible, invest in a six month gym membership and exercise outdoors whenever you have the opportunity. The only costs you incur from exercise when heading outdoors are items that  are most likely already in your home, such as a pair of well-fitting shoes, exercise gear that can handle outdoor weather, and sunscreen. You can also use your favorite mp3 player and playlist to get you more motivated outdoors.

In addition to getting your cardio in outdoors, you can also practice exercises designed to gain strength and build muscle. A park bench is a wonderful and useful item for an outdoor workout. Use it for push-ups, mountain climbers and tricep dips. A little bit of creativity with your outdoor workout not only keeps you challenged, but it provides you with the bonus of increased health from being outside. Lace up your shoes and slather on some sunscreen and enjoy a healthier, stronger way of living.

Peanuts, grapes and dark chocolate

Red Wine & Peanuts Help Prevent Memory Loss

Often we treat our favorite indulgences, a glass of wine or a handful of nuts, as a treat. However, recent scientific advances suggest that those of us who enjoy a luxurious glass of red wine or a handful of savory peanuts may be indulging more than our food and drink cravings. New studies conducted by Dr. Ashok Shetty, professor in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Medicine at Texas A&M University and the Director of Neurosciences at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine, indicate that compounds found in red wine and peanuts may help slow our memory loss due to aging.

The Compound
The red wine drinkers among us, and many others, are familiar with the compound reservatrol. Reservatrol has been the subject of much research and debate for it’s various health benefits. Reservatrol is an antioxidant commonly found in the grapes used to produce red wine, peanuts and some berries. Previous research and studies involving reservatrol indicate that this antioxidant is particularly beneficial when it comes to heart health. Dr. Shetty’s research reveals that the antioxidant reservatrol may have more significant health benefits, specifically where aging is concerned.

The Study
As we age, our spatial learning abilities, our cognitive function, and our ability to create new memories decrease. The same is also true for animals as they age. Dr. Shetty hypothesized that reservatrol would have a positive effect on memory, learning and mood due to the fact that reservatrol affects the hippocampus area of the brain. The hippocampus is the area in the brain responsible for much of our cognitive functioning. The study, published January 28th, used elderly rats, both a control group and a group that was given reservatrol. The control group of rats demonstrated that cognitive and spacial abilities held steady. However, these rats were not able to create new spacial memories and cognitive functioning decreased dramatically around months 22 through 25 of the study. By contrast, the rats that were given reservatrol showed an increase in their abilities to create new memories and an improvement in spacial learning abilities for the duration of the study. Additionally, Dr. Shetty noted that neurogenesis, the growth and development of neurons, nearly doubled among the rats given reservatrol. The rats given reservatrol also showed an improvement of blood flow throughout the body and a lower amount of inflammation in the hippocampus.

The Impact
There are a number of neurodegenetrive diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, that have the potential to affect our quality of life as we age. The research conducted at Texas A&M University proves that there is hope in improving memory, mood and cognitive functioning for the elderly. Dementia and Alzheimer’s are chronic conditions that affect as many as one in six elderly individuals. This study gives hope that there is the opportunity to increase mood and cognitive ability, though there is no definitive evidence to show what the effect reservatrol would have on dementia in the long-run.

The benefits of reservatrol can be achieved with just one glass of red wine each day. Reservatrol continues to illustrate it’s ability to improve our health and well-being. Go ahead and indulge in a luxurious glass of red wine or a handful of peanuts and enjoy the tastes as well as all the potential health benefits.

Resveralife on Live Well: How Unhealthy Lifestyles Take a Toll on Your Skin

Woman leading an unhealthy lifestyle

Resveralife  came across a study which showed that living unhealthy lifestyles can lead to skin aging by more than 10 years. The study shows that smoking, lack of moisturization, improper diet and sun beds play a huge role in accelerating the signs of aging. This study was conducted with 585 women from Spain, UK and China by a group of skin care experts and it showed that the factors that influenced the skin were the same, irrespective of the skin type or the background. This study was carried out over the course of 8 years and it focused on women between the ages 25 – 70 in China, 45 – 75 in the UK and 30 – 70 in Spain. Controlled laboratory conditions were established in Shanghai (China), Bedford (UK) and Madrid (Spain). The study proved that lifestyle choices accounted for as much as 33% in terms of how old a woman looks.

