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Woman examines her wrinkles in the mirror.

Skin Care Science: Can the Aging Process Really be Slowed?

It is a fact that we are living longer than ever before in history. The National Institute on Aging states:  “In 1970, the average life expectancy at birth in the United States was 70.8 years; in 2008, it was 78 years; and by 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau projects life expectancy will reach 79.5 years.” Not only are we living longer, but our quality of life is steadily improving. Chronic illnesses, diseases and disabilities that were once considered an inevitable part of the aging process are becoming less significant and more manageable. The truth is that aging itself is inevitable, but Resveralife tries to show you ways to slow signs and symptoms of the aging process.

Picture of natural antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables.

One of the most talked about areas of health today is the importance of antioxidants. Antioxidants help to protect the body against damage from environment such as free-radicals. Antioxidants are not only beneficial to physical health, but also to the appearance of skin and body. Fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants and there is research that suggests that increasing the intake of of fresh produce can have a decidedly positive effect on health.

A pen drawing the chemical formula of estrogen.

Hormones are an important component of much of our lives. As children hormones help us grow into our teenage years. Hormones are largely responsible for other bodily changes, such as menopause.  When we reach older age, the level of hormones in our bodies begins to decline, though experts are not quite sure why this happens. There is a story regarding hormones:  once hormones are replenished in the body the experience of aging is drastically altered. People who have used hormone therapies say that they experience life as they did when they were young and some go so far as to claim that hormone therapies have slowed their aging. There is little research to support that hormones act as a veritable “fountain of youth.” Because there are multiple theories regarding hormone therapies, experts suggest taking supplements or medications that are prescribed by a physician only.

Woman in white holding a glass of red wine.

Reservatrol is a compound that can be found in grapes, red wines and nuts. While the idea of drinking some Chianti and grabbing a handful of peanuts to combat aging is desirable, the reality is a little more complex than this. The National Institutes on Health cites a study by a staff member at Harvard Medical School that does indeed point to the fact that reservatrol affects the mitochondria, the portion of the cell responsible for energy. The research demonstrated that reservatrol does activate enzymes known as sirtuins. While red wine in moderation may help to slow aging, it is best to consult a doctor prior to beginning reservatrol supplements. That being said, the ideal way of making the best use of resveratrol is to use for skin products that contain this anti-aging ingredient.

The most effective way to slow aging is to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. A diet full of whole grains, fresh produce and lean meats and dairy products will provide the necessary vitamins and nutrients needed for a healthy, strong body. A proper skin care routine will protect your skin from accelerated aging and free radical damage. Moderate exercise for 20 to 30 minutes five times a week also keeps the muscles strong. While the aging process can be slowed, it is going to happen. Aging gracefully always includes a healthy diet, proper skin care, strong body and sense of humor.

Woman with freckles on her face.

Freckle Removal Procedures: Truth or Fiction?

Freckles may be cute on young children, but as you age they can become less than adorable. Caused by a combination of genetics and environmental contributions, freckles are a sometimes unwanted. Read this post from Resveralife to find out what freckles are and if it is possible to remove them.

What are Freckles?
Freckles are spots of pigmentation of the skin and are most often seen in people with very fair skin. Generally, freckles are brown and tan in color, though they can appear yellow, red and black depending on the individual. Freckles are flat spots that frequently appear on the face and areas of the upper body, such as arms and chest. Freckles are harmless, though there are very rare instances in which a freckle can be an indication of skin cancer.

Freckles are small dots, often no bigger than the size of the head of a nail. They are caused by an increase in the amount of melanin in the skin. Melanin is a pigment in the skin, it is the pigment responsible for a body’s ability to tan. Freckles are categorized into one of two types: simple or sunburn. Simple freckles are often round, small and a tan color. Sunburn freckles tend to have a more irregular shape, are darker and are larger than simple freckles. The placement of sunburn freckles also differs from simple freckles. Sunburn freckles appear on the places that suffer from the most severe sunburns: the back and the chest.

While exposure to sun is a cause of freckles, there is also a matter of genetics. Some individuals are more likely to develop freckles than others. Studies conducted about hereditary and freckles suggest that freckles are strongly correlated to genetics and people with fair skin and blond or red hair are most likely to develop freckles.

Freckle Removal
While most people just accept their freckles, there are some who want to lighten or completely remove them for a more even complexion and skin tone. Advancements in technology have made the removal of sunburn freckles possible. The procedure for removing unwanted freckles is known as laser freckle removal.

Laser freckle removal targets the melanin in the skin, which is the pigment in freckles. The pigment then absorbs the light emitted by the laser and the pigment in freckles heats up and breaks down into smaller pieces. These small particles of pigment are removed from the skin through the body’s natural process of exfoliation.

