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Woman having trouble sleeping

The Daily Challenges Of Night Owls

If one is really interested in the daily challenges of “night owls,” perhaps they should ask Gene Simmons. After all, it is he who is responsible for writing the iconic lyrics to Kiss’ 1970’s hit single, “Rock n Roll All Night,” the song responsible for turning the conservative world on its head. If it weren’t rebellious enough to wear six-inch platforms and model lewd facial expressions, Kiss added insult to injury by daring to challenge to concept of a 9-5 time schedule. As if by just staying up late, you too would gain rock star status and cause your parents to lose as much sleep as you. But, as with everything else that’s fun to do, staying up late does come with downsides.

It Starts with Chronotypes
Chronotype is the term researchers use to describe differences in when we prefer to be active. As a whole, we tend toward “morningness” in our early years, move toward “eveningness” in adolescence and then shift back toward “morningness” in later years. A study published in Pediatrics, polled 7th to 12th graders about alertness, sleepiness, planning and task completion. The study found that having the evening chronotype and greater daytime tiredness had a large impact on the child’s behavioral and emotional well being. It also found that the eveningness chronotype was more often associated with risk- taking behaviors, such as drug and alcohol use, and was also associated with health risks, like diabetes and mood disorders.

Can We Change This?
Even though we may have variations in the way our bodily clocks are set, the settings are not inalterable. Studies show that the body’s clock can be affected by its reaction to light and that light therapy and limiting and scheduling exposure to light can be very effective.


Morning Sun
First thing in the morning is the best time to grab you some bright sunlight. Natural light early in the day can reset your circadian rhythm and get you in sync with the movements of the sun.

No Blue Light After Dinner
It may seem to be beyond possible to eliminate all artificial light from your nightly habitat, but studies show that even very brief exposure to blue light in the evening can lead to up to 30 minutes of sleep delay. Exposure to artificial light delays the body’s natural release of melatonin and also limits the supply to the body throughout the night, making us more susceptible to interrupted sleep. What can you do to prevent this without eliminating all activity after 6 pm? Sunglasses with orange lenses effectively filter our blue light, and look really cool as well. Could that be Bono’s secret?

No Electronic Devices After Dinner
A 2014 National Sleep Poll showed that electronic devices account for 50% of sleep disorders. Can’t resist the urge to check for that late night booty call? Use glasses designed to filter blue light or consider downloading apps which are designed to shield against blue light from iPads, computers, and smart phones.

Natural and Bright Light During the Day
If you don’t have the good fortune of working in a brightly lit space, try taking a walk during your lunch break to make sure your body maintains a healthy rhythm and gets some Vitamin D exposure. You can also purchase a blue light device for your office or place of employment.

Although Gene Simmons doesn’t seem to have lost any sleep over the issue, (pun intended) you may want to work on regulating your bodily clock. Let us know if you have made any attempts to do so and what works for you (or doesn’t.) We love to hear from all you insomniacs and otherwise.

Woman exercising in gym

Optimal Brain Function Is The Key to Long Life

When songstress Grace Slick debuted her 1967 psychedelic rock masterpiece, “White Rabbit,” there was little doubt in the minds of her intended audience as to what she meant when she belted the infamous lyric: “feed your head.” Some 50 years later, things have certainly come full circle. Although to say many things have changed in the past 50 years is a bit of an understatement, we are still focused on expanding the mind, albeit with a healthier goal: longevity. Perhaps, we should take a closer look at the newer ways to “feed your head,” optimize brain function, and prolong your life.

There’s nothing like a good walk for generating new ideas. Exercise gets your brain working at maximum capacity by increasing the level of nerve cells in your brain and protecting them from damage. Exercising also increases blood flow to the brain and decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease. A 2010 Neuroscience study showed that monkeys who exercised learned tasks two times as quickly as those who did not. Those are some smart chimps!

Omega-3 Fats
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an omega-3 fat which makes up 25% of the portion of the brain that is made up of fats and is a crucial component of your retina. It is also a structural ingredient in breast milk, which is thought to be the reason breast-fed babies score tend to score higher on IQ tests than those fed on formula. One study found that by taking 800 mgs of DHA a day for four months resulted in increased verbal fluency and can help reduce psychiatric illness and brain disorders.

Coconut Oil
Ketone bodies or ketoacids are substances which can renew and restore your brain’s nerve function after it has been damaged. Coconut oil has been shown to contain about 66% of the primary source of ketone bodies. According to research, just over 2 tablespoons of coconut oil could prevent neurological diseases and treat those that are already established.