The participants of the study were asked a series of questions with regards to their lifestyles, including whether or not they smoked and if they liked tanning. Other questions revolved around their diet, their skin care routine, their brushing habits and whether they have all their teeth. Digital images of each woman were also taken which were later assessed for how old the woman looked in order to identify the perceived age of the woman and whether she looked older than her actual age. The perceived ages were then compared for women with good and bad lifestyles.

The difference that was finally concluded was a staggering 10.4 years. According to Dr. Andrew Mayes, it is common knowledge that genetics are responsible for 50% of how the skin looks, but it wasn’t known that lifestyles played such a huge part in how the skin looked. Dr. Mayes says that even the experts were surprised by the percentage as well as the number of years.

The researchers mention that they couldn’t believe their findings at first, but the evidence was right there in front of them. Women who had a healthy lifestyle simply looked much younger and healthier than women with unhealthy lifestyles. The study goes on to show that skin care isn’t just about slathering skin creams and moisturizers and forgetting about the rest. Proper skin care is actually about how you treat your life and your body and the steps you take to rectify any obvious errors in your ways.

The study also offers promising results for people not wanting to undergo things like invasive cosmetic procedures or plastic surgeries. The effects of proper skin care, a healthy diet and a good lifestyle might be small, but the study shows that steady effects shall certainly be seen over a period of time without having to resort to invasive procedures.

Resveralife  is delighted to have come across this study because it simply reinforces our beliefs and our suggestions. Resveralife  has always maintained that the secrets to unlocking healthy and younger looking skin is to have a proper skin care routine, live a healthy life and enjoy a balanced diet.

Study Shows that Resveratrol Inhibits Acne Bacteria

Young woman with acne

Resveralife came across a study that was published in the Dermatology and Therapy Journal in the year 2014. The study was conducted by a group of researchers working for the UCLA and it discovered that resveratrol, a compound found in the skin of red grapes, can help in inhibiting the growth of bacteria that leads to acne. Resveratrol has also been prescribed by specialists because of its skin benefits and heart-health properties.

The researchers discovered that combining benzoyl peroxide (a common acne medication) with resveratrol substantially enhanced the drug’s effectiveness in killing the acne bacteria and also inhibits its growth. Resveratrol is an excellent antioxidant that prevents the cell and tissue damage caused by free radicals. On the other hand, benzoyl peroxide is an oxidant that creates free radicals, which in turn kill the acne bacteria. According to the findings of this study, a combination of benzoyl peroxide and resveratrol attacked the Propionibacterium acnes (the acne causing bacteria) in multiple ways.

Millions of people are known to suffer from acne all over the world. The appearance of acne has a significant psychosocial effect on the person who suffers from it, but very limited progress has been made in terms of offering effective acne solutions. Researchers have mentioned that all current treatments like retinoids and benzoyl peroxide are limited by side effects and antibiotic resistance.

According to Dr. Emma Taylor, the first author of this study, the researchers initially believed that the combination of the two ingredients would cancel out because the two compounds are opposing. However, in reality, the study ended up demonstrating that combining an antioxidant with an oxidant can not only enhance both ingredients, but also offer sustained bacteria-fighting capabilities over a period of time.

As a part of the study, researchers grew colonies of acne causing bacteria and added different concentrations of both ingredients, including individual ingredient compositions. The cultures were monitored for bacterial activity for a period of 10 days. It was found that benzoyl peroxide killed the bacteria at all concentration levels, but the effect never lasted for more than 24 hours. Cultures that only had resveratrol showed inhibited bacteria growth for a longer period of time. However, cultures that had a combination of both ingredients proved to be the most effective in reducing bacteria both in terms of count and duration.

Dr. Jenny Kim, a senior author of the study, mentions that the results were almost like combining the best of different worlds to offer the body a two-pronged protection from the acne causing bacteria.

The researchers also tested both compounds for their toxicity on cultured human blood cells and skin cells. It was noted that resveratrol was less toxic than benzoyl peroxide. This explained the reasons why the skin becomes irritated and reddish when high doses of benzoyl peroxide are used to treat acne. Researchers noted that combining both compounds minimized their toxicity and offered a prolonged antibacterial effect on the acne causing bacteria.