Often, laser freckle removal takes about four to five sessions to see optimal results. Everyone’s treatment varies, but laser sessions generally last from 30 to 45 minutes. The procedure is very low-risk and patients are able to return to normal activities, including makeup application, immediately. Laser freckle removal is effective in almost 100% of patients. However, it is important to think of laser freckle removal as a process that is similar to professional teeth whitening. While the results are significant and visible, the longevity of the results depends largely upon whether or not skin is well cared for after the procedure. Because sunburn freckles are a result of sun exposure, most people will require annual maintenance treatments as complete avoidance of sun exposure is a near impossibility.

Glycemic Index list

Glycemic Index and Why It's Important to Beauty

Here at Resveralife, we hear new terms related to healthcare and diet all of the time. With so much information it can be hard to fully comprehend what each term or phrase relates to and why these things matter to us. One of the frequently discussed health terms is “glycemic index.” But what exactly is the glycemic index and why does it matter to us?

The Glycemic Index

The glycemic index (GI) is a diet system, originally intended to aid diabetics in making appropriate food choices, that ranks foods based on the effect that carbohydrates have on our blood levels. Foods are assigned a numerical ranking, providing a way to identify which foods are beneficial for our blood sugar, and which could be damaging. Those foods with a high ranking have a rapid blood sugar response while those that are low help to maintain steady levels of of sugar. The glycemic index ranges from the zero to 100.

The Health Benefits

The theory upon which the glycemic index is based maintains that when we ingest foods that rank highly on the scale, our blood sugar response is quick. This results in a sugar spike in our bodies, which inevitably leads to the dreaded sugar crash. When we experience the comedown from sugar, our bodies respond by producing cravings for more sugar.

However, there are other benefits to knowing a food’s glycemic index score than knowing what to avoid if we don’t want to experience sugar crashes. When we consistently feed our bodies large amounts of sugar, there are a number of undesirable reactions. The National Center for Biotechnology Information states that the glycemic index is “increasingly being used to prevent typical diseases of the Western world, including type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, obesity, metabolic syndrome and acne.”

The benefits of understanding and following the glycemic index range all the way from our heart health to the clarity of our skin.

The Beauty Benefits

We all want radiant, clear, beautiful skin but most of us find the perfect complexion elusive. That’s because what we are putting into our bodies is just as important as what we are putting onto our bodies. We have all heard that eating a certain food whether it is pizza, chocolate or fries will cause breakouts. This is not true, though it is important to put thought into your foods. The reason that foods with a low ranking on the glycemic index may be beneficial to skin is that our blood sugar is responsible for inflammation in our bodies. By reducing the inflammatory response, we reduce the number, frequency or severity of pimples.

Experts caution that the glycemic index is a great starting place to help control our levels of blood sugar, but it is equally important to maintain a well-balanced diet. Some foods that rank highly on the glycemic index, fruits for example, are full of nutrients and vitamins that are beneficial both to our bodies and our skin. Paying attention to what we eat does help in our quest for healthy skin, though it is not the only determining factor in how our skin appears. A good guideline for both body and skin is to gravitate towards fresh produce, lean meats, low-fat dairy and avoid refined carbohydrates as much as possible. We won’t only be eating our way to clearer skin, but also to improved health.

Thinking about which foods are healthier

Eat Well: Foods to Avoid for Beautiful Skin

Taking good care of our skin goes beyond the products we choose to apply and how frequently we wash or exfoliate our skin. We have all heard the old maxim, “you are what you eat,” and in some ways this really is true. There are foods that doctors and dermatologists recommend for a more youthful, glowing complexion and there are foods that these experts advise us to stay away from if our goal is clear, glowing skin. We know that a healthy, well-rounded diet and exercise help to keep us in good shape, but this nutritious eating may also help improve the texture, tone and appearance of our skin.

Regulate Blood Sugar

Dr. Valori Treloar, co-author of the book titled The Clear Skin Diet, suggests that one key factor that links diet and skin condition are foods that cause our blood sugar to spike. When our blood sugar levels rise, our bodies respond by increasing the insulin produced. Insulin in turn signals the body to release hormonal effects that include the release of androgen (an acne causing hormone), high levels of oil and increased production of skin cells, which all leads to clogged skin and subsequently, breakouts. Instead, we are advised to choose foods that have a low glycemic index. Glycemic index refers to a number that provides an estimate for how quickly our bodies convert carbohydrates in food into glucose. To make the use of the glycemic index even more effective, eat small meals throughout the day to help keep blood sugar levels steady.

Dairy Dairy

A hot topic when it comes to diet and skin is the subject of dairy. There are no definitive studies or tests that prove without a doubt that dairy is linked to causing acne or breakouts. However, there are some well-researched theories that involve dairy consumption and the condition of our skin. Milk contains substances that are closely related to the male hormone, testosterone. This is important because testosterone increases oil production, which can lead to acne. Dairy seems to target specific areas on the face, so if breakouts are present on the chin, neck and jawline, limiting dairy may help remedy this.