Woman sleeping

Sleep helps the brain to remove mind blocks, help you get a new perspective on problems, and enhance creativity. Harvard research shows that directly after sleeping, people are 33% more likely to make connections between ideas than before sleep. Sleep has also been shown to enhance memory and improve skill performance. In fact, as little as four to six hours of sleep can have a big impact on your clear thinking ability the following day, and we all could use that.

Gut Flora
Neurons in your gut produce neurotransmitters like serotonin, which are also found in the brain and influence mood. Therefore, gut health can have an impact on your psyche, behavior and brain function.Healthy gut bacteria depends on your diet. If your diet consists of processed foods, your gut flora bacteria are likely not to perform as well. The best way to keep your gut flora at an optimal level is to limit processed food and sugar and take probiotic supplements.

It just goes to show, the more things change the more they stay the same. Let us know what you think. We love to hear from you! Really!

Woman sleeping

Risks Associated With Sleep Deprivation

If you are, or were, an avid watcher of the sitcom Seinfeld, you may recall an episode in which Jerry is tortured by the neon light from a chicken restaurant which shines into his apartment and disturbs his sleep. You may recall him sliding into his own apartment after a night spent at Kramer’s and announcing,”I’m on no sleep! No sleep!” He then proceeds to go into a mini-tirade about how everything is “creaking and cracking in there” and the red light is, “burning his brain.” He finishes when Elaine comments that he seems stressed by replying, “Oh, I’m stressed.”

We hear you, Jerry, sleep deprivation is no fun for any of us, and it can be dangerous and affect your mood, judgment, and health. If you’re pushing it to the limit when it comes to catching zz’s, here are risks that you may be exposing yourself to.

Short Term Affects Of Sleep Deprivation

  • Poor performance and decreased alertness. Every little bit matters, Studies show that reducing sleep by as little as 90 minutes per night can cause a loss of alertness of up to 32 percent.
  • Memory and cognitive impairment. Feeling out of it? Lack of sleep can lower the ability to process information and to think.
  • Relationship stress. One partner’s sleep problems often become the other partner’s sleep problems. Sleep disruption can lead to fights, irritability, and sometimes, separate bedrooms.
  • Lower quality of life. If you have trouble staying alert, you may find it difficult to enjoy movies, sports games and watching tv.
  • Job related injury. Sleepiness can double your risk of injuring yourself on the job, sometimes leading to more long-term consequences.
  • Injury while driving. According to the National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, driving while drowsy has been the cause for at least 100,000 automobile crashes, 71,000 injuries and 1,550 fatalities per year.

Long Term Effects
The short-term effects of sleeplessness can usually be reversed after treatment, however, there are some longer lasting effects which may be more difficult to deal with. These include psychiatric problems, stroke, obesity, ADD, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, and obesity. Studies show the risk of mortality is higher for those who sleep less than 6-7 hours per night with one study finding that insomnia is a greater health risk than smoking. Lack of sleep is also an accurate predictor of institutionalization during old age, and triples the rate of mortality in elderly men.

Sleep Disorders
It is worthwhile to note that much of sleep deprivation is due to sleep disorders. According to the American Sleep Disorders Association, there are over 85 sleep disorder which affect more than 70 million of Americans with only 10% of them recognized by primary care physicians. Chronic snoring can often be a sign of sleep apnea, as well as heart and brain related diseases. Patients with sleep apnea have a 15 time greater risk of automobile accidents than those without the condition and have been known to be on a par with drunk drivers in terms of driving ability.

If you feel you suffer from a lack of sleep, we especially value your comments. Increased awareness is crucial to avoiding unnecessary suffering. If you feel you may have a sleep disorder, we urge you to contact a physician. Know that there is a wide range of treatments available.

Woman with healthy skin in the fall

Tips For "Fall Proof" Skin

“To everything there is a season” and to every season there is a new skin regimen. In the summer, we sun proof, in the winter, we moisturize, and in the fall? What do we do in the fall? If you got questions, we got answers.

Fall is rough on the skin because it is a time of transition. Not only is the drying weather a problem, but new routines and busier schedules put our complexions under stress. Our skin is subject to imbalances such as, flakiness, and eczema breakouts and dryness. Here are some ways to prepare and keep your skin beautiful in this season of change.