These findings could actually lead to less irritating and more effective topical therapies for acne. The next step of this study is expected to involve more laboratory testings so as understand the mechanisms of both compounds better. Vine Vera believes that this study shows great promise for people suffering from acne issues because it could lead to the development of a number of highly effective treatments.

What is The Right Amount of Red Wine to Drink?

Couple drinking red wine

There have been so many scientific studies completed year after year about the right amount of red wine to drink. Some people think that doctors are out of their minds when they recommend red wine to patients for various reasons such as for arthritis, mild heart disease and even beginning stages of dementia. However, many studies have now shown that red wine can actually help in preventing and treating a number of health related symptoms. In this article, Resveralife  reviews the right amount of red wine to drink.

Amount of Red Wine Prescribed

Many doctors have prescribed or recommended, rather, a quarter of a liter of red wine each day. Does this seem like a lot to you? Well, even so, it still is the amount that has been proven in these studies to help patients with their symptoms. Many of these symptoms are the ones that have been mentioned above.

In fact, red wine could actually take the place of many prescription medications. However, it never will because that will cause pharmaceutical companies a huge profit loss. The studies that were done in the scientific community have shown that the consumption of this amount of red win could be used as a therapeutic or a preventative medication. If it was to be used as such, the rates of disease would be significantly lowered. This, in return, would greatly reduce the number of deaths as well.

So, why is it not recommended more often? Well, one of the reasons is that red wine has been scientifically proved to be one of the more effective medicines in all of history. This would mean other medicines wouldn’t get the buzz their manufacturers wanted them to. With all of that being said, red wine does have side effects just as any other substance does. There are the minimum amounts that would need to be used in order to work and the maximum amount that should be used to keep the therapeutic benefits leveled out. Also, red wine should only be consumed once a day, generally recommended with your main meal of the day.

Red Wine, Taking the Right Amount

Seeing the results of the red wine studies, you know that it is recommended daily. But that does not mean that you should drink red wine all day, every day. Drinking red wine is recommended only once a day and with a single meal. Red wine consumed without food in your stomach would cause more side effects which also means that it could not treat or prevent the health problems that it is supposed to.

When considering your health when you have issues like arthritis, mild heart disease or even the beginning stages of dementia you may want to consider starting to drink a quarter of a liter of red wine each day. This amount has scientifically been shown to reduce health symptoms and to prevent some of the health symptoms as well. Drinking the right amount of red wine each day can really benefit you and your health.

Resveratrol molecule structure

Resveralife Reports: Stable Delivery System for Resveratrol Discovered

Resveratrol, an extremely popular polyphenol and highly effective antioxidant, has become immensely popular in the world of skin care. This ingredient already boasts of all sorts of studies that confirm the various benefits it has to offer and new benefits offered by the compound are being discovered with every passing year. Resveratrol is the ingredient that has been associated with the “French Paradox Theory” and it is usually derived from the skin of red grapes or from a plant known as Japanese Knotsweed. Resveralife  decided to formulate its entire line of luxury skin care products around this miracle ingredient to help customers enjoy the very best of anti-aging and skin care.

Interest for Resveratrol exploded around the year 2003, when it was discovered that Resveratrol actually managed to increase the lifespan of yeast cells. This research once again ignited all those hopes and dreams of youthful looks and eternal beauty and experts began to compare it with the elusive Fountain of Youth. Over the years, other studies confirmed that Resveratrol also offered other benefits to the human body. The ingredient was reported to have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-diabetes properties and it is also known to offer cardiovascular benefits and protection against the Alzheimer’s disease.

Vine Vera was delighted to discover that scientists have recently discovered a more stable method for delivering Resveratrol. A group of researchers from the University of Massachusetts found out that extracts and oil from grape seeds, both of which are by-products of the wine industry, can be used to create stable nanoemulsions that can easily deliver Resveratrol and also protect the ingredient in food applications. The researchers reported that these nanoemulsions remained stable when they were stored at different temperatures, and that they also protected the Resveratrol from degradation and UV-light isomerisation.

The study was published in the Food Chemistry Journal, Volume 167 and it was authored by D.J. McClements and G. Davidov-Pardo. The researchers used orange oil (indigestible) and grape seed oil (digestible) to produce the nanoemulsion-based delivery system for Resveratrol. They discovered that the optimal combination of grape seed oil and orange oil was 1:1, which allowed the formation of droplets that have an average diameter of 100nm. They further confirmed that a maximum of 120 micrograms/ milliliter of Resveratrol dosage could be added to these delivery mechanisms.