Cheeseburger and friesFats

While eating a cheeseburger and fries once in a while is not going to cause our skin to react badly constantly, it is important for us to monitor the amount of fatty acids we are consuming. Fatty acids are good, as they can help to alleviate inflammation in the body and skin. However, too much of a good thing in this case is decidedly bad. If not balanced, fatty acids can increase the amount of inflammation which may lead to pimples on the skin.

Alcohol bottles Alcohol

We don’t have to eliminate happy hour from our lives, but it is important to be intentional about what alcoholic beverages we are consuming. Alcohol dries out the skin which inhibits the healing process for present breakouts and exaggerates the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Experts also mention that alcohol affects vitamins A, B3 and C negatively. These antioxidants  are important in the regeneration of skin cells. A good guideline to follow, for reasons beyond just clearer skin, is to consume one glass of water for every alcoholic beverage you drink. The good news here is that our favorite red wines are not terrible for our skin. In fact, a single glass of red wine can be beneficial to our skin due to the antioxidant resveratrol.

The links between diet and skin continue to be studied, but there are promising results that indicate what we put into our bodies reflects what our bodies look like on the outside. Exercise moderation in all things, particularly fat. Dairy substitutions such as soy or almond milk are a great idea to help eliminate chin, neck and jawline breakouts. Drink plenty of water and maintain a good skincare regimen to get the best skin possible.

Mother caring for her childs skin

Resveralife Live Well: Care for Your Child's Skin

The skin is an organ just as the heart, lungs and stomach are organs. As a matter of fact, our skin is the largest organ in our bodies. Our skin provides protection against the elements, helps us avoid illnesses, produces Vitamin D for our bones and other organs and through capillaries it helps regulate our temperature in extreme weather. In order to keep our skin working at an optimal level, it is important that we take care of it. Practicing good skincare not only helps to keep the skin healthy, but it reduces the chances of issues such as skin cancer or premature wrinkling. As with many other healthy habits, good skincare should begin during childhood. The following three tips help parents instill healthy skincare habits in young children.

Keep Skin Clean

Caring for our children’s skin begins with cleansing it. Children often have skin that is far more sensitive than adults, so care should be exercised when selecting a cleanser. Products formulated specifically for children’s skin are typically a good place to start looking for a soap. Soaps and cleansers that are free from dyes, fragrances or harsh chemicals, such as alcohol, are highly recommended when it comes to taking care of the kids skin.Children should bathe or shower frequently to keep skin clean. In addition, it is especially important to keep hands clean as clean hands help children to avoid harmful germs and bacteria. Use warm, not hot, water and a mild soap to clean hands, face and body. When teaching hand washing techniques to children, the use of the “Happy Birthday” song can be quite helpful. Children sing the song while washing their hands and may turn off the water only when the song is complete. This helps ensure that kids have time to thoroughly clean every part of their hands. Once skin has been cleansed with warm water and a gentle cleanser, dry the skin thoroughly.

Add Moisture to Skin

Children, especially infants, lose moisture from their skin far more quickly than adults do. This means that we need to be extra careful about using products that are sensitive to this need and that do not strip any unnecessary moisture from children’s skin. As with selecting a cleanser, choose lotions and moisturizers that do not contain any dyes, fragrances or harsh chemicals.

Always use Sunscreen

Adults need to pay attention to this guideline as well, but it is especially important for children. Sunburns are visible signs of sun damage, though a burn is not a prerequisite for skin damage. Damage from UV rays early in life increases the risk of skin cancer and is also a factor in premature signs of aging. Experts recommend that children wear a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Remember that sunscreen should be applied prior to heading outside and reapplied every few hours. If children are playing in water, reapply when they emerge, even if the sunscreen claims to be waterproof. Also, it is important to select a lip balm that contains SPF to keep lips healthy and hats are a good idea for children prior to sun exposure. Experts recommend that children not be out during the hours of 10:00 AM through 2:00 PM.

Remembering to take good care of children’s skin helps prevent future problems such as skin cancer or premature wrinkles. The guidelines for children’s skincare work equally for adults. We teach our children through instruction and example and by practicing proper skincare ourselves, we help foster a lifetime of healthy skincare by our young children.

Resveralife on Live Well: How Unhealthy Lifestyles Take a Toll on Your Skin

Woman leading an unhealthy lifestyle

Resveralife  came across a study which showed that living unhealthy lifestyles can lead to skin aging by more than 10 years. The study shows that smoking, lack of moisturization, improper diet and sun beds play a huge role in accelerating the signs of aging. This study was conducted with 585 women from Spain, UK and China by a group of skin care experts and it showed that the factors that influenced the skin were the same, irrespective of the skin type or the background. This study was carried out over the course of 8 years and it focused on women between the ages 25 – 70 in China, 45 – 75 in the UK and 30 – 70 in Spain. Controlled laboratory conditions were established in Shanghai (China), Bedford (UK) and Madrid (Spain). The study proved that lifestyle choices accounted for as much as 33% in terms of how old a woman looks.