1. Buy A Humidifier
One of the the reasons autumn is so dehydrating is drop in the humidity level. Dryness leads to inflammation, which is why rosacea and eczema are so prevalent in the fall months. The solution? Bring the humidity back with a humidifier. Use humidifiers to boost the moisture level in the home or office and increase hydration. It may also reduce redness and increase comfort levels.

2. Slather On The Oil
Nourish dry skin with some natural oil. Not only does oil help to maintain the skin’s elasticity, it decreases trans-epidermal water-loss. Worried about worsening acne? Don’t be. Lubricating skin loosens dry, pore- clogging sebum and helps to bring balance to acne prone skin. It is important that when choosing an oil, you aim for one with natural ingredients; mineral oil will not absorb as well. Your best options are olive, jojoba, and coconut oil.

3. Hydrate
Moisturize from the inside as well as the outside. Hydration includes the increased consumption of foods like moisture-rich fruits, leafy greens, and healthy fats. Soups and stews are great for you and great for the season. Avoid dehydrating dry meats, alcohol, starches, and caffeine.

4. Feel The Peel
Exfoliate! It gets rid of dead skin and clears pores allowing the skin to absorb oils and moisturizing elements to replenish skin and prevent dry skin patches form appearing. Peeling is also crucial for circulation and keeps skin looking young. While you may choose to use an intense scrub on your body, you may want to use a gentler product on the face.

5. Stimulate Circulation
Cold weather constricts the blood vessels making for dull looking skin. Strong blood flow transports waste from our skin cells while delivering oxygen, keeping skin healthy and bright. Use skincare with ingredients such as lemon, oil, Vitamin C, ginseng, and ginger. These will help to restore color, improve circulation and increase collagen for anti aging.

6. Nurture Your Skin
Pamper yourself with a facial. The pore extracting elements will help to purify skin and the massage portion with boost blood flow and brightness. Masking treatments can be tailored to your beauty needs and aid in stress relief.

If you have any fall skin tips, please share. We welcome your insight!

Woman sleeping

Maintaining A Healthy Sleep Routine

If you’re not overly motivated, a good night’s sleep may be your greatest accomplishment. After all, it is no small feat. From the various available products to the barrage of commercials and helpful apps and websites devoted to the subject, it is obvious that not everyone is capable of peaceful somnolence. So, if you’re one of the lucky ones who has just engaged in 8 or 9 hours of uninterrupted rest, pat yourself on the back! You are quite the achiever!

What You Accomplish During Sleep
The list of things your body does during sleep is quite lovely. During Stages 3 and 4 of sleep, our muscles relax and our blood pressure drops. There is an increase of blood supply to the muscles, repair, and growth of tissue takes place, the body experiences a restoration of energy, and the growth hormone is released. Sleep gives our brains and bodies energy and helps us to perform our daily activities. Plus, you have some really cool dreams!

Sleep Hygiene And Becoming A Successful Sleeper
Sleep hygiene is the term used to describe your habits associated with sleep. To maintain good sleep hygiene, you should:

  1. Keep your sleep schedule consistent. Try to set your body clock to waking up and going to sleep at the same time every day, even on your days off.
  2. Establish a bedtime ritual that helps you relax. Avoid bright lights excitement, sound, and stress. Reading can be incredibly sleep-inducing.
  3. If you are among the sleep deprived, try and curb your desire to nap. It may help get through the day, but it is equally as likely to make you less sleepy at night.
  4. Exercise every day, but not when you should be sleeping. Exercising lowers blood pressure and stress and makes sleep easier.
  5. Keep your sleeping environment comfortable, The optimum temperature for a good sleep is between 60 and 67 degrees. Make sure your room is dark. Blackout curtains can be very effective and very cool. The atmosphere should be free from disruption, If your spouse is snoring, gently push them off the bed. (only kidding)
  6. Make sure your mattress is comfortable. If it’s over 8, it’s time to replace. Consider throwing some nice fluffy pillows on your bed, make sure to avoid allergens, and don’t leave your heels where you might trip over them.
  7. The right amount of light is important in maintaining circadian rhythms. Get some sunlight in the morning and avoid it in the evening.
  8. No alcohol, spicy foods, and coffee before sleeping. If your feel hunger may keep you awake, you can allow yourself a nice light snack 45 minutes before turning in.
  9. Keep any stressful work-related devices and thoughts separate from your sleep routine. Light from electronic devices can stimulate the brain and keep you awake.
  10. If you are having a hard time slipping into a dream state, go into another room and engage in a relaxing activity until you feel tired.