According to the authors of the study, the results have shown that the nanoemulsions formed using spontaneous emulsifications can easily be used to encapsulate Resveratrol as a nutraceutical ingredient by combining wine industry by-products like grape skin extracts and grape seed oils. The authors believe that these nanoemulsions can prove to be extremely effective in creating delivery systems for Resveratrol in beverage and functional food products.

Reports suggest that the results of this study further verified that encapsulating Resveratrol helped in increasing the ingredient’s chemical stability after being exposed to UV-light. The nanoemulsions managed 88% retention as compared to the 50% retention seen in DMSO (dimethylsulphoxide) techniques used today.

Resveralife on How to Extend Healthy Years of Your Life

One thing is very clear. Exercising your way to old age is probably the best thing that you can do to ensure that you grow old properly. Exercising throughout your young age means that you grow old with the least amount of deterioration of your physiological functions and the lowest number of infirmities. Exercise helps you to improve your health as well as the number of years where you enjoy good health.

However, separating the impact of the different factors that lead to physical decline in the human body is extremely difficult. Researchers tried to answer all sorts of questions like “does the body deteriorate because people are increasingly sedentary as the body ages” and “does the passage of time take a toll on the mind and the body of an individual”, but failed to do so.

Resveralife  recently reviewed an amazing study that was published in The Journal of Physiology. This study tried to isolate the impact of a sedentary lifestyle by basing their judgments on 125 cyclists from the age group of 55 – 79. These cyclists might not belong to the elite bracket, but the men had to be able to ride a total of 100kms in under 6.5 hours and women had to be able to ride a total of 60kms in under 5.5 hours in order to qualify for the study. The research didn’t produce a single reliable marker of aging, and ended up highlighting the complexity of aging instead.

According to Stephen D. R. Harridge, a researcher associated with this study and a professor at the King’s College London, the study determined that the relationship between the measuring factor and aging isn’t clear. He said that even though the researchers studied a diverse range of indices, it was not possible to identify a single physiological marker that can be reliably used to predict the age of a person. He also mentioned that the study determined that the relationship between most functions and chronological age is complex. Therefore, even when the aging process is free from its limiting factors, it is bound to be very individualistic.

The study also made it clear that physical activity is extremely good for the body as one grows old. Researchers actually discovered that the overall results obtained by physically fit older people were quite similar to those obtained by younger people. This made them very different from others in the same age bracket who led a sedentary lifestyle. Furthermore, the study tried to determine the sense of well-being for its participants and found out that most of the cyclists were high-functioning and healthy individuals. This actually speaks volumes on the amount of importance exercise  holds in extending the healthy years of one’s life.

Resveralife  reviewed another study conducted by the Director of the Institute for Exercise and Environmental Medicine, Benjamin Levine. This study mentioned that four to five cardiovascular workouts every week seemed to be the ideal defense against failing cardiac strength. Levine mentioned that even if one starts off with exercises in his or her late middle age, the effects on the blood vessels and the heart should be substantial.

Resveralife Examines the Relationship Between Gratitude and Your Health

Irrespective of how you are planning to spend Thanksgiving this year or who you plan to spend it with, make sure that you celebrate the festival the way it is meant to be celebrated. Thanksgiving is a day to spend some quality time with your loved ones and celebrate your victories of the past year. It is a day to show that you love someone and a day when you express your feelings with gratitude. And gratitude doesn’t just make you a nicer person. It also helps you to look better and live for a longer period of time.

Recent studies conducted to determine the effects of adding gratitude to one’s everyday life have shown that practicing gratitude and saying thanks regularly can help a person to become healthier, calmer, happier and peaceful. Moreover, people who are nice on the inside are also perceived to be more beautiful on the outside.

So what is it that makes being grateful so special? Vine Vera came across a number of theories which state that people who are grateful are more than likely to recognize their core values and prioritize their goals in the correct order. Moreover, these values also help them to take care of themselves as well as their loved ones. In other words, if one practices gratitude on a daily basis, he/ she is more likely to eat better, exercise better, get professional treatments and engage in better protective health behaviors.