The participants of the study were asked a series of questions with regards to their lifestyles, including whether or not they smoked and if they liked tanning. Other questions revolved around their diet, their skin care routine, their brushing habits and whether they have all their teeth. Digital images of each woman were also taken which were later assessed for how old the woman looked in order to identify the perceived age of the woman and whether she looked older than her actual age. The perceived ages were then compared for women with good and bad lifestyles.

The difference that was finally concluded was a staggering 10.4 years. According to Dr. Andrew Mayes, it is common knowledge that genetics are responsible for 50% of how the skin looks, but it wasn’t known that lifestyles played such a huge part in how the skin looked. Dr. Mayes says that even the experts were surprised by the percentage as well as the number of years.

The researchers mention that they couldn’t believe their findings at first, but the evidence was right there in front of them. Women who had a healthy lifestyle simply looked much younger and healthier than women with unhealthy lifestyles. The study goes on to show that skin care isn’t just about slathering skin creams and moisturizers and forgetting about the rest. Proper skin care is actually about how you treat your life and your body and the steps you take to rectify any obvious errors in your ways.

The study also offers promising results for people not wanting to undergo things like invasive cosmetic procedures or plastic surgeries. The effects of proper skin care, a healthy diet and a good lifestyle might be small, but the study shows that steady effects shall certainly be seen over a period of time without having to resort to invasive procedures.

Resveralife  is delighted to have come across this study because it simply reinforces our beliefs and our suggestions. Resveralife  has always maintained that the secrets to unlocking healthy and younger looking skin is to have a proper skin care routine, live a healthy life and enjoy a balanced diet.

Young woman popping pimple in mirror

Resveralife Look Well: Best Foods to Deal with Acne

Are you one of those suffering from acne? Acne doesn’t just happen in the face, it can happen over your entire body and you might need some changes in your lifestyle to help you get over it. Acne is ugly to look and can stop you from having that clean and smooth skin. In fact, acne can change the entire texture of a face, and have others smirking at you.

While there are a number of people who believe that acne treatment creams are the solution, one of the best ways to get rid of acne is to bring in a change in your food habits. Here is what you can do when it comes to dealing with acne and bidding it adieu.

Dealing with acne

Being one of the most common and troublesome skin problems of them all, acne can cause extensive damage to your skin if not treated on time. Use these natural ways to control the acne and give way to smooth and soft skin in the comfort of your house.

  • Apple cider vinegar – This is one of the best ingredients to control acne as it helps in killing the acne-causing bacteria present on the skin. The vinegar dries up excess oil, balances the skin’s pH and becomes alkaline, thereby making it difficult for the bacteria to survive. Mix one part vinegar with 3 parts water. Dip a cotton ball in this mix and apply on the affected area. Let it rest for a few minutes and then rinse off with cool water. Apply 3 to 4 times daily and use a good moisturizer after rinsing off the vinegar each time.
  • Yogurt or milk – Dairy products such as yogurt or milk can help reduce acne on the skin. They contain antibacterial properties, nourish the skin with their fat content and also remove dirt and oil build-up. Apply room temperature milk or yogurt on the acne and let it rest for 15 minutes. When done, scrub the area to get rid of dead skin cells and allow new ones to reach the skin’s surface. Wash off with water and apply a moisturizer.
  • Egg whites – The white of eggs help reduce acne and also fade scars. Egg whites are full of proteins and vitamins and rebuild damaged skin cells quickly. They also soak up excess oil from the skin. Take the white from 2 eggs and whisk till it becomes frothy. Let it sit on the affected area for 10 minutes. Apply 2 to 3 layers of the same at an interval of 5 minutes each for best results. Finally rinse off after 15 more minutes and pat dry. Apply a good-quality moisturizer when done.
  • Cinnamon and honey mask – Honey and cinnamon make a great combination to combat acne-prone skin. Being loaded with antimicrobial properties, cinnamon helps to stop the bacteria from spreading while honey’s antibiotic properties wipe out the acne from its roots. Mix a teaspoon of cinnamon powder with 2 tablespoons of honey to get a smooth paste. Apply paste on affected area and let it rest for 10 minutes. When done, rinse off with cold water and pat dry.
  • Papaya – Papayas are a great anti-acne remedy which remove dead skin cells and extra lipids from the skin and make it smoother than before. It contains an enzyme named papain which reduces inflammation and pus which is caused due to acne. Simply mash a slice of fresh papaya and apply to affected area. Rinse off after 15 minutes and moisturize afterwards.


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