And, to think, your mother told you-you would never accomplish anything!

Woman down with the flu

Avoiding Cooties: Cold, Flu and Retrovirus

The common cold, the flu and retroviruses make their rounds during winter time and it can seem impossible to stay healthy. Luckily, there are lifestyle changes and medical interventions that you can use to help protect yourself and your loved ones from coming down with the cold, flu and retrovirus. Use the following five tips to keep your family and yourself healthy during cold and flu season this year.

Wash Your Hands
The number one thing you can do to prevent the common cold, flu and retroviruses is to wash your hands with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that “handwashing is like a do-it-yourself vaccine” when it comes to preventing illnesses. Properly washing your hands consists of five steps:

  • Wet your hands
  • Lather your hands – don’t forget the backs of your hands, in between fingers and under fingernails
  • Scrub your hands – do this for at least 20 seconds for maximum cleanliness
  • Rinse
  • Dry

Get Vaccinated
When it comes to the flu, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that getting vaccinated is the first, and most important, step in preventing the flu. The CDC recommends that everyone aged six months and older be vaccinated annually to prevent the flu virus. “Flu vaccination can reduce flu illnesses, doctors’ visits, and missed work and school due to the flu, as well as prevent flu-related hospitalizations and deaths,” according to the CDC. Your healthcare provider can help you determine which flu vaccine is the most appropriate for you.

Stay Home
To protect yourself from illness, you want to limit your time and prevent close contact with individuals who are already sick. If you begin to exhibit any flu-like symptoms, do those you surround yourself with a favor and stay home. You need to rest to recover, and staying home reduces the risk of spreading the illness to others. If you have a fever, experts recommend that you stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone without using fever-reducing medicines.

Woman sleeping

Get Plenty of Sleep
Sleep is an important part of staying healthy and not getting enough sleep can make you more vulnerable to the common cold, flu and retroviruses. For otherwise healthy adults, the National Sleep Foundation recommends getting between seven and nine hours of sleep every night.

Practice Good Health Habits
In addition to making sure you are well-rested, there are things you can do in your daily life to help prevent the colds, retroviruses and the flu. First, a healthy diet and exercise can go a long way in keeping you healthy, so be sure that you are following a sensible eating plan and staying active. Next, avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes as much as possible, because germs from your hands enter the body this way. Cover your mouth and nose any time you cough or sneeze to protect those around you from your illness and clean and disinfect any surfaces that are frequently touched both at home and work to protect yourself from illness.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid germs altogether, but practicing healthy habits can significantly reduce your risk of coming down with the common cold, flu or retrovirus. Remember to wash hands thoroughly and frequently and avoid putting your fingers in your eyes, nose or mouth to prevent illness. Keep those around you healthy by using the above tips to avoid colds, the flu and retroviruses.

Woman in white clothes sleeping on a bed.

Resveralife Live Well: How to Prevent Sleep Wrinkles

We all know that getting our beauty sleep is important. The amount of restful sleep that we get not only impacts how our faces, particularly those pesky under eyes, look and feel the next morning, but good sleep patterns improve mental clarity, increase energy levels and help maintain overall health. Though sometimes when we sleep, which is a good thing for our bodies, our faces and necks are negatively impacted. Sleep wrinkles are totally unfair and, fortunately, preventable. Learn how you can help prevent sleep wrinkles using our super easy tips.

Woman in white clothes sleeping on her back.

How you Sleep Matters
Experts agree that the most beneficial sleeping position for preventing wrinkles is your back. Sleeping on your back is really the only way to completely avoid sleep lines and the resulting wrinkles because when you sleep on your back there is no facial contact with your pillow. On average, you will change your position 20 times during the course of a night’s sleep and statistics indicate that 60% of your night is spent on your side. Sleeping on your back may be uncomfortable at first, but making an attempt to sleep on your back is a great method for reducing sleeping wrinkles. Doctors do warn that sleeping on your back may aggravate certain medical conditions like acid reflux or sleep apnea and in these instances it’s best to talk to your doctor to find out how to avoid wrinkles and sleep soundly.

Woman in mink underwear lying on a pink pillow.

What you Sleep on Matters
Beauty experts have long touted the multiple benefits of using a satin pillow case for sleep. These benefits include less tangled and healthier hair and clearer skin. Now you can add that a pillow case can be helpful in the fight against wrinkles. When you use a satin pillow case, there is less friction between your face and the pillow, which helps stop the fabric from bunching up when you inevitably move around during the night. The less the fabric bunches up, the more likely you are to help prevent sleep wrinkles.