Being grateful and practicing gratitude doesn’t need to be very hard and it doesn’t require a major lifestyle change either. Resveralife examines the four simple steps that you can add to your everyday lives in order to start enjoying the health benefits that gratitude has to offer.

Focus on positive things

Life has always been challenging and it always will be challenging. What really matters is how you approach the challenges thrown at you. Gratitude has often been defined as the attitude of a person towards the external and internal world. Thus, those who are more aware of the positive things in their lives, both inside and out, are more than likely to focus their attention on things besides themselves, thereby managing to lead a better and more fulfilling life.

Learn to appreciate what you have

Irrespective of which spectrum of the society we belong to, we often end up looking at others and hoping of having or doing things that they seem to be having or doing. However, most of us don’t bother to remember that there are people who dream of doing and enjoying the same things that we have the privilege of enjoying. There are very few people in the modern world who know how to value and appreciate what they have. It is important to understand that what a person has cannot be calculated only in terms of his/ her material possessions. It also includes the people, the person’s health and the person’s talent. Ultimately, it’s not about what you have or don’t have. It’s about what you feel about what you have.

Try to reframe those challenging situations

Problems are a part and parcel of our life. No one can enjoy a problem-free life. Every person is bound to face some kind of problem or the other at some point of time or the other. As difficult as your problems might seem to be, you need to understand that they won’t always be the same. There will be times when you have problems and there will be times when the going is smooth. After all, that’s the beauty of life. That’s what makes you who you are and defines you as an individual. What you need to understand is that you cannot change people around you or your situations. What you can change is your attitude and how you perceive your problems.

Remind yourself of the reasons for being grateful

Try to appreciate and value the things that you already have. In the midst of our everyday life, it is often easy to forget about the reasons we have to be grateful. Try to think about a few things you have to be grateful before going to sleep. Reflect on your gratitude journal and figure out all you have to be thankful for. It won’t just help you become happy, it will make you a better person as well.

Resveralife on Live Well: Art and Your Health

Although it might not be news to you that art can have a major impact on your mood, it might certainly be news to you that art can have a major impact on your health as well. Recent research has actually shown that picking and hanging the right artwork in a room can help to improve the mood  and the overall health of its occupant. It is obvious that any form of art can contribute to the psychological well-being of an individual. It might not be the greatest source of happiness for everyone and everyone might not be highly skilled in it, but it is more than likely to give all sorts of people a lot of happiness. This post tries to shows you how art and your health might be connected.

In the recent years, there have been a number of studies that have been conducted to determine the impact that art has to play on the overall well-being and health of a person. It has been shown that art can actually supplement proper care and medicine in helping out people with physical or mental health issues. Research has gone on to show that engaging the person in art can actually prevent the disease from developing and create a sense of well-being.

The proof of the existence of a positive relationship between art and your health was discovered in a study conducted by the Health Working Group in the year 2007. This study found out that there was substantial evidence that art helped in creating an environment that promoted and developed good health. This study was backed by a paper published by the British Medical Association in the year 2011. This paper measured the improvements caused by arts and humanities programs on hospital inpatients and found out that such programs helped to shorten the duration of the hospital stay, reduce the consumption of drugs, improve mental balance, bring about positive psychological changes and promote better doctor-patient relationships.

According to Dr. Daniel Levitin from the McGill University, music can actually activate certain areas of your brain the same way that chocolates, orgasms or opium manage to. Dr. Levitin also states that music might also be the last thing that fades away from the memories of people suffering from diseases like the Alzheimer’s Disease. Furthermore, recent studies discovered that singing releases a set of substances that play the role of painkillers for your brain. The vast impact that music had to offer to the overall well-being of a person led to the development of things like music therapy as well.

Another art that is believed to be highly beneficial in terms of easing the pain and the stress caused is art therapy. Megan Robb, a certified art therapist, believes that traumatic memories are usually stored in the brain in the form of images. This makes art therapy an ideal way to access these memories and heal the patients. Once these images are drawn, words can be formed in order to describe them. Resveralife came across a few studies supported by the NIH that have also shown that art can help in improving the quality of life of an individual, reduce the fatigue suffered by cancer patients and also help out with issues like depression.

Other forms of art that have also shown to help you live well include writing and dancing.


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