Business woman resting after a tiring day at work.

Prep Your Skin
You know you should remove any and all makeup prior to hitting the sheets, but you may think you can get away with skipping washing your face if you aren’t wearing makeup. Not true. Experts recommend always going to bed with a clean face. While everyone can benefit from this next step, it is especially important for mature or aging skin. A night cream can help prevent sleep wrinkles by rejuvenating your skin and helping to repair skin damage. The reason that this is particularly important for aging skin is that as we age our collagen production slows down, which decreases the skin’s elasticity. Additionally, the older we get the less natural oil our skin produces and dry skin exaggerates wrinkles.

In addition to these tips, experts also recommend avoiding caffeine or alcohol before bed. Both of these substances dry out the skin and make your wrinkles appear more prominent after a night of sleep. We all know that there is no way to keep our skin from aging, but with a bit of extra care we can help delay the signs and severity of aging, such as sleep wrinkles.

Beautiful woman sleeping peacefully on a pillow

Resveralife Live Well: Find the Perfect Pillow for Your Best Rest

You know how important it is to your health that you get a quality sleep each night. However, you might be surprised to learn that there are more factors at play than your bedtime and the amount of caffeine you’ve consumed during the day. You probably are aware that a good mattress is helpful, but you may not know that the pillow you choose is just as important as the mattress you sleep on. The perfect pillow for you helps to increase your sleep quality and comfort while a bad pillow can worsen headaches, neck and shoulder pain and general discomfort in addition to detracting from the amount of rest you receive.

The perfect pillow is different for everyone, but your perfect pillow should provide comfortable support for your head and neck. Additionally, the right pillow for you should enhance the position in which you choose to sleep without losing fluffiness or shape too quickly. Resveralife reviews a few guidelines to consider when choosing the perfect pillow for you.

Consider Sleep Position
Next, consider what position or positions you sleep in most frequently. If you sleep on your back, you will want to look for a pillow with exceptional head and neck support. Most back sleepers also find that they need thinner pillows than those that sleep on their sides. If you are a side sleeper, you will want a more firm pillow that fills in the distance between your ear and shoulder. If you sleep on your stomach, experts say you may not even need a pillow behind your head, though one under your stomach can help lessen back pain.

Age Matters
The first thing to consider is how old your current pillows are. You may have kept the same pillows for years, but sleep and health experts suggest replacing your pillows every 12 to 18 months. As a pillow ages, the amount of skin cells, mold, mildew, fungus and dust mites dramatically increases. In fact, in old pillows, these things can amount to half of the pillow’s weight. No wonder you aren’t getting good sleep.

Pillow Fill Matters
Experts say that pillow fill is where selecting the perfect pillow can get a bit tricky. This is because what feels comfortable one night may not feel comfortable the next. Sleep experts recommend having at least two varieties of pillows available so you can use the pillow that is most comfortable for that night. The most commonly used fill in pillows include down feathers, foam and synthetic fibers. Many experts say that the extra cost of pillows filled with down feathers is worth it and that down filled pillows provide the most comfort for a great night’s sleep.

The perfect pillow is an individual choice so be sure to spend time shopping around and learning about your options. Also, as previously mentioned, it may be worth it to invest in two or three different pillows so you can always sleep according to your exact needs that evening. Find the perfect pillow and experience the health and mood benefits of an amazing night’s sleep.

Woman sleeping in bed. Woman sleeping isolated on white background.

Reasons to sleep well every night

More Reasons to Get Your Daily Sleep by Vine Vera

If you’re tired and worn out after a long day at work, and feel that you’ve to stay up to watch that late night show you are fond of, you might be better off not to. It’s no secret that scientists want you to sleep eight hours a day – that’s the sleep time you need to have for maintaining a healthy mind.

However, there are more reasons to sleep well – including the benefits sleeping has with your skin.

After a hard day’s work, the only thing we have on our mind is to get a good night’s sleep so that we can get up fresh and energized the next morning. However, did you know that not sleeping well at night can affect your health in the long term? Read on to know the 8 main reasons to sleep for at least 7 – 8 hours every night.

Vine Vera on good night sleep

Better skin – Your lack of sleep shows on your face, there’s no secret about that. The best tonic to look and feel better is to sleep well, because the metabolic rate increases as well replenishing the dead cells on the surface of the skin. Interestingly, the older you are the less sleep you may need and being younger means trying to get more sleep.

Improvises health – Getting insufficient sleep can give way to serious health problems for you in the long run. The feeling of being weak or fatigued starts setting in with irregular or less sleep. People who sleep for at least 8 hours every night are healthier and fitter as compared to those who don’t.

Better sex life – A recent study suggested that 26 percent of the people interviewed in that survey revealed that their sex life suffered immensely due to lack of sleep and being tired at night. Other studies reveal that men who do not get enough sleep have lower testosterone levels as compared to those who sleep well.

Reduces pain – Sleep has the ability to reduce any kind of pain that you might be suffering from currently. Sleep works as a medication for pain. Studies reveal that sleep loss has a direct effect on increased body pain of any kind.

Works as a mood booster – Getting a good night’s sleep helps you to feel good and be less cranky in the morning especially at work. People who do not sleep well often experience anger issues and snap at others without reason. An overtired or fatigued mind can do unwanted things while good sleep can elevate the mood and make you feel happy at all times.

Helps control excessive weight – Getting proper and sufficient sleep at night helps an individual to maintain his weight. Deprived sleep can make your body overtire and you might laze around in bed all day long instead of being physically active. Also, people who do not sleep well at night tend to be hungrier during the day and crave for high-fat and high-calories food items.

Clears thoughts – A good night’s sleep helps a person to wake up with clear thoughts in the morning. He is able to focus on his work, make lesser mistakes and also perform better in all that he does. Individuals who do not sleep well often feel distracted and make mistakes repeatedly.

Sharpens memory – When your brain is able to get the right amount of rest and that too soundly, it functions better the next day. The brain is able to consolidate the memories and process them easily thereby sharpening the individual’s memory for the future. Decreased sleep can also give rise to false memories.

And now after you had a good night sleep don’t forget to read about having a better morning.



Resveralife Reviews Resveratrol as a Sleep Aid

What if we told you that there was a way to make your skin look younger and healthier as well as help your sleep cycles using the same ingredient? Over the years, numerous studies and trials have been conducted around Resveratrol to try and determine the wonders that this miracle ingredient can offer to your skin and your health. Vine Vera recently came across studies which show that apart from offering you with all sorts of skin benefits, Resveratrol can also be used as a sleep aid.

So what is Resveratrol? Well, Resveratrol is an antioxidant that is found in the skin of red grapes, red wine, nuts and other plant sources. It became very popular in the world of skin care because of its anti-aging properties and the fact that topical applications of Resveratrol proved to be far more effective than including Resveratrol in your diet. So where does sleep come in?

Vine Vera reviews a recent study that was conducted by researchers from the Maastricht University Medical Center, Netherlands and was published in the Cell Metabolism Journal. This study states that Resveratrol enabled the bodies reduce the sleeping metabolic rates, increase the muscle efficiency and allow the body to burn the same amount of energy over 24 hours. This study was based on a trial conducted with male subjects who were offered 150mg of Resveratrol every day for a period of 30 days.

Another study published in the Chronobiology International Journal proved to be even more informative. This study tried to research on the effects of Resveratrol on the sleep-wake cycle of a lemur. After 3 weeks of Resveratrol supplementation, the animal displayed an increased proportion of active-awake time. This was also accompanied by a huge reduction in slow-wave sleep and paradoxical sleep. The study also showed that these changes mainly occurred during the resting phase of the lemur sleep-wake cycle. Thus, the data obtained by the study goes on to suggest that Resveratrol might actually be an excellent regulator of sleep-wake rhythms.

A series of clinical trials conducted in Japan have also proved to be highly positive. The subjects of this trial were offered with a single dose of 14mg Resveratrol before they went to sleep. The study found out that Resveratrol considerably helped to improve the well-rested feeling among subjects who had taken these supplements. Sleep observations and brain wave measurements of these subjects further suggested that Resveratrol offered a sufficient improvement in terms of non-REM sleep, which is believed to be the most important aspect of sleeping properly.

These studies make Resveratrol an extremely interesting subject in the study of sleep perturbations that are associated with aging. Although more tests need to be carried out before conclusive evidence can be derived, the chances of a positive relationship between Resveratrol and your sleep cycles certainly seem to be extremely high.

In fact, Japan has already rolled out the first patent to use a Resveratrol based product for sleep improvement based on the human clinical data which indicates the ingredient’s ability to help improve the quality of sleep among humans when compared to placebo.


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